Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #16

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There is no way in Hades I could spend one millisecond in the presence of someone I thought was responsible in some way for my child's disappearance. Even if it were the result of mere neglect in some way. I have very little doubt BM and BD have VERY strong feelings toward TS and I can't see LE asking them to play nice. That would be cruel, considering...

I would be the opposite i would take the opportunity to spend every waking moment around them to watch there every move and action like a hawk looking for clues.
<modsnip: removed unrelated quotes>

Given the way she has reacted, I can't come up with one scenario where she was not involved. But if I had to, I would guess he left or "ran away" because she hurt him somehow or he was scared and then something tragic happened a la Harley Dilly.

Pretty much my thoughts, although unpopular I know. I think the little guy was just so stressed out from dealing with Stepmom and her moods, he left. <modsnip: off limits> I think she got really mad over petty things, and he was afraid of her in a way. Maybe he left and got too far and lost. I don’t know. Just a really sad, sad situation for little Gannon all the way around. I hope he is found alive. There’s always hope.
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What about heights?
What about anything specific to 4wd vehicles that would have been inaccessible to cars?
Anything at all?
Why did she choose the 4wd for the trip?
Whatever she carried looked like it would have fitted in a car as well.?

I don't really consider heights, because I'm from Georgia and we don't have a lot of elevated places near me, so that's just not something that occurs to me. Of course, if I lived in Colorado, I would probably consider a mountain - but I don't know enough about them to know if you can just drive up to the top and throw someone off? The very few "mountains" we have around here are accessed via a trail. You could drive up to the top in some places, but the roads are so curvy and heavily traveled that it would be difficult to do it undetected. We have lots of abandoned boat ramps and dirt roads around here. Those would be my go-to dumping place if I was a murderer. Which I'm not ;)
That can be true, I probably have to compare the hiking videos. When the truck returns, the driver appears to be more female. It was very odd, never actually noticed this before.

I know I walk faster and take longer strides when I'm either in a hurry or irritated/mad. I think both could be relevant here. She had to beat the little sister home from school and take a 4 hour trip.

ETA: Also get in that afternoon workout.
I would be the opposite i would take the opportunity to spend every waking moment around them to watch there every move and action like a hawk looking for clues.
Whew, I can see this, too, but it would take more than I have. Maybe my husband could...I'd be in a drug-induced heap on the floor somewhere, in all probability...

OT, @sleepysleuth *waving at you from GA, too*
I was impartial, and would agree with this statement to remain open to other possibilities-until I watched the video from the neighbor, heard dad’s reaction, and the police quoted as saying this was the break they needed. I don’t want to rehash shadow arguments. I personally feel the video is damning evidence. Even now, I listen to other possibilities. None have fit or make sense given the facts, imo.

Remember, all of that, ie unofficial video from neighbor, dad's reported reaction, and attributing words to the police came from one person, neighbor RD.With no official documentation. From a person who released sensitive data to the media while a young boy was missing.
If there were further sightings of GS we would have heard about this by now, surely.
There is no evidence to suggest he was taken against his will.
There is no evidence to suggest he has run away.
There is no evidence to suggest SM has harmed him.

With all that said, the three scenarios mentioned are all possibilities.
No doubt LE has evidence we have not yet heard of, who knows where this is leading them.
SM does seem to have something to hide but this may certainly be guilty feelings as to why he may have ran off, if she genuinely believes he did, she would feel blame.

It is too easy to point the finger right now but there is nothing concrete to go on.


We know where the evidence is leading LE.

It's leading them to those snow-covered search areas they've been literally sifting through for days.

We do have evidence of a crime having occurred at the house.

To me, one concrete sign that a crime was committed against Gannon was the sight of DA Dan May walking into that home, and leaving an hour later.

Dan May wasn't looking under Gannon's bed or in his closet to see if he was hiding under there.

The DA has one job:

He prosecutes crimes.

The DA had one reason for going to the home:

That house is a crime scene.

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We know where the evidence is leading them.

It's leading them to those snow-covered search areas they've been literally sifting through for days.

We do have evidence of a crime having occurred at the house.

To me, one concrete sign that a crime was committed against Gannon was the sight of DA Dan May walking into that home, and leaving an hour later.

Dan May wasn't looking under Gannon's bed or in his closet to see if he was hiding under there.

The DA has one job:

He prosecutes crimes.

The DA had one reason for going to the home:

That house is a crime scene.


Agree 100%. Hard for me to understand seeing things any other way....
If TS allegedly gave a description to LE regarding who G left with then why hasn't the public seen this in an effort to locate the person and question him/her about G? Seems to me either TS lied about giving a description or LE doesn't give any credence to it.
Or, we don't know what action LE has taken.
"Innocent until proven guilty" is for the court of law. In our country, it's the government's obligation to make the case of guilt before convicting someone and taking away their liberty. The accused person is not obligated to prove innocence.

WS is not a court of law. This is a crime discussion board. Speculation is allowed here, within the reasonable WS rules that hold the discussions to a higher standard than gossip.

If something walks like a duck, looks like a duck, turns its back on the camera to quack like a's very possible "the herd" will think, "that's a duck."

There is no obligation to conclude something is a duck, though! Maybe the duck is a goose. Alternative ideas are welcome on the board.

Of note, ironically, geese are far more aggressive and hostile than ducks. Loved your comparison.

With the HB case we saw someone who really did seem to be showing some odd behavior, which caused many of us to conclude, in addition to known stats about those closest to the missing, that SC was involved. We were wrong, and it was a mongoose that no one ever saw coming.

That being said, it’s quite rare to have something so against all odds (bff is a baby stealing murdered), and Occam’s razor almost always wins out. However, I always appreciate and enjoy alternative, reason-based ideas.

I feel safe in our theories that LS is, in fact, a duck - but I’ll gladly eat some crow (or goose?) if I’m wrong.
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I'm curious about a couple of things. Did she have help? She is definitely involved, no question about it. When leaving, it looks like the individual is wearing a scully with a white hat. When person returns they are carrying the white hat.

This other theory might be a little off, but what if GS passed away from a beating Sunday night and she had her daughter walk to the car that Monday morning to look like GS. Maybe she had him rolled in something and loaded in the truck bed. This may seem a little off, because it definitely does look like a male child getting in the car, but there has been crazy things that happen
He has been identified. Otherwise your second theory is great.

We know where the evidence is leading them.

It's leading them to those snow-covered search areas they've been literally sifting through for days.

We do have evidence of a crime having occurred at the house.

To me, one concrete sign that a crime was committed against Gannon was the sight of DA Dan May walking into that home, and leaving an hour later.

Dan May wasn't looking under Gannon's bed or in his closet to see if he was hiding under there.

The DA has one job:

He prosecutes crimes.

The DA had one reason for going to the home:

That house is a crime scene.


We know where the evidence is leading them.

It's leading them to those snow-covered search areas they've been literally sifting through for days.

We do have evidence of a crime having occurred at the house.

To me, one concrete sign that a crime was committed against Gannon was the sight of DA Dan May walking into that home, and leaving an hour later.

Dan May wasn't looking under Gannon's bed or in his closet to see if he was hiding under there.

The DA has one job:

He prosecutes crimes.

The DA had one reason for going to the home:

That house is a crime scene.

THANK YOU! Speaking of Dan May, let's all remember how Kelsey's case went down. A lot of people dreamed up wild Zebra scenarios of what could have happened to Kelsey. Some folks said, "This will go cold," or "They're grasping at straws--I think they have nothing." Meanwhile, investigators and DA May's prosecutorial team were silently building an ironclad case against Frazee & the Rodeo Queen that absolutely floored us when we finally heard the evidence. These professionals know what they're doing. Powerful, expert people have their HEARTS in finding Gannon and doing justice for him. TRUST.
<modsnip: removed unrelated quotes>

Pretty much my thoughts, although unpopular I know. I think the little guy was just so stressed out from dealing with Stepmom and her moods, he left. <modsnip: off limits> I think she got really mad over petty things, and he was afraid of her in a way. Maybe he left and got too far and lost. I don’t know. Just a really sad, sad situation for little Gannon all the way around. I hope he is found alive. There’s always hope.

11 year old's do not "wander away" as toddlers do not "run away".
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Is there still any consideration for the theory that she took him somewhere, injured/drugged (based on video movements) and pushed him/took him out of the truck and then left? That he was disoriented and wandered into the woods? This would confirm her 'statements' that she did not hurt him.
Remember, all of that, ie unofficial video from neighbor, dad's reported reaction, and attributing words to the police came from one person, neighbor RD.With no official documentation. From a person who released sensitive data to the media while a young boy was missing.
That is incorrect.
ABC news reported it.
They checked with Sheriff's office it's veracity and they printed that.
I don’t think the video that was released and shown by media is the video that made the dad cry and police say it was the break they needed. I think it was released as a distraction to get us all debating it and to get TS distracted trying to figure out how to respond to it. I’m not even sure the video was from Monday. I believe they have more incriminating video and evidence and letting this bit leak bought them time.
I so so so agree with you! It may have just been released so that possible witnesses/neighbors etc. would know to look for that truck in their own footage.
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