DC DC - Relisha Tenau Rudd, 8, SE DC, 26 Feb 2014 - #9

I wish that more than anything horselightening. Relisha deserves to be living her life or respectfully mourned. This is a horrible sort of limbo to be in.

But I do feel Relisha put a face and a personality, a little person, to an issue that was faceless and abstract idea before. The plight of all the children who have to deal with homelessness has been given Relisha's little hopeful face. If that translates into action finally, yes, its shameful it took this event to get some action on what appear to be very longstanding problems, then I guess I will have to take what I can get on this one.

It offers no closure for Relisha. But maybe hope for someone like her.
I was going through some old storage boxes, and I came across a picture of myself at 10-years-old, just a couple of years older than Relisha. I'm looking at the pic as I type this. I'm in a cute lil' yellow dress with a flower on front, thick hair in braids, and a big ol' smile on my face. I'm standing next to my grandmother who's holding my baby sister, who's a couple of months old. On the surface, it's a nice, normal, happy family picture. The reality is that I was a "vet" at that point...the person taking the pic was my abuser, my step-father (my sister's father) and I was told to "smile pretty for the camera". Me and my family were groomed for years (I understood this later), and I had been sexually abused for half my life at this point. Thankfully, (if there's anything to be thankful for, it was only for his sick perverted use, no pimping or trafficking).

Not sure why I felt the need to share that, I guess because I can do so here anonymously. Sorry for the OT. But, Relisha's case has torn me up emotionally. It's the first case I started posting on, and my first posts were so emotional. I'm subscribed to several threads, but Relisha's is the only one I have with Instant notification... so I get an email for every post. I keep hoping, praying that I"ll get an email that she's been found.

I've pulled back on my emotional posts, and I only try to post factual posts on the threads I follow now. But, I can not get over Relisha, and I am still so emotional about her, perhaps I should just unsubscribe. I was never homeless and I had a loving highly-educated mother (lot of good that did me), but yet I still relate to Relisha...

This just tears my heart apart. Yes, it's become political, and yes, we may never know the truth, and hopefully it can help others like Relisha. I agree with that would be nice, but,....for me, that's not enough. I NEED TO KNOW what happened to this little girl! It's just so awful that her family doesn't seem to care...like she's just a throw-away child. Somebody knows what happened to her...they need to come forward.

Perhaps she's dead, in which case she deserves a proper, decent burial. Or, perhaps she's out there being used and abused, trafficked, in which case she needs to be found and helped. She can overcome it, I did. Anything is possible.

What is wrong with people who do this? Just when I think I'm ok and over it, I'm not. Sorry for the O/T. I'll probably delete this...just needed to vent for a minute, in a safe place....

Bumping for Relisha. Still praying for you, Babygirl! :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat:
Oh, Cinnamon.
A little girl needs to be loved and cherished, and I'm saddened that someone tried to take what it was that made you special under the guise of giving you that love.
That you held on to who you truly are at the core of your being is inspiring.
If you delete your post, I'll delete this response.
It took a lot of courage to share something so deeply personal, to trust that the people on this thread would treat your revelation with respect.
(((C))) Big hugs.
Thank you! I won't delete it. It's how I feel and it's not against TOS, so I'let it stay. Just don't like to be so emotional on a forum...but, for Relisha, I just had to! If she's still alive and out there, she needs to be found and helped. If she's still out there, she doesn't have to be a victim, she can be a VICTOR! Victor not victim - learned that from a very wise member here. TY! :wink:

Don't you dare delete your post Cinnamon! :please:


:bump: for Relisha, for the Other Relisha's, and those of us who have a story that resonates with Relisha.




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There is a reason you are here. Your prayers for Relisha are heard.
Our experiences shared make us all twice as strong against the evil.

Love to you.
Thanks for your personal post, Cinnamon. I think this case strikes many of us with less than stellar childhoods, and it's respectful to Relisha to vocalize it, imo.

I still visit this thread often, but I don't feel like I have anything substantive to add. :-(
I wish there were arrests in Relisha's case. Chief Lanier had promised that anyone that had anything to do with whatever happened to Relisha would be arrested. So why haven't there been any arrests?? I suppose there won't be or if there is it won't be for a long time, maybe when one of them talks to benefit themselves in some other matter. I hope and pray that day comes.
Thank you so much for sharing, Cinnamon. I pray that there will be people like you in these children's lives, once they are found, to listen, talk, and encourage so that they can indeed be VICTORS not VICTIMS. Although I can thankfully say I never experienced such betrayal by someone else, I have a sister who did, and have counseled and cried with many who have. Yet you have a perspective that I can never have. Let God use you to help those who so desperately need to know they are not the ones at fault.

Thanks for the kind, encouraging, and positive words. Y'all are awesome! :grouphug:

Took a couple of days off, but now I'm baaack! :smile:

WHERE IS RELISHA?! Somebody knows something, and they need to start talking!!!

Wherever you are Relisha, know that you are loved and cared for by many people. Praying for you, Babygirl. :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat:
OMG I'm such a loser. The new format has me displaced. I've not checked this thread in days. I'm so sorry Relisha :(

I'm still praying , honey !!!!!

Thank you everyone who is here still :)
Thank you! I won't delete it. It's how I feel and it's not against TOS, so I'let it stay. Just don't like to be so emotional on a forum...but, for Relisha, I just had to! If she's still alive and out there, she needs to be found and helped. If she's still out there, she doesn't have to be a victim, she can be a VICTOR! Victor not victim - learned that from a very wise member here. TY! :wink:


Bless you VICTOR ! :) There is a ' survivors' thread on here somewhere if you'd like to post there. It's for personal stories, not cases. You're a rock star !
OMG I'm such a loser. The new format has me displaced. I've not checked this thread in days. I'm so sorry Relisha :(

I'm still praying , honey !!!!!

Thank you everyone who is here still :)

BTW, you are NOT a loser!!! You just need to get used to the new format, that's all. If I didn't do this (IT/computer work) for a living, I'd probably be lost by the new format too! Not sure how long the old format was in place before I joined, but I know anything new can be frustrating! Part of my job is helping users adapt to new updates, software, etc, so I understand where you're coming from. But, you'll get used to it eventually! :smile:

You are awesome!!! I've always admired your dedication to Relisha and Myra! :loveyou:
So, if your ever see this thread, Relisha, and I really, really hope you do,
please know how many of us there are who wanted to hold you,
to dry your tears, to stand between you and what scares you tonight.
We would sing to you, and hear you sing to us, we would light candles and chase away shadows.
But mostly, Relisha, we would tell you that you are loveable. And that we love you.
Like a big sister, a cousin, an auntie, or a great-aunt,
or like a big brother, an uncle, or a great-uncle.
We care, Relisha, about you and your little brothers.
We care about you.

So, if you see this thread someday,
I hope you can feel the love coming to you between the words,
coming from our hearts to yours.

Sweet dreams, little girl, and sweeter awakenings.
So, if your ever see this thread, Relisha, and I really, really hope you do,
please know how many of us there are who wanted to hold you,
to dry your tears, to stand between you and what scares you tonight.
We would sing to you, and hear you sing to us, we would light candles and chase away shadows.
But mostly, Relisha, we would tell you that you are loveable. And that we love you.
Like a big sister, a cousin, an auntie, or a great-aunt,
or like a big brother, an uncle, or a great-uncle.
We care, Relisha, about you and your little brothers.
We care about you.

So, if you see this thread someday,
I hope you can feel the love coming to you between the words,
coming from our hearts to yours.

Sweet dreams, little girl, and sweeter awakenings.

A million times this ^^^^^^
:tyou: wendiesan

We :loveyou: Relisha!!!!

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It's Sunday. A day to relax or recharge. Spend time with friends and family.
We are hoping, sweet Relisha, that you are doing those things today.
Getting ready for a lifetime of tomorrow's.
Find Relisha ! ! ! !
When a long case comes to a dramatic and happy end, it gives you a new sense of hope for the others.
Time to come home, little one.

( yes, i use the term home loosely )
Holding our arms out wide for you Relisha
Wishing upon candles and stars for you BabyGirl
Saying prayers and asking for answers
Vowing for justice and promising to continuing to be your voice.

My heart aches in unison with so many who hold you in a special place of love....

We will not stop until you are found!!!!

Holding our arms out wide for you Relisha
Wishing upon candles and stars for you BabyGirl
Saying prayers and asking for answers
Vowing for justice and promising to continuing to be your voice.

My heart aches in unison with so many who hold you in a special place of love....

We will not stop until you are found!!!!


I 2nd this and all the previous posts!!!!!!!

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