Silver Alert CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #16

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Agree with you. Think their world might have just blown up and they are regrouping. They are being legally assaulted on all sides by GF and their legal foundations in these cases IMO are built upon pillars of sand! Put the legal issues on top of the financial FORE issues and you have a potential bonfire sized mess.

What baffles me though is that even though Rome/Athens is burning here for FD we see no efforts to settle anything and take some stress out of the entire equation for himself? When people have some options and don't appear to be taking them that's usually a red flag too IMO. His 'cash' burn in legal fees to fund this entire situation has to be huge too IMO. I simply wonder why not make an effort to settle with GF, cut losses, regroup and focus on not spending the rest of your life in prison? But we don't see FD doing this? FD didn't show up for his deposition and is still having his atty file silly motions in court on the civil case that are just a waste of courts time and simply are delaying the inevitable.

Why is all that we are seeing is delay, delay and delay? The longer the delay the more time for trade claims to stack up, tax liens to be filed on properties with unpaid taxes and the list goes on and on and on IMO. It seems like receivership or bankruptcy is almost a certainty but these don't seem to be in FD interest either so why not regroup and settle what can be settled and move on? At this point its entirely possible that all decisions by FD are emotional and not logical and if this is the case there is no logic to what is going on and his is willing to blow up everything financially to have the last word.

But at a certain point the music will stop and my bet is that for FD this will be when the professionals to handle all this say no more because there is no hope of them ever getting paid. If this hasn't happened already, my guess is its happening soon. I guess I just never understand self sabotoge on such a large scale but that seems to be what we are seeing playout in real life here. If thats not the answer and there is something more sinister behind all this delay I just hope that the State figures it out and that GF claim and JD maratial assets are not put in risk by whatever FD might have or might not have done!

FD is the type of person who will put himself at risk of being screwed over if he feels the other people will be more screwed. In his mind, it is called WIN-NING. They will hold your feet to the fire thinking they are bullet proof. Because they have never crossed the wrong people before, people who will hold them accountable. There have never been consequences. These types of personalities are forces of nature. They really are. They run wild over everyone. Until a tornado meets a volcano like GF or JD.
I would bet money that FD and KM are going to say they were together, at 4 JX. And since FD’s phone was there, it can’t be proved that he was anywhere else.
They can say whatever they want. The Odyssey of Stupidity is getting worse all the time. Remember in JUNE? NP said there was an explanation for that. Wonder what the explanation could be?
He needs to have a fire sale on all six houses. The neighbors won't like it nor will the realtors. But I bet it will come to that. He needs the money. His funds have run dry. Who knows? If he priced them at $500,000.00 he would have 3 million to play with. $2.5 million to GF and the remainder for his attorneys and all the liens and people that are suing him.:D.

I doubt that his plans include paying GF and the subcontractors who have placed mechanics liens on those properties. He probably doesn’t really plan to pay his lawyers either
I think it's possible the bloody t-shirt means less than it might seem. It simply may have been lying around and used as a rag. I know that they've said it was what she was wearing that day but many t-shirts look alike. Interesting theory about the two mops meaning two perps. Perhaps likely, but not definitely. Also, interesting thoughts about the other lawyer and interesting development that he was arrested for presumably talking to someone about talking to his wife. I'd like to hear what he's talking to LE about although unless they offer him immunity, I can't see him saying much.
A stranger who commits murder doesn't stick around to clean up the scene using mops and sponges and then transport the body to parts unknown and then give bloody garbage bags and items saturated in blood to the estranged husband of the missing person whose garage has evidence of violent assault.
I thought it, too, and now I’ve been wondering if I can be sued for wondering it. Well, if so, the cat’s among the pixies now as Mrs. Figg in Harry Potter would say.

(still on page 16, sorry, couldn't resist)

re: pondering a pact between FD & KM, a poster upthread referred to Strangers on a Train, (I need to watch that one,) while I was thinking


and Danny DeVito's character's line "you know, criss-cross!"

JMHO YMMV LRR, especially those garage floor mops.
A stranger who commits murder doesn't stick around to clean up the scene using mops and sponges and then transport the body to parts unknown and then give bloody garbage bags and items saturated in blood to the estranged husband of the missing person whose garage has evidence of violent assault.
I can see this point.

Wonder if the reason the person stayed around to clean up was because the narrative and plan was for a missing person and not a murdered in a garage person?

Still wondering if the original plan was always murder disguised as missing or if some kind of kidnapping disguised as missing was the plan?

The garage clean up and Odyssey of Stupidity down Albany look like glaring errors in any missing master plan IMO and even 2 months later am scratching my head about what went wrong with the original plan to result in blood spatter in garage and the need to dispose of so much on Albany?

I see your point completely. Its sad in a way because it will all collapse around him and any residual value for his children will be lost. The children will look at this all many years from now and simply see that what their father built collapsed around him and he made no attempt to save any of it.

The other way I was looking at this to try and understand it is a bit twisted. But perhaps FD thinks that everything FORE did and built was from FIL and Farber family money and because of this he is willing to flush it all down the drain as its disposible. He probably viewed JD as disposible too and maybe he views all the FORE assets as disposible as well.

I truly don't know as it makes little logical sense.

Because when you don't earn something on your own, it's easier to throw it away. FD knows everything he did with FORE is because somebody else had to finance him. He couldn't have done it on his own. EVERYTHING is disposable to people like him.
I wonder if the bathroom scale is as a point of contention with JD and FD ? Like did he make her weigh in daily or the kids ? I wouldn’t put it past him .
Likely he just wanted to emphasize that she was Grinch-like and greedy, taking every last thing that wasn't nailed down. Pointing out that HE is the victim of HER.
(still on page 16, sorry, couldn't resist)

re: pondering a pact between FD & KM, a poster upthread referred to Strangers on a Train, (I need to watch that one,) while I was thinking

View attachment 196300

and Danny DeVito's character's line "you know, criss-cross!"

JMHO YMMV LRR, especially those garage floor mops.

I was just wondering on the KM thread where KM planned to take his STBX to 'reconnect' [read about FD 3 conditions convo with victim] and your suggestion of the train ride blows my ideas out of the water!

Thanks for the laugh and visual!
FWIW, I’ve known people who had to leave like this and they worked on it in plain sight so that their favorite items like clothes were in one section of the closet and they had a list of what to grab at the last minute like photos that would be noticed if moved beforehand. You know you won’t get it all but at the decided-on time, you grab the vital things and get out. I personally have known kids who had to do this and you can bet they never argued or told anyone; they knew why they were leaving that way. Anyway, MOO. In this case, if it happened, it might have been easier since they had a big house and I doubt FD spent a lot of time with the daily household operations. MOO.
Yup. That's exactly how it happens.
The KM addition to this case is really interesting IMO. He had been pulling the same stunts as he was using in his personal divorce in the JD/FD divorce. The back and forth was in it's 9th year for KM.

One thing I noticed about KM was that he had so many attorneys. My DH said he had been told that its good to do business with several attorneys because anyone wanting to sue you or something would need to find an attorney that you hadn't used in order to avoid conflict of interest.

I would think an attorney would know all the tricks of the trade as far as phone pings, burner phones, DNA and avoidance techniques etc.

I want to put a warning here because my next comment is so graphic. Please be aware if you may be upset by it.

Another thing I'd like to mention is that in the Sidney Loofe case her murderer said it took 2 1/2 hours to drain the blood from her body and dismember her. He dismembered her as part of a ritual so it may have been possible to complete that task in even less time.

I do apologize. But I always thought it would take much longer so I wanted others to know the possibility.
I hope the people in Greece sending him money, know that FD will consider it a gift!
Love this! Greeks and much history on this topic!

Virgil's Aeneid, Book 2, 19 BC:

"Do not trust the horse, Trojans. Whatever it is, I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts."

Sophocles (496 - 406 BC), in Ajax:

Nought from the Greeks towards me hath sped well.
So now I find that ancient proverb true,
Foes' gifts are no gifts: profit bring they none.
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The KM addition to this case is really interesting IMO. He had been pulling the same stunts as he was using in his personal divorce in the JD/FD divorce. The back and forth was in it's 9th year for KM.

What are the chances of finding 2 such individuals KM/FD that lived a couple towns away from each other using the exact same DV tactics in their marriages and divorces that just happen to be friends? One wife missing and presumed deceased and another STBX that looked like she was next?!?

I can see this point.

Wonder if the reason the person stayed around to clean up was because the narrative and plan was for a missing person and not a murdered in a garage person?

Still wondering if the original plan was always murder disguised as missing or if some kind of kidnapping disguised as missing was the plan?

The garage clean up and Odyssey of Stupidity down Albany look like glaring errors in any missing master plan IMO and even 2 months later am scratching my head about what went wrong with the original plan to result in blood spatter in garage and the need to dispose of so much on Albany?

The original post seemed to imply that any random person who killed JD could have just found her shirt lying around in the garage and had nothing to do with anything. FD is on tape dumping those items and he is definitely not a random. The post seemed to be saying that this piece of evidence might do very little to further implicate FD. Nothing could be further from reality, IMO. Whatever happened in the garage did not turn out as intended, IMO. There is no way FD would have wanted to deal with that amount of blood.
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