CO - Gannon Stauch, 11, found deceased, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, 27 Jan 2020 *Arrest* #63

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The defense is cross examining this forensic psychologist. Defense attorney Josh Tolini is asking about childhood trauma leading to mental health issues later. The defense has said, Stauch was abused as a child, leading to her having mental health illnesses.
Throughout the trial I've had a reoccurring thought that a majority of her stories she tells/claims she makes...come from things she's seen in movies/tv/news/books etc. After hearing about her friends from twilight visiting her in Alaska..I feel pretty confident in my opinion.
When testifying about Letecia Stauch referencing vampires, Dr. Grimmett said, “Mrs. Stauch introduced a vampire called Justice and said there is a button in her cell where she could summon Justice, Jasmine…”

Dr. Grimmett said Letecia Stauch said she’s been experiencing the vampires since her stay in Alaska. She said Stauch referenced the vampires throughout the interview, and also directed Dr. Grimmett toward the movie Twilight.

Poor Mr. Tolini Cook.

We had a brilliant, factual, concise examination of Grimmet by the prosecution, and here comes the defense trying to confuse the jurors with rambling statements that he expects the expert to follow. :rolleyes:

Gotta give the guy an 'E' for effort....

I loved it when he said “ I realize we’re having a conversation, but you can’t just nod your head, you have to speak your answer “

Dr. Grimmett said “ I didn’t realize we were having a conversation “

Being asked about dissociation. She says what he's asking more about state-dependent learning.

He's talking about triggers for trauma memories.

One event of trauma can cause PTSD, but it doesn't always. They're talking now about C-PTSD vs PTSD.

The defense is talking about betrayal trauma, here. That the child needs the abuser to survive, that dissociation facilitates that. This is all solid, by the way. He's not pulling it from nowhere.

Dissociation is a continuum. That is correct.

Code-switching is not dissociation, by the way. That's why she calls him on it - 'that's a conscious process'.

He's wrong that it's all or nothing with the memories being all held by one self and not by the day to day self, by the way. I always retained a significant amount. I also have significant gaps and I have no idea what, if anything, went on in those gaps. For some it might be all or nothing, but not everyone.

It think that this is the first confirmation that she actually was being treated for 'anxiety and stress'.

He's talking about overt vs covert. He's implying that nobody spent enough time with her to diagnose DID. Also that she might have had 'minimal disruptions'. She swings this back to the point - that she was evaluating competency.

Now he's implying the structure of the jail could have made her less stressed and appear normal?

Now he's mentioning the window from seeking help to a correct dx of DID. 4-6 years. That's shorter than it used to be.

Discussing differential diagnosis for DID. Borderline can present similarly to DID. Talking about Cluster B personality disorders, which includes antisocial, histrionic, borderline and narcissistic.

'Psychopath is not a diagnosis'. It's a label, not a clinical diagnosis.
Lots of acronyms being thrown out for every mental disorder so that no one gets anything out of this? DID, OCD, NPD, BPD,....abcdefg

It's too bad that they aren't getting into these serious matters in more depth in an attempt to confuse Jurors? I'm sure Jurors must feel their heads are spinning. JMO

On to Clusters. When did they start doing Clusters? Before her time. She says they no longer have clusters, and that throws him, shows her the DSM-5, she says oh he's smart again.

Anti-Social, Psychopath she's defining it... nobody diagnosed her for that? Back to Borderline and Dr. Grimmett is defining Borderline.

Dr. Grimmett also said Letecia Stauch talked about Gannon and his death. She said Stauch, based on her religious beliefs, believed Gannon could be brought back to life. Dr. Grimmett said, “clinically it appeared delusional,” but it was something to explore further.
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