Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 **ARREST** #43

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I don't dispute the AW as written. I accept it as LE's best theory of events at the time it was written.

In it, they concede they don't have conclusive video showing him return. But they believe/d that the crime scene indicated a non-survivable injury, resulting in death. Therefore, they infer he had to be at home at the time of the injury....

I agree with that near 100%, only I shift the timeline. I think it was a violent assault, but from which he didn't die. Therefore, it remains POSSIBLE he defied the odds, enough so that he walked to the truck....

We may find that she did in fact medicate him, overmedicated, so that he would be half asleep when she did what she planned to do.

And I think she did THAT at a remote location.

I won't be surprised if the Prosecution revises their theory a time or two before trial.

There's no delicate way to say this but Patrick Frazee allegedly admitted that killing someone (with a baseball bat) was harder than he thought it would be. And he was hitting against a wood floor.

If we believe TS used blunt force, it would've been absorbed in some measure by the mattress, perhaps rendering it an ineffective method for murder.

But this gets me to all three. A severe cut Sunday night, blunt force Monday morning, after the creepy sleeping photo, and then finishing the horror she started, with a gun offsite.

I am not bound to this theory, it's just my best guess based on the current information as I see it.

We'll know a whole lot more when this goes to trial. Until then, we guess.

I'm thinking she used meds meant for Gannon or did she need to take meds for psychotic issues ?
And used them on Gannon ?

Hurts to think that someone in the position of trust for an 11 year old could stoop to such depths.
Also wonder what kind of upbringing she had to think this behavior was acceptable (the drugging/OD'ing , not the murder. At least one would hope not.)

Any criminal backgorund in the family of the perp ?
That would be public knowledge.
Is there someone in the perp's family who owns a firearm, and have they had it 'stolen' lately --or just borrowed it out ?
Since the AA mentioned the use of a gun, we can discuss it -- and if it was TS' weapon or belonged to a relative ?
Because then there might be additional charges because the person the gun belonged to--if it's not TS' gun --needs to come forward to say if they're missing one or had borrowed it out.
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In the driveway video, did anyone else notice that LS was carrying a backpack when she first went out to the truck.

Also, the VW is parked in the driveway facing the garage but the AA states when LE gets there it was backed into the garage.

And finally can anyone see Gannon crouching down in the video we aren't linking here? I don't, but read that some do.
Very well stated, and I tend to agree. Also, I think it's telling that she did not unlock her phone for 30 minutes after they returned home from the 4hr trip. She was busy killing him at this time.

I'm sure she was both fuming and paniced that he did not pass away during the 4hr trip after she ODed him in the a.m., after her physical abuse the night before.

She had one hour before Laina would be home. One hour.

I do wonder why she brought him home at all.

The only thing I can think of is that she needed him laying down and calm, sleeping, resting, to finish him off. For as much as I believe she resented him, I don't think she wanted to kill him with him alert and facing her.
I have to go back to my notes again, I think it's 23 minutes not 30 minutes. Jessica originally said 30 minutes, then later in the affidavit she said approximately 25 minutes. But in reality it was only 23 minutes before she unlocked her phone.
I think this a good way to look at it.

I still lean towards the AA's theory that Gannon was killed in the house and hidden in the SUV. The main reason I think that is the fact that TS was so determined to hide the SUV from LS and LE. The AA establishes that she left it at the airport, rented a car, and then lied about the SUV's location when questioned by LS and LE. They found this so suspicious that on the day after Gannon went missing, they spent time looking for the car instead of him. And then she went back that night to retrieve it, took it for a drive to dispose of something, and then hid it again somewhere overnight. And then she cleaned it. She went to a lot of effort to keep whatever was in that car away from LE and was willing to arouse suspicion to do so. That makes me think that whatever was in that car was incredibly incriminating.

Under the theory that Gannon was attacked in the house and then taken somewhere in the truck to be killed , the SUV isn't involved at all. I guess you could hypothesize that she used it to dispose of the bloody bedding or something. But why not do that on Monday when she killed Gannon? Or on Monday night? Or on Tuesday morning when she went to the airport?
I agree with you analysis.
I asked @MassGuy this question, and now I am asking again:
Can the prosecution use a different theory than the one listed in the Affidavit during the Preliminary hearing or the trial?

For example: Evidence now supports that Gannon was seriously injured in his bedroom, but not killed.

** Disclaimer: Repeating my question is due to my need for reassurance and is in NO WAY a reflection of my respect for @MassGuy's knowledge.
- Also, this post is not intended to incite another wager opportunity :D
Good, because @GordianKnot can’t afford to lose another bet.

Before the arrest affidavit, I was completely sold on Gannon not returning home.

The fact that he was not witnessed on camera returning, that TS left her phone at home, and Gannon’s phone was likely left in Petco, seem to support this.

I mean, she was clearly planning to do something bad when they climbed in the car that morning.

The counterpoint to that is the blood evidence in Gannon’s room. The idea that a kid that had sustained injuries that involved blood splatter, (and blood that soaked through the carpet and into the mattress), was able to walk to the car, is hard for me to believe.

There was also no blood found in the pickup.

Then factor this in:

She probably rented that car because Gannon’s body was likely in the back of her own SUV.

Location data puts her SUV in the probable dump site location on the evening of the 28th.

It does make sense that she would dump the body at night, and explains the need to rent that car. It also explains why she had her car washed before her police interview.

It also explains that particle board that was found with Gannon’s blood on it, which also explains the lack of blood in her trunk (she placed Gannon’s dead body on that board).

So I don’t think the official narrative will change, unless the blood splatter expert reports something unexpected.
In the driveway video, did anyone else notice that LS was carrying a backpack when she first went out to the truck.

Also, the VW is parked in the driveway facing the garage but the AA states when LE gets there it was backed into the garage.

And finally can anyone see Gannon crouching down in the video we aren't linking here? I don't, but read that some do.
We only know about that video because RD told the media about it and gave it to them. I'm sure there is a lot more video which will be used in court against her. The DA said that in court at the hearing.

I don't see Gannon exiting the vehicle, or crouching.
This is a letter that D20 sent to parents on March 5, after her arrest was announced on March 2. They refer to her as a “ teacher applicant “. I’m assuming because she was still in orientation and pending the full results of background check. Perhaps when LE contacted D20 to verify the “ cant come to work “ text, someone mistakenly put assistant instead of applicant. JMO

Good catch. That makes alot of sense because "assistant" had to come from somewhere. And it certainly didn't come from TS! I think you are correct too the district could call her an "applicant" because she was still in orientation and there were still some background matters being checked. But realistically, they HAD hired her. Saying "applicant" was useful distancing for them IMO. (It's not as though all teacher applicants go through a multi-day orientation that was likely a paid orientation.)

The D-3 letter called her a teacher too but I think you are right LE looked at most recent employment in part because of the text.
Very well stated, and I tend to agree. Also, I think it's telling that she did not unlock her phone for 30 minutes after they returned home from the 4hr trip. She was busy killing him at this time.

I'm sure she was both fuming and paniced that he did not pass away during the 4hr trip after she ODed him in the a.m., after her physical abuse the night before.

She had one hour before Laina would be home. One hour.

I do wonder why she brought him home at all.

The only thing I can think of is that she needed him laying down and calm, sleeping, resting, to finish him off. For as much as I believe she resented him, I don't think she wanted to kill him with him alert and facing her.
I have to go back to my notes again, I think it's 23 minutes not 30 minutes. Jessica originally said 30 minutes, then later in the affidavit she said approximately 25 minutes. But in reality it was only 23 minutes before she unlocked her phone.
Good, because @GordianKnot can’t afford to lose another bet.

Before the arrest affidavit, I was completely sold on Gannon not returning home.

The fact that he was not witnessed on camera returning, that TS left her phone at home, and Gannon’s phone was likely left in Petco, seem to support this.

I mean, she was clearly planning to do something bad when they climbed in the car that morning.

The counterpoint to that is the blood evidence in Gannon’s room. The idea that a kid that had sustained injuries that involved blood splatter, (and blood that soaked through the carpet and into the mattress), was able to walk to the car, is hard for me to believe.

There was also no blood found in the pickup.

Then factor this in:

She probably rented that car because Gannon’s body was likely in the back of her own SUV.

Location data puts her SUV in the probable dump site location on the evening of the 28th.

It does make sense that she would dump the body at night, and explains the need to rent that car. It also explains why she had her car washed before her police interview.

It also explains that particle board that was found with Gannon’s blood on it, which also explains the lack of blood in her trunk (she placed Gannon’s dead body on that board).

So I don’t think the official narrative will change, unless the blood splatter expert reports something unexpected.
Can’t agree more. I think trying to explain every little move she made over complicates things because we will likely never make sense out of what she was thinking or why she was doing things. Sticking to basic facts and inferences from those facts lead me to believe this is the only logical explanation at this time with what we know. Trying to figure out a way to make him not returning home that day doesn’t add up in one way or the other based on a fact. IMO. I think they did an excellent job detailing their case. Giving only enough information that was needed to obtain an arrest warrant, no more no less. Enough to make her squirm, I’m sure. Insert my evil laugh!!! Haha haha ha haha ha ha!!
Good, because @GordianKnot can’t afford to lose another bet.

Before the arrest affidavit, I was completely sold on Gannon not returning home.

The fact that he was not witnessed on camera returning, that TS left her phone at home, and Gannon’s phone was likely left in Petco, seem to support this.

I mean, she was clearly planning to do something bad when they climbed in the car that morning.

The counterpoint to that is the blood evidence in Gannon’s room. The idea that a kid that had sustained injuries that involved blood splatter, (and blood that soaked through the carpet and into the mattress), was able to walk to the car, is hard for me to believe.

There was also no blood found in the pickup.

Then factor this in:

She probably rented that car because Gannon’s body was likely in the back of her own SUV.

Location data puts her SUV in the probable dump site location on the evening of the 28th.

It does make sense that she would dump the body at night, and explains the need to rent that car. It also explains why she had her car washed before her police interview.

It also explains that particle board that was found with Gannon’s blood on it, which also explains the lack of blood in her trunk (she placed Gannon’s dead body on that board).

So I don’t think the official narrative will change, unless the blood splatter expert reports something unexpected.

@MassGuy, do you have a theory for how she got the suitcase from the SUV to the rental car? Where and when? In broad daylight, at the airport?
In the driveway video, did anyone else do.
We only know about that video because RD told the media about it and gave it to them. I'm sure there is a lot more video which will be used in court against her. The DA said that in court at the hearing.

I don't see Gannon exiting the vehicle, or crouching.

The crouching was not in this video.
Good, because @GordianKnot can’t afford to lose another bet.

Before the arrest affidavit, I was completely sold on Gannon not returning home.

The fact that he was not witnessed on camera returning, that TS left her phone at home, and Gannon’s phone was likely left in Petco, seem to support this.

I mean, she was clearly planning to do something bad when they climbed in the car that morning.

The counterpoint to that is the blood evidence in Gannon’s room. The idea that a kid that had sustained injuries that involved blood splatter, (and blood that soaked through the carpet and into the mattress), was able to walk to the car, is hard for me to believe.

There was also no blood found in the pickup.

Then factor this in:

She probably rented that car because Gannon’s body was likely in the back of her own SUV.

Location data puts her SUV in the probable dump site location on the evening of the 28th.

It does make sense that she would dump the body at night, and explains the need to rent that car. It also explains why she had her car washed before her police interview.

It also explains that particle board that was found with Gannon’s blood on it, which also explains the lack of blood in her trunk (she placed Gannon’s dead body on that board).

So I don’t think the official narrative will change, unless the blood splatter expert reports something unexpected.

A case can be made for either scenario.

Unless the prosecution can prove that GS returned home with TS that Monday afternoon, I wouldn't advise them to go all in on that theory at trial and tell the jury, "He was murdered in his home."

I say that because if the defense can raise reasonable doubt as to whether or not GS ever returned home with her that afternoon, it leaves the door open for some ignoramus juror devoid of critical thinking skills to vote not guilty.

If the DA isn't certain of which scenario is the correct one, offer the jury both, and let them know that in either case, all roads lead to Rome, and by Rome here, I mean TS.

Regardless of where she murdered him or when she murdered him, one thing remains certain:

TS is the evil monster guilty of his murder.

@MassGuy, do you have a theory for how she got the suitcase from the SUV to the rental car? Where and when? In broad daylight, at the airport?
So this is how I think it went down:

She murders Gannon, and places him on top of that board in the back of her Volkswagen. I think it’s probable he was also in a suitcase at this time (but who knows).

She parks the car at the airport, and rents the Kia (on the morning of the 28th). Gannon’s body remained at the airport in her Volkswagen until she returned at 1900 on the 28th.

She then drove her Volkswagen to dump the body. So Gannon was never in that rented Kia.

When her Volkswagen was seized on the 29th, TS then rented a Nissan Altima. A tracking device put her back in the area of the dumpsite in the early evening hours of the 31st.

It was at this point I believe she either transferred Gannon to a suitcase, or picked up Gannon’s body which was already in a suitcase. I think it’s probable that Gannon’s body was put in this particular (second) rental.
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A case can be made for either scenario.

Unless the prosecution can prove that GS returned home with TS that Monday afternoon, I wouldn't advise them to go all in on that theory at trial and tell the jury, "He was murdered in his home."

I say that because if the defense can raise reasonable doubt as to whether or not GS ever returned home with her that afternoon, it leaves the door open for some ignoramus juror devoid of critical thinking skills to vote not guilty.

If the DA isn't certain of which scenario is the correct one, offer the jury both, and let them know that in either case, all roads lead to Rome, and by Rome here, I mean TS.

Regardless of where she murdered him or when she murdered him, one thing remains certain:

TS is the evil monster guilty of his murder.

I mean, she killed him at what we believe was the dumpsite, or she killed him in his bedroom and dumped his body there. Either way, she’s a killer.

I can’t imagine a juror getting hung up on something that doesn’t mean a hell of a lot in regards to her guilt.

But we’ll see if the narrative changes.
If she had killed him in the bedroom and moved him quickly, would the dogs have picked it up that fast? How long after death can cadaver dogs pick up the scent? Is it immediate?

The problem I have is that LE's theory is apparently that she put his body in the trunk of her vehicle over night.
His body would have been in that garage for hours.
There should have been scent in that garage.
She obviously didn't clean it if LE found blood underneath where her vehicle was parked.

I'd really like to know if LE even went into the garage that night he went missing.

The scary thing is Leigh Egan on Websleuths last night states one of LS aunts believes in her complete innocence.

Apparently in a conversation with an Aunt and then another with LS.

It was suggested Gannon had a secret watch that he communicated with Landen on. Some pea brained story that LH had him runaway or he ran away to get to her. He was picked up by someone and taken to her in South Carolina.

It was also implied blood was planted and crime scene was compromised by family living there.

Unsure of the timing of when Leigh had these calls but it is similar to things I/we have read online. :mad::eek:

I didn't notice the aunt at TS's hearing, there were plenty of seats available.
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