GUILTY CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW LWOP* #72

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What a load of phooey, the only part I believe is when he tells the FBI he wasn’t going to take his own life and the reason I believe that is because he hasn’t.
Self serving, delusional, narcissistic, repulsive poor excuse of a man. For heavens sake will you (CW) just shut up and go away.

Dad’s grisly letter on how he killed family
What a load of phooey, the only part I believe is when he tells the FBI he wasn’t going to take his own life and the reason I believe that is because he hasn’t.
Self serving, delusional, narcissistic, repulsive poor excuse of a man. For heavens sake will you (CW) just shut up and go away.

Dad’s grisly letter on how he killed family

The media need to stop giving him the oxygen of publicity, the attention is all he has to live for now. Leave him to rot.
Could he have given her something else that showed up as alcohol in her tox screen? I can’t believe what I am reading... sick all over again.
Authorities release autopsy reports of Shanann Watts, daughters
District Attorney Michael Rourke said the autopsy reports were not initially released because Shanann’s blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was determined to be .128. However, that result is consistent with normal body decomposition under the circumstances in which Shanann’s body was buried.
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One thing is certain, sitting in prison for a year hasn’t taught him a thing!

The horrendous murders of his family has only bounced around in his head as to how to spin the story as he wrote in his confession.

We haven’t heard one word of regret, shame, sorry, or anything close to him being in the wrong. His thoughts were all with being with his mistress. A grown man who was living in Neverland. Never take responsibility for doing anything wrong. In his mind, he is perfect! He never learned that there were consequences for doing things wrong! Mommy or Daddy couldn’t get him out of this!

And in his narcissistic god-complex deluded mind he now believes he’s solid with Jesus. :rolleyes:

I’m no theologian but I’m pretty sure redemption requires a changed heart and remorse.
One thing is certain, sitting in prison for a year hasn’t taught him a thing!

The horrendous murders of his family has only bounced around in his head as to how to spin the story as he wrote in his confession.

We haven’t heard one word of regret, shame, sorry, or anything close to him being in the wrong. His thoughts were all with being with his mistress. A grown man who was living in Neverland. Never take responsibility for doing anything wrong. In his mind, he is perfect! He never learned that there were consequences for doing things wrong! Mommy or Daddy couldn’t get him out of this!

You said it! That's just my opinion. No remorse at all.
Wow. This just keeps cropping back up.

The only thing I believe is that it was planned in advance. I said all along this was not a spontaneous act in a fit of rage, any normal person would be traumatized, not laughing and joking with his work mates 45 minutes after dropping his dead babies in oil tanks. I still can’t comprehend people believing his original story. You can’t just “decide” not to be traumatized.

This guy is an absolute psychopath. You don’t even know where to begin unpacking it all. He’s just messing with people now. It’s crazy. What’s crazier is that he made it so far in life without anyone noticing anything was off with this guy.
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I don't think Amazon has it yet, I heard something about it arriving at Amazon right after the release by the publisher. But here is the page:
Thanks. I saw a specific date somewhere and wanted to tell Alexa. I'm sure I'll come across it again - I just thought someone might remember. :)

Have you see this one?

The Perfect Father: The True Story of Chris Watts, His All-American Family, and a Shocking Murder Hardcover – 21 July 2020
by John Glatt (Author)
Thanks. I saw a specific date somewhere and wanted to tell Alexa. I'm sure I'll come across it again - I just thought someone might remember. :)

Have you see this one?

The Perfect Father: The True Story of Chris Watts, His All-American Family, and a Shocking Murder Hardcover – 21 July 2020
by John Glatt (Author)
No. It's kind of like sticking one's fingers in holes in the dam, unfortunately. I'm thinking of making a list here of the Watts books on Amazon that accept reviews. There are also several from the author Brenda Irish Heintzelman that paint the murderer in a sympathetic light, while harshly maligning the victim, IMO. These can easily be found on Amazon by searching for the authors' name.
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I don't see how he 'sees' this new story (lies) helping him or showing him in any better light. So he killed the girls twice... right. For some reason I don't believe they were alive for the truck ride... can you imagine their questions on that ride?
I don't see how he 'sees' this new story (lies) helping him or showing him in any better light. So he killed the girls twice... right. For some reason I don't believe they were alive for the truck ride... can you imagine their questions on that ride?
With all the contradictions in this account like "killing" the girls before he goes in to argue with SW about divorce (!) and that within the last few months he told the author 2 different stories about the OXY, finally admitting that he didn't give it to her the night of the murders as he had lied, well I don't understand how he is gifting himself some kind of dispensation or forgiveness through his new religious state. If he's still lying, now, about what happened a year ago when he murdered them, how is that worthy of forgiveness?
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I haven't been following this case lately, I had finally weaned myself off of it and tried to move on... Then today I see in my youtube recommended a video about a whole new confession from Chris Watts. Looking a little further in to it, I'm horrified all over again. So Chris completely changed his story again? WTF? I thought his last "confession" couldn't be any worse.. now he has an even more gory story.. I have so many questions. How can someone be profiting off this crime by writing a book?
Sigh. I'm behind, sorry. And I'm a little shocked at this.

Going to go back and catch up on this thread....
I am so sick of this piece of crap, and now this. And have you guys seen the "book" his vile mother wrote/is writing? The first chapter alone is so reprehensible I could strangle her myself. I was just on Facebook searching Shanann's name and it popped up in my search. How can one be so delusional and disgusting? I am so desperately sorry for the Rzuceks. This is unbelievable.
One thing is certain, sitting in prison for a year hasn’t taught him a thing!

The horrendous murders of his family has only bounced around in his head as to how to spin the story as he wrote in his confession.

We haven’t heard one word of regret, shame, sorry, or anything close to him being in the wrong. His thoughts were all with being with his mistress. A grown man who was living in Neverland. Never take responsibility for doing anything wrong. In his mind, he is perfect! He never learned that there were consequences for doing things wrong! Mommy or Daddy couldn’t get him out of this!

The only thing he probably regrets is getting caught so easily. I still don’t understand how he thought he was going to outsmart law enforcement and get away with his evil and horrific murders.
I am so sick of this piece of crap, and now this. And have you guys seen the "book" his vile mother wrote/is writing? The first chapter alone is so reprehensible I could strangle her myself. I was just on Facebook searching Shanann's name and it popped up in my search. How can one be so delusional and disgusting? I am so desperately sorry for the Rzuceks. This is unbelievable.

That is not a surprise but it is absolutely disgusting and disgraceful. I can imagine it is going to rewrite the truth.
That letter is appalling. He actually sounds delusional, talking about there being hope that he'll get out one day.. and he genuinely sounds like he thinks it's a possibility, saying how he'll go straight to a ministry to help inmates in jail.. And this:
"My attorney team knew I was different and that this was a one time occurrence for me."
...uhm yeah, killing your own entire family is usually a one time thing cause you'll be locked up for eternity after that. Thank goodness he'll never even have a chance to hurt a second family. He says it so passively, like killing your whole family just one time isn't that bad. He really has a huge ego, thinks everyone likes him and he's such a good, godly guy. It's unbelievable.

His dream about Cece dancing in his cell... That is so dark. But how he says he thought she was in trouble and was telling her to watch out... smfh. Good guy Chris again. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
That letter is appalling. He actually sounds delusional, talking about there being hope that he'll get out one day.. and he genuinely sounds like he thinks it's a possibility, saying how he'll go straight to a ministry to help inmates in jail.. And this:
"My attorney team knew I was different and that this was a one time occurrence for me."
...uhm yeah, killing your own entire family is usually a one time thing cause you'll be locked up for eternity after that. Thank goodness he'll never even have a chance to hurt a second family. He says it so passively, like killing your whole family just one time isn't that bad. He really has a huge ego, thinks everyone likes him and he's such a good, godly guy. It's unbelievable.

His dream about Cece dancing in his cell... That is so dark. But how he says he thought she was in trouble and was telling her to watch out... smfh. Good guy Chris again. :rolleyes::rolleyes:
As CW has the habit I and others have mentioned before of picking out words and thoughts of other people to reuse as his own, I think that statement about his attorney team knowing he was different, etc actually came from Graham Coder. Remember Coder gave him that soft soap job about being able to know in the future if it was just a "Chris Watts", (as opposed to a REAL murderer) so please tell Coder more.....I'm surprised Christopher isn't bragging about being a "truth teller".
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