Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #2

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are a no nevermind to me anymore. They seem to be a staple in many situations now days. When you take donations from the public, beware. They are now vested & will feel they have a say. It usually turns into a negative. I personally have never donated to one. I will however offer my sincere condolences. I digress.

I’m confused by the nephew’s action plan, unless I have misunderstood. It’s ineffective & a risk to attempt a parallel search to LE & official SAR teams. I don’t know any reputable SAR groups who would work outside of LE during a active search & investigation or really in general. If LE didn’t invite them, they are hands off. While I believe the odds of a live recovery are very slim at this point, this case is still very “new”, closing in on a week.

The family however is desperate to find her. I don’t at all believe there is ill intentions with asking for donations to support search crews or an attempt to make money from this.
I’m not sure if this violates the TOS,

Social media rumours are not allowed, while they may or may not turn out to be credible there are so many false rumours on there. The great thing about web sleuths is we don't post any rumours that have not been confirmed by LE or MSM. So anything we read on here we can have reassurance that it's all solid and confirmed and gives us a credible reliable reputation. Speculation is fine but we don't spread rumours unless confirmed.
I just hate ppl bashing her girls not there on Mother’s Day and speculating . It’s actually normal to be away
Please understand that most (I hope all) WSers are not bashing the girls, but "thinking aloud" as we muddle through the details and try to figure out the case, dynamics, logistics, etc. It can seem harsh, I understand.

WS is definitely on the side of victims, always. (And many of us here are moms and it's not our intention to bash children of fellow moms - not at all. But we do discuss the details in difficult crimes, and it can rub raw as we test out theories, piece together scattered pieces of information, etc.)

  • I’d love to know when the last known sighting of Suzanne was, and who saw her. We don’t know for sure she disappeared on Sunday, per quotes from Spezze. That’s concerning
For such a large sort of rural and uncrowded setting, I found the neighbor thing odd too. In suburbia, I don't think I'd take note of my neighbor leaving and returning from a bike ride, and certainly not under social distancing. But where the lots and homes are so large, that's odder still, although maybe in a town with 135 people in it you notice every human move. I'd love more info on how/why she was reported missing. Maybe I've missed that in the articles I've read.

This article states: "authorities have not confirmed whether Morphew’s husband was in town at the time of her disappearance."
Police have not ruled out foul play in search for missing Colorado woman as husband offers $100,000 reward [VIDEO]
I just hate ppl bashing her girls not there on Mother’s Day and speculating . It’s actually normal to be away
I think “bashing” is a wee bit overstated :) I haven’t seen that. I think we need to remind ourselves of all the things we don’t know yet and one the biggies is phone records. LE have this and those can be very telling. I would be very surprised if her beautiful girls did not reach out to her on MD. Did they speak with her? Leave a voicemail? I don’t find it odd that they weren’t there if they were away at school. Lots of questions for sure, and time will tell. JMHO
I also think it says a whole lot that LE is controlling the searches and not accepting help from non-LE. I think of various other cases where the public has helped perform searches, and there was definitely an assumption that it could’ve been an accident they were looking for (Abby and Libby in Delphi come to mind as one example.)

But here, Spezze and co. want to be the ones to find her so they can preserve evidence and not have Good Samaritan Joe Blow be the one to come across her, IMO. It’s very telling.

Another reason may be liability due to the rough terrain, and the need to enforce social distancing guidelines due to COVID. But none of this explains the vague details released about when she left or her physical appearance.
Another reason may be liability due to the rough terrain, and the need to enforce social distancing guidelines due to COVID. But none of this explains the vague details released about when she left or her physical appearance.
Perhaps LE is does not trust the validity of information they have been given? Therefore not putting it out there. Possibly they are sensing a "staging."
Another reason may be liability due to the rough terrain, and the need to enforce social distancing guidelines due to COVID. But none of this explains the vague details released about when she left or her physical appearance.
Those are excellent reasons and probably do factor into the decision as well
"Affair! Jealous woman" ~ @charminglane

This theory answers several questions:
  • Why is the husband not releasing a statement?
  • Why isn't the family pleading for her return?
  • Why was her husband out of town (only 2.5 hours away)?
  • Why isn't more descriptive information offered for identification?
  • Why isn't there more public involvement?

This would not be the first time an "Other Woman" arranged for and/or murdered the spouse of her married lover.

In this case, BM would immediately suspect the OW and would be less likely to make public statements. His cooperation would come with extreme difficulty, embarrassment, regret, remorse, humiliation and risk of destroying and losing his daughters, family and friends.

This theory would not warrant such public pleas and assistance if they already know the victim met with foul play.

Its a theory, and my thoughts are based on speculation.
I came in late so I didn’t see the original post. This theory is not “out there.” It’s definitely within the realm of possibility, as you say. Sometimes a WS member calls it early and nails it. I recall a member cited someone “needing” a newborn to fulfill a fake pregnancy in the HB case, and guess what? What no one suspected though was that it was her best friend :(. I was one who suspected the SO, so, I learned a valuable lesson there.
I’m of the opinion someone called the neighbor and asked for them to check on Suzanne as they could not reach her, and perhaps relayed the fact that she may have been on a bike ride. This is why we have no solid confirmation yet that Sunday is indeed when she disappeared - no corroborating eyewitness.
BBM. If they can't confirm that she disappeared on Sunday, that would also mean that nobody spoke to her on the phone or on video chat that day. What about texts? Did anyone try to reach her earlier in the day? How likely is it that she would have no contact with family (or friends) on Mother's day?
Welcome to WS @imakittykittykittyimacat.

I remember the quote you are citing in your post about SM making a post and/or being active on social media the day before she disappeared and I believe we found that quote to be in error.

I think it came from the Daily Mail and was determined to be an error by the reporter when the post/picture he cited for this was dated a year before (May 2019) and not Saturday, May 9, 2020.
This is a good example of how one fact (true, erroneous or otherwise) can either debunk a theory or send investigators (and the public) down a completely different investigative path.

IMO, the same thing will continue with other information regarding the details of this case.

Just one reason why I've got a wedgie from spending so much time on the fence!
I just hate ppl bashing her girls not there on Mother’s Day and speculating . It’s actually normal to be away

Respectfully, I'm a businesswoman on lockdown that's been unable to travel. I'm still upset I wasn't able to hop a plane to see my own elderly mum for mother's day but that's just me.

To my knowledge, we have no MSM confirmation of the whereabouts of one minor and one college-age daughter other than it appears they nor their father were anywhere near Salida on Sunday when SM went missing. Personally, I think it's more that it had to take a concentrated effort to be far from home last week while the majority are complying with shelter-in-place that people are reacting to.

For all we know, Suzanne could have been home alone for a day or a week. MOO
Is there a MSM that I missed that say's the location of the bike and the location of the other items? Were they all together at one location or different locations?
I am replying to my own post to clarify my question. I'm just wondering if the bike is lets say 1/2 mile from the home and the other item(s) were 2 or 3 miles from the home? Could the items have been thrown from a car or would it be in a walking distance kind of thing. I guess we don't know but it's bugging me. IMO
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