Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #17

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One of the statements from the _Fund_ is “Expenses related to search efforts (fuel, equipment, gear, food, etc.)” JMO, but it seems that local reporters would be very interested in video and interviews with some of these volunteers. I’m surprised no reporters have followed up on this. It would only help in keeping this story in the news and hopefully some useful tips in finding this woman and solving the case
Death benefit of life ins. is not likely to be paid for 5 years in CO. Usu. takes legal procedure, so court can determine presumed death of MisPers in CO. As always, I welcome comment, clarification, correction, esply from our legal professionals. <---Gist of my prior post 473.
Thank you. I thought it was 7 years for all states. As usual, there are loopholes....
@vaporlass sbm What do you see as loopholes w this? Who potentially benefits from them; who is potentially harmed? :D;)Sorry to be dense, so heading to the kitchen for more coffee. :D TiA.
So sad that there is still no news. I keep popping in hoping there would be some info, but alas no. I hope this case doesn't go cold.
@Iamlawindy posted an update earlier but can't find the link ?
Or was it @lamlawindy ??
Sorry-- I'll go and check for the member who posted earlier.
Their username isn't coming up in searches for their posts.
Depends on how the "reward" is done. If, for example, $100,000 is deposited in an escrow account, then the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) probably requires reporting to the feds (though not necessarily the FBI or local agencies). If the benefactor merely promises to pay the money upon completion of the condition, then there's no "right" to know on the part of authorities: the benefactor or anybody who spoke to him/her has a right to remain silent.

There's also a public policy argument to be made against requiring disclosure: if requiring disclosure would discourage at least some good Samaritans from engaging in beneficial behavior (freely offering reward money), then it may be more appropriate to not require disclosure.
Found the link, thanks.
Depends on how the "reward" is done. If, for example, $100,000 is deposited in an escrow account, then the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) probably requires reporting to the feds (though not necessarily the FBI or local agencies). If the benefactor merely promises to pay the money upon completion of the condition, then there's no "right" to know on the part of authorities: the benefactor or anybody who spoke to him/her has a right to remain silent.

There's also a public policy argument to be made against requiring disclosure: if requiring disclosure would discourage at least some good Samaritans from engaging in beneficial behavior (freely offering reward money), then it may be more appropriate to not require disclosure.
And crime stoppers was not involved in this “reward” based on MSM so no proof of deposit has ever been offered that I am aware of
@Iamlawindy posted an update earlier but can't find the link ?
Or was it @lamlawindy ??
Sorry-- I'll go and check for the member who posted earlier.
Their username isn't coming up in searches for their posts.

It was me, but the post was removed because Barry Morphew is not formally named as a person of interest. My bad! :(
My apol

I apologize, I was focusing on the unexplained disappearance aspect. White was a totally unsolved missing persons, imo, she met someone connected to her move, selling furniture, throwing things out, etc, her husband WAS out of town, and was under suspicion and cleared. She was 52, IIRC
Katherine Smith is in Charley Project, as a Silver Alert. Red Feather Lakes CO, Smith was 69 yo, and a silver alert issued, however she had just bought some sort of travel conversion van, her pets disappeared w/ her. She appeared to be a vibrant lady, attractive for her age. If you want to take it further, there are more of this age demographic going back thru older cold cases.
I am ooooolllldddd, therefore I think my risk of stalking for sexual assault are much lower, LOL, however, robbery, murder, still a risk.


There are cases of older women being raped and murdered, more frequently than a disappearance, and some attackers even have attractions for older, even elderly women.
What’s intriguing to me, is this; I went thru about 8 of the bordering states on CP, the three I did find are in a relatively small geographic area. Taos NM, Red feather Lakes, CO, Salidas, CO. Smith may have been on the road, all three are tourist areas.

But I’m leaning more toward there being one local BG, in the vicinity of Mayesville and Salidas, and I’m confident the local people have been wary of him before SM disappeared. He may have gone off the grid before SM disappeared. ( spying or surveilling or stalking)MOO

Who is BG?
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This is what I aways try to explain. When people start lecturing on what our rights are and the “smart” thing to do (I.e. get a lawyer, don’t take a lie detector test and make no public statements), that is NOT what innocent people do, in this kind of situation (except maybe .01% when it comes to not making public statements).
But police have been known to coerce false confessions. Police also sometimes stretch the truth in order to get someone to talk. If you’re a person who is easily intimidated, you may just agree with whatever they say and it gets used against you. IMO police are not always your friend.
But police have been known to coerce false confessions. Police also sometimes stretch the truth in order to get someone to talk. If you’re a person who is easily intimidated, you may just agree with whatever they say and it gets used against you. IMO police are not always your friend.

That’s true. And irrelevant to the issue, IMO.
Maybe I did the reply wrong, but it appears to be correct on my screen. I was asking @Feistyomi if there was a course for the “real scoop” and “high alert” that was sited and if she was local or had contacts in the area.
I am not Feistyomi but it appears from reading the OP that it is a theory. It begins with IMO and ends with "this is speculation."

<modsnip: If you can't discuss it , then don't discuss it.>
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I'm sensing some sort of blame being passed to another.
It's as if : "If you hadn't done ___; I wouldn't be in this situation."
That bothered me as well when in his under 30-second video BM began with "Oh, Suzanne..." It seemed a chiding remark to me. It felt as if he was blaming her for what had happened. MOO
But police have been known to coerce false confessions. Police also sometimes stretch the truth in order to get someone to talk. If you’re a person who is easily intimidated, you may just agree with whatever they say and it gets used against you. IMO police are not always your friend.
Yes, I've always been told that one should always have an attorney present when questioned, even if you are innocent.

Police are trained to obtain confessions and look for inconsistencies that can be used as evidence of guilt. They can lie and pressure a suspect to say something incriminating. Innocent people can and do go to prison.

It doesn't make you look guilty, it makes you look smart.

Or both, if you really are guilty.

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