I just went thru her civil complaint for all of the DNA that they allege wasn't fully disclosed or not disclosed at all. I have included the source of the DNA parenthetically for those samples that are stated as known. There are some which are still blank though. It's a lot. Not running this to ground was a major screw-up on the state's part imo bc all signs otherwise point to him, and now they've got a mess. If they plan to re-try him, they need to be able to answer for all of this because it's out there now - even if the answer is still "unknown". jmo
In para.160 it states:
"Unknown DNA and unknown male DNA was found on
(i) Suzanne Morphew’s bedside
(ii) one of the stairs of the Morphew home
(iii) the sheets in the dryer
(iv) the bicycle grips (excluded BM, para 201, contained 2 unknown profiles, 202)
(v) the bicycle seat (unknown male DNA - does not seem to be the same as glove box, para 161)
(vi) the bicycle brakes and handlebars (SM, 2 Deputies, para 203; 1 unknown male, para 204)
(vii) Suzanne's bicycle helmet exterior (SM and unknown male)
(viii) Suzanne’s bicycle helmet interior cushions (mixture SM and BM, 198)
(ix) the front driver door of Suzanne’s car
(x) the front passenger door of Suzanne’s car
(xi) the glove compartment of Suzanne’s car (SA/CODIS hit, paras 169,171, 173)
(xii) the rear driver side seat cushion of Suzanne’s car
Arrest Affidavit alleged to state:
Dart box in garage (MM, possible Deputy, paras 186, 188)
Bicycle seat (unknown male DNA, para 161)
Plastic needle cover from dryer (Suzanne and Macy, 191; Former prosecutor, and a friend of SM and BM)
Then she states:
"The unknown foreign DNA tends to prove an abduction, contrary to the Arrest Affidavit’s theory that the bike and helmet were “staged.” Para 206
I disagree with that conclusory statement. This does not tend to prove that it was an abduction, only that it is possible (not even "probable"). The statement disregards the possibility the bike was handled by another person, not the perp, after she had been killed (if help was enlisted), or at any time prior, example when was the bike purchased? Who assembled it? Someone at the store? Was it recently repaired? Did anyone at any time perhaps help her get it into or out of a car, or load it onto a bike rack?
The presence of unknown DNA while it may be exculpatory, does not mean it's exonerating.
All jmo