Desiree says Terri had “Extreme hatred for Kyron"

In what sense was Kyron Terri's ticket into her relationship with Kaine?

It has been fully demonstrated (and I can look it up if I must) that Terri was never Kyron's babysitter or hired to care for Kyron, quite the opposite. That was simply a lie told by someone ~ either Terri herself to her mother who repeated it to the press or Terri's mother made it up). Terri pursued the married Kaine while Desiree was pregnant with Kyron (not to imply the Kaine was without fault in that, but I am talking about Terri here) and actually I would think that she might have been slightly amazed by the course of events that left her with primary custody of him later.

No fault of yours that you think what you do though I think it says something quiet interesting and significant about narcissists and very practiced liars that they toss this sort of stuff out there constantly just hoping some will stick, and it does.

Kyron was also Terri's ticket into the relationship in the first place and into eventual marriage. Whenever she felt the slightest dissatisfaction or annoyance in that marriage, she turned and looked at the ticket that brought her into it.
In what sense was Kyron Terri's ticket into her relationship with Kaine?

It has been fully demonstrated (and I can look it up if I must) that Terri was never Kyron's babysitter or hired to care for Kyron, quite the opposite. That was simply a lie told by someone ~ either Terri herself to her mother who repeated it to the press or Terri's mother made it up). Terri pursued the married Kaine while Desiree was pregnant with Kyron (not to imply the Kaine was without fault in that, but I am talking about Terri here) and actually I would think that she might have been slightly amazed by the course of events that left her with primary custody of him later.

No fault of yours that you think what you do though I think it says something quiet interesting and significant about narcissists and very practiced liars that they toss this sort of stuff out there constantly just hoping some will stick, and it does.

Right, but would Kaine have married Terri if she didn't try to help with Kyron or something like that? Men who have kids look for women willing to be mothers. Grant it, they met before he was born, but I highly doubt if she showed no interest in Kyron or said she didn't like him or didn't want to take care of him that Kaine would still marry her. I think in a lot ways Kyron was her ticket into that relationship and she knew it. He wasn't her first ticket, but he was the ticket that got her to stay in that relationship later on. She pretended to be a devoted mother to Kyron, and Kaine bought it. Doesn't mean she ever really loved Kyron or wanted to take care of him, but she knew that if she kept being a supermom to him that Kaine would keep her around, and he did. I mean, the fact that they weren't planning to have more kids tells me Kaine thought he already had a nice little family with Terri, him, Kyron, and her son J.

And again, look how fast he moved away from her when Kyron went missing. Something happened to Kyron, the evidence pointed at Terri, and she was out. That tells me right there how much importance Kyron had in that relationship, and the thought that Terri had lied and didn't really love Kyron was a big enough reason for Kaine to give Terri the heave-ho. How many parents have we seen continue to stand by the person accused of hurting their children? Finally, one who sees who that person for who she is and divorces her! Kyron was everything to Kaine, worth far more than Terri ever was or ever will be to Kaine. Terri had to know that, and played the part of loving, doting mother well to keep Kaine happy. She had to, or it was sayonara to her work free, stay at home and do what she wants and spend what she wants life.

All IMO, of course.
What baffles me most, or at least one thing that baffles me about all this, is how TH could have ever thought she would not become a suspect, even if she might not have been one in the first moments. Anyone should know that each relationship with the child would be scrutinized and examined and then examined again, even without a TY to tell you so. And anyone should know that the person in charge of the child last, would be the first suspect. I know a lot of people think she thought the school would be blamed and maybe she did, but that is just such a temporary way of thinking, for all of the planning that may have been done here. LE was still going to come back to her, and find her emails and figure out what kind of person she was, and talk to Desiree and learn that she did not want Kyron at the house anymore. It just mystifies me that she would not think they would look at her, and keep looking.
What baffles me most, or at least one thing that baffles me about all this, is how TH could have ever thought she would not become a suspect, even if she might not have been one in the first moments. Anyone should know that each relationship with the child would be scrutinized and examined and then examined again, even without a TY to tell you so. And anyone should know that the person in charge of the child last, would be the first suspect. I know a lot of people think she thought the school would be blamed and maybe she did, but that is just such a temporary way of thinking, for all of the planning that may have been done here. LE was still going to come back to her, and find her emails and figure out what kind of person she was, and talk to Desiree and learn that she did not want Kyron at the house anymore. It just mystifies me that she would not think they would look at her, and keep looking.

Hi, Clu :wave:

I've never been convinced this was planned and IMO most of her thinking in life has seemed to be a "temporary way of thinking" as you so perfectly phrased it. I just can't see her as a person who plans well- because so many of her "plans" seem to have smacked her in the face. I mean besides snagging someone else's husband, and being set up in what seems to many of us to be a pretty easy going life style, what else in her life really worked out well for her? Marriage? Not so much. Teaching? Not so much? Body Building? Not so much. It seems as if almost everything turns out to be temporary for TH...Even her "extreme hatred of Kyron"...Maybe this would have been temporary if she were a more rational human being. All MOO...
What baffles me most, or at least one thing that baffles me about all this, is how TH could have ever thought she would not become a suspect, even if she might not have been one in the first moments. Anyone should know that each relationship with the child would be scrutinized and examined and then examined again, even without a TY to tell you so. And anyone should know that the person in charge of the child last, would be the first suspect. I know a lot of people think she thought the school would be blamed and maybe she did, but that is just such a temporary way of thinking, for all of the planning that may have been done here. LE was still going to come back to her, and find her emails and figure out what kind of person she was, and talk to Desiree and learn that she did not want Kyron at the house anymore. It just mystifies me that she would not think they would look at her, and keep looking.

It is a mystery if Kyron's disappearance was premeditated by TMH.

But if what happened was not premeditated, then none of that applies. If she accidentally killed him (by which I mean having no intention to kill him but taking some action which resulted in his death), she may have covered it up out of panic without thinking matters through rationally.

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