Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter
To help patients, caregivers, physicians, and other healthcare providers find
#COVID19 clinical trials and expanded access opportunities as easily as possible; the Reagan-Udall Foundation for the
#FDA today launched the online COVID-19 Treatment Hub.
COVID-19 Treatment Hub | Reagan-Udall Foundation
11:29 AM - 15 Apr 2020
Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter
South Dakota has become one of the fastest growing hot spots in U.S., even as other parts of nation see their epidemics start to level off or slow. South Dakota has a doubling time now of about 4 days. In the setting of the ongoing national epidemic, every state is vulnerable.
11:41 AM - 15 Apr 2020
Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter
1/2 More evidence China delayed telling world or incorporating into their response, key information they developed about transmissibility and virulence of
#COVID19. A series of delayed disclosures, incomplete statements helped create condition for pandemic
China didn't warn public of likely pandemic for 6 key days
12:30 PM - 15 Apr 2020
Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter
2/2 One critical question is whether a more robust, transparent, response by China in the early days of the Wuhan outbreak would have made it easier for China to contain the virus; and prevent the scope of internal spread and exported cases that ultimately fueled a global crisis.
12:32 PM - 15 Apr 2020
Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter
1/3 New study shows that people with
#COVID19 may be most infectious before their symptoms develop. The authors estimate that - on average - about 44% of secondary cases were infected from people who had not yet developed symptoms.
Temporal dynamics in viral shedding and transmissibility of COVID-19
12:46 PM - 15 Apr 2020
Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter
2/3 They report patterns of viral shedding in 94 patients with
#COVID19 and model infectiousness from separate sample of transmission chains. They observed highest viral load in throat swabs at time of symptom onset; inferred that infectiousness peaked on or before symptom onset.
12:47 PM - 15 Apr 2020
Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter
3/3 This has very important implications for case based interventions. These findings will make effective and aggressive contact tracing to test, trace new cases critical to controlling for outbreaks and future epidemic spread.
12:47 PM - 15 Apr 2020
Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter
Positivity rates overall for
#COVID19 testing nationally are still very high. In hot spot cities it's substantially higher. These data reflect the continued epidemic spread of this virus.
5:11 PM - 15 Apr 2020
Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter
Data shows a decline over past few weeks in emergency room visits for
#COVID19 like illness.
5:36 PM - 15 Apr 2020
Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter
New analysis of viral genomes of the
#COVID19 infections diagnosed in Connecticut finds that most of the cases evaluated were from domestic clusters, some probably originating in Washington State - demonstrating role of interstate spread in the epidemic.
10:23 PM - 15 Apr 2020
Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter
States with the lowest total percentage of their population tested for
2:09 PM - 16 Apr 2020
Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter
States with the highest total percentage of their population tested for
2:10 PM - 16 Apr 2020
Scott Gottlieb, MD on Twitter
Re-opening principles from White House. Sensible set of broad guidelines on gradually restarting social activities, work in stages; with new protections at workplace, eye toward measuring impact to adjust if cases spike. Broadly consistent with state plans
4:59 PM - 16 Apr 2020
Two places where states are likely to exercise more caution than these guidelines might allow are the reopening of gyms and sports venues and some other large entertainment gatherings. Those may not be permitted until we have seen that work can safely return without a resurgence.
6:59 PM - 16 Apr 2020
Accumulating data on remdesivir in
#COVID19 could seem to support authorizing broader access to drug under an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA), especially now that the NIAID trial could be fully enrolled. That trial will serve as confirmatory evidence.
7:26 PM - 16 Apr 2020