CO - Richard & Mayumi Heene charged in Balloon Boy hoax, Fort Collins, 2009 - #1

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So his big announcement was to "put your questions in a box?" about he goes into a've got to be kidding me. Stop covering these people now.

hold on, maybe he's going to pull a rabit from the box...
This father/family needs to stop getting attention about this whole thing. By giving it more attention,we are fueling the fires...just what he wanted.:furious:
When children go missing, parents usually call 911 first, not the local news with the brightest newschopper.
When children go missing, parents usually call 911 first, not the local news with the brightest newschopper.

Yeah, it's not like most people have the FAA number and the local TV station numbers memorized and always handy, so they would have to wait.
Loss for words here


That was interesting. Good find, Spawngasm.

Hey, you guys, just a word - be careful if you want to sleuth into who "4chan" is - or rather be careful if you want to click on the actual site. You can probably read about it somewhere like wikipedia without clicking the actual site if you're curious, but go to the site and you - well, you just dont know what you'll see and it could melt your brain. Ok it wont melt your brain; but be careful. :)

Those photos are well done except for a couple of mistakes like the Pizza Hut boxes (vs Papa John's) and the address is wrong isn't it? The house has a "34" in the addy, and the receipt has "731" as the addy. Also, the second picture... um... just unfortunate placement of the brother's head. (Sorry; clearly my brain doesn't work right.) :)

Also, notice how in the one of Falcon accepting the 3 pizzas, his head is just above the pizza boxes, and the boxes separate his head from the rest of him. (Placement of the head can, at times, scream "photoshop.") Someone probably got the idea from all that repeat footage of the kids munching pizza yesterday. Gotta give um this much; Those 4channers are a bunch of naughty little scamps - at times amusing - (at times very disturbing); and it's anonymous so, ....well get the idea (hence the warning if you're a delicate flower.) :)

Great find tho.

This father/family needs to stop getting attention about this whole thing. By giving it more attention,we are fueling the fires...just what he wanted.:furious:
I agree as far as giving them more "attention." But I dont want to let it drop yet b/c I really do believe this was a stunt and they should be held responsible for the "rescue" costs. In that vein, I dont want to let it drop yet, particularly since that sherrif keeps saying he believes them. As someone mentioned, (hopefully) he was just lullling them into feeling relaxed by saying they're believed. I guess we'll see how the re-interview goes today. Anyway, since many people are outraged, it's motivated people to dig deeper and these are the folks who may come across bits of evidence to piece the puzzle together.
FORT COLLINS - A man whose experimental balloon took off and raced across the Colorado sky on Thursday - reportedly with that man's 6-year-old son aboard - says he plans to give a "big announcement" at 10 a.m. Saturday morning.

How con-VEEN-ient :) (TM Dana Carvey, "the Church Lady") (below) Dad wants the questions to be collected in a box so he can read them first and have time to organize an answer, and also he can ignore any questions that he doesn't like. Perfect.

" 'OK, I got people e-mailing me, calling me. They've got a lot of questions, and I don't know how to, quite frankly, answer any of them, other than - I've got a box, so, later on tonight, 7:30, I want to meet you guys again. I can look these questions over, and then I can answer them, OK?' Heene said. "


ETA: Did they get an attorney or did I make that up?

so who's the real moron/ manipulator/ attention-seeker here.. the dad or the mainstream media, which goes crazy over every story it knows will get top ratings (before doing thorough fact-checking) and then beats it to death....???
That was interesting. Good find, Spawngasm.

Hey, you guys, just a word - be careful if you want to sleuth into who "4chan" is - or rather be careful if you want to click on the actual site. You can probably read about it somewhere like wikipedia without clicking the actual site if you're curious, but go to the site and you - well, you just dont know what you'll see and it could melt your brain. Ok it wont melt your brain; but be careful. :)

Those photos are well done except for a couple of mistakes like the Pizza Hut boxes (vs Papa John's) and the address is wrong isn't it? The house has a "34" in the addy, and the receipt has "731" as the addy. Also, the second picture... um... just unfortunate placement of the brother's head. (Sorry; clearly my brain doesn't work right.) :)

Also, notice how in the one of Falcon accepting the 3 pizzas, his head is just above the pizza boxes, and the boxes separate his head from the rest of him. (Placement of the head can, at times, scream "photoshop.") Someone probably got the idea from all that repeat footage of the kids munching pizza yesterday. Gotta give um this much; Those 4channers are a bunch of naughty little scamps - at times amusing - (at times very disturbing); and it's anonymous so, ....well get the idea (hence the warning if you're a delicate flower.) :)

Great find tho.


I noticed that too, but there's a Papa John's delivery vehicle behind the reporter. The only address on the receipt is for the restaurant. It's possible 4chan also had Pizza Hut delivered as well, I dunno. I mess around in photoshop and really can't tell if the pictures are photoshoped, imo they seem legit.
so who's the real moron/ manipulator/ attention-seeker here.. the dad or the mainstream media, which goes crazy over every story it knows will get top ratings (before doing thorough fact-checking) and then beats it to death....???
I see your point; but with or without the media circus, the rescuers would have had to respond. And if it was merely a stunt, all that search expense was wasted. That's what I care about. (other than the boy actually being safe, of course)

He is the one in control. He has the spotlight. All the people who are so interested in him will have to wait until he is ready, a time that more people will be watching. In my opinion that is one sick, controlling man and this was a prank planned out from the beginning. If that sheriff can't see through this, I wonder how good he is at solving other crimes. Yes, I think this is a crime. He falsely reported that his son was in danger, when I believe he knew where he was all the time. He should have to pay all the expenses for all who tried to help. Those poor kids! Someone needs to help them before it is too late. Little Falcon has been in such trouble from what he said to Wolf Blitzer, he was so stressed that he got sick when the question was asked again.
I think people should boycott any show that he might ever be offered. It makes me sick to think of him ever having a show. Now I want to imitate Falcon.
" 'OK, I got people e-mailing me, calling me. They've got a lot of questions, and I don't know how to, quite frankly, answer any of them, other than - I've got a box, so, later on tonight, 7:30, I want to meet you guys again. I can look these questions over, and then I can answer them, OK?' Heene said. "


snipped, but I agree.

BBM. Here he's basically admitting he's a liar, and not a good one that can improvise. If he was telling the truth he could answer the questions, frankly, right off the bat but making up a story takes time.
He is the one in control. He has the spotlight. All the people who are so interested in him will have to wait until he is ready, a time that more people will be watching. In my opinion that is one sick, controlling man and this was a prank planned out from the beginning. If that sheriff can't see through this, I wonder how good he is at solving other crimes. Yes, I think this is a crime. He falsely reported that his son was in danger, when I believe he knew where he was all the time. He should have to pay all the expenses for all who tried to help. Those poor kids! Someone needs to help them before it is too late. Little Falcon has been in such trouble from what he said to Wolf Blitzer, he was so stressed that he got sick when the question was asked again.
I think people should boycott any show that he might ever be offered. It makes me sick to think of him ever having a show. Now I want to imitate Falcon.
Exactly. I dont watch reality TV as it is, but I'd never watch anything with these people in it.

So they couldn't find him in the attic, yet it was his "favorite" place to hide? I think people are freaking out b/c from what that sheriff said yesterday, it sounds like perhaps they're going to get away with it and that's just sad.... and infuriating too.

I wish Wolf had asked that brother why he lied and said that he SAW Falcon get in the contraption.

kant-- i wholeheartedly agree with you. a total waste of resources, and a big breakdown of communication somewhere along the line, whether it was a hoax or not. i just wish the authorities could have dealt with it quickly w/o the usual media circus. if it turns out to be true, even if the dad was making a 'point' or whatever.. he/they should be arrested & punished for making false reports. and to make a little kid lie and go through this on national TV....?? it's abusive and criminal. you can almost see the guilty look on the boy's face, as if he's confused about the whole thing and knows the dad is lying (just my observation at the moment). the whole thing seems cruel and sick... it's like vicious cycle of reality TV gone haywire...

I see your point; but with or without the media circus, the rescuers would have had to respond. And if it was merely a stunt, all that search expense was wasted. That's what I care about. (other than the boy actually being safe, of course)

I see your point; but with or without the media circus, the rescuers would have had to respond. And if it was merely a stunt, all that search expense was wasted. That's what I care about. (other than the boy actually being safe, of course)


The father himself has alerted the media. It has been reported the family called the local news station even before calling 911, supposedly to get a helicopter.
I wonder if the boys get punished if they lie to Dad and Mom. :waitasec:
kant-- i wholeheartedly agree with you. a total waste of resources, and a big breakdown of communication somewhere along the line, whether it was a hoax or not. i just wish the authorities could have dealt with it quickly w/o the usual media circus. if it turns out to be true, even if the dad was making a 'point' or whatever.. he/they should be arrested & punished for making false reports. and to make a little kid lie and go through this on national TV....?? it's abusive and criminal. you can almost see the guilty look on the boy's face, as if he's confused about the whole thing and knows the dad is lying (just my observation at the moment). the whole thing seems cruel and sick... it's like vicious cycle of reality TV gone haywire...
And having the kids lie I mean having kids lie to cops is so different than a little white lie like, "Tell Granny she looks nice." Yikes.

If there are any attorneys here or anyone who knows, what about this? Unless I misunderstood, Richard was so freaked out by the prospect of the kids "getting electrocuted" if they were goofing around near the thing (b/c he said that it had "a million volts" or some high voltage number) would that make it qualify as an "attractive nuisance" type of danger? (like a pool with no fence?)

Also, if it were high voltage did Richard tell rescuers that? B/c it looked like they just ran up to it and started touching it etc. Or am I misunderstanding something?

And another thing, that one brother who said that he SAW Falcon get in, why didn't he yell, "OMG Falcon's in there!" as the ballon was filmed launching? Or did he yell that and I didnt' hear it?

Did you guys see anything weird about the Mom during the launch? In the launch video was the Mom yelling for Falcon before they even thought he was in there? Iow did she hit her acting que too early?

Also, in one of othose articles Richard is saying that he doesn't have cable so he, "doesn't know what people are saying" about him. Well, that is disingenuous b/c he clearly has internet. (He posts plenty of YouTubes doesn't he?)

BLARG Pass the bucket.

He doesn't know what the news is saying, so he needs time to get his story straight. Yeah right. This is the guy who is all over the internet on you tube, been on reality tv. Sheesh!

snipped from article>

"Friends are telling me this and that [and] I have no idea what the news is saying. I don't have a cable, OK?" Heene claimed.

Bizarre balloon boy dad Richard Heene says hot air caper 'no hoax,' but refuses more questions

BY Judith Crosson In Fort Collins, Colo. and Tracy Connor

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