Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #48

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I suspect it's possible that whole firefighter training/business came about because he (BM) might have originally said something along the lines of "in Denver on business" without specifying what kind of business, and it was wrongly assumed he meant firefighter business.

In fact some of the very first articles did say, literally that "the husband", the volunteer firefighter was "out of town on business" giving the impression it was firefighter business.

In the very beginning the only person who'd know anything about anything, and also spoke to the media was TN. I suspect either BM wasn't clear to TN what kind of business he'd been tending to in Broomfield, or TN just wrongly assumed it was firefighter business, and that's what he told the media.

I think it's also possible he told AM the same thing, and he also assumed firefighter business and just repeated that same story. Or maybe he'd already heard that story at that point, and just went with it as being true.

Since there were at least 3 other people (MG, JP & CC) that knew all along exactly where BM was that weekend, it seems a bit of a stretch to believe he'd tell anyone it was firefighter business in Denver (when it was alibi-building via a retaining wall repair in Broomfield).

So either AM misunderstood, or repeated false info, or BM, knowing full well there were witnesses to exactly where he was and what he was doing, told AM a bold faced lie.


MOO the original conflation of BM being a firefighter = his being on firefighter business in Denver, and was probably told to the Daily Mail reporter as you described.
Early on it was just information, a bit wrong on an assumption, before it was viewed as an alibi.
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RSBM, I'm thinking bold face lie.
Andy was there in town the day after Suzanne went missing to help search. He wouldn’t have been influenced by articles, doubt he read any, he was right there in the thick of things with Barry and searching. We know from other interviews Andy quizzed Barry for details about what went down, surely he asked him where he was, that would be a basic. I think originally Andy took what Barry said at face value, it has sounded that way the whole time, up until we he learned from LE that Barry had not taken a test…..he mentally started to review everything he heard…Hence “ but that was Mother's Day and I can't find any evidence that there was ever a meeting that day” Something made him suspicious…perhaps LE told him there was not a meeting, but at that, it still. sounds like Andy needed to convince himself. IMO
Seems to me,we heard way back, that the Fire Chief said there was no training that day.
A downdraft system pulls air downward or to the back to the cooktop through built-in vents. Unlike hoods, downdraft designs are often integrated into the cooking appliance. ... These systems are also not recommended for gas stoves due to a release of carbon monoxide.Feb 10, 2014 - Google

At our primary home, we have a gas stove with a downdraft vent that vents to the outside and do not have a problem with carbon monoxide.

At our summer (and future retirement) home, we have a gas stove with a hood vent that has a charcoal filter, but recirculates the air into the home; it does not vent to the outside. Carbon monoxide is a risk there. (I plan to have a vent to the outside installed eventually.)

I think the carbon monoxide risk relates to whether or not steam and cooking vapors are circulated into the home or are vented to the outside.

ETA: Oops, I see al66pine already addressed this. Sorry!
... we have a gas stove with a downdraft vent
I think the carbon monoxide risk relates to whether or not steam and cooking vapors are circulated into the home or are vented to the outside.
ETA: Oops, I see al66pine already addressed this. Sorry!
@Diddian sbm. No need to apologize.
Thanks for your post.
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MOO the origonal conflation of BM being a firefighter = hia being on firefighter business in Denver, and was probably told to the Daimy Mail reporter as you described.
Early on it was just information, a bit wrong on an assumption, before it was viewed as an alibi.

Not sure why someone would just assume that it was Firefighter meeting. Why would they not assume he's just in Denver with a friend or checking out a future job site or a potential hunting site, Vehicle shopping? Why would a firefighter meetings pop in their head? If they had no idea ...the simple answer would be the husband was out of town. He knew better than to tell LE, it was a firefighters meeting. The intent I think, was to hopefully have LE buy his job alibi, and no one else be the wiser, because it looks sketchy. LE shouldn't question it, after all he's on video with witnesses. and why did he never correct the story until JP went public,

ETA The very next day…. "For the first time, on record with FOX21 News, Barry Morphew has agreed to share his side of the story in a one hour phone call with Lauren Scharf after speaking with her in person on Wednesday." Barry was without doubt a participant in that ruse.
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This isn’t something you rush. Knowing someone did something, and proving that someone did something, are two very different things.

If you don’t think you can yet prove a person’s guilt in court, then you wait.

No-body cases tend to take a long time, as those cases are harder to prove.
You are right. That s why there are to many murderers at street.
This isn’t something you rush. Knowing someone did something, and proving that someone did something, are two very different things.

If you don’t think you can yet prove a person’s guilt in court, then you wait.

No-body cases tend to take a long time, as those cases are harder to prove.

I'm concerned with snow season approaching this may be a little longer wait.
Anyone know exactly how many times BM has been back to Indiana since SM went missing? I really only know of one time for the guardianship case. Just curious how much back and forth he is doing while his beloved wife is missing. I do think he has been busy just wanted to know for sure if it was more than that 1 time. I’m not sure I could stomach a drive like that to “our” hometown if my spouse went missing.
Anyone know exactly how many times BM has been back to Indiana since SM went missing? I really only know of one time for the guardianship case. Just curious how much back and forth he is doing while his beloved wife is missing. I do think he has been busy just wanted to know for sure if it was more than that 1 time. I’m not sure I could stomach a drive like that to “our” hometown if my spouse went missing.
We only know what’s been reported - guardianship was handled by zoom or whatever IN courts are using but we do know there was a deed signed in person (notary was IN) - wasn’t a truck purchased there by the husband ? @Seattle1 or @Cindizzi likely know and I’m sure it’s in her media thread
It’s been mentioned before. At what point did the concern about SM being missing escalate into panic? When did the daughters initially try to reach their mom? If it wasn’t until Sunday, why wouldn’t they assume Suzanne was out with Barry? It would seem they would wait to hear back from him before calling neighbors. Did they know he was to be away?

I would like to know if they tried to reach him, and if so, did he ignore their calls and texts? And did the first neighbor that was called by the daughters try to reach BM?
It’s been mentioned before. At what point did the concern about SM being missing escalate into panic? When did the daughters initially try to reach their mom? If it wasn’t until Sunday, why wouldn’t they assume Suzanne was out with Barry? It would seem they would wait to hear back from him before calling neighbors. Did they know he was to be away?

I would like to know if they tried to reach him, and if so, did he ignore their calls and texts? And did the first neighbor that was called by the daughters try to reach BM?

Seems someone didn't think it all the way through.

Perhaps he expected the girls to arrive home, only to discover her missing. Was waiting for THAT call/text..... but they were, according to him, delayed....

Now his own timeline is fuzzy.

4 am, somewhere near Salida... 7 am possibly in Broomfield.... hotel... wall... moving tools... chlorinating something.... showering... sleeping....

If he wasn't answering calls midday (because he was "working"), IMO the girls would no doubt assume the parents were together which would not probably be alarming.... a quick call to the local "neighbors" just to ask if they knew where the parents were..... all very reasonable... but at some point they either enlisted the neighbor-neighbor OR they reached their dad, and if they reached him but he wasn't with her, IMO that's when worry would set in...

IMO things started ramping up about 3:30.... before LE was even called, I can imagine a group of concerned folks heading to PP.... GD ... TN.... and of course the girls, once they arrived....

All those phones should lay that out....

It’s been mentioned before. At what point did the concern about SM being missing escalate into panic? When did the daughters initially try to reach their mom? If it wasn’t until Sunday, why wouldn’t they assume Suzanne was out with Barry? It would seem they would wait to hear back from him before calling neighbors. Did they know he was to be away?

I would like to know if they tried to reach him, and if so, did he ignore their calls and texts? And did the first neighbor that was called by the daughters try to reach BM?
I wonder if he made sure to let them know he had to go to work. I have this feeling that he made work a priority always. Whether or not it was a lucrative job we don’t know. I feel to him he made sure they thought it was and that they knew he was the breadwinner even if not factual. I do wonder also about when she went missing if he was their main contact.
Were things already sorta off that they knew he would not know what was happening at home?
Moms and their girls know a lot about each other. Was there a disconnect already going on that only this immediate family was in tune to? I feel I had this impression from pics about what a close knit family this was but maybe he wasn’t around much and maybe this is why we don’t hear a peep from the girls. I guess I’m thinking the girls know a lot more than we think they do. Jmo
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Anyone know exactly how many times BM has been back to Indiana since SM went missing? I really only know of one time for the guardianship case. Just curious how much back and forth he is doing while his beloved wife is missing. I do think he has been busy just wanted to know for sure if it was more than that 1 time. I’m not sure I could stomach a drive like that to “our” hometown if my spouse went missing.
He was spotted several weeks ago at a pizza place I think.
This isn’t something you rush. Knowing someone did something, and proving that someone did something, are two very different things.

If you don’t think you can yet prove a person’s guilt in court, then you wait.

No-body cases tend to take a long time, as those cases are harder to prove.
And imo they ain't never finding her body! So we wait...
ITA, but would like to know where SM is, and not sure an arrest would lead us to her.

Edit: sadly

An arrest won’t lead to SM, but it will lead to justice. The new DA takes office in January. She needs time to review the case, and you can bet they have their eye on a certain someone.

When the right time comes, there will be an arrest.

And they will nail him to the floor.

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