Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #50

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It seems to be a foregone conclusion that she will be "removed" at some point. Quite possibly even very early on in the proceedings. I hope her being removed doesn't help her in the appeals process.
"I was defending myself and they removed me because they knew I had proof of my innocence." Or something like that.

Personally, I think she decided to represent herself mostly for the attention. I think she knows that she will be found guilty with, or without, a competent attorney so she has nothing to lose. She wants books written and movies made about her. She wants to be as disruptive as possible. She wants the infame. Disturbingly, I think it will give her some comfort as she rots in her cell for the next fifty years.


I never even considered the possibility of removing her from defending her own case! (I didn't know they could do that! Can they do that!?) Wouldn't that be interesting to see...

I definitely have mental images stirring of a wild and rambunctious courtroom, full of press and cameras, with Tee trying to work her 'magic' on the audience and jury. I'm sure she'll be concerned with what the tabloids say about her appearance and whatever outfit she's wearing. o_O IMO.

Do we know if her trial will be closed to the public? Will it be broadcast? I suppose some of these decisions rely on whatever's happening with covid-19...
Does the defense have to turn over it's evidence/discovery to the prosecution before the trial?

Yes. There should not be any surprises at trial. Prosecutors are not allowed to withhold exculpatory evidence either. Attorney work-product is NOT discoverable. Perhaps a CO attorney/paralegal can chime in on expert witnesses? Is the report discoverable or just a summary? Expert depositions ok?
I never even considered the possibility of removing her from defending her own case! (I didn't know they could do that! Can they do that!?) Wouldn't that be interesting to see...

I definitely have mental images stirring of a wild and rambunctious courtroom, full of press and cameras, with Tee trying to work her 'magic' on the audience and jury. I'm sure she'll be concerned with what the tabloids say about her appearance and whatever outfit she's wearing. o_O IMO.

Do we know if her trial will be closed to the public? Will it be broadcast? I suppose some of these decisions rely on whatever's happening with covid-19...
I think there is a law in colorado that doesn't allow cameras in the courtroom. I'm sure someone else knows the exact details. I want to say that the judge CAN allow cameras/live broadcast, but I think that is extremely rare and highly unlikely to happen. I might be wrong about is.
LS is wild, irrational, ridiculous, violent, terrifying, reckless, unpredictable, absurd, strange, unnatural, outrageous, impractical, unbelievable, senseless, but one thing she is decidedly not is "crazy".

Now that we've been through LS's mental evaluation on numerous occasions, can we shelf the use of "crazy" and move on to more accurately descriptive terms to describe this bloviating sack of human excrement that knew full well what she was doing?! This ball of wet, matted dog hair that actively made the decision to murder a child?! This pile of old toenail clippings that abused and tortured a small boy until his death!?! SHE IS SO MUCH MORE THAN a 5-letter ableist word!!

Just my small plea, if you care about mental illness, please rethink your use of the words "crazy" and "insane", there are a lot better ones out there to describe TS that don't perpetuate the inferiority of people with disabilities. ;)

I can't believe her whole motive in representing herself was just to see what dirt the prosecution already has on her. She's gonna need to perform some Olympic level Tee-splaining to try and get anyone to believe her lies...But she thinks she has a gold medal in that already LOL. :D

Well, a pyschopath knows exactly what they are doing. They are also very good at manipulating, planning and scheming, projecting and blaming others. Sounds like Letecia Stauch to me.

I don't like the term "crazy" either, but considering it's Letecia, it doesn't bother me so much.

I think people recognized there was something not normal about Letecia from her first interview when she complained about her civil rights being violated, police pulling a gun on her, not letting her go to the bathroom or speak to an attorney, etc, etc.

At that point she was just getting started. Then came the pre-splaining the evidence, claims of police setting her up, the stories about the rape, Eguardo, the culprit Quincy laying down in the middle of the road in order to rape her and kidnap Gannon, the bike story, and I don't know what else.

Then there were the mysterious and dangerous people who are actually responsible, her escape attempts, claims of being persecuted and the threats in her peanut butter.

So no, she's not crazy, just multiply disordered. Maybe.
LS is wild, irrational, ridiculous, violent, terrifying, reckless, unpredictable, absurd, strange, unnatural, outrageous, impractical, unbelievable, senseless, but one thing she is decidedly not is "crazy".

Now that we've been through LS's mental evaluation on numerous occasions, can we shelf the use of "crazy" and move on to more accurately descriptive terms to describe this bloviating sack of human excrement that knew full well what she was doing?! This ball of wet, matted dog hair that actively made the decision to murder a child?! This pile of old toenail clippings that abused and tortured a small boy until his death!?! SHE IS SO MUCH MORE THAN a 5-letter ableist word!!

Just my small plea, if you care about mental illness, please rethink your use of the words "crazy" and "insane", there are a lot better ones out there to describe TS that don't perpetuate the inferiority of people with disabilities. ;)

I can't believe her whole motive in representing herself was just to see what dirt the prosecution already has on her. She's gonna need to perform some Olympic level Tee-splaining to try and get anyone to believe her lies...But she thinks she has a gold medal in that already LOL. :D


Coming from the field of psychology, I'm certainly willing to shelve the lay term "crazy." And I agree more precise terminology like "irrational" or "delusional" is more useful in the absence of an actual diagnosis.

But the psyc evals LS has had weren't mental evaluations to determine if she knew what she was doing when the crime occurred. They were competency evaluations to determine if she is currently rational enough to understand the charges against her and is capable of assisting in her defense. We don't know (and shouldn't know) if she was diagnosed with a mental disorder as those evaluation reports are sealed by the court. She very well may have been diagnosed with one or more disorders during those evaluations. But so far as I know, the only way we will find out is if she raises a mental illness /insanity defense (and if that happened, different kinds of evaluations would have to be done.)
It seems to be a foregone conclusion that she will be "removed" at some point. Quite possibly even very early on in the proceedings. I hope her being removed doesn't help her in the appeals process.
"I was defending myself and they removed me because they knew I had proof of my innocence." Or something like that.

Personally, I think she decided to represent herself mostly for the attention. I think she knows that she will be found guilty with, or without, a competent attorney so she has nothing to lose. She wants books written and movies made about her. She wants to be as disruptive as possible. She wants the infame. Disturbingly, I think it will give her some comfort as she rots in her cell for the next fifty years.


On removal: I can imagine her abusing her ability to object to the prosecutor's questioning. (In my mind, it's like a scene in a movie. "Objection!" "Overruled." "OBJECTION!" "Overruled.") I can imagine her being removed for speaking out of turn, and I can imagine her being removed for interacting inappropriately with witnesses. We haven't exactly ever witnessed her using any sort of restraint in her interactions, so it's hard to picture her behaving as a professional in what has to be the most important circumstance of her life.

I agree that she is wanting to represent herself for attention. Representing herself is the clearest path for her to speak her piece. It has to be killing her that she is receiving all of this negative attention on the "outside" that she is not able to address from her cell. She has shown herself to be someone who thrives on drama and conflict, and I can't imagine there's nearly enough of that in prison to meet her quota. I also think that she believes that she can better spin her story/defense than any attorney could, and thus, she has a chance of successfully defending herself.

I mean, I think she's wrong about that, but I think she is that delusional and narcissistic that there is nearly 0 chance she would take an actual expert's advice regarding her chances. All MOO.
I don't understand. Are you saying the client doesn't have a right to see discovery materials? That only the client's lawyers do?

I can easily believe there could be technical difficulties sharing materials because of the visitation rules put in place because of COVID. And I can imagine attorneys wanting a client to focus on A not obsess over materials related to the legally meaningless B or the indisputable C. And I can easily imagine attorneys would want to build a defense their way (as despite LS's claims, they are the experts ) But I don't understand if something is legally discoverable, why the defendant wouldn't be allowed to know about it or see it. And all the defense attorneys will have, I assume, will be those thousands of pages of discovery. It's not as though the DA is sharing documents or anything else he doesn't have to share with them. I don't get it.
HA !! NO-- I am NOT saying that at all.
IANAL so have no idea how attorneys determine what is all shared with a client. OR what access they have in jail
AND--Thank God, I've never been a client either.
I was only going off what LS said in court to judge about wanting information because ...
"the Jail is mistreating her and "BLOCKING her from being able to SEE parts of the Case she believes SHE has a RIGHT to."
So for whatever reason, LS feels she is not able to see documents.
You're right @NCWatcher , thank you for clarifying and reminding me what those competency hearings were for/what they determined.

I did start to wonder if she still had a chance to be deemed mentally unfit, by way of taking on the defense of her own case and then attempting to sabotage it...IMO she could be doing all of this intentionally, but still trying to feign mental defect. I do think there's a possibility of her doubling down on the insanity defense to try and get out of whatever consequences mentally fit people face for murdering a child.

To be honest, it's kind of exhausting to think about.
I wonder if she has written to Lilly Pulitzer yet offering to model some of this years collection for the publicity ;)

@catch_22 I am really appreciating your avatar:)
I cannot believe you mentioned those godawful dresaes again!!
You know how much they upset my hippy lifestyle... and you did it anyway!
eta typo
You're right @NCWatcher , thank you for clarifying and reminding me what those competency hearings were for/what they determined.

I did start to wonder if she still had a chance to be deemed mentally unfit, by way of taking on the defense of her own case and then attempting to sabotage it...IMO she could be doing all of this intentionally, but still trying to feign mental defect. I do think there's a possibility of her doubling down on the insanity defense to try and get out of whatever consequences mentally fit people face for murdering a child.

To be honest, it's kind of exhausting to think about.

No telling what plan LS has in her head @JMapes.

I'm not an attorney but where I live, defendants have to enter a plea of Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity if the jury is to consider that verdict. Acting strange in court won't do it.

According to the link below, in Colorado that plea is usually entered at the time of arraignment. LS has already been arraigned. But according to the link there are times a plea can be entered later if just cause can be shown to allow that.

Nowhere is an insanity defense a "get out of jail free" card. The vast majority of insanity defenses fail. While I'm sure some are BS, some that fail probably should have succeeded. But there is societal prejudice against the mentally ill sometimes and that can show itself in jury verdicts. And for those that don't fail, people often spend more time committed to a mental institution than they would have spent in prison if found guilty.

An insanity defense is an affirmative defense. That means the defendant "admits to having broken the law, but his or her insanity excuses any criminal liability."
"Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity" as a Defense in Colorado Law

I don't think LS would do that. But she is full of surprises.

She might try to use an existing mental problem as a mitigating factor at sentencing assuming she is found guilty. But with a child victim, and a child victim who was her stepson so she was in a position of trust, and the DP already off the table, I don't see how that would help her much.

HA !! NO-- I am NOT saying that at all.
IANAL so have no idea how attorneys determine what is all shared with a client. OR what access they have in jail
AND--Thank God, I've never been a client either.
I was only going off what LS said in court to judge about wanting information because ...
"the Jail is mistreating her and "BLOCKING her from being able to SEE parts of the Case she believes SHE has a RIGHT to."
So for whatever reason, LS feels she is not able to see documents.

Unless there’s some exception I’m not aware of, lawyers are bound by rules of professional conduct to share everything w client. It’s an ethical obligation - lawyer can’t withhold anything. Some clients may not want to be cc’d on everything, but it’s absolutely their right - and for those clients, they’d prob get an update every 1-3 months. (I’m thinking of a personal injury client who prob doesn’t want to get cc’d on every record request).

I can’t speak to how it works in jail, unfortunately. Tens of thousands of pages of discovery - she’s entitled to all of it. I just died know how that works (laptop & internet? Physical files?).
Or... is she doing this short term just to see some documents that otherwise she has not/could not?

I'm scratching my head trying to remember which case it was that the person wanted to do pro bono just to view some documents, then went back to having a lawyer.... but I think that one had addresses and info on the witnesses which the defendant couldn't see until they went probono. Hmmm, what case was that.
LS wanting to represent herself should come as no surprise given that she reportedly had only one in-person meeting with her defense attorney which was for her first appearance.

LS was arrested in South Carolina on March 2, and transferred to El Paso County jail a couple of days later-- just as COVID19 was making news as a global pandemic.

In motions filed by her defense team last May, seeking to delay her preliminary hearing, they cited that LS had been restricted to video visits with her attorneys since that first court appearance.

Another motion claimed the El Paso County jail stopped allowing video visitation for LS and other inmates with her security designation in early May. There was a gag order that prevented getting confirmation from the jail specifically about LS access to video visits but 11 NEWS was able to confirm that video visits cannot be scheduled for inmates in certain wards during standard duty hours (8 a.m.-5 p.m.), but can be scheduled after normal hours.

In other words, not only did the defense claim their ability to work on their case had been hindered by the pandemic, but LS further created meeting problems for herself and her legal team by her own behavior behind bars (i.e., illegal jailhouse communications, and escape plans, etc.).

It would require multiple contact meetings for LS to receive and/or review documents from her defense, and I don't think it was happening at the speed that LS expected or believed she was entitled to. In a letter dated August 12, LS also wrote to the Judge to complain about not being able to participate in her defense:

Stauch complained that she has not been able to meet in-person with her legal counsel in five months. In May, her lawyers asked a judge to allow video conferencing or for Stauch to be released on bond.

“I understand this pandemic is unforeseen but I don’t feel I should be held unconstitutionally, denied access to my attorneys, have constitutional rights violated, and be abused in the process,” Stauch wrote.

She says she cannot properly participate in her defense because she is limited to three one-hour phone calls with her attorneys each week.

“I do not feel like a U.S. citizen being treated this way in my beloved country. I’m not getting a fair process, I’m not getting represented properly..."

Attorneys for Letecia Stauch seeking to push back court, potentially allow for bond

Letecia Stauch writes letter to judge claiming she is being mistreated in jail | FOX31 Denver
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