Defense document - KC swears she didn't report.......

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Here is the link: Casey's first phone call home from jail - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Excellent idea to resurface that post today!

I was just reading that transcript again last night, too. That one always breaks my heart because Christina is so upset and all KC cared about was getting Tony's number. For me, it has always seemed as if Christina had the most natural, realistic reaction to finding out that Caylee was missing than any other 'player' we've encountered then or since.
Interesting that we're reading this now on the heels of KC swearing in this latest motion addendum to the fact that she told LE that very same day that she'd dropped Caylee off with Zanny.

We've come full circle and are faced full-on in that first call home with KC's lack of fear, remorse, concern or desire to help find her daughter. Kind of casts this motion in an even more positive light. Should the jury hear that first call, I'm of the belief they'll start off doubting Casey - not the rest of the evidence.

Probably because she is not an Anthony.
Thought I knew every detail of this case!

1. I'm very concerned for CA/GA's safety since Z's still out there (hopefully CA and DC will find Caylee is too) and that means, since KC screwed up they're still in danger! Since they weren't able to change their locks/put security in - likely cause GA had just started back to work when this all happened...Z could have gotten in so easy with her key. And they most certainly don't have any money now since their not working because their grieving over losing Caylee, they won't be able to secure the home.
2. They will never be able to get those moments from the 9th to the 14th/15th back - how sad that their trauma and terror necessitated their pre-dating Caylee's disappearance so it wouldn't seem like such a fresh wound. KC lost the 9th to somewhere between 9A-1P on the 15th and CA, from 9th to 14th. They differ on their dates here too cause it was simply just TOO unbearable.

Respectfully snipped by me

Of course they have money, more than they received from working.

Hmmmm....maybe Z already found them and is extorting them for money. She gave them a new script and is forcing them to make all these media appearances. :whipper: LOL!
isn't she just saying the "didn't report for "x" days" and "dropped Caylee of with ZFG"? I don't think the Sawgrass Apartments is included in that statement.
Ah, the Defense is not playing at stupid with all the wrong motions. They know exactly what they are doing. Al defends against the DP, this is what she does, what she breathes, why she gets up in the morning.

Yep! They KNOW they are gonna lose. They'll count keeping a needle ou of her arm as the "win."
Yep! They KNOW they are gonna lose. They'll count keeping a needle ou of her arm as the "win."

Absolutely!! To quote AL: According to the college’s founder and director, Andrea Lyon, the college is "not about innocence. It’s about saving people’s lives."
Now y'all just leave MM alone to enjoy his vacay. He might be off with the Nanny. You know, the one who is a 10, not poor maligned ZFG.

Yeah, but he's prolly only with her to get more good stuff for US! ;-)
BBM above - I tend to think the same thing, but I have always had one sticky point on that time they were all operating off of the 6/9 date. So did they only pull tapes from Sawgrass for that date? Or did they go back later and get tapes for the 6/15 date when it was discovered that was the true date that Caylee was "lost"?

ETA: Great point about KC having to testify about the nanny story. Seriously, am I just tired or how CAN they mount a defense on the nanny story without direct testimony from KC? They only have CA, GA to say that they heard the name ZFG. That's it....nobody to tell the story of dropping off Caylee at the staircase, nobody to talk about the call from Caylee to KC, nobody to talk about any of the lies EXCEPT the liar herself. So that whole defense strategy seems to be out the window. If she goes with the BP defense, nobody to testify about that except KC, GA and CA. That's it, nada. Me thinks JB and AL better get very busy trying to get their client to accept a plea deal....:)

How do we know the state would go for a plea deal, at this point? The state has the closest thing to a slam-dunk case.
How do we know the state would go for a plea deal, at this point? The state has the closest thing to a slam-dunk case.

I agree. They gave her a chance for limited immunity if she would lead them to Caylee's body. Her refusal to do so a year ago, indicates she wanted to prolong the notoriety and the spotlight on herself.

To refuse to provide closure for her family by leaving her baby's body to the elements of weather and scavenging animals in itself means she is heartless and cold. She was given more than one chance to cooperate. Too bad she didn't take one, because the state has now spent many man-hours and resources in simply recovering Caylee's remains and testing all of the forensics and interviewing scores of witnesses, and I don't blame them one bit for not offering yet another opportunity for this remorseless twink. She can't even get a reliable character witness in her own family for goodness' sake!
How do we know the state would go for a plea deal, at this point? The state has the closest thing to a slam-dunk case.

KC missed the boat!! That ship has sailed and is in dry dock now!! I don't think there's a chance of the SA agreeing to a plea deal now!!:snooty:
KC did not take the original plea deal for two reasons: 1. Duct 2. Tape
Here is the link: Casey's first phone call home from jail - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Excellent idea to resurface that post today!

I was just reading that transcript again last night, too. That one always breaks my heart because Christina is so upset and all KC cared about was getting Tony's number. For me, it has always seemed as if Christina had the most natural, realistic reaction to finding out that Caylee was missing than any other 'player' we've encountered then or since.

Interesting that we're reading this now on the heels of KC swearing in this latest motion addendum to the fact that she told LE that very same day that she'd dropped Caylee off with Zanny.

We've come full circle and are faced full-on in that first call home with KC's lack of fear, remorse, concern or desire to help find her daughter. Kind of casts this motion in an even more positive light. Should the jury hear that first call, I'm of the belief they'll start off doubting Casey - not the rest of the evidence.
I went back and listened to the actual taped call made by KC, some really interesting things that I did not think of when it was first released, as you can hear C in the background when she is giving the phone to LA she is saying here I am not going to talk to her ect. Also La reaction I am not going to go round and round with you as mom has for the last 4 or 5 weeks and LE has for the last 24 hrs. Given this call I just wonder what made all A's change their actions in a matter of days. It sure wasn't new info from KC as they had not even seen her till the bond hearing IIRC. JUst wondering....
I went back and listened to the actual taped call made by KC, some really interesting things that I did not think of when it was first released, as you can hear C in the background when she is giving the phone to LA she is saying here I am not going to talk to her ect. Also La reaction I am not going to go round and round with you as mom has for the last 4 or 5 weeks and LE has for the last 24 hrs. Given this call I just wonder what made all A's change their actions in a matter of days. It sure wasn't new info from KC as they had not even seen her till the bond hearing IIRC. JUst wondering....

Dennis Milstead and Kidfinders showed up!!:sick:
I went back and listened to the actual taped call made by KC, some really interesting things that I did not think of when it was first released, as you can hear C in the background when she is giving the phone to LA she is saying here I am not going to talk to her ect. Also La reaction I am not going to go round and round with you as mom has for the last 4 or 5 weeks and LE has for the last 24 hrs. Given this call I just wonder what made all A's change their actions in a matter of days. It sure wasn't new info from KC as they had not even seen her till the bond hearing IIRC. JUst wondering....

They all inhaled the smell of that car long enough for it to penetrate their brains, then they did what they have always done,start lying.
I went back and listened to the actual taped call made by KC, some really interesting things that I did not think of when it was first released, as you can hear C in the background when she is giving the phone to LA she is saying here I am not going to talk to her ect. Also La reaction I am not going to go round and round with you as mom has for the last 4 or 5 weeks and LE has for the last 24 hrs. Given this call I just wonder what made all A's change their actions in a matter of days. It sure wasn't new info from KC as they had not even seen her till the bond hearing IIRC. JUst wondering....

The family decided to circle the wagons. Including LA.
Just guessing, but JB alleged the two statements by Casey, in order to meet the requirements under the Rule, in order to present this type of motion to the court.

In other words, if he did not make certain statements alleged by Casey, then the court would not have to entertain his motion.
KC did not take the original plea deal for two reasons: 1. Duct 2. Tape

I'm not so sure, unless it could have been definitely shown as COD. A lot of experts said that Caylee's remains would have already been skeletonized at that point. Unless duct tape could be proven administered ante-mortem, it could still look like a kidnapping cover-up. I think KC was arrogant enough to think a SODDI strategy could work and that duct tape could simply look like an abduction gone awry.
KC did not take the original plea deal for two reasons: 1. Duct 2. Tape

What plea deal? I don't remember her being offered any kind of deal. The state offered her "use immunity." If I missed something, could you please fill me in.
KC may not have taken the limited "use immunity" last year because of the duct tape. Once she took them to where the body was the deal would have been out the window. There is no plea deal just talk about one by some of the media and of course JB. Not easy to say it was an accident with the duct tape present.
I'm not so sure, unless it could have been definitely shown as COD. A lot of experts said that Caylee's remains would have already been skeletonized at that point. Unless duct tape could be proven administered ante-mortem, it could still look like a kidnapping cover-up. I think KC was arrogant enough to think a SODDI strategy could work and that duct tape could simply look like an abduction gone awry.

If I remember correctly part of the deal was that she tell SA where Caylee was. That would have directly implicated KC had she showed them where the body was.
I went back and listened to the actual taped call made by KC, some really interesting things that I did not think of when it was first released, as you can hear C in the background when she is giving the phone to LA she is saying here I am not going to talk to her ect. Also La reaction I am not going to go round and round with you as mom has for the last 4 or 5 weeks and LE has for the last 24 hrs. Given this call I just wonder what made all A's change their actions in a matter of days. It sure wasn't new info from KC as they had not even seen her till the bond hearing IIRC. JUst wondering....

What made the A's change their actions? Cindy. Quite simply Cindy. Once it sunk in that it was no longer just a private family matter she would no longer willingly or publicly face the shame of what her daughter did. So she goes on the offensive to maintain her families reputation over anything else (at least in her mind). Sadly I have seen this sort of mentality in my own family way to much over the years. And yes it is completely and utterly insane.
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