Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #35

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In the TD video, BM claims LE saw a mountain lion sunday night during the search.
So if the antlers were at the house on Sunday I wonder where the rest of the body of the road kill was that BM just couldn't help himself to not pick up along the way. He seriously had a really busy weekend. If only road kill could talk.
I was thinking that having had chemo, Suzanne may have lost her hair and was wearing wigs while it grew back. She wouldn't wear it around the house because they can be hot. Maybe when he got back home he saw the wig and realized people would know she wouldn't leave the house without it? Could that be the "personal item?"
Does anyone else remember when SM was first reported missing, the news was disseminated as: She said something like "if i'm not back in a couple of hours call the police"... I always found it odd based on how the homes are situated etc. I wonder if the pivoting of LE on the release of info was because something like this was actually said but possibly not to JR (neighbor that called 911)?

Am I crazy or is this how it was originally reported?
When was it that LE seen the Lion? Because BM used the Mountain Lion story Monday morning when he called his crew to let them know they were on their own.

ETA: And that is the only story he had for his crew. Not abduction or whatever else he has thrown out there.
I believe BM said LE saw the mountain lion cross in front of their vehicle on Sunday. So originally he may have planned on an abduction story and then got the idea about a mountain lion attack on Sunday during the initial search.

I thought MG said that BM told her either a mountain lion had "gotten" Suzanne or that someone had taken her and they were going up the mountain to look for her.

Does anyone else remember when SM was first reported missing, the news was disseminated as: She said something like "if i'm not back in a couple of hours call the police"... I always found it odd based on how the homes are situated etc. I wonder if the pivoting of LE on the release of info was because something like this was actually said but possibly not to JR (neighbor that called 911)?

Am I crazy or is this how it was originally reported?

IIRC, that was speculation and not reported as fact in any MSM article.
If anyone does have a link for that, please do post.
In the real world, I'm a graphic designer. I cannot tell you how much it bothers me that screenshots can be/are considered evidence, when I could manufacture one in less than an hour, that looks 100% legit, but is 100% fake.
I think if the text/conversation in question could then be proven to have taken place via logs from the platform, then and only then should a screen shot be entered as evidence. But never without proof. They're way too easy to fake.

To be admitted as evidence in a judicial proceeding, all documents of any kind must be established as authentic. I suspect we will see an increase in the use of experts to examine digital documents of all kinds that are offered as evidence, and challenges to their authenticity if they've been faked.

I think LE has shown nothing short of sheer genius in both their disclosure of having recovered a personal item, and in their refusal to identify specifically what it is they recovered.

I've said this before, but the reason this is such a brilliant move is that it really puts the perp in a state of disequilibrium.

What if the perp planted more than one item that he intended for LE to find?

What if LE is publicly stating that they've recovered "an item" but have in fact recovered more than one?

What if LE recovered something that the perp did NOT mean to leave behind, i.e., he dropped something inadvertently?

There's no way for the perp to know the answers to any of those questions.
Unless he goes out to check the location(s) where he planted items, he can't verify whether or not LE recovered what he intended them to find.

Obviously, he can't risk going back to the spot where he planted evidence, because LE may have surveillance on that area and/or on him.

It has to be driving him absolutely batty not knowing what LE has in hand.
He has no idea whether it's something he meant for them to discover, or if it's a neon flashing bread crumb he unintentionally left behind for LE.

The perp is now "completely in the dark here," as BM would say.

And I guarantee you he's extremely unhappy about that.

It really is genius on the part of LE to handle it this way.

I'm so curious as to where the "personal item" was found vs. where TD found Barry shirtless and wet coming out of the woods.
Here is what I think happened. This is all MOO (does that mean my opinion only?)

I think that Barry and Suzanne were separating. At the request of Suzanne and Barry didn’t want to . I think they were going to tell the girls after they got back from their camping trip. To me, this also explains the move to the condo that Andy told us about (almost like Barry was going to do it anyway per Suzanne’s request and felt guilty and did it now)

I believe the motive in this case was pure jealousy/rage (not money, not inheritances, not another woman) and that it was in no way pre-planned or even pre-thought. I do not see Barry in the same light as I see Chris watts or Scott Peterson.

I think on Saturday , Barry saw her on her phone and was like “give me your phone-let me see who you’re texting” or -he stole it and read/found something he didn’t like in there, I could elaborate on what I think he found , but you probably get it. I think he threw/slammed her phone and broke it (to me, this could explain the potential logins from his phone to her fb or whatever/creating the friend suggestions) I think a fight occurred and he killed her.

I do think that Friday night was relevant somehow. I’m not sure how yet, but I have some ideas that I’m working through.

I think it's entirely possible that SM may have had it in mind to leave/divorce BM.

I do disagree with you about the motive for her murder, however.

I'm wholeheartedly convinced that this is about assets.

The motive here is primarily a financial one.

Greed. I can see evidence of it all over the place in this case, and it was evident from the outset.

"For the love of money is the root of all evil."

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I'm thinking the mountain lion that got the little Kunz kid has moved to Colorado and gotten a bigger appetite.

But seriously, who found the missing personal item, someone close to Barry? Am I correct in understanding that it was found in an area that was previously searched?

As for what it might be, if Barry planted it, it's going to be something that is obviously hers, like with a name or other unique identifiers, and again, if he planted it with the kidnap scenario in mind, it would be something associated with a bike ride. Not too many things on that list and I think yall have covered them all.
I don't know if the personal item found may or may not have planted by BM. There is a reason LE won't identify the item found. I believe that is to make BM wonder and second guess himself, was it something he planted or something else? If BM did try to plant something there, I think he must have gone back to the scene to see if "his item" was still there or had been removed by LE and taken into evidence? I'm also thinking LE might have placed cameras there, to catch him looking for that item.

For that matter, LE has not acknowledged the bike either.

PS - I don't think we can be overly suspicious of the mountain lion. Now, if the mountain lion's girlfriend/fiancee is sporting a very expensive engagement ring, that would be another story...

IMO, JMO, etc.
I don't know if the personal item found may or may not have planted by BM. There is a reason LE won't identify the item found. I believe that is to make BM wonder and second guess himself, was it something he planted or something else? If BM did try to plant something there, I think he must have gone back to the scene to see if "his item" was still there or had been removed by LE and taken into evidence? I'm also thinking LE might have placed cameras there, to catch him looking for that item.

For that matter, LE has not acknowledged the bike either.

PS - I don't think we can be overly suspicious of the mountain lion. Now, if the mountain lion's girlfriend/fiancee is sporting a very expensive engagement ring, that would be another story...

IMO, JMO, etc.
ITA. If it was planted by Barry it's killing him that they aren't revealing it and if he didn't, and he's guilty, it's killing him not knowing what he overlooked! Either way, it's hilarious.
I'm thinking the mountain lion that got the little Kunz kid has moved to Colorado and gotten a bigger appetite.

But seriously, who found the missing personal item, someone close to Barry? Am I correct in understanding that it was found in an area that was previously searched?

As for what it might be, if Barry planted it, it's going to be something that is obviously hers, like with a name or other unique identifiers, and again, if he planted it with the kidnap scenario in mind, it would be something associated with a bike ride. Not too many things on that list and I think yall have covered them all.
It's amazing to me that a fireman, friend of Barry's was there supposedly watching the discovery of Suzanne's bicycle and was reporting to him, a friend of Barry's was there and disappeared from the search group and then right after the 'personal item' was found.
IMO, he has a 'friend' who, hopefully, will come forward soon,
Just adding to the things we're curious about ... I'm curious about why BM hasn't offered up the house to Suzanne's brother to stay at ..... instead he has to go find accommodation for the duration of the search and vigil. That's not a good look in my opinion. I'm sure he would have liked to stay there, sit out in the garden where Suzanne sat, feel the closeness of her there ... but no, he's got to go find his own Holiday Inn to stay at. All MOO
PS: Good on ya to all those going to attend the search for Suzanne ... maybe give us a wave on one of the webcams ..... we all know where they are ;)

I think it's entirely possible that SM may have had it in mind to leave/divorce BM.

I do disagree with you about the motive for her murder, however.

I'm wholeheartedly convinced that this is about assets.

The motive here is primarily a financial one.

Greed. I can see evidence of it all over the place in this case, and it was evident from the outset.

"For the love of money is the root of all evil."

Yes. What does a divorce mean for BM?

It means a substantial financial loss, a loss of assets, and likely the loss of his prized house.

Divorce is money, and money is motive.
Just adding to the things we're curious about ... I'm curious about why BM hasn't offered up the house to Suzanne's brother to stay at ..... instead he has to go find accommodation for the duration of the search and vigil. That's not a good look in my opinion. I'm sure he would have liked to stay there, sit out in the garden where Suzanne sat, feel the closeness of her there ... but no, he's got to go find his own Holiday Inn to stay at. All MOO
PS: Good on ya to all those going to attend the search for Suzanne ... maybe give us a wave on one of the webcams ..... we all know where they are ;)
Or invite him to stay at the condo with them.

If he has nothing to hide then he should be offering.
I think eliminating the mountain lion and SM wandering off injured left only foul play and self removal.
By Wed morning 5/13, sheriff said they were conducting a criminal investigation, and that same day were collecting footage from the Bromfield Walmart.
Is Barry calling Bromfield, Denver? I'm just trying to figure out his three stories. First is he was at fire training in Denver, then he was at a job in Denver, then he was in Colorado Springs, then Bromfield. I'm assuming, based upon info released about the hotel that the job was actually in Bromfield, CO.
Is Barry calling Bromfield, Denver? I'm just trying to figure out his three stories. First is he was at fire training in Denver, then he was at a job in Denver, then he was in Colorado Springs, then Bromfield. I'm assuming, based upon info released about the hotel that the job was actually in Bromfield, CO.

Oh, you know…Broomfield, Denver.

Fire training, landscaping job.

Abductor, mountain lion.

Close enough.

Let's not go getting all nit-picky here...give the guy a break, already!

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