Coronavirus COVID-19 - Global Health Pandemic #98

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Here’s why herd immunity from Covid is ‘mythical’ with the delta variant

LONDON — Achieving herd immunity with Covid vaccines when the highly infectious delta variant is spreading is “not a possibility,” a leading epidemiologist said.

Experts agree on several reasons why such a goal — where overall immunity in a population is reached and the spread of the virus is stopped — is not likely.

Sir Andrew Pollard, head of the Oxford Vaccine Group, told British lawmakers Tuesday that as Covid vaccines did not stop the spread of the virus entirely — with vaccinated people still able to be infected and transmit the virus — the idea of achieving herd immunity was “mythical.”

“I think we are in a situation here with this current variant where herd immunity is not a possibility because it still infects vaccinated individuals,” said Pollard, one of the lead researchers in the creation of the AstraZeneca-University of Oxford vaccine.
Pollard noted on Tuesday that Covid, and the current virulent delta variant, are different. “The problem with this virus is [it is] not measles. If 95% of people were vaccinated against measles, the virus cannot transmit in the population,” he told the U.K.’s All-Party Parliamentary Group on the coronavirus.

Pollard said that while Covid vaccines might slow the spread of the virus — because fully vaccinated but infected people appeared, in studies, to shed less virus, giving the virus less opportunity to spread — new variants were likely to emerge that would also spread.

“I suspect that what the virus will throw up next is a variant which is perhaps even better at transmitting among vaccinated populations and so that’s even more of a reason not to be making a vaccine program around herd immunity.”
“The delta variant is highly transmissible meaning that the proportion of people needing to be fully vaccinated for herd immunity is probably not achievable,” he said. “The vaccines provide very effective protection against severe disease/hospitalisation/death but are less effective in preventing infection, mild disease and transmission, especially for the delta variant.”

Dozens exposed to COVID after Nevada parent knowingly sent infected child to school: District | KTLA

About 80 people have been exposed to the coronavirus after a school district in northern Nevada said a parent knowingly sent a child to school two days after learning the student tested positive.

The Washoe County School District, which covers the Reno area, said in a statement Wednesday that the parent had also tested positive and “refused to communicate” with Marce Herz Middle School.
Schwarzenegger's message for anti-mask protesters: 'Screw your freedom'

Former California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has a message for people who say they are against having to wear a mask because it encroaches upon their freedom.

"Screw your freedom -- because with freedom comes obligations and responsibilities," Schwarzenegger said Wednesday.
This is pretty scary. I haven't heard a whole lot about this but it sounds like Covid is making pregnancies more difficult and contributing to premature births. This young woman died after giving birth--she was planning on waiting until after her child was born to get the vaccine. I get that--no mother wants to risk the health of her unborn child. But, alas, in the end, it didn't matter because it cost her own life.

North Kansas City mother dies of COVID-19 after premature birth

Dozens exposed to COVID after Nevada parent knowingly sent infected child to school: District | KTLA

About 80 people have been exposed to the coronavirus after a school district in northern Nevada said a parent knowingly sent a child to school two days after learning the student tested positive.

The Washoe County School District, which covers the Reno area, said in a statement Wednesday that the parent had also tested positive and “refused to communicate” with Marce Herz Middle School.

What in the world? That's just wrong.

Dozens exposed to COVID after Nevada parent knowingly sent infected child to school: District | KTLA

About 80 people have been exposed to the coronavirus after a school district in northern Nevada said a parent knowingly sent a child to school two days after learning the student tested positive.

The Washoe County School District, which covers the Reno area, said in a statement Wednesday that the parent had also tested positive and “refused to communicate” with Marce Herz Middle School.

s/he should be charged
Does anyone have any good links for
how much protection just the 1st shot of pfizer offers?

This is where I'm at now for the next 3 weeks.

I think you probably need to keep yourself and others very protected until 2-3 weeks after your 2nd jab.

A study published in Nature found that antibodies in blood samples (sera) from convalescent patients up to 12 months post-infection were four times less effective at neutralising the delta variant than the alpha variant.10 Sera from people who had only a single dose of the Pfizer BioNTech or Oxford AstraZeneca vaccines “barely” inhibited delta, wrote the authors.

They did, however, see a neutralising response in sera from almost all people who had received two doses of a vaccine.

Covid-19: How effective are vaccines against the delta variant?
(This is a feature article intended for healthcare professionals)
Pfizer intends to submit data to Health Canada on trials of its COVID-19 vaccine in children under 12 by the end of the year, the company told Global News.

In a statement, Pfizer said that it had completed its Phase 1 trial of the vaccine in children, which was designed to determine the optimal dose for kids of different age groups.

Phase 2 and 3 trials are ongoing, the company said, “to further evaluate the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine in children 5-11, and in children 6 months-5 years.”

“If safety and immunogenicity is confirmed, we plan on filing the data to Health Canada before the end of the year to support a potential authorization in children 5 to 11 years of age, and soon after for 6 months to 5 years,” wrote the company.

This data needs to be reviewed by Health Canada to determine whether the government will authorize the use of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine in children under 12. Health Canada approved use of the vaccine in children aged 12-16 in May 2021.


COVID-19 vaccine trial data for kids coming by end of year: Pfizer - National |
I desperately hope and pray the new study is wrong. I'm tired of playing board games and doing Sudoku in our self lockdown. Again. We've been so looking forward to normalcy for so long but how long more?

Deadly Lambda Covid-19 variant could be vaccine-resistant

As the US struggles to suppress the rapidly advancing coronavirus Delta variant, new evidence has emerged that the latest Lambda mutation — ravaging parts of South America — won’t be slowed by vaccines.

In a July 28 report appearing on bioRxiv, where the study awaits peer review prior to getting published, researchers in Japan are sounding the alarm on the C.37 variant, dubbed Lambda. And it’s proven just as virulent as Delta thanks to a similar mutation making them even more contagious.
“In addition to increasing viral infectivity, the Delta variant exhibits higher resistance to the vaccine-induced neutralization,” the authors said. “Similarly, here we showed that the Lambda variant equips not only increased infectivity but also resistance against antiviral immunity.”
This little school in Kentucky has 85 school children in quarantine after the first day of classes.

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ETA - that is a link to the newspaper page.

That is what happened here as Delta raged. There were over a million children off school this time last month. It is extremely disruptive, especially for younger children whose parents have to stay at home to look after them. That meant fewer teachers at school because they were ill or isolating or looking after their own ill or isolating kids, then more classes would be sent home.... and so it went on.

I'm dreading what's going to happen here in September - our minors aren't even vaccinated!
This little school in Kentucky has 85 school children in quarantine after the first day of classes.

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ETA - that is a link to the newspaper page.
Some of the comments....Calling Covid a summer cold?!?
Tell that to my two (formerly healthly not elderly) vaccinated friends in ICU with “a summer cold”.
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A surge in coronavirus patients and a shortage of health-care workers and intensive care unit beds have pushed Mississippi’s hospital system to the brink of “failure,” state health officials warned Wednesday, saying drastic federal intervention was needed to help the state grapple with the thousands of new daily infections that have overwhelmed doctors and nurses.

We are in a “helluva” predicament in MS. We are number 50 in vaccination rates and Gov said today no mask mandate and no lockdown. He has requested federal help to staff hospitals and field hospitals but it won’t be enough. This article says we averaged 2,000+ cases daily this past week. Today’s count was 4,300. I’ve been fully vaccinated since April but this still makes me nervous, especially for my elderly parents, also vaccinated. I’m about to the point that I’m sick of reading “I wish I had been vaccinated since I’m now in the hospital sick as a dog” articles. Maybe I’ve become cold hearted a little bit but these people are the ones causing such pain. Too little too late.
Cobb County: Parents clash at mask mandate protest in Georgia county where 5th graders were sent home - CNN

“Tense confrontations, yelling and accusations of spitting were seen Thursday as parents gathered for a protest over mask mandates at a school district office near Atlanta.

The protests come a day after fifth graders at East Side Elementary in Cobb County were sent home because of high numbers of Covid-19 cases, according to a school district email sent to parents and obtained by CNN.

At one point, two people -- a masked man and unmasked woman -- got into a yelling match. The woman accused the man of spitting on her and the man accused the woman of hitting him in the mouth.

Masks are optional for students and school staff in Cobb County, according to the district's website, but guidance calls for social distancing in classrooms when possible.”
All 5th graders at a Cobb elementary school sent home, parents want action

This says it all.....JMO
An entire grade sent home at Cobb school. Mandate masks.
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