Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #35

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"The other employees MG, JP and CC. I guess I could call them up, but do I know what I’m going to get? Are they going to get their facts straight and will their accounts line up?"

This is why both prosecutors and defense attorneys ready their witnesses before trial.
We don't know what other digital and forensic evidence they have but I presume there's plenty.

The employees will be looking after number one and number one isn’t Suzanne Morphew or BM.
Good to see you here, @Trackergd ! Don’t know if you’ve seen this but it looks like the PE guys have introduced AM to someone who will be offering this type of technology. He comes in around 20:00 .

Interesting side note : when they are talking about historical data from Mother’s Day weekend, Andy says “ Well, you should start with Friday night and work your way in.”

That was really enjoyable. I hope Mark & Visual Law can get a significant amount of land covered before Andy’s search and ideally in conjunction with LE’s information.

It’s interesting that Andy says you have to start Friday night and work your way back. He also mentions having the EVI. That must put BM at some interesting places Friday night.

I also get the feeling that LE’s case at this point heavily hinges on the cell phone data and this why they are not disclosing any of it.
I’m getting a heavy premeditated vibe. Like BM dig a grave site Friday night. Stopped work early on Saturday to murder SM. Then returned to the grave site Saturday night to bury her.

The kids are out of town.
There is a full moon to help operate at night without headlights or a flashlight
The Broomfield job was moved a couple times
The best friends panic and knowledge that the marriage wasn’t honky dorie
The staging of the bike

I’m also thinking BM’s phone has some interesting search histories.

The one thing that is interesting is that even with the EVI, SM hasn’t been located. It could be because the area is so remote and challenging to cover. Or it could be that a car that doesn’t belong to the Morphews was used.
Statistics, Admissible as Evidence?
@K9Enzo sbm Not sure if I am following your thought correctly.
Are you suggesting def atty -
--- Could introduce peer reviewed literature/studies w statistics about marriages & divorces; or marriages & domestic abuse/domestic violence; or marriages & couples in therapy; info along those lines? Or maybe gov't studies on the subject?
--- Could argue these statistics are relevant and material to BM's guilt?

I'm interested in comments from others, esp'ly our legal professionals on this.
If I am misinterpreting the post, my apologies.

Hello – I always appreciate your posts and think you’re a master researcher! I’m not at all surprised you paused on my post and said hold up – what are saying? lol I don’t really think a defense attorney would use actual divorce or relationship issue stats as a defense. I was responding to another member who did an exercise that if this case was in court today, the witnesses they would call and would they be strong. I played along and said, even if a friend of SM can confirm she confided to them marriage problems (we don’t know this to be true), that in its self (IMO) is not really a slam dunk because many couples experience issues and many marriages end in divorce, most wives/husbands don’t end up being murdered by the other. You suffer in a broken marriage, fix it together or divorce and move on. It was my opinion, the friend and SM brother would probably be weak witnesses if this case was in court today, from my perspective only. We have no idea the case that LE is sitting on. Again, it was just an exercise.

IMO, we don’t know the state of SM and BM marriage. If I had to guess, it was not doing well. I believe it’s possible that one checked out of the marriage some time ago (BM, IMO). I also think it’s possible that he kept himself busy and away from the house with his work, perhaps avoiding being home as much. I also think it’s possible some of that weekend’s work projects were true and was the chaos tempo he kept and maybe thrived on. I also think it’s possible SM was over it all. I’m not convinced that the daughters being away was part of the plan. I do think because they were away, it gave these two an opportunity to really have it out and maybe say things more openly because other ears weren’t around. Or maybe they often had the house to themselves and I'm off track. I have even speculated would SM have strong thoughts on BM setting up a job site with a female employee out of town? I’m not going to sit here and pretend that every wife/husband would be fine with that scenario, right or wrong. Did that maybe add to the tension between them that weekend? Did BM cut the Saturday beach job short to go home to make his wife happy with biking or hiking? When he did get home it just really exploded? The timeline is still a bloody mess. I’m not at suggesting this female employee was the cause, or that an affair was even happening, it was just another event in an already fragile marriage that was ending. IMO
The PE interview with AM was also interesting in that they commend AM on getting public attention and recommend that he keeps doing that. They even recommend AM to issue press releases.

Oddly enough, a family member that was vocal early but shut up very quickly, claimed to be the family spokesperson and has some PR experience.

So why isn’t that person being vocal alongside AM right now and helping him with communication to keep the case out in the public?

So odd.
  1. From beginning the CCSO said it was a criminal investigation.

    “Although Corsentino says the FBI's involvement does bring out some clues.

    "The sheriff of Chaffee County would say that he has information that is pertinent to something beyond Chaffee County and they want the FBI to search outside Chaffee County," he said.

    Without much to go off of, he says his past in law enforcement leads him to believe there are unusual circumstances.

    "This case is going to be something more than I think a family-related case. That's just my gut instinct," Corsentino said.
Boxer and Steeltown Girl posted these in the last thread. This info has me REALLY intrigued!!!

In Indiana earlier this summer the Indianapolis Star covered a huge kickback scheme where millions in Medicaid funds were diverted to county hospitals, etc. etc. etc. Part of the Star's coverage included a list of all the key players. One was a landscaper from Fishers on the north side of Indy and I immediately wondered if BM had ties to that person.

If BM received kickbacks through this landscaper maybe SM found out and it was, for her, "the straw that broke the camel's back" i.e. her reason to finally leave. To me fraud involving federal funds would absolutely appall Suzanne.

These comments are based on my personal knowledge and are MOO.

Curious how a landscaper could end up being a key player in medicaid fraud, could you offer a bit more detail?

Investigator explains FBI's involvement in Chaffee County missing woman case - KRDO
This is the article that quotes Corsentino.

I have long thought there is criminal involvement in this case. I was thinking drugs (marijuana growing/meth distribution perhaps) I thought initially Suzanne missing was an abduction/ransom/threat to Barry, maybe for owing money. Now Medicaid fraud makes sense as to where the money came from. My husband has this explanation about Medicaid fraud and the kickback scheme involving the landscaping companies as he used to work in long term care:

Indiana has a very complex reimbursement system under Medicare and Medicaid. It's basically a paper lease of the nursing home license by a county owned hospital which allows them to draw down additional federal funds. The fraud case in the articles was a very complex system of shell companies that worked with suppliers to overcharge the nursing home and hospital for goods and services. The inflated bills were entered into the system so the expense was drawn down. The overcharge payments were then made to shell companies that then paid the vendors (ie landscapers and contractors too) the actual amount plus their share of the overcharge. This is all legal except for the overcharging scheme. There were/are several players involved that may have some connection to Barry but it would be hard to uncover. He could have been involved with the landscaping company or one of the shell construction companies that have been implicated in this scheme. In this case we are talking about $10's of millions or more.

And there is the continuing question of just how many more are involved.
Indiana nursing home fraud questions continue to follow Rob New

I have not followed closely for quite some time now . I check in every day or so to see what has happened (if anything) and there are usually more than twenty pages to read(skim)! I can't wait for the Arrest Affidavit in this case when we will learn the answers to so many questions. I wish I could follow along more closely with you sleuths and your excellent ideas/thoughts. Special shout out to @oviedo for keeping the media thread current - it's always my first stop.
The PE interview with AM was also interesting in that they commend AM on getting public attention and recommend that he keeps doing that. They even recommend AM to issue press releases.

Oddly enough, a family member that was vocal early but shut up very quickly, claimed to be the family spokesperson and has some PR experience.

So why isn’t that person being vocal alongside AM right now and helping him with communication to keep the case out in the public?

So odd.

It might be that the family member first believed BM's story but then quickly realised that BM had lied to him and was involved in Suzanne being missing.

He might have a business of his own and not want it or him being connected to BM.

Or perhaps he has other reasons to keep himself out of the public eye.
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Completely speculative thought on a different time line. Somewhat driven by CBI removing a carpet sample from the residence that matched carpet in the bedroom. Please keep in mind that the carpet info is still conjecture but it looked like a carpet sample and posters here matched it to the bedroom pics from Zillow.

What if:
-BM is working Friday night at the Salida job site and doing who knows what else that evening
-BM returns home late at night Friday and SM is asleep in bed
-BM murders SM in their bedroom Friday night as she sleeps
-There is a Freudian aspect of BM saying he last saw SM asleep in bed
-It also explains why bedroom carpet samples would be collected
-Saturday morning BM logs into SM’s Facebook and messenger app on his phone because he needs to pretend to be SM while he is away at the Salida job site with MG but he can’t take her phone with him because the pings will give it away . (that Saturday login would then be what generates the new friend requests to BM’s contacts at midnight on Saturday)
-BM realizes that it’s going to be really hard to work and keep up the facade of messaging as SM, so he calls the days work off early.
-MG even mentions how ‘off’ BM was on Saturday.
-Maybe after MG leaves the job site, BM returns home, powers off SM’s phone, returns to the Salida job sit and buries SM’s phone in the dirt thinking it won’t be found and concrete will be poured on top in a day. BM is now back in Salida and spends the day in town.
-BM is keeping up the fake messages when the friend then says they should ‘FaceTime’. BM panics, and stops all communication with the friend and then she in turn panics.
-Saturday afternoon BM is in town to see JP and been seen by others to build an Alibi.
-Saturday evening is a thorough house cleanup and bike staging.
-BM high tails it out of the house before Sunrise just to be safe in case anyone comes knocking or anything.

The one thing I question in that scenario is when BM would dispose of the body. I’d think it would be ASAP. Maybe even doing it on his property Friday night/early Saturday AM.

I also can’t quite tie in the ‘tools’ which I think are important. And what would BM be cleaning in the Broomfield hotel on Sunday given how much cleaning time he had before Sunday.
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That was really enjoyable. I hope Mark & Visual Law can get a significant amount of land covered before Andy’s search and ideally in conjunction with LE’s information.

It’s interesting that Andy says you have to start Friday night and work your way back. He also mentions having the EVI. That must put BM at some interesting places Friday night.

I also get the feeling that LE’s case at this point heavily hinges on the cell phone data and this why they are not disclosing any of it.

Did SM's best friend <modsnip> tell AM that BM and SM had a major argument Friday night?

Did the best friend tell AM that SM asked for a divorce Friday night?

LE knows both of these answers (IMO.)

BM's response to his wife's request for divorce was killing the mother of his two precious daughters.

So, so sad and disturbing.
I cannot wait for BM's arrest!
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Friday night intrigues me....what was the catalyst for SM's disappearance?

Money, Revenge or Sex (I call it the Mrs.) or elements of all 3?

A disagreement about $ or control that created a turning point?

Was he spending a lot of time away from home?

Did she call him out on it?

Is that why he told MG he needed to spend some time with his wife on Saturday?

Did he rough her up Friday night or Saturday am and then finish the job on Saturday afternoon knowing too many lines had been crossed and there was no going back?

Investigator explains FBI's involvement in Chaffee County missing woman case - KRDO
This is the article that quotes Corsentino.

I have long thought there is criminal involvement in this case. I was thinking drugs (marijuana growing/meth distribution perhaps) I thought initially Suzanne missing was an abduction/ransom/threat to Barry, maybe for owing money. Now Medicaid fraud makes sense as to where the money came from. My husband has this explanation about Medicaid fraud and the kickback scheme involving the landscaping companies as he used to work in long term care:

Indiana has a very complex reimbursement system under Medicare and Medicaid. It's basically a paper lease of the nursing home license by a county owned hospital which allows them to draw down additional federal funds. The fraud case in the articles was a very complex system of shell companies that worked with suppliers to overcharge the nursing home and hospital for goods and services. The inflated bills were entered into the system so the expense was drawn down. The overcharge payments were then made to shell companies that then paid the vendors (ie landscapers and contractors too) the actual amount plus their share of the overcharge. This is all legal except for the overcharging scheme. There were/are several players involved that may have some connection to Barry but it would be hard to uncover. He could have been involved with the landscaping company or one of the shell construction companies that have been implicated in this scheme. In this case we are talking about $10's of millions or more.

And there is the continuing question of just how many more are involved.
Indiana nursing home fraud questions continue to follow Rob New


Thank you for adding more info to mine. I know SM's family and knew Suzanne, and she would have been horrified for anyone to think that she might have been part of something like this!!

Investigator explains FBI's involvement in Chaffee County missing woman case - KRDO
This is the article that quotes Corsentino.

I have long thought there is criminal involvement in this case. I was thinking drugs (marijuana growing/meth distribution perhaps) I thought initially Suzanne missing was an abduction/ransom/threat to Barry, maybe for owing money. Now Medicaid fraud makes sense as to where the money came from. My husband has this explanation about Medicaid fraud and the kickback scheme involving the landscaping companies as he used to work in long term care:

Indiana has a very complex reimbursement system under Medicare and Medicaid. It's basically a paper lease of the nursing home license by a county owned hospital which allows them to draw down additional federal funds. The fraud case in the articles was a very complex system of shell companies that worked with suppliers to overcharge the nursing home and hospital for goods and services. The inflated bills were entered into the system so the expense was drawn down. The overcharge payments were then made to shell companies that then paid the vendors (ie landscapers and contractors too) the actual amount plus their share of the overcharge. This is all legal except for the overcharging scheme. There were/are several players involved that may have some connection to Barry but it would be hard to uncover. He could have been involved with the landscaping company or one of the shell construction companies that have been implicated in this scheme. In this case we are talking about $10's of millions or more.

And there is the continuing question of just how many more are involved.
Indiana nursing home fraud questions continue to follow Rob New


Having a tax exempt non profit registered to your name with little to no activity sure adds an interesting wrinkle.
That was really enjoyable. I hope Mark & Visual Law can get a significant amount of land covered before Andy’s search and ideally in conjunction with LE’s information.

It’s interesting that Andy says you have to start Friday night and work your way back. He also mentions having the EVI. That must put BM at some interesting places Friday night.

I also get the feeling that LE’s case at this point heavily hinges on the cell phone data and this why they are not disclosing any of it.

AM telling him to start with Friday night is so interesting. Sounds like he has some inside information from LE. EVI or camera footage? Add to that, MG reported that BM was acting strange on Saturday. Had he and Suzanne argued on Friday and he determined then that she had to die? Could be have found a site, prepared a grave? Wow. Moo
AM telling him to start with Friday night is so interesting. Sounds like he has some inside information from LE. EVI or camera footage? Add to that, MG reported that BM was acting strange on Saturday. Had he and Suzanne argued on Friday and he determined then that she had to die? Could be have found a site, prepared a grave? Wow. Moo

Yup. Or was Suzanne even alive and above ground ever on Saturday?
Completely speculative thought on a different time line. Somewhat driven by CBI removing a carpet sample from the residence that matched carpet in the bedroom. Please keep in mind that the carpet info is still conjecture but it looked like a carpet sample and posters here matched it to the bedroom pics from Zillow.

What if:
-BM is working Friday night at the Salida job site and doing who knows what else that evening
-BM returns home late at night Friday and SM is asleep in bed
-BM murders SM in their bedroom Friday night as she sleeps
-There is a Freudian aspect of BM saying he last saw SM asleep in bed
-It also explains why bedroom carpet samples would be collected
-Saturday morning BM logs into SM’s Facebook and messenger app on his phone because he needs to pretend to be SM while he is away at the Salida job site with MG but he can’t take her phone with him because the pings will give it away . (that Saturday login would then be what generates the new friend requests to BM’s contacts at midnight on Saturday)
-BM realizes that it’s going to be really hard to work and keep up the facade of messaging as SM, so he calls the days work off early.
-MG even mentions how ‘off’ BM was on Saturday.
-Maybe after MG leaves the job site, BM returns home, powers off SM’s phone, returns to the Salida job sit and buries SM’s phone in the dirt thinking it won’t be found and concrete will be poured on top in a day. BM is now back in Salida and spends the day in town.
-BM is keeping up the fake messages when the friend then says they should ‘FaceTime’. BM panics, and stops all communication with the friend and then she in turn panics.
-Saturday afternoon BM is in town to see JP and been seen by others to build an Alibi.
-Saturday evening is a thorough house cleanup and bike staging.
-BM high tails it out of the house before Sunrise just to be safe in case anyone comes knocking or anything.

The one thing I question in that scenario is when BM would dispose of the body. I’d think it would be ASAP. Maybe even doing it on his property Friday night/early Saturday AM.

I also can’t quite tie in the ‘tools’ which I think are important. And what would BM be cleaning in the Broomfield hotel on Sunday given how much cleaning time he had before Sunday.

The bedroom carpet sample has always been interesting. It might not be blood they found.

I would still say that BM did not have the same level of literacy skills as Suzanne ,so would not have been able to carry out a continuous conversation with a very close friend of hers. I do think around 2:30 pm Saturday is the time we are looking at for Suzanne being killed.
What was he up to on Friday? Did he have to go and have an emergency talk with someone,a conversation he did not want to have on his phone?
Was he staking out somewhere he could take Suzanne for a hike the next day?
Perhaps he went to feed his pet mountain lion.
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