Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, Chaffee Co, 10 May 2020 *Case dismissed w prejudice* #104

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Actually not. I posted a link to Colorado 4th district voter fraud cases and sentences before yesterdays outcome. The sentence was not that unusual. People wanted him to get a more severe sentence but most judges tend to stick to the middle of the bell curve unless there are very unusual circumstances. This case was pretty cut and dried in my opinion.

I think even those among us that are most harsh, in regards to judging Barry's actions, didn't - even in our wildest dreams - think ole Barry would serve time in jail for the voter fraud offense. This is not my first rodeo.

I rather like hanging my favorite hat on the fact that Barry Morphew is now a known felon.
Thanks for the info. He then filed for a PPP loan and stated he had 5 full time employees and received approx 60k to keep those "employees" going during Covid. All irrelevant, except paints a picture of a morally and ethically challenged person. Also, adds to the financial motive. I still can't believe he got POA after 2 months, sold the houses and used that money (partially anyway) for his defense. The judges on these cases seem to go agai

Respectfully, an owner's website does not govern where the contractor otherwise solicits, bids, and/or performs public works construction.

LS of Fox21 did a YT about the wall project and EAOS last year.

Every state has its own code section where state legislators adopt rules that govern this process (i.e., state agency and local government contracting) including but not limited to a provision for a Small Works Roster where these rules may be used in lieu of other statutory procedures to award contracts for such work with an estimated cost of three hundred fifty thousand dollars or less.

In other words, based on their project history and qualifications, it was of no surprise that this firm was the subcontractor for the transit agency wall.

I believe BM had probably performed successfully for the Purdue gents previously.

EAOS was certainly not to blame for SM's demise. Just another bridge BM burned because he could. MOO

Can you provide a link as to previous jobs performed well by BM for this company.
Can you provide a link as to previous jobs performed well by BM for this company.
I have never gotten the feeling he did much residential single homeowner work so you aren't going to find homeowner reviews floating around on the internet. Excluding Suzanne's inheritance they managed to drive their assets up close to 2 million based on what the prosecutor said so it's safe to presume that the majority of his work has been to the liking of the general contractors or he is just savvy with real estate investments.
Can you provide a link as to previous jobs performed well by BM for this company.
Tony Miller, Pres of EA Outdoor Services, LLC et. al and BM are lifelong friends. As I stated, it's my opinion that BM would have worked for him and/or his firm prior to the Broomfield project. WS TOS prevents sleuthing private businesses and discussing or linking them here.

Please find Fox21's LS report on the Broomfield job below:

10/29/20-- BROOMFIELD JOB: More than just blocks in the wall... What did Barry Morphew do on Mother's Day?

While we idle, why did Barry pay JP to sit in his hotel room for two days?

Did Barry get the idea on 5/9 while getting the blade changed on his purse?

Did he worry that JP saw him do something while he was in the shop?

Did JP have any association to the beachsite? Was he also working there, and again, Barry felt JP was some kind of loose end? Why did Barry park a relative stranger in Broomfield? How did it serve Barry?

Even if JP had some kind of skillset, useful to Barry, he couldn't exercise it without a Bobcat and brick.

So why was he there?

Did Barry think three workers in Broomfield would make for a more compelling crew than merely two? Padding his wallibi crew count to sell "working with workers present"?

It would appear that Barry did not intend for the wall to be done that weekend. Bogus hokus pokus.

One wonders... no permit, no brick.

We know that Barry thought he'd be cleared before he even exited his truck (with the genius staging and the three-hour distancing); did he figure his motley crew would attempt the repair (or care) or did he figure that he'd fix the wall himself (with MG) once the oh, Suzanne dust settled?

I do think we haven't been giving Barry fair credit. His bad staging IMO wasn't limited to the bike and helmet. He might've done more {bad} staging! I believe he also staged biking clothes, rounding out his Poncha Market whattolookfor list. Nothing about Suzanne. He didn't want her found. He wanted her baby blue bike helmet and her biking clothes found. Because IMO that's what he'd strewn.

Figured: they find her bike, they find her clothes, they'll say, whelp, the bushy haired mountain lion must've got her. Everybody'd hug Barry, offer condolences and move on. Suzanne who?

I hope that wherever Barry is living, moving, working and having being these days, he feels the full force of LE breathing down his neck. Looking over his shoulder. Hunted.


^^^ most respectfully ,colored italics, by this author, for focus ^^^

...and , [I trust, not to beat too-dead-a-horse], the "staging" whereby he used an innocent, disrespected MG, Trojan-Horse fashion, to "reveal" to LE his boast to her - just a matter of hours before he likely dispatched Suzanne - that "he could bury someone" and that person would never be found ?!?
[Begging your indulgence, my Post #885 of 20 July, supra., refers.]
IMO, "mis-direction" can be a category of "staging", and [again imo] here it was deliberately used as such by Barry.
With 'an cunning plan' * that would involve no burial at all, it couldn't hurt and might even help if he could trigger a wilderness faffabout by all variety of search parties which would be looking for nothing.

No pleasure taken here noting that, two years on,...boy, may that have worked. :mad:

#. #. #.​

No. IMHO, Barry in some fashion utilized the appurtenant South Branch of the Arkansas River, ... in Barry-belief, "...pure waters, graced by his all-condoning god, and which would (1) wash clean his evil doings, and (2) create Suzanne's enduring memorial, her loving gift to Barry; a testament to their mutual forgiveness.

{Suggestion: We need a "gag - a - m-gg-t" Emoji, please}

* attrib., " 'S' Baldrick" , as put forward on the ballot for 'an rotten borough', by former's mesne man, Noir Adder, c. late 18th century England.
Extra credit for the significance of " ''S' ". NB. Winner must attest to non-use of search engine(s). Personal - or third party, intimate friend - recollection(s) only o_O
While we idle, why did Barry pay JP to sit in his hotel room for two days?

Did Barry get the idea on 5/9 while getting the blade changed on his purse?

Did he worry that JP saw him do something while he was in the shop?

Did JP have any association to the beachsite? Was he also working there, and again, Barry felt JP was some kind of loose end? Why did Barry park a relative stranger in Broomfield? How did it serve Barry?

Even if JP had some kind of skillset, useful to Barry, he couldn't exercise it without a Bobcat and brick.

So why was he there?

Did Barry think three workers in Broomfield would make for a more compelling crew than merely two? Padding his wallibi crew count to sell "working with workers present"?

It would appear that Barry did not intend for the wall to be done that weekend. Bogus hokus pokus.

One wonders... no permit, no brick.

We know that Barry thought he'd be cleared before he even exited his truck (with the genius staging and the three-hour distancing); did he figure his motley crew would attempt the repair (or care) or did he figure that he'd fix the wall himself (with MG) once the oh, Suzanne dust settled?

I do think we haven't been giving Barry fair credit. His bad staging IMO wasn't limited to the bike and helmet. He might've done more bad staging! I believe he also staged biking clothes, rounding out his Poncha Market whattolookfor list. Nothing about Suzanne. He didn't want her found. He wanted her baby blue bike helmet and her biking clothes found. Because IMO that's what he'd strewn.

Figured: they find her bike, they find her clothes, they'll say, whelp, the bushy haired mountain lion must've got her. Everybody'd hug Barry, offer condolences and move on. Suzanne who?

I hope that wherever Barry is living, moving, working and having being these days, he feels the full force of LE breathing down his neck. Looking over his shoulder. Hunted.

He wanted to pin Suzanne's murder on JP, IMO. JP said he had never worked for the B if I'm remembering correctly. He dumpstered a few of the clothes Suzanne wore when she went for bike rides, but, it all backfired when the cameras at the hotel caught him carryint teal and black clothing in the lobby (I think)?

Yes, you're right. Hunted.

Lets not overlook the fact that Barry received a year of "supervised" probation. That should provide some constraints on his movements, at least in creating an inconvenience. If he fails to comply with the supervision...he could end up back in the courtroom, and jeopardize the "deferred" component of his sentence. A year is a long time for someone like Barry to follow somebody else's rules.
When did the clock start? TIA
When did the clock start? TIA
Barring a reversal, probation ends June 21, 2023


Barry Morphew pleaded guilty Thursday to a forgery charge in a voter-fraud case in which he admitted to casting his missing wife’s 2020 ballot for President Donald Trump.

The case before 11th Judicial District Judge Patrick Murphy in Chaffee County is concluded, according to court records. Morphew was fined and assessed court costs of $600. Barring a reversal, the deferred judgment will end on June 21. A review is scheduled for Nov. 28.

He will serve no jail time as part of the plea agreement. His probation is supervised. Should he run afoul of the agreement, Morphew faces up to six years in prison if there are extraordinary or aggravating circumstances.
He will serve no jail time as part of the plea agreement. His probation is supervised. Should he run afoul of the agreement, Morphew faces up to six years in prison if there are extraordinary or aggravating circumstances.

rsbm & rbbm

I don't suppose that my extraordinary aggravation counts.


rsbm & rbbm

I don't suppose that my extraordinary aggravation counts.


Sorry, no doubt the article is referring to the legal definition of extraordinary or aggravating factors!

Colorado law recognizes several categories of crimes, including felonies, misdemeanors, petty offenses, traffic offenses, and traffic infractions, and where the most serious offenses (felonies) are further classified as Class 1-6.

Using the "Class," Colorado law also specifies a presumptive sentencing range.

However, the General Assembly has adopted several special sentencing categories that provide the court with the discretion to impose a sentence that is shorter or longer than the presumptive range if certain circumstances exist.

And here is where those terms extraordinary or aggravating come into play. MOO

Sorry, no doubt the article is referring to the legal definition of extraordinary or aggravating factors!

Colorado law recognizes several categories of crimes, including felonies, misdemeanors, petty offenses, traffic offenses, and traffic infractions, and where the most serious offenses (felonies) are further classified as Class 1-6.

Using the "Class," Colorado law also specifies a presumptive sentencing range.

However, the General Assembly has adopted several special sentencing categories that provide the court with the discretion to impose a sentence that is shorter or longer than the presumptive range if certain circumstances exist.

And here is where those terms extraordinary or aggravating come into play. MOO

If he were convicted of Murder 1 during his year, surely that would qualify as aggravating, right? That he knowingly used a deceased person's ballot, knowledge borne of being the murderer.

Of course, being convicted of Murder 1 might earn him a festive LWOP plus 156 years so a compounded forgery charge would be redundant so I suppose it's a moot point.

Fact: I still don't understand the law but grateful to @Seattle for knowing sooooo much about the law and how it applies, on this thread and so many others!

Still, it's annoying that the judge didn't factor in my aggravation. :)

Because it's extraordinarily aggravating to me that he skated on the murder charges, albeit with prejudice, because IMO he's a thief.

Of antlers, pelts, pandemic relief, Suzanne's inheritance and shares, and her life.

He even robbed her of a proper burial.

Suzanne had so much life yet to live.

Whenever there is a disappearance of the body, the perpetrator is most likely to be the one that last saw the victim. I can’t find the stat again. of the cases I have folllowed these missing victims got found

Vanessa Guillen, Shanan (and daughters) Watt's, McKenzie Lueck, Gannon Stauch.
Found variously by Eqi-search/wildlife, confession, phone data, a road crew.

All killed by the last person to see them.

But these victims are yet to be found:

Kyron Horman, Suzanne Morphew, Kristin Smart.
Last edited:
Whenever there is a disappearance of the body, the perpetrator is most likely to be the one that last saw the victim. I can’t find the stat again. of the cases I have folllowed these missing victims got found

Vanessa Guillen, Shanan (and daughters) Watt's, McKenzie Lueck, Gannon Stauch.
Found variously by Eqi-search/wildlife, confession, phone data, a road crew.

All killed by the last person to see them.

But these victims are yet to be found:

Kyron Horman, Suzanne Morphew, Kristin Smart.
And the last place Suzanne was seen was at home.
As was Kelsey Berreth.

Another interesting statistic:

Out of all intentional homicides of women and girls in 2020, 58 per cent were perpetrated by intimate partners or other family members, which suggests that the most dangerous place for women is the home. By contrast, the share of all male homicides that can be attributed to intimate partners or other family members amounted to just 10 per cent in 2020, suggesting that men and boys are primarily at risk of being intentionally killed outside the family sphere.


Just saw this case and it's another mom going missing "on a bike ride" She hasn't been seen since July 29th and her bike just found at the house, but police searched the house every day since she went missing and it wasn't there.

The Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has confirmed that the body of a woman recovered in Clear Creek County earlier this summer has been identified as a woman who went missing in the county in February 2022.


The Clear Creek County Coroner’s Office identified the remains as Tafoya-Deltoro. The cause and manner of her death remain under investigation. The case spurred interest in Chaffee County where local resident Suzanne Morphew went missing on Mother’s Day, 2020, and has not been seen since. The murder case against her husband Barry Morphew was dropped this year when the judge ruled that evidence the District Attorney’s office planned to use was inadmissible.
Obviously I understand that a defence lawyer may successfully get their client off on a technicality, but defending the voter fraud on the basis that he "made a mistake" when he murdered his wife with his own hand ... that takes some brass neck
Is murder charge was not a factor and the cases were separate. Since it was dismissed legally it never came into play for this case. Prosecution was well aware of that and I think there are no other offenses currently on Barry's legal record. He would be treated as far as sentencing like any other resident of Colorado with nothing on their record who mailed in a fraudulent ballot. Iris did use the time he was jailed and his year of monitoring to mitigate her argument why the plea deal was acceptable to them and why Barry was legally low risk of repeating a ballot fraud and would conform to the probationary period. In my opinion it was all very cut and dried and by the book.

The Colorado Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has confirmed that the body of a woman recovered in Clear Creek County earlier this summer has been identified as a woman who went missing in the county in February 2022.


The Clear Creek County Coroner’s Office identified the remains as Tafoya-Deltoro. The cause and manner of her death remain under investigation. The case spurred interest in Chaffee County where local resident Suzanne Morphew went missing on Mother’s Day, 2020, and has not been seen since. The murder case against her husband Barry Morphew was dropped this year when the judge ruled that evidence the District Attorney’s office planned to use was inadmissible.
I'm sure this brought some peace to the family. If they ever do locate Suzanne counties away from Maysville it would certainly deepen the mystery.
Is murder charge was not a factor and the cases were separate. Since it was dismissed legally it never came into play for this case. Prosecution was well aware of that and I think there are no other offenses currently on Barry's legal record. He would be treated as far as sentencing like any other resident of Colorado with nothing on their record who mailed in a fraudulent ballot. Iris did use the time he was jailed and his year of monitoring to mitigate her argument why the plea deal was acceptable to them and why Barry was legally low risk of repeating a ballot fraud and would conform to the probationary period. In my opinion it was all very cut and dried and by the book.

LOL - I am well aware of the legal angles

My point is Iris knows how the accused got off, so it takes some brass neck to make that argument about a "mistake" when she must obviously suspect he murdered her.

One can make the argument in more of a nod and a wink way
LOL - I am well aware of the legal angles

My point is Iris knows how the accused got off, so it takes some brass neck to make that argument about a "mistake" when she must obviously suspect he murdered her.

One can make the argument in more of a nod and a wink way
Your post is "on point" as always @mrjitty - I appreciate your insight !
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