Crystal's comments at Misty's drug hearing


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Nov 16, 2008
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Since it has been a bit since hearing from Crystal I thought a thread for her comments might add positive discussion to the board.

snip~Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh's mother, was in court Tuesday for Misty's drug plea.

"I think they're doing the best they can," Sheffield said of investigators. "Do I believe my daughter's dead? No. And until they show me something, I won't. Deep in my heart I know she's out there. And nobody knows the pain that I go through -- nobody. And they never will. I don't care who they are."~ end snip

I was pleased to hear that Crystal was in court for Misty's hearing and I also understand her denial that her precious daughter is dead. My prayers are with her.
Yeah, parents aren't supposed to give up on their kids, Ron should have learned something from Crystal.
I think I will go back to just reading again, every thread seems to turn into a Ron did it thread. I thought it was great for Crystal to show up for Haleigh when Misty was in court...
My hear breaks for Crystal. I cannot even begin to fathom the depth of her pain. I can only imagine that the hope, against hope, that her baby is still out there somewhere is what helps her get out of bed in the morning.

I am glad she was at the hearing, that must have been so hard, seeing the face of the one you know, knows where your baby is. Her presence at court helps keep the focus on the most important person in this sad little drama - Haleigh. I sure it took a lot for Crystal to subject herself to being in the same room with the childwoman LE has told her is the key to her baby's vanishment.
I think I will go back to just reading again, every thread seems to turn into a Ron did it thread. I thought it was great for Crystal to show up for Haleigh when Misty was in court...

Please don't retreat elle! I will be swimming alone again in Ron is a bad guy so he musta done it posts! I know I may be in the major minority over here but I do not thing Ron had anything directly to do with Haleigh's disappearance. Although I am not convinced his lifestyle and associations did not play a role. Please keep posting, I miss your level headed clarity on this thread when you don't!
Color me confused, but why is it being twisted that I made it into a Ron did it thread? I never even said that, jeez.
I think I will go back to just reading again, every thread seems to turn into a Ron did it thread. I thought it was great for Crystal to show up for Haleigh when Misty was in court...

Hi Elle, I hardly post, I do read pretty much every day, and I enjoy reading what you write, I understand how you feel, so I hope you don't "go away" for too long :)
I sit and wonder if it even affected Misty that Crystal was there, I wonder if she even cares! I wonder if it makes her feel bad. I wonder if she enjoys hurting Crystal...
Misty is immature. Shes also a drug addict, so her development has been stunted. She is the perfect person for a maniulator. Misty was never going to like Crystal EVER, just because she was with Ronald once. Misty is so obsessed over Ronald and wants to play up to the best girlfriend ever role for Teresa, that she has been sitting in jail for 7 months refusing to tell the truth, and she KNOWS the truth. She isnt doing this because shes scared of Ronald, shes scared of not being as super tough as she promised these people.

I am sure Crystals presence did not affect her in the least bit, Misty thinks shes "bad" And I mean, not that Crystal is bad, but that she is, she s so tough and cool. Shes going to fit in quite well in prison. It scares me Ron left a child with someone like that, this was to be Haleighs role model. Its sick.


There is plenty of "positive discussion" on this board to start with, and I consider things like "every thread seems to turn into a Ron did it thread", very UN-positive and frankly baiting. This is a forum, not every post is going to agree. But this snark crap has killed the Haleigh forum. If it was not for a handful of determined posters this place would be a complete wasteland and that my friends is a huge disservice to Haleigh.
I don't think Crystal or her feelings even exist in Misty's reality. Misty comes across as very stunted emotionally and maturity wise. This girl is so selve involved I doubt it even ocurred to her to wonder why Crystal was even there at her hearing. As far as her deriving pleasure out of causing Crystal pain, I don't think Crystal or her grief are enough on Misty's radar for that to happen.
I hope the snark is not being attributed to me teh, as I always value your posts even when we are not in agreement about a given case.

I was not the person who brought Ron into a thread devoted to Crystal and her presence at Misty's hearing and the comments made by Crystal there. I would very much like to return to that subject.
Misty is immature. Shes also a drug addict, so her development has been stunted. She is the perfect person for a maniulator. Misty was never going to like Crystal EVER, just because she was with Ronald once. Misty is so obsessed over Ronald and wants to play up to the best girlfriend ever role for Teresa, that she has been sitting in jail for 7 months refusing to tell the truth, and she KNOWS the truth. She isnt doing this because shes scared of Ronald, shes scared of not being as super tough as she promised these people.

I am sure Crystals presence did not affect her in the least bit, Misty thinks shes "bad" And I mean, not that Crystal is bad, but that she is, she s so tough and cool. Shes going to fit in quite well in prison. It scares me Ron left a child with someone like that, this was to be Haleighs role model. Its sick.



Just refreshed and scrolled back up to read yours above. I could not agree more with your assessment of Misty! Dead on in my opinion.
Let the first posts go please and focus on the intent of the thread as directed by Elle. Thanks so much!
I hope the snark is not being attributed to me teh, as I always value your posts even when we are not in agreement about a given case.

I was not the person who brought Ron into a thread devoted to Crystal and her presence at Misty's hearing and the comments made by Crystal there. I would very much like to return to that subject.

Absolutely NOT! TL, you have some of the most well thought out posts around! Even when we disagree, you make me go hummm....I shouldn't have said anything, but oh Hello, I'm from Texas, blame it on that. :angel:

ETA...Sorry Kimster, I didn't see your post before I posted this...back on topic.
I am proud of Crystal. I am proud of her for having the restraint enough to not jump across the courtroom and tackle Misty and beat the truth out of her, or at least relieve some aggression, and I am being snarky, I know violence is never the answer, but I am also a Mother.

I remember there was something Crystal said on NG, and she talked about when she talked to Misty on the phone, and Misty said, I just want you to know I don't have a problem with you, lol, its like oh, you don't have a problem with me Misty, thank god!! I mean that kinda brazen audacity that Misty has the nerve to dare say to Crystal after Misty was exposed failing lie detector tests about what happened to crystals daughter pretty much says what kind of cold person Misty really is.

lol@tehcloser, sigh, this dang case brings out the worst in me some days, I swear.

back on topic

I wonder, does anyone know if Crystal was at some of the other recent hearings on the drug cases or if this is her first recent foray into the public eye? I hope she continues to hold out hope. Whatever it takes to get her through, minute by minute, day by day.

She has custody of Junior does she not? That must be another reason to get out bed every day, given the circumstances, she needs every reason she can get.
I was a little surprised that Crystal was there thinking how hard it must have been for her to do so. Her pain is still so raw that it breaks my heart.
I was a little surprised that Crystal was there thinking how hard it must have been for her to do so. Her pain is still so raw that it breaks my heart.

Can you imagine how difficult it is for her to restrain herself? I hope she has someone with her for support.
God Bless You Crystal. May God give you the strength you need everyday and beyond until your precious little girl comes home to you.

My heart breaks for you. :hug:

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