Connecticut school district on lockdown after shooting report at a Newtown elemen #11

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Also noted in one article she left him alone the entire week of Thanksgiving. That may have hurt his feelings.

Wonder if she told him she was dying of mysterious ailment?
Regarding Nancy Lanza's personal health:

The mother of the Sandy Hook gunman who was shot four times in the face at close range by her son, suffered from multiple sclerosis, it was revealed today.

Her sister-in-law Marsha revealed today that Nancy had health problems as well as her son and would often go to new York for treatment for her MS.

Friends of the mother-of-two told the Today show on Monday that she was not a 'survivalist' despite earlier reports that she had been stockpiling food because she thought the world economy was on the verge of collapse.

As part of the divorce, Nancy Lanza was ordered to attend a parenting education program. The provider, Family Centers Inc., certified that she completed the program on June 3 and June 10, 2009.

In an interview the killer's aunt said Nancy Lanza was 'self-reliant' and indicated she was a 'prepper', or a person who prepares for Doomsday by learning essential survival skills - like how to shoot a gun.

Speaking from her home near Chicago, Marsha Lanza, 57, said: 'She was stockpiling food. We talked about prepping a lot. She was getting ready for the economic collapse. I think she had the guns for self-defense because she lived alone.'

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Nancy Lanza, mother of Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza, suffered from multiple sclerosis as she cared for her disturbed son, according to her former sister-in-law.
I am interested in knowing how he behaved if she didn't do his laundry daily or all the other things. Or how he would have behaved had she decorated for Christmas.

It doesn't make sense if he never left his room and only communicated via email.

What goes on behind closed doors......
In our society we hold parents somewhat accountable, for the criminal behavior of their children. Even though AL was an adult by age, he was not able to care for himself and therefore needed a guardian to take care of him. So, IMO the same rules or expectations should apply to NL's responsibility as caregiver, regardless of his age.

The responsibility that a parent or caregiver has, should include not acting in a negligent way when it comes to the care of the child or person. If it is established that NL knowing and willingly acted in a negligent way that contributed to AL actions, then she as his caregiver holds some responsibility.

I don't consider it victim blaming, if knowing and willing negligence of the caregiver can be established.

The question is was NL negligent? If she was aware of his violent thoughts and did nothing, then I would say she was.

BBM for relevance.

Recently released search warrants related to the Newtown school shooting revealed that investigators found gruesome photos in Adam Lanza's home, and now a friend tells the New York Daily News that mom Nancy came across grisly pictures just two weeks before the massacre. She was "disturbed, really disturbed" by what the friend describes as a drawing of a "woman clutching a religious item, like rosary beads, and holding a child, and she was getting all shot up in the back with blood flying everywhere." But she said nothing to her son, says the friend. "She wanted to think it over."
Many people talk comment that Adam should have been committed or institutionalized-- but that would not have been the initial steps for dealing with an autistic son approaching age 18. The first steps would have been getting a court order for some level of guardianship, as it was pretty obvious Adam was not moving toward being able to care for himself, live independently, hold a job, pay bills, file taxes, etc.

I have found nothing in mainstream news articles that Peter and Nancy were conferring together about how best to help Adam plan for adulthood at the time of divorce, or after. There are numerous references to Peter being "cut out" of Adam's life the last few years-- after he turned 18, and there are articles about Nancy looking for engineering schools for Adam.

If Peter and Nancy were devoted to helping Adam transition to adulthood, they should have been working together to obtain some level of guardianship or conservatorship for Adam from about age 17 on-- right when the divorce happened. Applications to the courts for guardianship for teens approaching adulthood typically begin at age 17, to allow processing time before the 18th birthday.

Lots more to read online than these, but these are a good overview.
I have doubts about this mysterious illness, whether it be MS or something else. I missed the post about it being MS but saw the ones about her saying she had an "autoimmune disorder" which could be a lot of things. Such as, aren't rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and maybe chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia autoimmune disorders? I don't think those are normally fatal though and she hinted she could possibly die from the illness. If this illness actually existed it didn't seem to prevent her from travelling, dining in nice restaurants, and having fun with friends at bars. Something doesn't add up about it, for sure. I think the only true illness she had was possibly some mental problems of her own and the stress and strain of trying to care for and protect Adam all alone, refusing to seek real help.

I too wonder how he behaved if she did not obey him. Maybe she always did! If she wasn't allowed in his room then I assume he found himself capable of cleaning it himself, and apparently delivering his soiled laundry to her. One of the articles states that he would not allow a cleaning person to come in so if his mom was away, what did he do about laundry and his multiple clothing changes per day? The fact that she did leave him alone at Thanksgiving may have been the breaking point for him. He was going to get even with her for that and whatever else he probably blamed her for. The saddest thing about all this is that it did not have to be this way. Neither Adam nor his mom had to lose their lives, and those at the school certainly did not have to lose their lives.

Here is an article that says Nancy had "lesions on the brain" and she talked about it "flaring up again". What would this be? She claims it killed her grandfather but that doctors had no explanation for what it was.
I have doubts about this mysterious illness, whether it be MS or something else. I missed the post about it being MS but saw the ones about her saying she had an "autoimmune disorder" which could be a lot of things. Such as, aren't rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and maybe chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia autoimmune disorders?

Here is an article that says Nancy had "lesions on the brain" and she talked about it "flaring up again". What would this be? She claims it killed her grandfather but that doctors had no explanation for what it was.

Snipped and BBM for relevance.

If Nancy did have MS, as her ex-SIL said, brain lesions are a hallmark diagnostic feature of the disease. These lesions are imaged with MRI.

Here is an article discussing MS plaques (lesions).
Also noted in one article she left him alone the entire week of Thanksgiving. That may have hurt his feelings.

Wonder if she told him she was dying of mysterious ailment?

I am interested in knowing how he behaved if she didn't do his laundry daily or all the other things. Or how he would have behaved had she decorated for Christmas.

It doesn't make sense if he never left his room and only communicated via email.

What goes on behind closed doors......

I wonder about all that too..................

Many people talk comment that Adam should have been committed or institutionalized-- but that would not have been the initial steps for dealing with an autistic son approaching age 18. The first steps would have been getting a court order for some level of guardianship, as it was pretty obvious Adam was not moving toward being able to care for himself, live independently, hold a job, pay bills, file taxes, etc.

I have found nothing in mainstream news articles that Peter and Nancy were conferring together about how best to help Adam plan for adulthood at the time of divorce, or after. There are numerous references to Peter being "cut out" of Adam's life the last few years-- after he turned 18, and there are articles about Nancy looking for engineering schools for Adam.

If Peter and Nancy were devoted to helping Adam transition to adulthood, they should have been working together to obtain some level of guardianship or conservatorship for Adam from about age 17 on-- right when the divorce happened. Applications to the courts for guardianship for teens approaching adulthood typically begin at age 17, to allow processing time before the 18th birthday.

Lots more to read online than these, but these are a good overview.

It is going to be difficult to get anyone institutionalized. As I have seen mentioned by others, Adam Lanza did not show any overt signs of mental illness like hallucination or anything suggesting schizophrenia. It maybe possible he had mental illness.

Here is an interesting article.

Revisiting Adam Lanza: The Official Sandy Hook Report

The release this week of the official report on Adam Lanza’s attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School has once again turned people’s attention to the enigmas of his personality and motivation.

Based on my research, I believe that Lanza was a psychotic school shooter who suffered from undiagnosed schizophrenia. Many of his unusual traits that could be understood as belonging to an autism-spectrum diagnosis and/or obsessive-compulsive disorder could be accounted for by a diagnosis of schizophrenia. These include his extreme social withdrawal and apparent catatonic episodes, his sensitivity to touch and noise, his poverty of speech (lack of verbal interaction), his odd compulsions or rituals, as well as his olfactory hallucinations.

This caught my attention. I notice of the 27 people killed, 19 of them were females. All the adults killed were female.
The burning question that remains unanswered is “why commit murder?” I suspect that whatever rationale he had would strike us as irrational. In fact, there may have been multiple rationales, with multiple different reasons for killing his mother and attacking people at the school. He reportedly had a strained relationship with his mother and referred to her as irrational. He also wrote about the selfishness of women. But does this explain shooting her in the head multiple times?
Unfortunately, I have a feeling that as time goes by, many gun lovers are going to be trying as hard as possible to desensitize Newtown in the public eye. By that, I mean acting like Newtown wasn't a big deal, that the media is the only ones who still "care", etc. They need to make it so when the parents talk about what happened to their child at Newtown, the public and legislators won't be moved. I already see comments that get annoyed that the media is still talking about it. Why is that? 26 people killed...One of the biggest mass shootings in US history...Many loved ones are speaking out, they want their child/family member's name to be remembered. Yet nothing more should be written or said about it? Please. There are plenty of crime stories that are still talked about years later. But they want the public to forget. That's the goal. If people "forget" about Newtown, if it becomes like any other tragic event, then people won't listen anymore when the parents speak to the media, when they speak to Congress, etc. This tragedy might be the closest this country ever got to some gun control. Many gun lovers are probably still terrified that it will lead to gun control. That's why they need it to go away.
I wonder about all that too..................

It is going to be difficult to get anyone institutionalized. As I have seen mentioned by others, Adam Lanza did not show any overt signs of mental illness like hallucination or anything suggesting schizophrenia. It maybe possible he had mental illness.

Here is an interesting article.

Revisiting Adam Lanza: The Official Sandy Hook Report

The release this week of the official report on Adam Lanza’s attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School has once again turned people’s attention to the enigmas of his personality and motivation.

Based on my research, I believe that Lanza was a psychotic school shooter who suffered from undiagnosed schizophrenia. Many of his unusual traits that could be understood as belonging to an autism-spectrum diagnosis and/or obsessive-compulsive disorder could be accounted for by a diagnosis of schizophrenia. These include his extreme social withdrawal and apparent catatonic episodes, his sensitivity to touch and noise, his poverty of speech (lack of verbal interaction), his odd compulsions or rituals, as well as his olfactory hallucinations.

This caught my attention. I notice of the 27 people killed, 19 of them were females. All the adults killed were female.
The burning question that remains unanswered is “why commit murder?” I suspect that whatever rationale he had would strike us as irrational. In fact, there may have been multiple rationales, with multiple different reasons for killing his mother and attacking people at the school. He reportedly had a strained relationship with his mother and referred to her as irrational. He also wrote about the selfishness of women. But does this explain shooting her in the head multiple times?

Regarding the killing of mostly females, the first thing that pops in my head is male privilege entitlement. It was probably obvious to him at this point he was not going to be like his dad and other successful grown men.
Evidence photos released today.

Police file on Newtown yields chilling portrait

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — Connecticut police released thousands of pages Friday from their investigation into the Newtown massacre, providing the most detailed and disturbing picture yet of the rampage and Adam Lanza's fascination with murder, while also depicting school employees' brave and clear-headed attempts to protect the children.

More at link
I wonder about all that too..................

It is going to be difficult to get anyone institutionalized. As I have seen mentioned by others, Adam Lanza did not show any overt signs of mental illness like hallucination or anything suggesting schizophrenia. It maybe possible he had mental illness.

Here is an interesting article.

Revisiting Adam Lanza: The Official Sandy Hook Report

The release this week of the official report on Adam Lanza’s attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School has once again turned people’s attention to the enigmas of his personality and motivation.

Based on my research, I believe that Lanza was a psychotic school shooter who suffered from undiagnosed schizophrenia. Many of his unusual traits that could be understood as belonging to an autism-spectrum diagnosis and/or obsessive-compulsive disorder could be accounted for by a diagnosis of schizophrenia. These include his extreme social withdrawal and apparent catatonic episodes, his sensitivity to touch and noise, his poverty of speech (lack of verbal interaction), his odd compulsions or rituals, as well as his olfactory hallucinations.

This caught my attention. I notice of the 27 people killed, 19 of them were females. All the adults killed were female.
The burning question that remains unanswered is “why commit murder?” I suspect that whatever rationale he had would strike us as irrational. In fact, there may have been multiple rationales, with multiple different reasons for killing his mother and attacking people at the school. He reportedly had a strained relationship with his mother and referred to her as irrational. He also wrote about the selfishness of women. But does this explain shooting her in the head multiple times?

To me as a psychologist, the possibility of him being an undiagnosed schizophrenic is very interesting - and alarming. Alarming because, here in Australia anyway, Asperger's in particular is being diagnosed everywhere - it is as popular and widespread a diagnosis as ADD was ten years ago. It has got to the extent that anybody presenting with social difficulties or withdrawn behaviour seems to automatically be diagnosed as Asperger's or on the autism spectrum now - I find it very concerning as complex diagnostic features are often overlooked and the true diagnosis falls by the wayside. JMO!

It certainly makes a lot of sense if he was schizophrenic - he could well have been in the throes of psychosis when he committed this terrible crime.

Huge blessings to the families of all the victims, particularly at this time of the year.
I wonder about all that too..................

(Respectfully snipped)

The release this week of the official report on Adam Lanza’s attack at Sandy Hook Elementary School has once again turned people’s attention to the enigmas of his personality and motivation.

Based on my research, I believe that Lanza was a psychotic school shooter who suffered from undiagnosed schizophrenia. Many of his unusual traits that could be understood as belonging to an autism-spectrum diagnosis and/or obsessive-compulsive disorder could be accounted for by a diagnosis of schizophrenia. These include his extreme social withdrawal and apparent catatonic episodes, his sensitivity to touch and noise, his poverty of speech (lack of verbal interaction), his odd compulsions or rituals, as well as his olfactory hallucinations.

This caught my attention. I notice of the 27 people killed, 19 of them were females. All the adults killed were female.
The burning question that remains unanswered is “why commit murder?” I suspect that whatever rationale he had would strike us as irrational. In fact, there may have been multiple rationales, with multiple different reasons for killing his mother and attacking people at the school. He reportedly had a strained relationship with his mother and referred to her as irrational. He also wrote about the selfishness of women. But does this explain shooting her in the head multiple times?

Thank you HMSHood for the link to that fascinating article in Psychology Today - it contains much interesting info about Adam Lanza, in particular, and mass killers in general.:seeya:
This caught my attention. I notice of the 27 people killed, 19 of them were females. All the adults killed were female.
The burning question that remains unanswered is “why commit murder?” I suspect that whatever rationale he had would strike us as irrational. In fact, there may have been multiple rationales, with multiple different reasons for killing his mother and attacking people at the school. He reportedly had a strained relationship with his mother and referred to her as irrational. He also wrote about the selfishness of women. But does this explain shooting her in the head multiple times?

Respectfully snipped by me.

It would be critically important to present the male to female ratio among the faculty and staff before placing too much weight on the anti female theory; you may very well be right but we should examine the numbers first. One thing is sadly clear: Adam Lanza was anti-humanity and instead of self improvement or simple suicide he chose to take the lives of innocents children who he knew couldn't fight back...

In the 1978 film Halloween, the character Dr Loomis says the following about Michael Myers which I think sums up Adam Lanza pretty well:

"*I met him, fifteen years ago; I was told there was nothing left; no reason, no conscience, no understanding; and even the most rudimentary sense of life or death, of good or evil, right or wrong. I met this six-year-old child, with this blank, pale, emotionless face, and the blackest eyes... the devil's eyes. I spent eight years trying to reach him, and then another seven trying to keep him locked up because I realized that what was living behind that boy's eyes was purely and simply... evil."
From the link above, it appears at least 15 children were killed due to not being able to shut the bathroom door and not because they were female. jmo

Others weren't so lucky.

Police Lt. Christopher Vanghele said he and another officer found what appeared to be about 15 bodies packed in another bathroom. So many people had tried to cram inside the bathroom that the door couldn't be closed, and the shooter gunned them all down, Vanghele surmised.
wow, :( not sure what to say.
Adam was one sick young man....i still BELIEVE..... that means imoo....that his mother ignored ....even chose to ignore her sons sick mind....especially after reading the above report.
wow, :( not sure what to say.
Adam was one sick young man....i still BELIEVE..... that means imoo....that his mother ignored ....even chose to ignore her sons sick mind....especially after reading the above report.

I agree. I think he could have been easily institutionalized. His obsession with violence and OCD that made him unable to care for himself were enough.
Any threats of violence towards self or others is grounds, if his mother called the police.
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