Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #97

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For us already vaxxed folk I assume ? Cause if they ain’t taken it yet they ain’t gonna take this one :rolleyes:

Delta variant: Third Covid shot may be way around masking, says Dr. Peter Hotez
Dr. Peter Hotez told CNBC that while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s new Covid masking guidelines are “absolutely” necessary to battle the delta variant and surging cases, there might be an alternative to wearing masks indoors again.

“There is potentially a way to get around it, and it may be that third immunization,” said Hotez, co-director of the Center for Vaccine Development at Texas Children’s Hospital.
motto for 2021 ....
“Delta don't care”
About vaxes , herds, whatever.

this damn virus Still doing it’s thing. Just when you think how could it worse... o_O

Island reached herd immunity, but not for delta. Delta is much more infectious. So previous herd immunity doesn't work with delta.
This article says that their covid-limited condition led to a huge uptake in tourists wanting to go there.

Another interesting thing. Iceland was said to have reached herd immunity. I guess maybe they were mistaken. The goal posts seem to have moved.

In June, more than 42,000 people packed their suitcases and boarded flights not to tropical beaches or resorts but to a much colder alternative: Iceland.

Iceland, which has reached herd immunity, has some of the world’s highest vaccination rates; 70 percent of people are fully vaccinated, and as of June 28, 87 percent of adults had received at least one dose.

The country’s vaccination success is an extension of what has been an overwhelmingly effective pandemic response: Not only did it manage to avoid lockdowns, but it also only had 30 deaths.

Why Is Everyone Going to Iceland?
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This is another thing we are dealing with all of the time ...... it seems it is never ending.

Another 19 cases were detected in the crew of the bulk carrier MV Sanyu off the Queensland coast.
Dr Young said nurses visited the ship yesterday and 19 of the 21 crew tested positive to COVID-19.

Five of the sick crew have been flown to Brisbane, another five will be taken on Thursday morning.

Maritime Safety Queensland said the other nine ill members will remain on board to crew the ship, which is moored off the coast of Western Cape York.

Health authorities will be working closely with Maritime Safety Queensland to organise the best possible response to keep the ship's crew safe.

"The ship came originally from the Philippines and all of the crew, I understand, are from the Philippines."

MV Sanyu crew coming to Brisbane
Just when you think COVID-19 can't scare you any more than it already has, you've vaccinated and been very careful so you should be safe . . . something like hearing a vaccinated person can have as much virus as the unvaccinated is verified and bam right back to the exhausting thought process of questioning every encounter, every errand. I thought this was going to be the "roaring 20's" freedom summer for us - not so much.

you got that right. This is a real "bam" in the face, isn't it.

It's like........... "how can this even be true"... what is the vaccine doing? I thought it was preventing the viral load to build in our systems.
It will be awhile before the FDA grants emergency approval for a booster, and then it's going to take time to distribute the booster shot, assuming it's a different vaccine, and then implement the injections. But people are going to get an additional shot on their own, often lying about whether they've had the regular 2 shots.

The wave is about to hit, so really too late to avoid masks. August is going to be bad, IMO.

August won't be bad in Florida...governor says this is 'seasonal'

you know.... I hadn't even thought about people lying about being vaccinated.... geez...
i hope that doesn't become too public... ha ha ha ha!
you got that right. This is a real "bam" in the face, isn't it.

It's like........... "how can this even be true"... what is the vaccine doing? I thought it was preventing the viral load to build in our systems.
It was preventing viral load to build up with previous virus variants, but not with delta.
We need boosters like, right now. A booster could be a third dose of regular Pfizer or Moderna, it doesn't have to be specific for delta. We have a lot of vaccines that are actually going to expire, because anti-vaxxers refuse to vaccine. Isn't it time to start giving boosters to people who want it?

"There's "estimated potential for up to 100-fold increase in Delta neutralization post-dose three compared to pre-dose three," researchers wrote in the Pfizer data slides."
Pfizer data suggest third dose of Covid-19 vaccine 'strongly' boosts protection against Delta variant - CNN
It may not change anything to be mad- but I am mad!!! I have a friend who refuses to get the vaccine. She is intelligent, a retired teacher-- and honestly, I rarely talk to her because she makes me angry- we have agreed not to discuss it- so we don't - but she and her non-vaccinated ilk are the cause of this continuing horrible saga.

Yes, the willfully unvaccinated and people who have never respected and followed mitigation measures like distance and masks share a great deal of the blame for where we now find ourselves, so I get why people are mad at those people.

Those of us who knew that anti-vaxxers, covid deniers, and people who have embraced politicization of COVID would not willingly follow mask recommendations felt very frustrated when the CDC issued their unmasking recommendations for vaccinated individuals. We all KNEW that those people will only wear masks and practice distancing if they are given no other choice. We KNEW that they would ruin it for everyone. Herd immunity is dependent on adequate numbers, and there are forces in our society that are working hard to make sure that we never get there.
Yes, the willfully unvaccinated and people who have never respected and followed mitigation measures like distance and masks share a great deal of the blame for where we now find ourselves, so I get why people are mad at those people.

Those of us who knew that anti-vaxxers, covid deniers, and people who have embraced politicization of COVID would not willingly follow mask recommendations felt very frustrated when the CDC issued their unmasking recommendations for vaccinated individuals. We all KNEW that those people will only wear masks and practice distancing if they are given no other choice. We KNEW that they would ruin it for everyone. Herd immunity is dependent on adequate numbers, and there are forces in our society that are working hard to make sure that we never get there.
Yes, the willfully unvaccinated and people who have never respected and followed mitigation measures like distance and masks share a great deal of the blame for where we now find ourselves, so I get why people are mad at those people.

Those of us who knew that anti-vaxxers, covid deniers, and people who have embraced politicization of COVID would not willingly follow mask recommendations felt very frustrated when the CDC issued their unmasking recommendations for vaccinated individuals. We all KNEW that those people will only wear masks and practice distancing if they are given no other choice. We KNEW that they would ruin it for everyone. Herd immunity is dependent on adequate numbers, and there are forces in our society that are working hard to make sure that we never get there.

There are those kind of people you describe- willfully defiant- but there are others like my friend - her resistance is not willful defiance- <modsnip>- she says she doesn't trust it-- she wears a mask and does all the other things but she refuses to get the vaccine. In the end the willfully defiant ones, and the <modnsip>, are all responsible for where we are now-
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We need boosters like, right now. A booster could be a third dose of regular Pfizer or Moderna, it doesn't have to be specific for delta. We have a lot of vaccines that are actually going to expire, because anti-vaxxers refuse to vaccine. Isn't it time to start giving boosters to people who want it?

"There's "estimated potential for up to 100-fold increase in Delta neutralization post-dose three compared to pre-dose three," researchers wrote in the Pfizer data slides."
Pfizer data suggest third dose of Covid-19 vaccine 'strongly' boosts protection against Delta variant - CNN

Pfizer was trying to get "emergency authorization", when CDC contradicted them....

Do we know where this stands now?
Olympic host Tokyo's daily Covid cases rise to 3,177, second straight record (

"I think we've entered a trend of sharp rises in cases, which I had feared the most," said Yuji Kuroiwa, governor of Kanagawa prefecture near Tokyo.

Olympic host city Tokyo recorded 3,177 new Covid-19 cases on Wednesday, authorities announced, hitting a daily record high for a second straight day as a spike in infections puts pressure on hospitals.

The rise — up from 2,848 on Tuesday — will add to worries about the Games, which are taking place under unprecedented conditions including a ban on spectators in most venues.

The surge also spells trouble for Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, whose support ratings are at their lowest since he took office last September, ahead of a ruling party leadership race and a general election this year...
Just when you think COVID-19 can't scare you any more than it already has, you've vaccinated and been very careful so you should be safe . . . something like hearing a vaccinated person can have as much virus as the unvaccinated is verified and bam right back to the exhausting thought process of questioning every encounter, every errand. I thought this was going to be the "roaring 20's" freedom summer for us - not so much.

if the vaccinated are supposedly not very sick, how can they have "as much virus?"seems illogical, IMO. Shouldn't the vaccine be shutting down the virus replication?
right, but don't the number of deaths in both the last two weeks seem alarming???

another thing in the back of my mind is that possibly a lot of the weakest/most vulnerable people were infected by rounds one and two so those people already died, so in almost any event, there would be a lower death rate with a third round- a grim thought but, IMO...
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