Documentary Filmakers Thread

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Thank you JamesSmith! :blowkiss:

(Believe, you are not a 'weak link', you've been so great throughout these threads! :blowkiss:)
Glad to see you found the link to the video. I was just about to post it.

Grand Junction and Colorado Springs should be following shortly. I'll let you know when I hear anything else. We are working on Indiana and so is everyone else involved. I'll keep you posted.

The documentary's website will be

It will be launching soon, however there is a simple placeholder on the site now. When launched, it will be filled with video clips, photos, information, theories, etc you name it. Tons of ways to help, get involved, and get others involved. We're hoping it will be a great tool.
I took a sneak peek at the website.
It looks good. Can hardly wait for the rest.
bump. Is there any new news regarding the documentary?
KMGH/Denver is featuring Benjaman and the documentary right now on their 10 o'clock news. KRDO/Colorado Springs and KJCT/Grand Junction should be doing the same tonight or in the next few days. Their broadcasts will feature a short clip of Benjaman from the documentary footage.

Sorry not to give any notice, we just found out a few hours ago.

This Colorado evening coverage is great and we're hoping it will lead to some useful tips.

- James

For what it's worth, nothing hit google. I'm signed up to get alerts for Benjaman.
I am signed up to get alerts for Benjaman and amnesia and dna.
I have nothing.
Do you think it will be posted on line?
Have you decided on the name? Will it be "Who is Benjaman Kyle"?

I was thinking something along the lines of "the face of amnesia, BK Doe"
You need something to draw people in. Something like "Who is Benjaman Kyle" may not get the interest you're looking for.

People needing to be identified is getting to be a problem..
I'd also try to raise awareness on how to do things to protect yourself & loved ones. Things like current pictures (cell phones) dental, tattoo scars - how to report someone missing and how to search for a missing loved one.
I just looked at the documentary page, there are no meta tags on the page source.. someone needs to add that. You need to code it with as many words as you can that apply to him.
Hi everyone.

Thanks for all the suggestions. As you can tell the webpage is not up yet and there is just a place holder on the site. As such, we are not trying to attract people to a site that has no content on it yet. The documentary is still in the works and will not be released for at least several months. Producing a documentary takes a lot of time, patience, and money. Most documentaries 'document' something that has already happened. However, because of Benjaman's situation the story is still being written and we are, like everyone else, hoping and praying for resolution to be the happy ending. As such, we will have a hard time knowing when filming for the documentary is 'complete' and when we should wrap and distribute the film. Thanks for your continued support, I will keep this community posted on progress.


P.S. I promise the completed website will have meta tagging and proper SEO.
Have you decided on the name? Will it be "Who is Benjaman Kyle"?

I was thinking something along the lines of "the face of amnesia, BK Doe"
You need something to draw people in. Something like "Who is Benjaman Kyle" may not get the interest you're looking for.

People needing to be identified is getting to be a problem..
I'd also try to raise awareness on how to do things to protect yourself & loved ones. Things like current pictures (cell phones) dental, tattoo scars - how to report someone missing and how to search for a missing loved one.

To elaborate more on what I was thinking yesterday..
Benjaman has scars on his body from what appears to be major surgery.
I share the same as I've had 2 back surgeries.
There are Doe's that were found dead; they also have had major surgeries; yet, no one can ID them.

How would I feel going in for surgery if I was told I was going to be added to a major medical database? I think I'd be ok with it as long as it wasn't abused.

I have a 16 year old; I keep a fingerprint card on her. I try to take pictures of her when she changes her hair (cut/color). I try to know what piercings she has. She recently lost 80 pounds. When I take her to the Dr, she & I argue about her height.. I was right last time she was measured. Would I be totally prepared if she went missing? Probably not; but I feel I have a better start then some parents.

I'm getting to the point of thinking that we need a better program to keep track of people. Something along the lines of the chip people are putting in their pets.

Hi everyone.

Thanks for all the suggestions. As you can tell the webpage is not up yet and there is just a place holder on the site. As such, we are not trying to attract people to a site that has no content on it yet. The documentary is still in the works and will not be released for at least several months. Producing a documentary takes a lot of time, patience, and money. Most documentaries 'document' something that has already happened. However, because of Benjaman's situation the story is still being written and we are, like everyone else, hoping and praying for resolution to be the happy ending. As such, we will have a hard time knowing when filming for the documentary is 'complete' and when we should wrap and distribute the film. Thanks for your continued support, I will keep this community posted on progress.


P.S. I promise the completed website will have meta tagging and proper SEO.

The way I see it, doing it now will build up the release. People will start following Benjaman and your documentary. :twocents:
The way I see it, doing it now will build up the release. People will start following Benjaman and your documentary. :twocents:

We definitely agree. We're hard at work making designing. We just want it to be as useful as possible when we finally do launch it. However, we may be releasing a light version of the site before hand. I'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, we've set up a fan page for Benjaman on Facebook. Facebook is a HUGE promotional tool. Please 'fan' Benjaman's page and invite all of your friends to do the same.
We definitely agree. We're hard at work making designing. We just want it to be as useful as possible when we finally do launch it. However, we may be releasing a light version of the site before hand. I'll keep you posted.

In the meantime, we've set up a fan page for Benjaman on Facebook. Facebook is a HUGE promotional tool. Please 'fan' Benjaman's page and invite all of your friends to do the same.

Thanks James; I'm a member of the Facebook group already.
If you need any help with the web page, let me know.
bump. Any new news regarding the documentary?

James Smith indicates that the Newsweek article is being released on Mr. Kyle AND that there is a snip from the documentary on their webpage!!! I will put this in a few places...hopefully Mr. Smith will let us know more.
Any idea on a date for the newsweek article?
I received an email from Mr. Smith-he will post an update as soon as he gets the timeframes for the article release etc....
Hello Websleuths Community,

Brief update: Newsweek has indicated that they are planning to do a story on Mr. Kyle. In addition, we have reached an agreement with Newsweek to license some of the documentary's footage for use in conjunction with the story. I do not have a time frame for when the article will be published. However, it appears very likely that they will do an article on Mr. Kyle and when they do, Newsweek will offer an exclusive first peek at some of the documentary footage.

So in review, two points of excitement. 1. Likely exposure for Mr. Kyle in Newsweek and 2. a first look at some of the footage from the upcoming documentary. Please pray that this exposure will help bring closure to Mr. Kyle's search. Here's to hoping that 2010 will be the year we crack this mystery and give Benjaman back his past.

Keep an eye on in the coming weeks as the site goes live. We have acquired more financing and are beginning to plan more trips to film interviews with key people in Benjaman's story.

- James
bump any news? This seems to be moving about as fast as waiting on DNA testing between Christina Carter and Sharon Marshall. Is this going to happen in 2010 or am I gonna be singing the Cub fan blues wait until next year with this too. ;)

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