Found Deceased CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, Colorado Springs, Lorson Ranch, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *endangered* #3

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i'm wondering if it's a case of the video depicts "someone" doing "something" suspicious or if the video clearly shows a known individual doing a specific act. in the later case i would have expected an immediate arrest. in the first case maybe LE had the tv station go with the report to help put pressure on a number of suspected people. as to the neighbors comment about the child being returned "safe" i kinda thought he meant that to mean a body intact &whole. not sure why i thought that.
Well, if that video is the "thing" LE needed, I guess that alleviates the SM from having to make BS explanations about whether Gannon was sick or had a Dr's appointment, and how she could have agreed to let him visit a friend while she was in the basement with headphones on, or how she agreed to let them visit a friend she didn't know. Saves a lot of BS.

It will be interesting to see what she'll have to explain. For some reason, I don't get the vibe that there will some skiffy story involving a gardener tryst or other complications. You never know. People are weird.
I think she’ll be put in a position in which she has to admit that she killed him.

Whatever is on that video, clearly closed a lot of doors. Maybe all of them.
She doesnt look like she is big enough to manhandle an 11 yr old easily to me,especially a dead weight one.
I couldnt do it easily with my 7yr old,I mean I could do it but not incognito:)
Idk. Gannon is only 4’9 90 lbs. I’m 4”11 89 lbs and my little 12 year old granddaughter can easily pick me up. Surging adrenaline may be possible to increase her abilities.
Idk. Gannon is only 4’9 90 lbs. I’m 4”11 89 lbs and my little 12 year old granddaughter can easily pick me up. Surging adrenaline may be possible to increase her abilities.
Absolutely. I don’t question her physical ability to do this.

Whatever “this” turns out to be.
I am going to guess there's eventually going to be a massive drop of info about the conflict between the ex and the wife. You can say "joint custody" all you want, but the dad was actually in physical custody of both of the ex's children. Many times it just means an agreement has been made on paper, often limiting any child support. And, there is no mention of any "friendly arrangement" between the exes. It's likely it was not friendly, and based on some things I've read, there was retaliation involved way before all of this.

I'm best friends with first ex-husband, lol. I didn't get that impression here. It's perplexing why the ex would be staying at the home of the husband and his wife. If one of my children was missing, yeah, I would work on social media with my ex, but I would never stay in the home he shared with his wife. I would stay in a hotel. I would find it creepy. I didn't see friendliness between the exes at the PCs.
Something is weird about the whole situation.

I think that's what some people like about these investigations.... how all the dirt eventually gets turned up.
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Can someone explain what the difference would be between seeing camera footage on an iPad vs a TV? Is it the size? I have a tiny TV. If someone had a wide-screen TV there'd be better visuals? Someone mentioned audio, but my iPad has very good audio.

ETA: Also, I'm a little confused about how apparently multiple outlets have access to images/video, but nothing has leaked?

Not much IMO. I think the switch in devices may be inconsequential, and he just noticed on the second viewing.

Perhaps my eyes are old and/or my vision failing but in my opinion, there's no comparing the image and quality between my tablet/ipad and my LCD-HDTV or LED TV screens.

Home security surveillance footage is not always the best quality or comparable to a commercial camera system which is what we typically see when following cases. Whatever the neighbor employed to view his footage, I'm just grateful that he recovered something that appears to be helpful to investigators. MOO
I think she’ll be put in a position in which she has to admit that she killed him.

Whatever is on that video, clearly closed a lot of doors. Maybe all of them.
And I’m going to see that as karmic justice because it’s one thing to lose your cool and there’s a moment or an accident or whatever, and that’s horribly tragic enough, but when you fail to get aid, then lie, and not only lie, but on camera as if you’re on stage, but you’re too much of a coward to show your face, and you drag another kid in front of the camera to be your coached alibi....etc., etc....

I have such a person in my midst and their stories are always the same - missing the most critical elements that a normal and honest person would never omit, and they’re always the hero or victim, never the villain. And watch, it will be Gannon’s fault in some way. “If only he hadn’t...“
Perhaps my eyes are old and/or my vision failing but in my opinion, there's no comparing the image and quality between my tablet/ipad and my LCD-HDTV or LED TV screens.

Home security surveillance footage is not always the best quality or comparable to a commercial camera system which is what we typically see when following cases. Whatever the neighbor employed to view his footage, I'm just grateful that he recovered something that appears to be helpful to investigators. MOO
I find myself watching most media on my iPad 1-2 feet away which has a higher resolution than my 56” widescreen 6 feet away.
That might be a clue. I'm 5ft 6, 110 pounds. No way I could pick up a 90-pound child. Is the SM really that petite? You can be short but built like a rock. If really petite, perhaps someone else was involved.
When @GordianKnot said on page 3 of the 2nd thread: “Is this woman so clouded by her animosity toward GS's bio mom that she transferred those feelings of animosity over to GS?”, the answer is yes.

The answer was yes for my son anyway. My son was raised by his dad & his SM. She hated me so much that she verbally, emotionally & mentally abused my son from the time he was 7 until after he graduated high school.

When my son was 11 until the present day he has had suicidal ideation. It was so bad (it was/is always bad & very very sad but it was even worse between the ages of 11-12) that he had to be hospitalized at a place for mentally unstable adolescents until all of the abuse was confronted by his Drs to his SM & they all had to sign a legal document & had to agree to do family counseling & to get my son his own private counseling. Although it didn’t really help. A little bit here & there his SM would change for a few weeks but she ALWAYS ended up reverting back to her abusive ways.

I don’t want to be one of those parents who only talks about how this has affected them but I do want to say that all of that had to take place the way that it did bc I didn’t have legal custody of my son. It was devastating for me as a parent to be absolutely helpless to & for my son.

I don’t want to get into how angry it makes me & how badly it hurts me bc I’m not trying to make this all about me. I just want to share that it is possible for a step parent to hate the bio parent so much that they would abuse a child.

My child is now in his 20s. He has Stockholm syndrome, is a drug addict & allows women to physically abuse him, emotionally & mentally as well. Among other things.
So although he didn’t physically die by her hands, he is for the most part dead on the inside.

This is awful,I am so sorry for your son and for you. How dare this woman do that to him,she stole his childhood and his future too. I hope one day it becomes possible for your baby to realise his worth and have the life she took from him.
Why would his father stay with her knowing what she had done to his son?.
And I’m going to see that as karmic justice because it’s one thing to lose your cool and there’s a moment or an accident or whatever, and that’s horribly tragic enough, but when you fail to get aid, then lie, and not only lie, but on camera as if you’re on stage, but you’re too much of a coward to show your face, and you drag another kid in front of the camera to be your coached alibi....etc., etc....

I have such a person in my midst and their stories are always the same - missing the most critical elements that a normal and honest person would never omit, and they’re always the hero or victim, never the villain. And watch, it will be Gannon’s fault in some way. “If only he hadn’t...“
Oh, I have no doubt that there will be face saving going on here.

A woman who dedicates a news segment to airing her grievances, isn’t the type to admit fault. That was all about her, and this will always be about her.

Gannon caused this. Just wait for it...
Perhaps my eyes are old and/or my vision failing but in my opinion, there's no comparing the image and quality between my tablet/ipad and my LCD-HDTV or LED TV screens.

Home security surveillance footage is not always the best quality or comparable to a commercial camera system which is what we typically see when following cases. Whatever the neighbor employed to view his footage, I'm just grateful that he recovered something that appears to be helpful to investigators. MOO
Absolutely! But @GordianKnot said something up thread a couple post that I didn't even think about. This poor man had to see whatever it was on the video, tell GS dad and watch him break down, police, future witness, ect. S/he is so right. No good deed goes unpunished.
But, I bet that neighbor is still glad he went back through it, even thought it is going to make his life a little more stressful. At least, I hope, they will be able to get justice/bring Gannon home.

Did anyone else think he didnt seem distressed at all in his interview,he seemed quite relaxed to me,kind of gave me hope that what he saw was a good break and not a bad one,like maybe Dads tears were tears of relief?.
I realise this is probably wishful thinking,and even if it did show GS leaving alive he might not still be that way now,but I seem to have decided to become an optimist overnight!(very unlike me)
Well, after years of being a freelance writer online, I have to use glasses to see my computer or iPad, so maybe there is a big difference, and my tired old eyeballs wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Luckily, neighbor could!
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