Coronavirus Vaccine: Would you/did you get it?

If you were offered the Pfizer vaccine in the next 30 days would you take it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 42 62.7%
  • No

    Votes: 20 29.9%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 5 7.5%

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You sound like a grand person to work for. We love folks like you.
Ouch! I have a couple cleaning ladies that come in twice a month. I love them. We drink wine together after they’re done sometime. We talk. We just increased their rate because they work so hard.

I might ask if they can do something special in the way of cleaning, now and then, like if something really needs it, but I would never lecture them on how to do their job!!

I hate this stupid horrible virus. I just want to be with my dad and hug my friends, maybe if I'm feeling really fancy, go to IKEA. And I want to be able to walk up the stairs.
I'm glad to hear you have had your second shot and are doing well, and your husband will get his soon. I hope you have a lovely brunch with your kids!

DH and I actually went out to dinner :) last Sunday evening with 5 friends who are also in their seventies and have been vaccinated. We had a round table in the corner of a large covered patio that has plastic on the open sides that was rolled down because it was breezy and chilly. There was a heater that helped keep us warm. It was so strange to be dining in a restaurant again, I hardly knew how to behave!
It's great isn't it? We have been out every Saturday night for inside dining since being vaccinated, and, quite frankly, I admit to having been in restaurants occasionally before being vaccinated. We went out for New Year's Eve, in fact. Tables were spaced apart and not filled, servers wore masks, as did customers when not seated, and the bar area was surrounded by plexiglass.

Before winter and cold temps hit, we dined outside as much as possible, in our South Jersey town and also at the Shore over the summer. I'm happy for the restaurants as they seem to be doing well again and I am more at ease about it now, I confess. Enjoy the feeling.
We are back to indoor dining as well. ( fully vaccinated) It really is one of my pleasures in life and I am glad to be supporting our local restaurants.
That said, I saw last night that the restaurant we went to 4 days ago is closed due to staff with Covid. :( I am not worried in the least for me, but I do hope the waitstaff does not get seriously ill. It has been a rough road for restaurants and restaurant workers and owners. A very delicate balance between keeping in business and keeping those that work for you safe. In Michigan, anyone over 16 can get a vaccine on April 5th. I hope those that work in restaurants here will take advantage.
But a co-worker of my mother and brother died of COVID recently; at 50. She was a very exuberant, social person. She left a 16 year old behind. She had diabetes.

We also lost a friend in his 50s to Covid. He had Diabetes Type I. He was a friend to our whole extended family and our traveling buddy - we vacationed and spent many fun, fun holidays with him. I really can't believe he's gone. He was so alive, so much fun. He died on the ventilator.

Like others, I hate this virus. I have an appointment for shot #1 and I'm giddy to go get it.

I take prescription meloxicam. I stopped it two days before my first injection and didn’t resume for a week. I was pretty stiff, but didn’t want anything to stop the vaccine from working properly. I will do the same for the second injection.
Shoot. That scares me. The vaccine can cause coughing and sneezing? Does that mean it can cause respiratory issues that are more serious?
It might, but as I'm sick every day anyway, it's hard to say if this is a course of building antibodies or if it's a manifestation of my post- Covid respiratory " stuff".

I think most people will have almost NO aches, pains, coughing, sneezing, etc from the first vaccine or the second vaccine. I am an outlier. I definitely do not want to be, and I'm going to have to go back to the doctor next week ( on MONDAY) because there have to be meds. and treatments to help my body from the chest up.

Covid made me sick, but the vaccine shouldn't make anyone sick. I promise, I am the " Niles Crane" of the group.
Shoot. That scares me. The vaccine can cause coughing and sneezing? Does that mean it can cause respiratory issues that are more serious?

I actually felt like I had a cold, sneezes, coughs, but it lasted only a few hours. It surprised me. Because I thought maybe it was a "real" cold, this time of year is common...but of course, who would I catch it from?! We are all wearing masks and socially distancing.

I am back to feeling okay. :p
Thanks everyone for sharing their experiences, good and bad. My second Pfizer is in 10 days, so I'm mentally preparing. I've been taking Vit D since last year, and continuing to do so prior to shot. There were others that Dr. C and Dr. S said they take, I have not.
DH insisted on going for his usual Friday swim yesterday and then stopped for some groceries. We sat down to watch figure skating at 2:30, and by 4:00 DH couldn't keep his eyes open. I reminded him that it was probably not a good idea for him to have tried to do so much the day after his second shot, and I said that it was fine if he needed a nap. He got up at @7:00 - seems that he wore himself out :( It was too late to start prepping/cooking walleye, so I had a sandwich while DH cooked noodles in chicken stock. He's back to feeling normal this morning.

The Beaumont nurse who gave me my second shot on Wednesday told me to take it easy for 24-48 hours. It was good advice, and I hope everyone will give their bodies the chance to absorb the vaccine and not try to do too much for a day or two afterwards. JMO
It's great isn't it? We have been out every Saturday night for inside dining since being vaccinated, and, quite frankly, I admit to having been in restaurants occasionally before being vaccinated. We went out for New Year's Eve, in fact. Tables were spaced apart and not filled, servers wore masks, as did customers when not seated, and the bar area was surrounded by plexiglass.

Before winter and cold temps hit, we dined outside as much as possible, in our South Jersey town and also at the Shore over the summer. I'm happy for the restaurants as they seem to be doing well again and I am more at ease about it now, I confess. Enjoy the feeling.

I ate inside only once. It was cold and the restaurant only had one other couple in it. However, the waitress kept pulling her mask down to talk to us, standing real close. And someone was coughing in the kitchen area. (Also, it wasn’t supposed to be open inside).

Being in Southern California we have the luxury of being able to sit outside a lot. So I’ve been out to eat several times, outside.
It might, but as I'm sick every day anyway, it's hard to say if this is a course of building antibodies or if it's a manifestation of my post- Covid respiratory " stuff".

I think most people will have almost NO aches, pains, coughing, sneezing, etc from the first vaccine or the second vaccine. I am an outlier. I definitely do not want to be, and I'm going to have to go back to the doctor next week ( on MONDAY) because there have to be meds. and treatments to help my body from the chest up.

Covid made me sick, but the vaccine shouldn't make anyone sick. I promise, I am the " Niles Crane" of the group.

Oh! You had COVID? Holy smokes.
I actually felt like I had a cold, sneezes, coughs, but it lasted only a few hours. It surprised me. Because I thought maybe it was a "real" cold, this time of year is common...but of course, who would I catch it from?! We are all wearing masks and socially distancing.

I am back to feeling okay. :p

So strange. And it only lasted a few hours. I mean they are taking the MRNA of the virus and injecting us with it, so I guess it makes sense that it can echo the virus a bit?

I also wonder if reaction shows us how we would react to catching the virus.
TRYING to get back to "Normal" in Southern California.
Not happening.
I've been fully vaccinated for a month.
Went to 4 restaurants for dine in. Nope.
Did I ever mention how much I hate this virus?
In case I didn't- I, absolutely and astoundingly hate this killer virus.
An invisible, sneaky, disgusting, killer.
YEAH. I hate and want to obliterate this invisible killer.

How is your restaurant? I think about you now and then and wonder how it’s going.
So strange. And it only lasted a few hours. I mean they are taking the MRNA of the virus and injecting us with it, so I guess it makes sense that it can echo the virus a bit?

I also wonder if reaction shows us how we would react to catching the virus.

For me, the vaccine series is nothing like COVID or the disorders I'm struggling with everyday. Needle in a haystack from the vaccines compared to the illnesses. I had a very early case, March into April, 2020.
Oh! You had COVID? Holy smokes.

Quite a lot of people you meet will have had it. I don't advertise it, but my coughing and wheezing are likely alarming to people who don't know it's a post- COVID development of a permanent airway and lung disorder. I stay at home so I don't get death stares and people getting up and leaving our open restaurants and so forth.

My way of " Do unto others as you'd have others do to you". I hope I don't have to do so, but I'm prepared to stay home for the rest of my life now that things have gotten so rattling and noisy in my respiratory tract. We live the hand we're dealt. I feel I'm so lucky to be alive, and never had to go to the hospital.
Quite a lot of people you meet will have had it. I don't advertise it, but my coughing and wheezing are likely alarming to people who don't know it's a post- COVID development of a permanent airway and lung disorder. I stay at home so I don't get death stares and people getting up and leaving our open restaurants and so forth.

My way of " Do unto others as you'd have others do to you". I hope I don't have to do so, but I'm prepared to stay home for the rest of my life now that things have gotten so rattling and noisy in my respiratory tract. We live the hand we're dealt. I feel I'm so lucky to be alive, and never had to go to the hospital.

Oh yeah. I know a lot of people who have had it. So far, most have recovered well. My law partner had a mild case except for a lack of taste and smell for a few months. (Wife and son had it. Mild as well).

Several clients have had it. One was super sick (diabetes/smoker/49). She still has brain fog and coughing). Another had to go the ER with 107 degree temp. That was early on in LA County and they didn’t have hospital space, so they gave him fluids and stuff to get his temp down to 105!!! And then released him.

He had shortness of breath for months. I don’t know if he still does. He had mild asthma and is 41.

Another client had it and was hospitalized for a while, with it. He is about 50. No known health issues. Seems super healthy. I don’t know if he continued to have issues. He seemed good when I saw him last.

A bunch of my in laws had it and most are older and two with conditions- one with an autoimmune disorder and the other with severe asthma. None had to be hospitalized. Just more like a super bad flu.

It’s like Russian Roulette. I mean we know that age and health is a huge factor. But not always.

I’m so glad there’s a vaccine now.

I hope you continue to recover. Have you had a chest x-ray lately? Any news about your lungs?
My experience was so weird. I had every single symptom I had with Covid, but not all at once thankfully. Started with incredible pain and dizziness. Then it changed to tachycardia, shortness of breath, and oh geez, the crying. When I actually had Covid, I was crying about my dad. This time, I was crying about the wind chimes, and then crying about crying over windchimes. Then I thought I was well enough to work, because most of that nonsense had left. Unfortunately, I ended up puking in the trash can at work. I had had no appetite for days. Friday I didn't go in, and slept a ton. Appetite came back and I felt decent until I was running for the bathroom. But today? I actually feel okay. Better than I have since Covid. I actually did things today. I feel quite giddy, honestly.
Nonetheless, when I get the second shot, I shall have the fridge stocked, and the week off work.
My husband and I had our 2nd shot of Moderna yesterday morning. Hubby went straight home afterwards and prepared for side effects. I decided to run errands and come home if I felt ill.

Surprisingly, last night before bed we still hadn’t felt any side effects from the 2nd dose other than a slightly sore arm.
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