Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #40

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Quick question, and I apologize if already mentioned/posted:

From a SAR and educational perspective, I am curious about the specific guidance issued to the search volunteers. They are briefed in person, obviously before the search, but often there are specifics, for example guidance posted on the Facebook group, etc.

Some of the specifics re: the search locations, etc. may be confidential, understandably, but I’m just curious about the specific safety measures and aspects that may have been mentioned, as related to volunteer searches in this challenging and magnificent terrain.


I’m recalling an awful, though successful, search in Denver along the city river...hazardous conditions, fecal matter, trash, dirty needles everywhere...People actually brought their kids. I know people try to help, but bringing your kids on a recovery is just not safe or appropriate.

I’m also recalling an old conversation with our Late Great @Foxfire...(waves) - he was part of a group that actually found the deceased, in the woods... The specifics on the find were, just, horrible.
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Every day of the search thus far, PE has Tweeted. They’ve also plugged their YouTube recap show, hours before it’s supposed to air.

It’s beyond strange that they’ve done neither today.

Their YouTube page has also had a countdown until their next broadcast.

Nothing there either. Something is up.
Unless I’m looking at this incorrectly, there are no Trackers on ArcGIS Explorer at this point and not sure for how long today. Or the Trackers are hidden from view for some reason. Please look at the slider button next to Trackers under the Layers menu - it says September 26 only. If you turn that off, no trackers are Visible on the map. Tracks only are visible. Hope this makes sense...


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Every day of the search thus far, PE has Tweeted. They’ve also plugged their YouTube recap show, hours before it’s supposed to air.

It’s beyond strange that they’ve done neither today.

Their YouTube page has also had a countdown until their next broadcast.

Nothing there either. Something is up.

Perhaps they are taking Sunday off.
Thank you.
No offense, how can you be sure? It is MY understanding that anyone can post anything and label it as such on
FB. I don't need the use of FB in my life.
I'm not sure how this past Christmas date has been proven. Unless it comes definitively from Andy.
At 0:45 LS says AM says the last time he saw his sister was last Christmas and the picture is on the screen. IMO AM shared the pic with the reporter. This was just 5 days ago and before that I had never seen it on SM or YT.

Does anybody know whats after the boundry of that property along the 'beach' property?
Its just been bugging me since i heard Andy explain that he accidently went onto somebody elses property and it was an honest mistake, could the other hit with the dogs be to the left or the right of the property that was searched previously down by the beach?
Im just thinking somebody whos already committed the crime of murder isnt going to stick to the property lines of where hes working to hide the body necessarily.
It could also explain why nothing was found in the first search as they would of only had a warrant to search the one property,
Just my own speculation as to why they might first get a passive hit (due to transference from tools ect that may have been used) to then getting direct hits somewhere else,
Could Andy of accidentally gone further along where the police hadnt been after the passive hit to a place of interest and ended up getting a direct hit?
Editing to add andy mentioned this on last nights Profiling Evil


Here's my take on that whole 'off property' conversation (for what it's worth).

On the latest PE video, I believe AM said he spoke with the neighbors of the property under construction and he asked if he could go through their lot to access the river's edge. They agreed. He then started snooping around the waters edge in front of the house under construction (probably with the dog and handler as well). At some point he went beyond the high water mark and actually stepped on to the property under construction (I assume the dog and handler did as well.)

He later mentioned he had got chewed out by LE. I took that to mean they gave him heck for searching private property without permission. The moment he stepped past the high water mark on to the construction property he went out of bounds. Hence his comment that he went on someone's property he shouldn't have.

AM didn't seem too concerned about it though. It was an honest mistake he said. His mind is on finding his sister.

That's what I got out of that conversation. JMO.
Thinking more about the awful specifics on what @Foxfire told me about that recovery, I always hope that all searchers are as prepared, as they possibly can be, for if and when they do find the deceased. I’m not sure people always really think about that beforehand. There are some things you can never unsee. It’s a brilliant sacrifice. Just like those at ground zero who searched and found mostly just body parts.

Speaking of that, this is a very informative thesis I just finished reading re: the anthropological aspects of forensic identification in Mass Casualty Incidents.
While it focuses heavily on fragmentation and commingling, it is still very, very educational, as it touches on things like which bones are most likely to yield a DNA sample, for example the lower “weight bearing limbs” (leg bones), as opposed to the arm bones. It also discusses things like the DNA methods and aspects re: burnt remains, etc.

Here is the link for anyone who may be interested. It is almost 300 pages.
Warning, very, very graphic and disturbing, but again invaluable from a forensic perspective and has so much information:
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Quick question, and I apologize if already mentioned/posted:

From a SAR and educational perspective, I am curious about the specific guidance issued to the search volunteers. They are briefed in person, obviously before the search, but often there are specifics, for example posted on the Facebook group, etc.

Some of the specifics re: the search locations, etc. may be confidential, understandably, but I’m just curious about the specific safety measures and aspects that may have been mentioned, as related to volunteer searches in this terrain.


I’m recalling an awful search in Denver along the city river...hazardous conditions, fecal matter, trash, dirty needles...People actually brought their kids. I know people try to help, but bringing your kids on a recovery is just not safe or appropriate.

I’m also recalling an old conversation with our Late Great @Foxfire...(waves) - he was part of a group that actually did find the deceased, in the woods... The specifics on the find were, just, horrible.
I have to assume each and every search is unique. Different organizers, different circumstances, different seasons, different terrain, different motives.
I'm also sure the the desired end result of every search varies.

Sorry you went through that awful search, but thank you for forging through and participating.
Unless I’m looking at this incorrectly, there are no Trackers on ArcGIS Explorer at this point and not sure for how long today. Or the Trackers are hidden from view for some reason. Please look at the slider button next to Trackers under the Layers menu - it says September 26 only. If you turn that off, no trackers are Visible on the map. Tracks only are visible. Hope this makes sense...
Im pretty sure they said on PE they would be either delaying or hiding some of the data for safety purposes
Every day of the search thus far, PE has Tweeted. They’ve also plugged their YouTube recap show, hours before it’s supposed to air.

It’s beyond strange that they’ve done neither today.

Their YouTube page has also had a countdown until their next broadcast.

Nothing there either. Something is up.
I was just checking in to see if there was an update and to my dismay- nothing. Very strange indeed.

Also, wasn’t it the Vanessa Guillen case we were following that the dogs missed her, and they were in the exact location that her body was found?

Sometimes dogs miss the mark, but more times Than not, they hit the mark. JMO
Unless I’m looking at this incorrectly, there are no Trackers on ArcGIS Explorer at this point and not sure for how long today. Or the Trackers are hidden from view for some reason. Please look at the slider button next to Trackers under the Layers menu - it says September 26 only. If you turn that off, no trackers are Visible on the map. Tracks only are visible. Hope this makes sense...

I am sure this has been mentioned (gah, so behind sorry), re: the trackers:

I recall from CUE (SAR), during the search for Heather Elvis, that what they do with this data is examine it after the search, and they can see via this tracking if any specific areas may have been missed during the search.
I’ve been mulling this over for a few months, and I think there’s something about her outfit/accessories that will help reveal her location.

To eliminate any trace of her, one would need to dispose of a good deal of plastic materials. The bike might have been too cumbersome to destroy, hence its continued existence. But there’s also the helmet, sunglasses, and CamelBak. That helmet is arguably one of her possessions that would have the most scent; unlike clothing, it’s never washed!

The CamelBak is the most interesting piece of the puzzle for me personally. Most people I know (myself included) have a specific process for cleaning hydration systems because they get gross really fast. Now, I don’t think we’re dealing with a mastermind here. So, is it possible that her abductor failed to pay close attention to where all the bits and pieces of a disassembled CamelBak were?

You can chuck some clip shoes and riding gear in a bag and call it a day... but forgetting something like a nipple, a piece I regularly wash and lose track of on the drying rack or in the dishwasher utensil tray, is a big ol’ red flag.
Every day of the search thus far, PE has Tweeted. They’ve also plugged their YouTube recap show, hours before it’s supposed to air.

It’s beyond strange that they’ve done neither today.

Their YouTube page has also had a countdown until their next broadcast.

Nothing there either. Something is up.
I thought the same for LS this weekend.

But especially for PE and the search party. I also read here that this is the last day of the search and I thought they were searching through Monday. I do not know that something is up but I have wondered if LE is telling them to back off and why?
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