CO- Dylan Redwine, 13, Vallecito, 19 November 2012 - #52

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All that is talked about here is Mark Redwine. There is a great deal of resistance to discussing anything else including profiling the victim, who in my opinion, is Dylan Redwine.

I do not believe you can talk or discuss Dylan without bringing Mark Redwine into the picture.

Till MR can clear himself or LE clears him he will remain the main Focus of discussion! All JMO

He IMO is the only one that can tell us what happened that night. And as I see it that will never happen.

There is no proof that MR did something to Dylan either. You see holes where I see details. MR is your only suspect. I have others....

1 Apart from the fact MR is the last confirmed person with Dylan

2 Dylan ceased all communication on Sunday evening

3 Dylan had plans for Monday morning and never showed up

4 Dylan never texted or called his friends to explain why he had not shown up

5 MR has conversations with people that are not home or are dead to the world

6 MR fails a polygraph miserably

7 MR agrees to a second polygraph to clear his name . Yet he finds it prudent to drink the night before he sits it.

8 MR has yet to put missing posters for his son that has been missing over 6
I can agree that Dylan had a lot going on. The disagreement lies with how these changes affected Dylan. Good or bad? It is my opinion, the changes affected Mark more than anyone. The question is what can this information do to help find Dylan? I only see two theories using the above information. the first being Dylan was so distraught he ran way or the second being Mark was so emotionally unstable something horrible happened. I personally don't believe Dylan ran away and from all accounts neither does LE.

Based on what everyone else has presented, that MR barely spent time with Dylan in the last, what, three years. I don't see how it could have affected MR more than it did Dylan, as it was Dylan living this life, not MR. I have asked quite a few times, if LE has reconsidered the idea that Dylan ran away, after seeing everything that has played out, right down to DP show. I did not believe Dylan ran away at first. Now, I cannot say it's not a possibility in my mind. The more this plays out, the more I can see why he may have if he did. This whole case, IMO, is a circus. If Dylan's life was surrounded by this type of drama in the midst of major changes, I could see why he "may" run away if he did. Someone posted links a while back as to depending on what was "really" going on with Dylan the types of people who would "prey" on him. To me that's something that can't be ruled out either.
"Teal" By Me. I do not feel the same way, therefore I don't think everyone feels the same way. I do not get that a few others feel the same way either.

BBM. I don't think that MR is the only suspect either, I think he is the only one we can really talk about. I personally have many, as I view this like CLUE. You have all these people in the picture and you have to kind of guess a conclusion, or come up with various possibilities, and see there is a way to rule out those possibilities, and if not, they remain on the board. I haven't ruled any out, as of yet, as there are still a great many questions that have yet to be answered for me personally, that satisfy my level enough to dismiss them.

So you don't think Dylan is a victim ? And in my post i also put IMO at the end of that statement !
1 Apart from the fact MR is the last confirmed person with Dylan

2 Dylan ceased all communication on Sunday evening

3 Dylan had plans for Monday morning and never showed up

4 Dylan never texted or called his friends to explain why he had not shown up

5 MR has conversations with people that are not home or are dead to the world
6 MR fails a polygraph miserable

7 MR agrees to a second polygraph to clear his name . Yet he finds it prudent to drink the night before he sits it.

8 MR has yet to put missing posters for his son that has been missing over 6

These are all FACTS!
And add them all up it does not paint a very pretty picture!

All the what if's do not change these facts!
how does the situation warrant counselling? Many children have parents that seperate, divorce, repartner and relocate, are there studies that suggest that counselling is necessary for children in blended families? I know many people from blended families, myself included and and none have had counselling for it. Children are generally very adaptable and look on a move and new school as an adventure. Some kids are even eager for changes like those.

Is there any information that Dylan was not dealing with the changes in his life? was he acting out? getting into trouble at school? was he making excuses to not go to school?

I do not agree that 'most' kids adjust to new homes, new schools, etc. easily.

I had to move several times during my childhood, and I did not enjoy it at all. It was scary to have to go to a strange school the first day, and I was never accompanied by a parent, just sent by myself. I was generally an outgoing child, but it was difficult to make friends just the same. All my sons have had to start new schools a few times in their lives as well, and none of them had an easy time adjusting. One son was an outgoing, friendly child, but he had as hard a time as his brothers did who were quieter and more shy. A lot of it depends on the other kids and how they react to a newbie. Some of them can be very standoffish, if not downright mean.

Also, some kids are good at putting on an act for their parents. They may appear to be adjusting well, but inside they're miserable. If the parent is too busy with their own lives, they don't see the real problems, sometimes.

As for the counseling, a lot of families simply can't afford it. But some families definitely need it when they try to blend, because not every child accepts a new parent-figure, new step-siblings, new homes, new environments, new schools right away, it takes time. it's traumatizing to many kids, at least the ones I have known over the years. In fact, I've never met any who made that many changes at one time and appeared happy about it. Maybe a year later, but not immediately.

All JMO.
LE has stated that they are not considering Dylan as a runaway. They have said his disappearance is a crime. Therefore, Dylan's state of mind, background or his character is NOT an issue. Someone did something to/with him. And so far, LE has not been able to clear his father, the last known to have seen him.

Just wondering if you read the article I posted up thread about the importance of victimology? I believe that the FBI uses this and would probably help the LPCSO do so if they lacked the experience with it. In an investigation it is crucial to "know" the victim. I do agree, Mark Redwine is not cleared. Neither is anyone else according to the press releases issued by LE.
IMO it is next to impossible when the victim is a child. With the exception of a few comments from a friend or two, we would have to rely on what MR or ER said. I think it that has all been said previously through 52 pages. What could be done differently and where do you propose to find information regarding Dylan since we can't sleuth minors or just anyone for that matter?

People discuss MR because of all the red flags and that LE from that last they have said are still investigating him. MR will be in the spotlight IMO until they are done investigating him and/or give another direction of what they think happened.
Law Enforcement has not named a one. Not one.

So I will continue to post about Mark . Because his actions were under investigation as of February and as of last Sunday Mark confirmed he was top of the list!!


It makes no sense that Dylan dropped off the face of the planet on Sunday night . As of Sunday evening in his father's care Dylan stopped communicating with everybody . I think if we solve that mystery then we will be closer to finding out what happened :cow:
These are all FACTS!
And add them all up it does not paint a very pretty picture!

All the what if's do not change these facts!

I can't ignore the factual information that we have, I can't ignore the actions, interviews, behaviours, I can't ignore what LE have stated.

IIRC LE stated months ago that they had evidence, it was just a matter of finding the one piece that would bring the case together.

When did LE's focus change to it being a criminal investigation? what triggered that change?
LE has stated that they are not considering Dylan as a runaway. They have said his disappearance is a crime. Therefore, Dylan's state of mind, background or his character is NOT an issue. Someone did something to/with him. And so far, LE has not been able to clear his father, the last known to have seen him.

Exactly Clu! I completely agree -- It has been firmly stated that a crime has been committed. Dylan is the VICTIM of the crime. So sleuthing his character is just wrong. Even if Dylan was having terrible problems and the worst teenager in the history of teens it has no bearing on this discussion/case.
IMO it is next to impossible when the victim is a child. With the exception of a few comments from a friend or two, we would have to rely on what MR or ER said. I think it that has all been said previously through 52 pages. What could be done differently and where do you propose to find information regarding Dylan since we can't sleuth minors or just anyone for that matter?

People discuss MR because of all the red flags and that LE from that last they have said are still investigating him. MR will be in the spotlight IMO until they are done investigating him and/or give another direction of what they think happened.

We have things that we can discuss about Dylan. Sleuthing is not required nor advised. He had to move away from his community, his friends, his father and in with a man who is not his father (his mother's ex-husband and current boyfriend) and his children, to a new school, a new community. He was likely in some turmoil and I refuse to ignore that aspect. LE wouldn't ignore it.

Was Dylan desperate to see his Bayfield friends on November 19? How would that impact the steps he might take to get there? (for example)
Just wondering if you read the article I posted up thread about the importance of victimology? I believe that the FBI uses this and would probably help the LPCSO do so if they lacked the experience with it. In an investigation it is crucial to "know" the victim. I do agree, Mark Redwine is not cleared. Neither is anyone else according to the press releases issued by LE.

My understanding is that people often get upset when a victimology is done on a victim they know, but it greatly helps them narrow down how to investigate a case. In order to determine "who" would have had contact with a victim, or where the victim may have met the perpetrator, etc, one must "know" the victim; flaws, strengths, weaknesses, and all. MR said in the MB video, and MB confirmed that R also stated that Dylan had never met a stranger. That IMO is both a strength and a weakness. It means to me that Dylan had never met anyone that's ever had ill will towards him, that he was very trusting. However, it also means that he did not have the consideration that not all strangers were nice. As per his friend's comments about his hitch hiking, again proves Dylan has probably not considered that something bad could happen from associating with strangers.
So what other suspects are there ?

I think there are still other suspects - we just don't know who.

I still believe that an RSO could be involved. There was one very close to where Dylan was last seen. LE says all the RSOs have been checked out, but if they checked out RSOs in the same manner as the RSOs in the Lunford (I spelt that wrong) case - then it doesn't really mean much, does it?

And there could be a complete unknown that left no clues behind.

I think it is telling that LE brought up looking at the places within walking distance for Dylan. It is very likely that Dylan is very near to MR's house, if something bad happened.

I also think by throwing all our eggs into one basket, we do Dylan a disservice. And .... the case does not seem to be moving forward under that one theory. So exploring other options is not a bad idea.


Was Dylan desperate to see his Bayfield friends on November 19? How would that impact the steps he might take to get there? (for example)

Well if he was that desperate then you would of thought he would of gotten up that morning . Instead of hiking miles upon miles when he had a nice lift waiting for him back home .
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