GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #57

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Wow. I have no words.:mad:
Quote from Discovery Document:

"+ August 19,2018 Kessinger searched the internet on topics related to Amber Frey the mistress of Scott Peterson; he murdered his wife ond unborn child. Her searches included Frey's book deal, her net worth and "did people hate Amber Frey'' [43 - Web History: 1050 et al] End of review Page 150 D0622018CR002003 DISCOVERY PAGE 2130"

edited to moo

Beyond disturbing!
Paraphrasing here, but at one point in the interview cw or () as I like to refer to him mentions to the detectives. It just wasn’t the same anymore, everything was about the kids. I think this is very telling, I think the resented his kids, his wife and his life! Also very chilling in how he answers the detectives questions, doesn’t answer questioning directly many times. Instead focuses on the parts of the questions and about how it affects him! People like him don’t with emotion or any sort of feelings, but rather with mundane details, i believe this is how he cummicated throughout his entire life. Moo

Also I don’t believe he ever helped out around the house unless he was absolutely forced too. I believe he was generally lazy and was not the loving father that he was portrayed to be! Sure he played with the kids on the floor from time to time and doted on them in public. But it’s obvious that he was very selfish and only cared about his own needs! I think it’s very sad that all the watts tormented sw in life and even after death! SW was a loving mother, wife, daughter, sister and nothing anyone says can change that!
Chris Watts plotted to kill family at a birthday party then fed and showered girls before murders | Daily Mail Online
Watts had taken the girls to a birthday party on the afternoon of Sunday, August 12, and while Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3, played in the pool their father started texting co-worker Kodi Roberts.

At 5.06pm that evening, Watts set in motion his plan for disposing of his wife and daughters' bodies, as he texted Roberts that he would be making the drive out to one of the more distant oil fields that was managed by his company, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation.

Shanann's father was one of the last people to see the girls, revealing he spoke to them on FaceTime on Sunday evening.

Frank Rzucek stated in an interview with law enforcement officials that he spoke with both Watts and Bella, who was eating cold pizza and candy.

A babysitter, who was the sister of the birthday boy whose party Watts and the girls attended that Sunday, also spoke with an agent with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation.

She said that on Saturday Watts had asked her to watch the children while he attended a Rockies game, though it was later revealed that he was actually on a date with his mistress, Nichol Kessinger.

It was her first time babysitting for the family, with the normal sitter who is a close friend of Shannon's not called in for reasons that are not stated in the reports.

The babysitter did have a different version of events as to what happened the following day though, saying that Watts left the party much earlier than he told authorities.

'[The babysitter] stated the following day, Sunday August 12, 2018, Chris, Celeste and Bella came to her home for a birthday party for her younger brother,' reads the CBI report. 'Celeste and Bella are friends of her younger brother. [The babysitter] recalled Chris and his daughters left her home at about 3.30pm.'

Watts' co-worker Roberts later told an agent with the Colorado Bureau of Investigation that it was 'unusual' that Watts had texted him on a weekend, and stated that he did arrive to the site alone on Monday morning.

Okay, so that sounds like:

Sat Night: Date with NZ
Sun day: Birthday party. Left around 3:30 (I am going with the witness time, not CW's time).
5:06pm Text to co-worker after returned from party (or texted from party if he was still there)
Sun dinner: Cold pizza and candy (last supper?)
Sun evening: Skype with Grandpa
Sun evening: Bedtime....murdered after they were asleep, I assume.

I think he did leave the party earlier than he said and when he got home he was just sick and tired of taking care of the kids and relationship conversations with SW, especially after a date with NK the night before. I think he made the decision between 3:30 and 5:00 that "today was the day."

Any texts with NK that evening? (I have the doc open, but find it hard to find specific info!)

Yes - he found out about the trouble at 319 only on Friday afternoon when he met his colleague

IMO this thing is not about snapping, but about him being opportunistic

He'd already decided to kill them weeks before.

SW being away presented the opportunity. The leak at CERVI 319 created a perfect opportunity on Friday
Yes, I can see that was all unfolding for him to take the opportunity.

It had been on his mind, imo, and things started to fall into place (well, not really, but in his mind).

I think I missed some of the vitriol towards her since I left last night and haven't had a chance to be here hardly at all today.

I did point out some discepancies, and wondered why they hadn't pursued any charges for not being honest with LE, but I refrained from name-calling. It does disturb me when people are allowed to get away with things like that without prosecution because it sets up the next person to be less than honest, etc... Ultimately, I'm sure the authorities have much more important issues to pursue and that is why this was let go. Everything we're learning came from them so they are aware.

I am disturbed to discover she is completely different than Amber Frey. I do mean completely different. Her words to LE don't align with her actions at all. I can only imagine she was lapping up CW's lies about what a bad person SW was and fueling that fire in a variety of ways.

She had no respect for a woman whose wedding rings she was telling him to hock when she didn't even know where SW was or what had happened to them yet. The things she googled about marrying your mistress and such tell us she was completely aware she was, indeed, the mistress of a married man who wasn't at the end of his divorce.

I don't believe she was directly involved in the murders but the information we have now informs us that she isn't necessarily psychologically sound herself or a even a person of good morals in general.

I have only followed posts here, so I may not have the whole story.

But I heard mentioned that her wedding ring was found. In the United States, people very much differentiate wedding rings and engagement rings. The engagement ring has the diamonds and the expensive stones.

Did they ever find the engagement ring?
Okay, so that sounds like:

Sat Night: Date with NZ
Sun day: Birthday party. Left around 3:30 (I am going with the witness time, not CW's time).
5:06pm Text to co-worker after returned from party (or texted from party if he was still there)
Sun dinner: Cold pizza and candy (last supper?)
Sun evening: Skype with Grandpa
Sun evening: Bedtime....murdered after they were asleep, I assume.

I think he did leave the party earlier than he said and when he got home he was just sick and tired of taking care of the kids and relationship conversations with SW, especially after a date with NK the night before. I think he made the decision between 3:30 and 5:00 that "today was the day."

Any texts with NK that evening? (I have the doc open, but find it hard to find specific info!)

He arrived at NK's approx 5:30 pm Saturday.

Page 505 of the PDF (Page 572 of Discovery) - On Saturday they went to the Lazy Dog off 144th and I-25. They went to another Lazy Dog at 120th and Federal prior but did not eat there. CHRIS never mentioned a Rockies game that night. He got a young babysitter that night who was 17 years old and he could only stay until 10pm. He came to her home about 5:30 pm.

He left to be home by 10. He text messaged her later that night and said he had stopped on the way home to get cash to pay the babysitter.

My notes say:
Page 1886 (Discovery page 2081) - Cell phone reviews for CW, SW and NK begin.
IMO he felt he "knew" needed to separate from Shanann... actually not separate but murder her, and his babies, because he was involved in an affair that he was too much of a coward to admit to with someone who googled anal sex and something to the effect of per the documents was the first person who liked him for who he was. And was worth paying dinner for while not being able to afford his mortgage and his pregnant wife begged to save their marriage. jmo

Yeah, but Shanann had been what she thought was a diamond in the rough and had loved him when he was a chunky dork. Shanann had polished him and given him self confidence. Wonder if NK would have been attracted to the chubby, awkward, dorky version of Chris.
Yes - he found out about the trouble at 319 only on Friday afternoon when he met his colleague

IMO this thing is not about snapping, but about him being opportunistic

He'd already decided to kill them weeks before.

SW being away presented the opportunity. The leak at CERVI 319 created a perfect opportunity on Friday
I totally agree he didn't snap. I think his rage had been simmering and simmering at least since he met NK but probably before that (if the other affairs are true).

I also think he made the decision "quickly" in the sense he made it when he figured out how to be at the worksite on his own that morning. He might have thought about disposal scenarios in the past so he was ready for opportunities. He might have had other plans in mind too, we don't know.

I also think the plan was to stage it to look like SW ran away. But he didn't know about the doc appointment, and her friend ruined his plans by checking up on SW at the house that morning. That is one reason I think CW's plan was not completely formed - he fantasized and planned, but not specifically for that particular night. Or....just as likely....he only considered the plans from his point of view, forgetting that SW would have friends and family checking on her.

He arrived at NK's approx 5:30 pm Saturday.

Page 505 of the PDF (Page 572 of Discovery) - On Saturday they went to the Lazy Dog off 144th and I-25. They went to another Lazy Dog at 120th and Federal prior but did not eat there. CHRIS never mentioned a Rockies game that night. He got a young babysitter that night who was 17 years old and he could only stay until 10pm. He came to her home about 5:30 pm.

My notes say:
Page 1886 (Discovery page 2081) - Cell phone reviews for CW, SW and NK begin.
Smart you to take notes! I neglected that....could start now I suppose. :)
I think it shows she is not quite what her Denver Post carefully crafted PR interview would have us believe...that she truly cared deeply about SW and the children upon their deaths. Her almost immediate move to ponder/research about her own potential windfall at their expense is chilling to me. I would have been in a broken stupor if I had been her. But that's just me. IMO

And he annihilated his entire family for that and a freedom he never got to taste and never will.

It IS chilling.
Agreed - I noted this yesterday.

Also - 3months behind on the mortgage and credit cards maxed.
But let's look at an Audi Q7.

It was what does it feel li
What time was the FaceTime and what time did he text Shanann that's bella just got back in bed?
Face time call was at 5:02pm. SW's text was at 7:46pm
1707 hours: Watts called Sandy Rzucek and held a nearly twelve minute conversation
1946 hours: Shanann asked "Hey honey, kids in bed" and asked for pictures. Watts replied "Bella just back in bed." Shanann noted, "They must be exhausted."

I’m not even halfway through the docs! Has anyone come across an interview with his sister?
I did not see an interview with the the sister. But did see in SW's mother's letter about the sister offering to send out invites for CW & SW's engagement party. When no one came but immediate family, SW asked her friends about it and they said they were never invited. His family sounded terrible. (Page 1401)

Okay, so that sounds like:

Sat Night: Date with NZ
Sun day: Birthday party. Left around 3:30 (I am going with the witness time, not CW's time).
5:06pm Text to co-worker after returned from party (or texted from party if he was still there)
Sun dinner: Cold pizza and candy (last supper?)
Sun evening: Skype with Grandpa
Sun evening: Bedtime....murdered after they were asleep, I assume.

I think he did leave the party earlier than he said and when he got home he was just sick and tired of taking care of the kids and relationship conversations with SW, especially after a date with NK the night before. I think he made the decision between 3:30 and 5:00 that "today was the day."

Any texts with NK that evening? (I have the doc open, but find it hard to find specific info!)

I believe there was a telephone call on Sunday night, between 9pm and 11pm. Page 649.

NICHOL recalled CHRIS telling her on Sunday (August 12, 2018) that he was not going to come to the office and was going to a pump site. She recalled during this phone conversation on August 12, 2018 that a television was playing in the background and she thought it was strange CHRIS was watching television very late at night. NICHOL believed CHRIS was waiting up for SHANANN to arrive home from Arizona that evening that is why the television was on.

They also later facetimed that night. I don't see any timelines of the exact times:

NICHOL said she ended the phone conversation with CHRIS and he later “facetimed” her that evening (August 12, 2018). She said on the video call CHRIS was wearing a black “wife beater” t-shirt and he was laying on a mattress with no sheets on it.

NICHOL did not know what bed CHRIS was on but said it did not look like his makeshift basement bedroom. NICHOL said the mattress CHRIS was laying on could have been blue in color.
Last edited:
Reading through pdf also showed that SW had wonderful, supportive friends (CW as well).
We teach women to stand up and not be a doormat. But who would ever imagine that you might lose your life for speaking your mind?

I think it was Frank Sr who said that his wife was Italian and could add stress
to SW. But truly, isn't the Italian way better? Say what's on your mind. Maybe explode, yell but then it's over and life goes on.

It's healthier than a slow burn, swallowing
hurt, and being a powderkeg who slaughters his family.

What was the meaning of CW searching volcanos?

Did he want to visit and hike around one w.ith NK?
Did he view SW as a volcano?
Did he view himself as a bubbling volcano?

yes, I do think it's healthier to speak your mind then stew.
Smart you to take notes! I neglected that....could start now I suppose. :)
I was trying to create an index, but unfortunately many of the pages referenced here were the discovery page (vs. the pdf page) so it's pretty screwed up. At the rate the threads are moving, I don't know whether I'll ever get it cleaned up or that it will even be useful at this point. MOO
Was he working at that particular worksite on Friday? When was the last time he was there?

I just keep wondering if he had that gravesite prepared in some way - that he had it ready for when he needed to use it.


Ok back from the vet trying to catch up.

I was thinking of that and actually seeing as he had a work truck at his disposal he could have gone out there at anytime. Very rural and if one of the ranch hands saw him/the truck they would not have given it a second thought so maybe he did go out another day. We will never know but I think if he did he would have dug it deeper, if there was only 8 inches of soil over the highest part of her buried body the wind would have uncovered her quickly.
Only my opinion. NO I DO NOT! Most killers are repeat killers. I was flying on CONAIR the the inmate transport planes run by the U.S. Marshals when I was an inmate, and was chained up next to a serial killer for a few hours. Had a good chance to talk and observe him.

Think he told me he killed like 5 people. I was being transferred from a Federal Prison in Texas to Calif and he was on his way to court somewhere. He told me after you killed the first time...THE REST WERE EASY! Despite having a weird look in his eyes, he seemed normal to me, and well educated. I wasn't really afraid because he was chained up and so was I. He seemed like some guy you would meet in line at Starbucks. I never forgot that. Could he be rehabilitated, based on his comments, I'd say no. I'm no shrink but I know how to read people!

@Larry Levine - First off.....thanks for joining, posting and answering all our questions. It's great to have you here with us. :)

I find it interesting that you mentioned the serial killer's weird look in his eyes. I've noticed a certain look in the eyes of many killers that I've seen on TV or in pictures. It seems once you've seen the look you can't unsee it. Have you noticed that same look in the eyes time and time again?
Remind me, do we know in general when the girls went to bed normally? Wasn’t it between 6:30-8pm? I am leaning towards, they came home from the party on Sunday, Skyped with SW’s parents, ate cold pizza, then the girls went to bed by maybe 6:30pm? Would thwy sleep for 9-10 hours? So Chris went out and grilled alone (neighbors saw him). I don’t have kids—would you grill outside for however long and leave them alone inside (if they were awake)? Then I’m torn on whether he killed the girls earlier evening, or after 2:30am (when SW tried to use her credit card and it was declined). Maybe he did kill everyone around 4am. I want to go back to the docs and see if he had phone activity on his device between 2:30am and 5:30am.

Discovery page 460. Mackenzie babysitter said strict bedtime of 19:00
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