Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #49

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Letter to the judge written by one of the hosts of the MRS podcasts...and denied - undoubtedly fueling their vitriol.
Lol, if this is who is guiding them, who they are taking advice from, I have no words. I don’t want to break any rules, so I will not repeat the comment one of the hosts made on their site, but let’s just say they have no knowledge of the law, this process and no idea what they are talking about.
Lol, if this is who is guiding them, who they are taking advice from, I have no words. I don’t want to break any rules, so I will not repeat the comment one of the hosts made on their site, but let’s just say they have no knowledge of the law, this process and no idea what they are talking about.

You can paraphrase or summarize the comments from the host.
I’m thinking maybe there is some truth to this “letter” and maybe it is being used by the prosecution as evidence to illustrate premeditation and some kind of elaborate plan by CW to rid himself of his family.
I wouldn't be surprised if CW lied to his family about SW being abusive and making threats. If he did that, he probably would have lied to his AP(s) about that as well.

I had a db ex bf who told his new gf that I was threatening her while telling me the same about her. Of course he was lying about all of it.
Letter to the judge written by one of the hosts of the MRS podcasts...and denied - undoubtedly fueling their vitriol.
Amazing that CW’s parents did not even write the letter themselves, nor have they obviously hired an attorney. At what point will they be shut down and told it has been at CW’s behest to have no contact with him and the Defense is following his orders? Something tells me they will continue to not believe it, however, even if it comes from his own mouth. Just like they didn’t when he distanced himself after they refused to attend his wedding...all SW’s fault.
Wow. What in the actual *bleep* is happening right now? I can't believe I'm saying this, but I kind of understand CW's thinking in this matter. If this is their typical reaction to him doing something they don't like, it's not hard to see why he cut them out of the communication loop regarding his legal decisions. Mercy.


When I heard his mother set out peanuts when her grandkids came to visit that had deathly reactions to peanuts, I knew something was wrong. Either she's forgetful or vindictive to scare her daughter-in-law, or maybe didn't care if they got ill. :(
They are in compete denial. It might take some time for them to accept the truth. His mom might never accept it, and if not, she risks being very bitter the rest of her life. She cannot recover from this blow unless she accepts the truth, and if she doesn't recover, then it is like another loss of life. I have sympathy for her shock, though I don't find her likeable. I do hope she finds her way to acceptance and peace, however long that might take. I also hope people "let her go" because these interviews don't help anyone, imo, except to sell stories and get clicks, I suppose. The info adds nothing but bitterness and I think should be avoided by all. She is a victim, even if unlikable, too.

I'm trying to put myself in her shoes. I would never have gave the interview she did, or bad-mouthed my dead DIL, however if my son was in jail for a heinous crime and I wasn't being allowed to speak with him, I might have cause for concern that his confession was coerced. Now, IMO, it's obvious that CW did this crime and the mother is in denial. But I would feel uneasy about not being able to hear what's going on in my son's head. JMO.
How could SW 'isolate' him from his family? He had a cell phone. He could have called any of his family members any and every day. He worked at least 8 hours a day. How would she stop him from calling home? Or texting or emailing or face timing them?

Who. exactly denied them' contact with their son? If Chris had wanted to call them from jail, during his allotted phone time, he could have. His attorneys could not prevent that.

I think they are lashing out at the wrong people. JMO
It's possible but if he had his own cell phone and was free to come and go for work, it sounds like he was trying to avoid his own mother.
He may have lied and blamed his wife, so he had an excuse for not keeping in touch.
CW's Objection to Expanded Media Coverage: to EMC.pdf

#6 of 9: "Counsel is aware that witnesses may be called to give emotional and difficult testimony and statements concerning the sentence in the case. Counsel fears that the existence of video DATE FILED: November 13, 2018 3:32 PM 2 and/or audio broadcasting from the courtroom may cause the witnesses additional undue stress and fear."

Order regarding Expanded Media Coverage: Concerning Expanded Media Coverage.pdf

"Given the nature of the hearing and the factors set forth above, this Court finds and concludes that certain expanded media coverage is appropriate, fair, and provides access of the proceedings to the public. Therefore, expanded media coverage for the sentencing hearing scheduled on November 19, 2018 beginning @ 10:00 a.m. is granted."
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You can paraphrase or summarize the comments from the host.
Thank you, this was a written comment they made “ the degree he pled too is irrelevant because that would have been decided by a jury, it doesn’t matter what the charge is.” Umm no, if his defense could have pled it down to a lesser charge they would have, the degree is very relevant. They go on to say a plea is just an agreement, not an admission of guilt, that is also decided by a jury.
As much as I believe that CW is guilty, I've hesitated against calling him "evil" because I generally think it's more complicated than that. I like to come at it from a psych standpoint and it's the pathology behind the psychopaths, FAs, sociopaths, etc. that really interests me. After watching all these interviews, though, I'm at a loss. I see narcissism. I see denial. I see manipulation. Outright aggression. But dang it, I also just see flat-out evil. I've had lots of sympathy for SW when it comes to her death, but now I have it for her life, too. No wonder they moved to CO. She'd have never done anything right. It wouldn't have mattered what she did or how she tried to smooth things over, she'd have never been good enough for CW. And while I lack sympathy for CW, a picture is starting to form around him and I've had a few light bulb moments. I bet he's never really had to take responsibility for anything. This whole thing must come as a huge shocker to him.
Why was the only option placing them all in one grave? How about digging 3 separate graves? Duh.

You've just made me think of something. The tanks are a much 'better' hiding place than the shallow grave. What if the shallow grave was plan B? If that was plan B, then what would plan A have been and why couldn't he achieve plan A?

He ought to have been aware enough of the size of the holes on the tanks and that Shanann couldn't go in one and the girls in the other ... if weight distribution was one of his concerns it would be a higher differential than putting one girl in each tank, but that could have been plan A?

It's possible that it was the reverse, that trying to dig a deeper and larger grave was too much work and he looked up and saw the tanks and figured that would be an option, but that would only work for the girls, so he had to separate the bodies.

Where was the sheet from the bed? Was it laying loose nearby or was it part of the 'grave'? Then there's the plastic bag that might have had a footprint on it.

I think once CW got to the oil site he felt he had to leave the bodies there, but his original plan might not have worked and so he decided to do it this way, and it's left the site a little bit haphazard?

@stereopticons ... how many murderers would have that much awareness of the psychology of not wanting to put the bodies together for the reason CW's father says that CW told him? It doesn't even make any logical sense as the girls were in those vile tanks and weren't even 'huddled up together' as CW said he hoped they were in his media interview. What was the real reason for three distinctly separate, though relatively close, locations? What did CW really think Shanann had done to deserve to be separated from the girls? Is he talking about in life or in death? Because if that is the truth of what he said, and the truth of what he was feeling at some point, then it carries insight if we can unravel the clues? It seems reminiscent of a family annihilator who murders to punish the victims, like when they murder the children to punish an ex-spouse.

Btw by saying a 'better' hiding place I only mean from the perspective of a murderer trying to cover up his crime, I am not suggesting that it's in any way reasonable or decent.
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