Silver Alert CT- Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 #7 *ARRESTS*

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Does it seem seems unusual that LE has not held a press conference asking for the public’s help in finding her? I know they set up a website asking for information, but I wonder how many people know about it. I'm trying to get caught up here so maybe this has already been addressed.
I agree. I know too from having lived in Washington, DC and Northern VA how dreadful traffic is Memorial Day weekend around a large city. If it were me, the second I picked my kids up from school I would have wanted to be on the road. I can't help but wonder if JD had packed everyone up the night before and was to take everyone's things for the weekend in her own car with the nanny only picking up the children from school and immediately getting on the road. That is what I would have done for my own children when they were younger (no way would I wait around for them to pack on a holiday weekend Friday). I would also show up at school carline pick up with lunch already picked up from someplace so we didn't need to stop to eat. JMO, IMO, etc.

Also, regarding lunch, and I can only speak to the public schools in this area, but even on planned half days the elementary students have a shortened lunch period. I’m not sure what that means for NCCS but it is possible with a 12:30p release they ate lunch or had some type of snack and just were heading straight to NYC to do lunch with GF in NYC while JD was at appointments.
Did nanny even go into the house before taking the kids to NYC?
we don't know anything about that - nanny isn't talking and LE has not released any official timeline. MSM has put together several from "sources", court documents and statements from what I have read.
TBH, I think anywhere outside the tristate area. I can see it being moved to like, the Midwest or something because New England is so small and in the world they're living in (expensive private schools for the kids) many kids go to boarding school all over CT/MA/NH/NJ and someone will know someone who knows the Dulos family. I can see Pattis requesting to move it somewhere really remote and unfamiliar with the area at all.
The judge and attorneys would need to be present (or outside jurors brought in), so not likely to go too far.
Sorry if I am behind on this -- am I correct that except for apparently seeing FD on video in Hartford on the evening of May 24th that LE does not know where FD was that day? Meaning although FD's cell phone was in Farmington after 1:30 pm, it could have been in someone else's possession so he might not actually have been in Farmington in the afternoon?
The public hasn't seen the CCTV evidence at this point.

The CCTV taken on Albany was detailed as existing in the arrest warrant. We also saw live at the time and later as reported in MSM that Hartford Police spent the better part of the day going door to door down Albany searching and gathering video. We also heard from the owner of the Jamaican Bakery that the CCTV of the store was reviewed by Hartford Police.

My suspicion (and personal great hope!) is that State's Atty will treat the court to an oscar winning film of virtually every bag drop made by FD and MT.
I think you’re right about her body being in a place where she won’t be found. And further believe FD prepared that location in advance. Some of the info here describes him to be a meticulous planner; I just don’t think this is a visit with JD that went wrong. He just screwed up bringing his phone with him to Hartford; otherwise LE would have nothing except suspicions. I doubt they would have even looked for the evidence on the sink if it wasn’t for the videos at 30 or so garbage stops. I actually hate even posting this stuff, because I don’t want his legal team to read what rings true to us, helping to present a case to a jury.

Given some of the evidence that we know, he was certainly more sloppy than just forgetting to turn off his phone. The DNA in the house and the blood splatter are just two examples. In terms of disposal of her body, we can only hope that he was sloppy here too, but only time will tell. It makes sense that the confrontation would be less "clean" because there is a lot more that can go wrong when confronting someone who is alive and can respond in kind. Once she is dead, he could more easily carry out a premeditated plan.

His demeanour is of one that is overconfident and smug, but that would be consistent with his character based on what people who know him have said about him. JMO
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It is kind of like them saying she’s diabetic and needed insulin. SO weak! Not fit! If her brain didn’t create enough seratonin, and she took medication to correct that, it makes her responsible and proactive.
As they say, if your body doesn't make enough neurotransmitters, store-bought is just fine! Lamictal changed my life. I would be more surprised if JD WASN'T on medication given the last few years of her life.
As they say, if your body doesn't make enough neurotransmitters, store-bought is just fine! Lamictal changed my life. I would be more surprised if JD WASN'T on medication given the last few years of her life.
Having 5 children in a short period of time, while also in your 40’s, has to wreck major havoc on your hormones, as well.
It's just a hunch, but I trust that law enforcement is doing a thorough and methodical job on this case. The fact that much of the evidence has not been leaked is a good sign, IMO. What worries me the most is that even if he was sloppy during the act due to possible unforeseen events, he may have very carefully planned the disposal and therefore, she might be almost impossible to locate. IMO, he seems very smug and comfortable, like he knows LE won't find her. JMO
Curious -What is the likelihood of her body washing up on shore if he dumped her in Long Island Sound?
The arrest warrant stated that friends became concerned when JD missed the 2 Dr appts in NYC and they had tried to reach her without success. The warrant lists no times for the calls and doesn't indicate how many calls were made over the course of the day.

The other night people family with DV situations shared some stories about how its not unusual for someone that feels threatened to have 'check in' times with friends and/or family. This process becomes routine and helps the threatened person feel a bit more in control and connected to people that care etc. It sounded like JD had a solid friend group around her that knew her schedule and who she checked in with on a regular basis. It also sounded like Mrs. Farber was part of the information loop with the nanny and the friends so people knew who to call if for whatever reason JD didn't respond to a checkin text or call.

We don't know what arrangement JD had with friends and family to checkin or communicate but eventually the details will emerge. Sounds like a frightening way to live and so so sorry if this is the way JD had to live her day to day life!
What if a tip led them to the pond? and the murder weapon is what they are searching for with the woods being a location for other evidence? I'm trying to figure out why now? We've known about the pond since the beginning...IMO
A tip came in overnight. I'm in my car (parked), so I don't have the link accessible. It was definitely in MSM though.
Who ever killed Jennifer apparently wanted to make it seem like she was taken from Waveny Park. But the blood in the house screwed up that plan. Who had a motive to kill Jennifer and felt a strong need to make the crime appear like it was committed by a stranger in the park? I doubt there are very many people on that list.
ITA. She could have stopped back at the house after dropping them off at school and was picking up and loading their suitcases in her car so the nanny could just manage the kids themselves for the trip to NYC. If they were sitting together on the garage floor waiting to be loaded, when he attacked her, they certainly could have been covered in blood spatter and have been part of the 30 bag cleanup.
Don't disagree with you at all but unfortunately we have no idea yet of the number of bags used as the arrest warrant states that FD/MT in the drive down Albany stopped 30 times. Pattis made a major point of this in court the other day so we will have to wait to see how many bags there actually were.
Given some of the evidence that we know, he was certainly more sloppy than just forgetting to turn off his phone. The DNA in the house and the blood splatter are just two examples. In terms of disposal of her body, we can only hope that he was sloppy here too, but only time will tell. It makes sense that the confrontation would be less "clean" because there are a lot more that can go wrong when confronting someone who is alive and can respond in kind. Once she is dead, he could more easily carry out a premeditated plan.

His demeanour is of one that is overconfident and smug, but that would be consistent with his character based on what people who know him have said about him. JMO

Someone else posted (sorry I can’t remember) that his sloppy disposal of the trash bags were indicative of panic. So to paraphrase the other poster, let’s hope he was just as careless about hiding her body.
His morning run yesterday reminded me of a victory lap and showed his arrogance and a thorough disregard to his children.
MOO, his time will come.
I think you’re right about her body being in a place where she won’t be found. And further believe FD prepared that location in advance. Some of the info here describes him to be a meticulous planner; I just don’t think this is a visit with JD that went wrong. He just screwed up bringing his phone with him to Hartford; otherwise LE would have nothing except suspicions. I doubt they would have even looked for the evidence on the sink if it wasn’t for the videos at 30 or so garbage stops. I actually hate even posting this stuff, because I don’t want his legal team to read what rings true to us, helping to present a case to a jury.

I'm also afraid there is a chance her body won't be found. All these properties he owns are surrounded by incredible amounts of woods/forest. He has access
to equipment such as compact excavators for sure. If he were to dig a ditch deep enough, I don't know that a dog could sniff it out. Then he just goes and covers his tracks with brush and branches. Although, if he did dispose of her in the woods and apparently had poison ivy, one would think he would have had many branch scratches and bug bites on him? Perhaps the area where he buried her is along the route he jogs and it's his psycho way of passing her and saying that he's won so far.

Same here. They are reserved, dignified people, imo. And their behavior will only make the antics of FD's lawyer stand out all the more as a circus and as a disrespect to Jennifer.

And I think any jury will notice the difference. I really do.

IMO NC friends and family are on info lockdown and I totally respect them for it as they are doing it to protect their friend and any eventual case. These aren't people that seek pulblicity or their 15 minutes and all I can say in this case is "THANK GOD" that is the case.

We saw the same 'iron ring' of friends in NC around the prior DV case from 2004 where the husband attempted to kill his wife with a flashlight and she fled.
I do think he is trying to move the trial - which was the purpose of that phony jog in cargo shorts yesterday. They are trying to provoke the press and then claim FD has been hounded and can't get a fair trial because of media coverage. B.S.

My guess is he would want the trial in a city that is not as affluent - with a jury who might find JD as a spoiled rich wife with nothing better to do than make up scary stories about a husband who jilted her. I think that is a loooong shot because there is nothing about Jennifer that is a turn off, imo, despite her affluence that is a world away from how many people live.

The public hasn't seen the CCTV evidence at this point.

The CCTV taken on Albany was detailed as existing in the arrest warrant. We also saw live at the time and later as reported in MSM that Hartford Police spent the better part of the day going door to door down Albany searching and gathering video. We also heard from the owner of the Jamaican Bakery that the CCTV of the store was reviewed by Hartford Police.

My suspicion (and personal great hope!) is that State's Atty will treat the court to an oscar winning film of virtually every bag drop made by FD and MT.
Oh wouldn’t that be wonderful! And maybe even one of MT taking a drag off a cigarette! :p
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