GUILTY DE - Dr. Earl Bradley for sex abuse, child *advertiser censored*, Lewes, 2009

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making reference to the fact that Dr. Bradley was well like by colleagues and that his patients included the children of doctors and state police officers. So much for preying on vulnerable, inexperienced parents. The individuals mentioned would have been highly aware and most likely highly trained (either personally or by proxy through their spouses' training) concerning watching for the the signs of sex abuse. Doctors and state police are all mandated reporters thus they receive frequent updates on training.

Dr. Bradley must have been very very good at what he did. I'm starting to think that he either had a staff person who assisted or that he drugged the children slightly...with GHB or another date rape drug which is an amnesiac. I wonder if the 13 year old is able to disclose. Something really isn't adding up yet.
There's a comment here:

making reference to the fact that Dr. Bradley was well like by colleagues and that his patients included the children of doctors and state police officers. So much for preying on vulnerable, inexperienced parents. The individuals mentioned would have been highly aware and most likely highly trained (either personally or by proxy through their spouses' training) concerning watching for the the signs of sex abuse. Doctors and state police are all mandated reporters thus they receive frequent updates on training.

Dr. Bradley must have been very very good at what he did. I'm starting to think that he either had a staff person who assisted or that he drugged the children slightly...with GHB or another date rape drug which is an amnesiac. I wonder if the 13 year old is able to disclose. Something really isn't adding up yet.

Well, if the alleged videos are described correctly, it doesn't look that the children were drugged because they are described as fighting and trying to get away. I presume this guy didn't abuse every child he came in contact with, so if the child was that of a police officer then he'd not likely to do anything to that one.
I'm going out on a limb here and will probably anger many of you. I mean no disrespect, however. Everyone will read what I have to say and then respond by thinking, "Well, look what happened to Missizzy's kids" She was far too trusting." Before I make my point, let me make it clear that I never allowed my youngest eight to go into their rapist's home. I allowed the rapist to play in our back yard. The abuse occurred in our school, a back yard fort, and the rapist's pigeon coop and garage. He was fast. Very fast. There was testimony that fondling took place when I was 20 feet away or watching from the kitchen window!! Class was in session just feet away from the restroom in which my son was raped. My son was 7 and the rapist 13. The rapist did not have permission to be in that restroom but the fact was, he was.

That said, I don't agree with children never being left with others. None of my children ever went to day care as I've always worked out of the home, so I didn't have to deal with that. However, they have gone to camp, to school, to doctors, to therapy sessions, to specialists, etc. The older and higher functioning ones had active social lives and even traveled out of the country with other families.

I feel very strongly, that after children become school-aged, more energy should go into safe-proofing the child--social training, role playing dangerous situations, and improving constant feedback and communication. It is human nature for children to want to protect their parents from upsetting information so they hesitate in disclosing things to us.

I firmly believe that the only reason this toddler shared her pain with her parents is that she was too young to have that inhibition. Think about it for a minute. A two year old will tell you the puppy bit her finger. The six year old will not. Why? The two year old does not have the inhibition to conceal and desires instant comforting. The six year old will internalize the situation and process it in such a way that she will consider the bite as partly her fault (she was warned not to bother the dog while he ate, etc). She'll rationalize that she made a mistake and thus she and the dog might get into trouble. Only a vigilant parent will notice the bite and ask nonchalantly about it. It's a toss up as to whether you'll even get the truth. Any child sex abuse survivor can speak to this phenomenon.

We, as parents, don't want to hear scary things. It's reflected in our facial responses and the sound of our voice. Kids "read" our response and shut down or change the subject. Whether it's a dog bite, spilled juice, or a frightening touch by the doctor; kids aren't sure how to proceed in sharing and getting help.

If we've been able to train an entire generation of kids to sleep on their backs as infants and to endure the discomfort of car seats and seat belts, surely we can train them to be safe with strangers and "helpers". We just have to start very very young and integrate it into all of our other safety teaching--healthy sexuality, healthy eating, physical safety in the community ie. walking, skateboarding, biking, taking the bus.

It's just not sustainable or emotionally healthy IMO to raise children with a deep distrust of others. I think this will create a very imbalanced teen and young adult who will either be frightened of everything or go the other way, and participate in risk-taking behavior to shock their parents. Just food for thought.

Please know that I recognize just how deeply all those here on WS love their children and how we all strive to keep them safe. No one knows that more than me.

LOL, I know I am late but I wanted to get in on this. I agree with you.

From the day Momma goes into labor, the natural road toward independence begins. With birth, the child learns to live physically independent. As an infant they begin to explore the world, and to learn some coping mechanisms, as well as how to communicate their needs. As a toddler they learn to walk then run. And as a school age their rush toward independence becomes a run. And those teen years with all the drama, are really a fight towards independence.

To go against that path toward independence is not in the child's best interest. And as social creatures, a part of learning to be independent is to learn how to act and communicate and work in a world of other humans.

To me it is a balancing act. And one that has to be age appropriate. For instance you would give more protection to an infant or young toddler than to a school age, communicative child. But gradually as you prepare the child you need to allow them more independence to allow the child put the lessons into practice. As an older toddler or school age, there is more supervision and communication (as well as observation), and in teen years it is more supervision, observation, attempts at communication (and prayer.)

To me it only makes sense to do it that way. Otherwise a teen that hits 18, but has always lived at the school age level with parents will not only act out, but will be poorly prepared to exist independently.

I always went back to work after my kids were born. My mother worked, so I had no choice. I had to have a sitter. The poor sitter never knew when I might show up at her door, as I did unannounced home visits and I was observant of their behavior on the way to, the way home from and their responses when they saw the sitter and her family. And I know that I was extremely lucky that I had a caring sitter. But in todays world, many times mothers must go to work. Or need to spend time in hospitals or family emergencies where kids do have to spend time with sitters. And yes, there is always a possibility that something bad could happen, no matter how careful I was. But with luck and care, I have kids who don't have problems in meeting strangers, who can communicate their needs to others, and who can function in jobs with their bosses and coworkers. Part of that is because they began doing it at very young ages.

There are ways to help ensure your child's safety. Ask for references and call them. Make sure the sitter knows you will be making unannounced home visits, and do it. Paying attention to your child's behavior's is of course essential. And also paying attention to your child's responses not only to the sitter, but also the sitter's family is just as important. And when your child begins to talk, always get them to tell stories about their day (spending time each day getting the sitter to talk about the child's day is also helpful.) Then all you can do is trust and pray.

But I always figured that the doctor's office was an exception. The child might need reassurance. The doctor might have questions for me. I needed to know about the problem and aftercare. And for the doc to take my kid off without me, and be gone even for minutes, yes I would be first curious then very concerned about why and what they did, even if I wasn't suspicious at first.
Thank you, Mysteriew, you quite eloquently said what I was trying to. I especially like your formula for teens. It's the only one which works. Far better for them to try the stupid stuff while they are still under your protection. I've been reminded over and over that it's not what they do but how you react which makes a difference. It all comes down to paying attention, knowing your child, being watchful, trusting your gut, and not being afraid to hear the scary stuff. Your children are fortunate indeed.

I'd like to clarify jjenny about my post on drugging. The whole story just flies in the face of reason. I agree that Dr. Bradley couldn't have drugged the children into a stupor. I just wonder if he gave them an injection of some medication which was an amnesiac or slightly doped them up. I think he was looking for the violence, the screaming to fill his sick needs. Maybe someone on WS who is a nurse or doctor could answer this question.

Read the descriptions of the abuses carefully. How in the world would a toddler scream for eight minutes (that's an eternity) and no one hear? How could he become enraged and violent with another toddler who was screaming for 11 minutes and no one hear? There's not a single one of us who doesn't know how a toddler can burst your eardrum with his/her scream. A mom or dad or nurse would have come running at the first hint of a scream...if for nothing else but to comfort the child or to help the doctor with a struggling child. The 13 year old I could imagine being silently violated but not the toddlers. In the midst of the barbaric abuse of babies and toddlers, we can't forget the older child. She must have been terrified.

I think we're going to be hearing about something other than just a basement. I think there's got to be another sound-proof room (a la Phillip Garrido) under that normal looking clinic. I just don't think there's any other way he could have pulled this off. And, jjenny, you are probably right that he picked and chose from the children with the least aware parents. That's a good point.

I'm so concerned about the babies and toddlers. Children who are sexually or physically abused pre-verbally suffer the most. They don't have the words to communicate the pain and fear nor to understand the comforting words said to them by their families. They are forever imprinted by smells and sounds and tastes and snippets of memory and terror.

Of all the children I have raised, the one who suffers the greatest is the one who witnessed the murder of a baby-sitter at age 2 1/2. He's developmentally disabled and just has never been able to process it thoroughly. He always knows it's there and is hyper-vigilant but he can't recall it totally to work it out. It's tragic to watch. His twin is even more developmentally disabled and deaf. Even though she was present at the murder, we think that because she didn't hear the sounds, she was somewhat protected. For those who still think we have no recall of experiences which occurred during our very early years, I'd like to share a few stories with you.

Dr. Bradley's victims are going to require years of continuous therapy and treatment for their healing process. They are also, along with their grieving parents, going to have to learn to trust the medical profession. That's not going to be an easy task.
I don't think these children were given anything to cause amnesia. After all, the abuse allegation came from a two year old who complained not once, but twice, according to the original article. And police apparently also say there were abuse allegations before this for which they for whatever reason could not get search warrants.
As for where he was allegedly taking these children-one article said it was a basement, the other one, an outbuilding.
Since police say they found the videos, it clearly appears they know where the children were taken.
The dental office I worked at shared a wall with the pediatrician's office in the building and screaming children were not unusual at all. I find the outbuilding and the basement to be baffling.

As far as staff I am assuming this is a small office with just a front desk person, possibly a relative if I had to guess. I don't think this is a shiny bright office with nurses and multiple front desk staff.

I would also suggest that he is taking the type of insurance where parents don't have many choices in doctors. Why in the world would you take your two year old back to a doctor that they hated let alone said was raping them (obviously not in the vocabulary but you get the point). That has to be someone who believes they have no choice?

He should be executed.
Just like a rabid dog, he is a danger to society.
There is no fixing it.
This is the first I am seeing this case.
I don't see how this could have gone on for any length of time. Did not the children complain of pain, and show physical signs of abuse?
Did the older children say anything?
How could screaming go on and on without being attended to?
Was this man married/have children of his own?
I apologize if these questions have already been answered.
This is a despicable crime of the utmost degree. In this case, and I am against the death penalty even in capital cases, he should be executed. I say this because the crime has occurred over and over. Child predators cannot be rehabilitated - reoffense rate is nearly 100%. It has been proven again and again.
These children will suffer for the rest of their lives in some way or another, but proper counseling will help a great deal. What a .:furious:
“One of the things that attracted me to pediatrics was the old Norman Rockwell depiction of a doctor,” Bradley said. He also said he “wanted to have people wonder what crazy Dr. Bradley will do next. I want kids, as they grow up, to have all different memories of coming here.”
According to court documents, in an interview with the Children’s Advocacy Center, the victim, three months shy of her third birthday, went to visit Bradley’s office Dec. 7 for a checkup on a condition she has had since birth. Bradley examined the victim with her mother in the room. After the examination, Bradley carried the victim out of the room. Her mother stayed in the examination room because she trusted Bradley as her child’s doctor.

Bradley took the victim to a toy room in the basement of the office, something he often did to allow children to get a toy or candy after an examination. The two returned to the examination room two minutes later, and then headed back down to the basement, according to court documents. When they returned, the child had candy.

After lunch with her mother, the victim told her mother Bradley had hurt her while in the basement. The mother called the father, who said his daughter had complained of the same thing after being examined by Bradley Oct. 28.

State police said patients of Bradley who are not in communication with detectives could still obtain their medical records by contacting Bradley’s office.
The dental office I worked at shared a wall with the pediatrician's office in the building and screaming children were not unusual at all. I find the outbuilding and the basement to be baffling.

As far as staff I am assuming this is a small office with just a front desk person, possibly a relative if I had to guess. I don't think this is a shiny bright office with nurses and multiple front desk staff.

I would also suggest that he is taking the type of insurance where parents don't have many choices in doctors. Why in the world would you take your two year old back to a doctor that they hated let alone said was raping them (obviously not in the vocabulary but you get the point). That has to be someone who believes they have no choice?

He should be executed.
Just like a rabid dog, he is a danger to society.
There is no fixing it.

I don't for a second believe the parents knew their 2 year old was abused but took her back there because they had no choice due to their medical insurance.
First she complained to her father, who probably didn't take it seriously. The second time she complained to the mother who then called the father, found out the child complained before, and took it seriously.
From March-

My children love Dr.Bradley. He takes time to connect with the kids. He listened to my concerns with vaccines and is going to work with me to vaccinate them the way I have requested. I feel most Doctors give out too many antibiotics and he offers them and I deny them for ear infections and he will see my children a week later to check and see if the infection is gone without antibiotics- 80% of infections go away on their own. He is caring and educated.
I don't for a second believe the parents knew their 2 year old was abused but took her back there because they had no choice due to their medical insurance.
First she complained to her father, who probably didn't take it seriously. The second time she complained to the mother who then called the father, found out the child complained before, and took it seriously.

I wasn't implying that they returned knowing of sexual abuse. I meant but probably didn't word it well that the child probably really did not want to go back to this office and most parents if you had other options would not return to a clinic or doctor that your child was that emotional about.
From January

this office was crowded and dirty, insufficient seating for parents with children. the secretary messed up my medicaid information, so my bill was sent to a collections agency instead of medicaid, which messed up my credit. I took my child for his first doctor visit there when he was 3 days old and a nurse.

, who got my son mixed up with another male infant patient who was in the office at the time, almost gave him a flu vaccine, when she was supposed to give it to the other little boy. I was very disappointed in the office, the wait time, the staff being very unprofessional, and screwing up my credit. very unacceptable, in my opinion.
Insurance: Medicaid / Medi-Cal
From March-

My children love Dr.Bradley. He takes time to connect with the kids. He listened to my concerns with vaccines and is going to work with me to vaccinate them the way I have requested. I feel most Doctors give out too many antibiotics and he offers them and I deny them for ear infections and he will see my children a week later to check and see if the infection is gone without antibiotics- 80% of infections go away on their own. He is caring and educated.

Yeah, I think we can expect to see that can't we? Several things have to happen before a perv can/will attack a child. There has to be an 'attraction'. There has to be opportunity. There has to be time. And there has to be some vulnerability. And who knows how many other factors.

You see it in neighborhoods pervs sometimes. You know the ones who have all the kids toys and encourages the neighborhood kids to hang out there. Several might hang out there, but only one or two get molested or raped. Maybe there wasn't an attraction for the others, maybe they never came around alone. Maybe it was that the child seemed more guarded, protected by parents or assertive.

So maybe he wasn't 'attracted' to her kids or wasn't in the 'mood.' Or maybe she mainly came in on really busy days. Or maybe she was the type of mother who followed them to get their candy. So she might not notice anything. Esp. if he didn't make more than one attempt to get her child alone and was skillful/sneaky about it. Or even maybe she needs to have a little chat with her kids and use some leading questions.
The comments about Dr. Bradley working with parents on minimizing vaccines and usage of antibiotics doesn't surprise me. He was trying to get in good with gain their trust on a highly controversial subject.

However, I'd like to point out that it's usually the more educated, informed, and experienced parents who try to space out vaccines and use antibiotics minimally. That tells me that his client base was quite broad--from the single Mom relying on a medical card and a minimum of providers to choose from and the higher socio-economic parent who has researched lots of health care options for their child.

This might explain the comment we read earlier about how other doctors' children were his patients as were those of state police officers. I'm finding a lot of the info trickling out very odd.

This guy is a conundrum.

A metal suit of armor stands on the front porch of Dr. Earl Bradley’s house across from the firehouse on Savannah Road in Lewes. It’s always struck me as a curiosity. Now, given the unbelievable sex crime charges filed against the doctor, the suit of armor symbolizes something far more sinister. For years, perhaps decades, no one knew or was willing to confront the monster that videos in police possession indicate existed inside the man. As for the medieval armor, the slit in the metal across the eyes offered at least a little opportunity to see the man within. For his personal armor, Dr. Bradley dressed his life with innocent cartoon characters to more insidiously camouflage the horror that seethed inside.
The front porch of the house reveals more of the man’s contradictory nature. In the window beside the suit of armor, a smiling Santa Claus figure looks to the world outside – another clue into the psyche of a twisted mind.
A further look around Dr. Bradley’s residence on Sunday morning, the grounds crusted with snow, showed a property not consistent with what you think of as a doctor’s house. The old house needs a lot of work. The ’70s-era aluminum siding is dirty, a back fence is broken down. A new boat and trailer fill much of the back yard with its collection of ill-kept small sheds. A lawn mower sits forlornly and askew, as if the gas had run out and the owner just walked away from it where it sat, without another thought – or, perhaps, with many other thoughts. The overall sense of the place is dysfunctional.
Several years ago, not long after he moved his BayBees pediatrics practice into the house on Route 1 where many recent crimes allegedly took place, Dr. Bradley and office staff entered the Lewes Christmas Parade. His float was one of the most unusual that has ever participated in the parade. He had cartoon characters aboard the wagon and other items drawing attention to his BayBees practice. Most noteworthy however was a picture screen at the front of the float. The doctor had rigged up a generator-powered video camera and had it positioned in such a way that it broadcast images of the parade in real time on the screen.
We know, now, based on court documents, that Dr. Bradley used those same technical skills with the video equipment to record his own deviant sexual crimes against the youngest of children. Trying to conceive of the mind that conjures and acts on these thoughts sends the brain toward shutdown.
Most of us have probably thought we would never encounter a real monster in our lives. Now it’s clear that we have.
There have long been clues that this odd character wasn’t in synch with the rest of the world around him. Now the community is asking itself how long these crimes have been part of his world and why we didn’t detect their horrible extent before now?

Note by me- Does this say he was practicing out of his own home as of late? That might explain the staff, the leaving the room with the child. Almost makes it weirder though.
It's a confusing article, but I don't think he moved the practice into his own house.
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