Do You Still Believe UFO's Are Fake? Take a Look

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Sep 13, 2003
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This is WILD. From the Washington Post

Just before leaving his Defense Department job two months ago, intelligence officer Luis Elizondo quietly arranged to secure the release of three of the most unusual videos in the Pentagon’s secret vaults: raw footage from encounters between fighter jets and “anomalous aerial vehicles” — military jargon for UFOs.
The videos, all taken from cockpit cameras, show pilots struggling to lock their radars on oval-shaped vessels that, on screen, look vaguely like giant flying Tic Tacs. The strange aircraft — no claims are made about their possible origins or makeup — appear to hover briefly before sprinting away at speeds that elicit gasps and shouts from the pilots.

Let's face it just because something is classified as an "unidentified flying object" does not mean it's from outer space. Only means it can't be identified.

However, it's more fun to believe it came from an alien planet don't you think?

It would explain a lot when you think about it.

Peewee Herman right? I mean WTH is going on with this dude? From another planet

It would explain many of my dates. Especially the guy who had a megaphone on the roof of his car and yelled my name out when he picked me up for a date. That guy had to be an alien.

Do you believe in Alien craft? Or will you only go as far as unidentified flying objects?

Would love to hear from you.

PS. If anyone turns this thread political you will be forced out of the galaxy. I can do it. PeeWee ain't the only alien around here.


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Navy pilot recalls encounter with UFO: 'I think it was not from this world'


" ...I don't know what it is. I don't know what I saw. I just know it was really impressive, really fast, and I would like to fly it," he said...

(article continues)


I love this statement. I totally believe him.

I've seen a UFO. It was huge, silent, and seemed to 'drift', rather than 'fly', slowly,very low, right over my house. I felt like I could almost reach up and touch it, it was so low. The underside was lit with an orange glow. I could see what looked like steel girders or beams, and spiky antenna pointing in every direction. In the time it took for my brain to register what I was seeing, it cleared my house and was halfway past the house across the street. I tried to follow it, but it disappeared in the fog, which had not been there, before.

To my great disappointment, it looked man-made to me, like a ship or a submarine. But it was extremely weird.

I do believe that there must be life everywhere out there. Otherwise, what's the point of all those stars?
I doubt they've come to visit us, though. We're just too far apart.

I hope I'm wrong!
I have NO doubt we're being visited by aliens from "somewhere". I've been fascinated by the subject ever since my own sighting. It was not a close up and I don't know what was controlling it, but it was still amazing.

I was watching for a manned US satellite, but instead saw a "light", almost like a star but a bit brighter and not "twinkling". It started zigging and zagging across the sky, at tremendous speed and very slowly at other times. It made 90 degree turns at tremendous speed. Once it reversed without slowing.

Sighting lasted for 7-10 minutes. Finally it was stationary for 30 seconds or so -- then it left at an unbelievable speed. Straight up and out of sight in a split second.
I have NO doubt we're being visited by aliens from "somewhere". I've been fascinated by the subject ever since my own sighting. It was not a close up and I don't know what was controlling it, but it was still amazing.

I was watching for a manned US satellite, but instead saw a "light", almost like a star but a bit brighter and not "twinkling". It started zigging and zagging across the sky, at tremendous speed and very slowly at other times. It made 90 degree turns at tremendous speed. Once it reversed without slowing.

Sighting lasted for 7-10 minutes. Finally it was stationary for 30 seconds or so -- then it left at an unbelievable speed. Straight up and out of sight in a split second.
Wow! How cool is that?!
I have NO doubt we're being visited by aliens from "somewhere". I've been fascinated by the subject ever since my own sighting. It was not a close up and I don't know what was controlling it, but it was still amazing.

I was watching for a manned US satellite, but instead saw a "light", almost like a star but a bit brighter and not "twinkling". It started zigging and zagging across the sky, at tremendous speed and very slowly at other times. It made 90 degree turns at tremendous speed. Once it reversed without slowing.

Sighting lasted for 7-10 minutes. Finally it was stationary for 30 seconds or so -- then it left at an unbelievable speed. Straight up and out of sight in a split second.

I had an extremely similar experience in the upper penninsula of Michigan in 1996.

Navy pilot recalls encounter with UFO: 'I think it was not from this world'


" ...I don't know what it is. I don't know what I saw. I just know it was really impressive, really fast, and I would like to fly it," he said...

(article continues)


I love this statement. I totally believe him.

I've seen a UFO. It was huge, silent, and seemed to 'drift', rather than 'fly', slowly,very low, right over my house. I felt like I could almost reach up and touch it, it was so low. The underside was lit with an orange glow. I could see what looked like steel girders or beams, and spiky antenna pointing in every direction. In the time it took for my brain to register what I was seeing, it cleared my house and was halfway past the house across the street. I tried to follow it, but it disappeared in the fog, which had not been there, before.

To my great disappointment, it looked man-made to me, like a ship or a submarine. But it was extremely weird.

I do believe that there must be life everywhere out there. Otherwise, what's the point of all those stars?
I doubt they've come to visit us, though. We're just too far apart.

I hope I'm wrong!

I think what you saw was alien. I've seen no indication we earthlings have anything which could move like that.

I've read about many sightings similar to yours, where multiple people saw the UFO at the same time. Objects were huge, silent and blocked out the stars.

Why wouldn't there be other life out there? You would be close minded to think human being are the only life. I don't think we know one trillionenth of a percent of what we think we know.

Totally agree. The BBM is what my mom said when I finally got up the nerve to tell her. Considering how many years she taught Sunday School, I was shocked.
People are thinking from our human side. We can't travel at such a speed nor travel such a distance but it doesn't mean that other alien species can't though.

I think we, as humans, are so full of it thinking that we're the most advanced or intelligent species in the universe when we know the whole universe is probably infinite. I think an infinite universe has many kind of lifeforms whether cellular (?), humanoid, animal or vegetal and I'm pretty sure there are species that are of primitive intelligence, much lower intelligence than us, some might be like us and some might be of much higher intelligence with much higher technologies than we have here on earth. We, might even be considered as a primitive species to some of them hence the reason we aren't seeing them (or hence they aren't visiting us).

A lot of ppl says if they are out there why don't we get visits from them? I must admit I have no clues but then maybe they are or they haven't discover us. I'd say maybe it's also a good thing that they haven't because anyone remember V :scared:

With that being said, I dont think that all U.F.O's instantly equal alien forms or visitations though. Some aren't, and some might be.

PS : Btw I do believe that we aren't the only lifeforms and sadly no I never had any such encounters otherwise I'd be writing books or selling my stories to Hollywood lol.
1. the chances of an advanced technology able to travel the unimaginable distances involved is very low
...the Voyager spacecraft flying at around 40,000 mph since &#8203;1977, have just reached the outer areas of only our solar system
2. so they come all this way not to be seen, not to communicate, etc??
they are exactly UNIDENTIFIED flying objects--not aliens<script>(function () { var pb_blacklist = ["adrunnr","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","",""]; var pb_whitelist = ["","google","","","","","","chrome://newtab",""]; function inject() { var originalOpenWndFnKey = "originalOpenFunction"; var originalWindowOpenFn =; var originalCreateElementFn = document.createElement; var originalAppendChildFn = HTMLElement.prototype.appendChild; var originalCreateEventFn = document.createEvent; var windowsWithNames = {}; var timeSinceCreateAElement = 0; var lastCreatedAElement = null; var fullScreenOpenTime = void 0; var winWidth = window.innerWidth; var winHeight = window.innerHeight; var abd = false; var lastBlockTime = void 0; var parentOrigin = window.location != window.parent.location ? document.referrer || window.parent.location || '*' : document.location; var parentRef = window.parent; //window[originalOpenWndFnKey] =; // save the original open window as global param function getAbsoluteURL(baseURL) { if (/^about:blank/i.test(baseURL)) { return baseURL; } if (/^(https?:)?\/\//.test(baseURL)) { return baseURL; } baseURL = location.origin + (!/^\//.test(baseURL) ? 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"Advanced" is the key word. No way we can know how they travel, but to think our lack of knowledge limits theirs is not logical.

IMHO, of course
There are too many stars and planets out there to believe we are the sole life forms in the universe. Although I have never encountered a UFO or alien, I do believe we are not alone and our planet has been visited by more intelligent beings.
...they still have the physical restraints we do--the laws of physics apply to advanced species also
they would have to travel for YEARS--even at light speed
again --chances are low that there are Star Wars vehicles out there

Good point but we can't tell about their physical possibilities though since we don't know what they might look like or what their body is made of. They might be 'blob' or 'shadows' like in that movie or was it in a tv show like Star Trek were the aliens were just shadows? We can say the same things about their 'vehicles'. The sad thing is we might and probably will never know.

The Pentagon’s Secret Search for UFOs

The “unidentified aerial phenomena” claimed to have been seen by pilots and other military personnel appeared vastly more advanced than those in American or foreign arsenals. In some cases they maneuvered so unusually and so fast that they seemed to defy the laws of physics, according to multiple sources directly involved in or briefed on the effort and a review of unclassified Defense Department and congressional documents.

He described scores of unexplained sightings by Navy pilots and other observers of aircraft with capabilities far beyond what is currently considered aerodynamically possible. The sightings, Elizondo told POLITICO, were often reported in the vicinity of nuclear facilities, either ships at sea or power plants. "We had never seen anything like it."


Funded at the request of Harry Reid, the program probed a number of encounter
I'm from the "We'd be awfully dumb to think there could never be anyone any smarter than us out there" school of thought. I have never seen a UFO myself but have three very good friends who went camping up in the mountains of West Virginia back in the 70's and "saw something" in the sky. These three people were very serious about the event and were not on drugs, drinking or anything like that. So that really impressed me and I became interested in "sighting" events.

For whatever reason, I always seemed to draw the line on the stories of people who were taken aboard an alien vehicle and examined, then returned to earth. And there have been more than a few of these over the years.
I'm from the "We'd be awfully dumb to think there could never be anyone any smarter than us out there" school of thought. I have never seen a UFO myself but have three very good friends who went camping up in the mountains of West Virginia back in the 70's and "saw something" in the sky. These three people were very serious about the event and were not on drugs, drinking or anything like that. So that really impressed me and I became interested in "sighting" events.

For whatever reason, I always seemed to draw the line on the stories of people who were taken aboard an alien vehicle and examined, then returned to earth. And there have been more than a few of these over the years.


It was difficult for me but I've come to believe some of the abduction stories. Maybe we doubt because it is so dang scary?


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