GUILTY CO - Gabriel Trujillo, 4, died of head trauma, Commerce City, 14 Feb 2012


What a Kerfuffle...
Jun 2, 2010
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March, 2 2011
- Becky Trujillo gets custody of Gabriel and his two sisters.

Sept. 23, 2011 - 7:27 p.m. - Check well being. Woman who lives down the street called to have Gabriel and his sisters checked.

Jan. 5, 2012 - 3:16 p.m. - Report of a 4-year-old boy having a broken arm and bruising on his face and lip.

Feb. 7, 2012 - 3:28 p.m. - Grandmother called wanting her grandson checked on...

Said the grandmother with custody took the child out of Head Start and was keeping him at home.
Says the boy is getting hurt at home and had bruising.

At the end of this call it says "per ACSS (Adams County Social Services), child was taken to Children's Hospital yesterday and had no broken bones."

Feb. 14, 2012 - 2 p.m. - Ambulance called to house. Becky Trujillo told dispatchers her grandson "fell from a chair and fell backwards."
She said, "He is breathing but he won't wake up." She is "crying."

Feb. 17, 2012 - 1 p.m. - Gabriel Trujillo dies
at Children's Hospital Colorado.


Elizabeth Trujillo says she called police when she saw bruises on Gabriel, but says they ignored her.

"The police officer said, 'If you call us again we'll give you a citation.'

He refused to go out there and check on him, if he did he would be alive right now!" Elizabeth Trujillo said.

It wasn't just Elizabeth Trujillo who claims seeing the abuse.

Gabe’s aunt told CBS4′s Jennifer Brice that her mother would never do anything to harm her grandchildren.

Governor John Hickenlooper announced on Thursday that the child welfare system will be reformed
after 43 children died while being involved in child welfare services in the last five years.

The next day Gabriel was gone.
That number is now one higher.
He never had a chance even though people tried helping him.
I am so so sorry Gabriel.

Angry, frustrated tears.

A 60-year-old grandmother is charged with first-degree murder and child abuse after she allegedly abused her 4-year-old grandson, Gabriel Trujillo, and caused his death.

Gabriel sustained “blunt force injuries to the head and neck,” according to the chief coroner for Adams and Broomfield counties.

In court on Tuesday there was a large showing of family members.

Then in January this year Gabriel had a broken arm and bruises to his face and lip.


Elizabeth Trujillo told 9 News: 'He was sweet, full of life. He loved his sisters, he loved his mom,' 'He loved to play around, you know, his cousins, he was just the sweetest little boy you could ever meet, full of life. And then he laid there lifeless, he didn't even get a chance with life.'

The first-degree murder charge means that Trujillo could face the death penalty in the death of her grandson, Gabriel Trujillo.

Gabe's mother, Christine, said she doesn't want the death penalty for her mother.

"I don't want her to get the death penalty. I don't," Christine Trujillo said. "I don't want no harm done to my mom ... I don’t want anyone to hurt her in prison."

She said the punishment of knowing she killed her own grandchild would be enough.

"If she did do it, it'd be guilt in her own brain, in her own mind," Christine Trujillo said.

She said she had given her mother custody
of her three children under a 2-year custody agreement.
She said she was fighting substance abuse
and couldn't care for her children on her own.

However, she said she began suspecting abuse a while ago.

She said she had photos of Gabe's injuries when another family member called Commerce City police on Feb. 7.

She said Gabe had a broken left arm and that the cast had come off earlier this month. She said her mother explained to her that Gabe had fallen.

"Those bruises were not from falling,"
Christine Trujillo said.

She said when she last saw her son on Feb. 11, he "acted like a robot."

But she doesn't want to believe that her mother could intentionally hurt her son. :waitasec:

"I do love my mom. I just miss my son," Christine Trujillo said.


About 15 family members showed up in court to support the grandmother.

"These are wrongful charges," Angela Trujillo, Gabe's aunt and Becky Trujillo's daughter, told 7NEWS after the hearing.


The boy had head injuries so severe that doctors had to crack his skull to relieve the brain's swelling,
Rios said.

“The system failed or Gabriel Trujillo would be here today,”
said one of Gabriel’s aunts.

February 25

On Saturday, friends and family came together in Commerce City to raise money for Gabriel Trujillo's funeral.
I wonder if anybody ever blew kisses to GABE??

The courtroom was filled this morning with many of Trujillo's family members who appeared to be in support of the grandmother.
After the hearing date was set and Trujillo was being returned to jail, people sitting in the courtroom waved and blew kisses to her. :sick:

About two-thirds of the audience left when Trujillo was taken away.

Second woman charged in death of 4-year-old Commerce City boy

Lana Roberts, 48, faces a charge of felony child abuse resulting in death.

Lana Roberts, 48, was living in a home with Doris Becky Trujillo at the time Gabriel Trujillo was killed, according to a news release from the Adams County District Attorney's office.

Details about Robert's role in Gabriel's death were not released. Documents in the case have been sealed.
Gabriel wasn't just beaten to death. Sad, that was my first thought... "but I thought she only beat him to death."
No... We have to torture the 4 year old first. Because he did what? Not eat, have an accident, tell you no? What is it this time?

I'm sorry Gabe.


Commerce City police say a 4-year-old boy whose grandmother is charged in his death had scratches, bruises and what appeared to be cigarette burns on his body.

Gabriel's body temperature was around 89 degrees. Trujillo told police that she punished the child by making him stand naked outside in the cold.

Medical professionals at Children's Hospital Colorado in Aurora, where Gabriel was taken, reported that he had "catastrophic head injuries," including "evidence of old cranial bleeding." Gabriel also appeared malnourished and had multiple contusions and hypothermia, the court document obtained by 9News said.

The boy also had a temperature of 89 degrees and was suffering with hypothermia and head injuries, according to the report.

Investigators also indicate in their report the boy may have been put outside in the cold as a form of punishment.

"Ms. Trujillo indicated that earlier that same day she had put [Gabriel] outside, naked, in the cold as a form of discipline," investigators wrote in their report.
So tell me, why do we pull a toy off the shelf when one child chokes on it, but there's little being done about the hundreds of kids being MURDERED due to CHILD ABUSE?

Probably because it's a whole lot easier to pull a toy off a shelf?
Most recent I can find... other than the fact that she IS still in custody in Adams County.

Nov 2012:

His grandmother, Trujillo, was arrested and has since pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder and child abuse causing death.

Her next court appearance is scheduled for Jan. 2.

Lana Roberts, Trujillo's roommate at the time of Gabriel's death, also pleaded not guilty to child abuse causing death and is awaiting trial.
From August 2013:

An Adams County judge on Friday sentenced Becky Trujillo to the maximum of eight years in prison after a jury convicted her of child abuse related to the February 2012 death of her 4-year-old grandson.

The same jury acquitted her of murder charges filed after Gabriel Trujillo was found naked and unresponsive in her Commerce City home...

The judge said that while the jury had not found that Trujillo's actions caused Gabriel's death, he said the child abuse charges were not charges that equated with a mistake either... "This child received numerous bruises. They all occurred when he was under your care, when you were supposed to be protecting him, and you failed," the judge told Trujillo.

Charges against Lana Roberts were dismissed in June 2013:

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