Discussions on Formal Sentencing Hearing - Jodi Arias #11

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It almost seems surreal that this day has arrived. Until the sentence is handed down I do not expect the butterflies in my stomach to settle down. It should be a no brainer, but between this case and tot mom, no brainer means nothing any more.
I just want to see this monster gone and put away for life where she will never walk free again. She is beyond contemptible and deserves nothing but our scorn.
I would like to take a minute to thank Juan Martinez, Detective Esteban Flores, and everyone else who fought tirelessly for justice for Travis. They have had so much crap thrown at them by the DT, not to mention the personal tragedy of the Flores family and yet they never waivered, they never stopped fighting!! Lesser prosecution teams would have thrown their hands up and given a deal just to make her go away, but these guys hung tough to the end!!
We're finally here! What a long and arduous journey this has been.

We've been following this trial together as a family. I am glad that we're all going to watch this together today. You guys are amazing! :loveyou: I heart Websleuths. :blushing:

A big 'thank you' to Juan Martinez and team for everything. :tyou:

Prayers for Travis and the family...
FYI Australians on AEST: 1.30am Tuesday (Canberra, Sydney, Melbourne) and 11.30pm Monday (Perth) = 8.30am Monday Phoenix time.

Breakfast before court
Convicted killer Jodi Arias faces sentencing in Arizona

PHOENIX (Reuters) - An Arizona judge is expected to decide on Monday whether Jodi Arias, who was convicted in 2013 of killing her ex-boyfriend, will spend the rest of her life in prison or possibly be eligible for parole after 25 years.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Sherry Stephens is set to determine the fate of the former California waitress after a second jury last month failed to reach a unanimous verdict on whether she should be executed for the 2008 murder of Travis Alexander.

Stephens declared a mistrial on March 5 when a lone female juror refused to vote for the death penalty throughout five days of deliberations.

Several of the jurors have said they plan to attend Monday’s hearing, a proceeding that is expected to again include statements from the victim’s family. Arias also may speak in a bid for a lighter sentence.

I think CMJA is being handed her last brunch-in-a-bag right about now. Time to pack up and leave that cell.
For years I was dead against executing one found guilty of Murder 1 and belonged to the most popular organization which sought to abolish the death penalty, Amnesty International. Up close to these criminals we study at Web Sleuths, my thinking has changed. I, too, believe Jodi Ann Arias deserves the ultimate punishment as prescribed by law. As I posted earlier, I was shocked & disgusted to find a year had passed and we were witnessing the same arguments in court. That was after she served her 30 days in sol for the filthy disorder of her cell. She is undaunted by that experience, as with most others. There is little avail in bending ones mind to lethal injection, in the light of the juror who balks at delivering such a verdict. I want to hear her reasons, since the aggravating factor(s) are clear. One day she may speak to the press about this. Any way, I am stuck on the death penalty, despite whatever is arrayed against it and the poor odds of obtaining justice. Convict's heinous murder of Travis Alexander has imprinted that memory on my mind and I'll never be rid of the images. I know I'm not alone in actually feeling what he suffered, in every detail and in the sequence of her acts. Shudder!

So very glad to see you back for the final curtain call Tuba, missed you greatly throughout the duration.
Is today the day?! Finally?????? This case is older then Methuselah. I just want this to have a period on it for the Alexanders. I know it won't end the pain or the appeal attempts but at least she will be in PRISON.
:seeya: Good Morning, Y'all !

:drumroll: :drumroll: :drumroll: Yes !

:thinking: But on the other hand, ya never know because this is JSS's courtroom and :jail: and her despicable defense team always are up to no good :gaah: !

There will be live-streaming, but will be available to post Tweets as well !

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: for Juan !

:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug: for the Alexander Family !
Well, here we are waiting to bid adieu to the three holed wonder. Let me be the first to say **** You Jodi. May your time in Perryville be a nightmare from which you never can awake. You deserve it.

To the Alexander family, you are in my prayers. Today is your day, you won.
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.”
― Benjamin Franklin

Thank you all for being outraged enough to see this through to the end--it has been a crazy journey but with all of you worth the trip. Never stop being outraged my wonderful WS friends!!!

And thank you Juan Martinez for being that impassioned, relentless, outraged voice for Travis Alexander.
My daughter was 2 months shy of her 14th birthday when this murder was committed. It was the summer before her freshman year of high school. Today she is 4-1/2 months shy of her 21st birthday and with two weeks left in her junior year of college. That is a long time for justice. Hopefully today begins Travis' murderer's hell on earth. It's Bloody Mary time. Prayers for the Alexanders.
I just cannot help shake this awful feeling that this will not be done today. I can't see the defense going away quickly, quietly, or ethically. :gaah:
The whole penalty retrial is reason enough for JSS to sentence CMJA to natural life, as her defense strategy was devoid of any remorse or accountability for the crime.

In the retrial, an argument for natural life would have been a brief one week case in which the defense produced a few experts to review the defendant's psychological profile apart from anything to do with the victim, perhaps a few character witnesses and lastly, an allocution during which the defendant took responsibility for her actions, expressed genuine remorse and pleaded for mercy.
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