Does the flu shot really work?

Did you get a flu shot this season?

  • Yes

    Votes: 408 56.8%
  • No, I don't think they work

    Votes: 143 19.9%
  • No, they are not safe

    Votes: 91 12.7%
  • No, I have a health issue that doesn't allow it

    Votes: 21 2.9%
  • Other: please explain

    Votes: 55 7.7%

  • Total voters
There is already plenty of evidence that
the flu shot COMPROMISES immune systems, hence it is a contributing factor of the exact issue they claim it's supposed to protect people from.

It was interesting (if sad) to watch the hype and propaganda machines amp up the publics willingness to surrender their immune systems for... essentially nothing really. (No wonder researchers fear speaking up about concerns for fear of being labeled, "anti-vaxers").
"People who receive flu vaccines year after year can sometimes show reduced protection, an effect that Canadian infectious disease specialists say muddies public health messages for annual flu vaccine campaigns.

During the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, researchers at the B.C. Centre for Disease Control originally thought seasonal flu shots from 2008 might offer extra protection against the new pandemic strain. They were puzzled to find instead, seasonal flu vaccination almost doubled the risk of infection with pandemic flu."

"People do not have a good explanation for why," said Dr. Michael Gardam, director of infection prevention and control at Toronto's University Health Network."

"What was originally called "the Canadian problem" has since been found in a randomized control trial by researchers in Hong Kong, with more supporting evidence from Japan and the U.S.

The paradoxical finding of increased risk of H1N1 infection only occurred during the pandemic.

Blunted protection to seasonal flu

In the 10 years since the B.C. lab invented more sensitive ways to conduct this type of sophisticated immune research, there’s never been an increase in flu illness among those vaccinated compared with the unvaccinated.

But researchers in several countries have found a blunting or "interference" effect between previous seasonal vaccines and reduced levels of vaccine protection in later years for some strains.

Huong said it all points to the need to think about prior vaccination history when estimating vaccine effectiveness.
"These findings are so new, so emerging that policy-makers have not yet had a chance to fully digest them or understand the implications," Skowronski said."

"We have kind of hyped this vaccine so much for so long we are starting to believe our own hype
. Really, what we should be doing is looking for better vaccines," Gardam said."
Pandemic flu is by definition radically different, so having or not having an annual flu shot will have no effect.

All the vaccine does is raise protection against specific epitopes, it does NOT compromise your immune system as a whole. In a pandemic the viral epitopes are very different and consequently vaccines don't help much.

As for claims of seasonal flu vaccination "doubling risk of infection with pandemic flu", I seriously doubt that. More accurately, the people who normally get vaccinated are more likely to go to a doctor (and hence get reported in the statistics) than those who don't get vaccinated and just suck it up when they get sick (and by not seeing a doctor they are not counted as one of the infected). So, it is not an increased risk, just a greater probability of one group going to see a doctor when they get sick since they don't expect to get sick and hence tend to exaggerate the impact of infection relative to the other group. It is just a case of the researcher making the claim not being objective and failing to consider alternative explanations for the data he/she is getting. Poor science basically.

Btw, the symptoms for flu are very similar to many other viral infections, and when people say they "have the flu", they might actually be infected by some other virus.
Even if you get vaccinated, you will still get infected but your body kicks into reaction sooner before your viral load gets too high and the effects of the immune system taking the virus out (which is what makes you sick and causes the symptoms) is much milder, so much so that you might not even notice it.

One more thing, in a pandemic often the people who die are those who are young and healthy. The reason for this is that far from having weak immune systems, the fact that they have healthy vigorous immune responses results in a massive reaction when they do get infected by a new pandemic type virus that they have not been exposed to before. It is not the virus that kills them, but their own bodies reaction to the infection that does it. Too much of a good thing too quickly can kill you in some situations.

That is the reason why pandemic style viral infections are so dangerous. The flu is not what kills people, it is the immune response to that infection that does it, and if it kicks in too massively and too rapidly you are going to get extremely sick.
As a person who grew up with people having polio, whooping cough, mumps, and measles, I had the horror of seeing it and having measles and whooping cough myself. People today have missed the joys of the iron lung.

People today have not seen these illnesses so they think this is normal life.

How many people have blind or deaf children in their classrooms? No, why not?

Vaccines have prevented the scourges that we lived with in the past.

It enrages me. The anti vaxxers who are putting us all at risk
This thread is discussing the Flu vax. not Polio. Major vaccines that offer life long immunity have proven to be well worth the risks, but taking a risk, year after year, for a vaccine that only kind of, sometimes, sort of works but often doesn't, the long term effects of which still are not understood, should be a matter of personal choice. imo.
This thread is discussing the Flu vax. not Polio. Major vaccines that offer life long immunity have proven to be well worth the risks, but taking a risk, year after year, for a vaccine that only kind of, sometimes, sort of works but often doesn't, the long term effects of which still are not understood, should be a matter of personal choice. imo.

I included other vaccines. When I want my car fixed , I go to the mechanic and have him fix it. When I need eecrrical work, I use the electrician.

I womder why people feel that they do not need to listen to their physician. They listen to people on the internet who have no training whatsoever or understanding how the body and cells work
Flu changes its make up constantly so you can never cover every mutation. Flu vaccinations won't stop you getting the flu, they minimise the severity and effect if you do catch it .....

That's true, but I think it also primes your immune system to recognise flu generically and kick start a reaction. That said, I suspect the effectiveness of the priming depends partly on the closeness of the match between the strains in the shot and the strains going around at the critical time.
Plenty of Dr's and nurses don't subject themselves to the flu shot.. :
"Brigham and Women’s nurses sue over flu shot mandate"

"Brigham and Women’s, with a worker vaccination rate of 77 percent, has had little success increasing the number of employees who will accept the vaccine, despite offering free shots around the clock,
said hospital spokeswoman Erin McDonough."

"Schildmeier said that while nurses accept requirements to be vaccinated against polio, measles, and other infectious diseases, some regard the flu vaccine differently. Shots must be taken every year, reformulated each time to protect against the flu strains expected to circulate. Schildmeier asserted that the shot is ineffective 5o to 60 percent of the time and that nurses can protect patients through infection control measures."
One more thing, in a pandemic often the people who die are those who are young and healthy. The reason for this is that far from having weak immune systems, the fact that they have healthy vigorous immune responses results in a massive reaction when they do get infected by a new pandemic type virus that they have not been exposed to before. It is not the virus that kills them, but their own bodies reaction to the infection that does it. Too much of a good thing too quickly can kill you in some situations.

That is the reason why pandemic style viral infections are so dangerous. The flu is not what kills people, it is the immune response to that infection that does it, and if it kicks in too massively and too rapidly you are going to get extremely sick.

A cytokine storm.

Believed to be one of the factors that made the 1918 pandemic so devastating.
I can understand people believing what they're told about the flu shot. ("It's easier to fool people, than to convince them they have been fooled" as the saying goes.) All I know is that when I got the flu shot, I got sick right after, as did many others, some right here in this thread. Yet when ever I mention ANY concerns about this admittedly poor, problematic "solution" to seasonal flu, I am often faced with rabid anger from those who seem to feel that the survival of all mankind pivots on every single human being getting their yearly flu shot.

I found this blog post that EXACTLY mirrored my own experience with the flu shot, and the Dr who wrote it, lays out her search for the truth, and her findings in well researched detail. This is NOT hysterical anti-vax stuff, it is just plain common sense to distrust something that makes many people ill, and seems ridiculously hyped for the truly thin veil of "protection" it might possibly afford. s/bbm

Why This Doctor Doesn't Get Her Flu Shot!

Smart doctors don’t get flu shots.

Smart patients don’t either.

Does that mean you’re not smart if you got a flu shot?


It means the pharmaceutical industry has you and your wallet right where they want you.

It means you believed the hype instead of looking at the science.

Smart doctors don’t get flu shots. But I’m a doctor and not only did I get them, I insisted my mom and my siblings get their flu shot too.

Once you hear my story, you will see that I can’t judge anyone who gets a flu vaccine.

But I do judge an industry that tries to terrify and deceive people into getting a flu vaccine they do not want or need.

I made my mom and siblings get the flu vaccine too

Growing up, I never had a flu shot and I also never had the flu. But as a young adult thinking about starting a family, I listened to my doctor. I was told getting a flu shot was not only good for me and my family, it was essential. Life-saving.

And not getting a flu shot?

Only irresponsible, unintelligent patients and crackpot parents refused the flu vaccine.

How could there be a problem with the flu vaccine?

Everyone was getting one. You could get them at the supermarket. Besides, my doctor couldn’t be wrong.

Since my husband and I were starting a family, I made my mom and siblings get the flu shot too. I didn’t want my family spending time around my children if they were not fully vaccinated. That was just good common sense.

We had three children in five years and I insisted every year that family members get the flu shot. Every year.

Guess what happened?

My mom, who had not had the flu since childhood, my brother, and my sister all got high fevers, body aches, and upper respiratory infections, all within 24 hours of the flu vaccine. All lasting a week or two. For three years in a row.

I am a conventionally trained medical doctor. I saw my family get sick within a week of the flu vaccine. Three years straight. But I dismissed it.

An unfortunate coincidence.

Nothing to do with the flu vaccine.

You can’t get sick from a vaccine.

That’s what I had been taught. And that’s what I believed.


It took me three years but I figured it out. Every year the flu vaccine was making me and my family sick.

My colleagues keep telling their patients you can’t get sick from the flu shot. And they say it “would have been so much worse without the shot.” Can you hear the BS meter going off? I couldn’t back then but I can now. The sound is deafening.

Look at the science. We now know, from both animal and epidemiology studies in humans, that the flu vaccine can and does make you sick.

Mandatory flu vaccines for doctors and nurses

I used to work for a group practice. Our practice decided to mandate the flu vaccine.

They did not mandate that we eat vegetables with every meal, get optimal amounts of sleep, have our vitamin D levels checked and supplement with sunbathing or supplements if they were below optimal levels, or adopt other health strategies proven to support the immune system.

Why mandate the flu vaccine?

That dictate started wheels turning.

How important is it really to get the flu shot?

What are the real risks and benefits?


"The scientific evidence does not support having a yearly flu vaccine

I contacted the chair of the committee that was recommending flu vaccine mandates at my work and asked him to share the scientific evidence that mandating flu vaccines for health care workers actually reduces death rates from the flu.

He could not offer me a single article to read. I don’t know, he told me, adding that all the major health organizations recommend the flu vaccine and, “I trust them.”

Then he rattled off several major medical organizations recommending the flu vaccine, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, American Academy of Family Physicians, and the American Heart Association.

So what does this bulldog do? I write them all, asking for a list of scientific studies supporting flu vaccine mandates and requesting the information that proves that mandating the vaccine for doctors and nurses contributes to better outcomes.

Some ignored me but some responded. They all said the same thing: That they didn’t have the information I’d requested! One prominent organization recommended I contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes for Health (NIH), as they based their recommendations off the CDC’s and the NIH’s.

So none of the leading health organizations shaping public health policy has scientific information to support the policy to mandate the flu vaccine?

How can this be?

I had three young children and worked full time. But I wanted to read the science for myself to find out if what I was noticing clinically—with my own health, my family’s, as well as with my patients’—was valid. As helpful and important as vaccines may be, the flu vaccine recommendation left me with more questions than answers. Since none of the organizations insisting on the necessity of the flu vaccine could provide me with direct information, I went searching for it myself.

I will put it to you that any conventionally trained medical doctor who is willing to impartially research the science behind the influenza vaccine safety, efficacy, and necessity is in for a surprise.

The best place to start a search for accurate medical information is usually the Cochrane database.

Cochrane is a non-profit research organization based in the United Kingdom and they tend to be considered the gold standard in scientific medical research. Their reviews of the medical literature are comprehensive and carefully peer-reviewed.


"So what does Cochrane have to say about the flu vaccine?

· It’s not effective for children under age 18 or for adults over 65.

·Between ages 18 to 65, it is only 30-50% effective in an average year (which means it fails between 50-70% of the time) and up to 80% in a perfectly matched year (a much lower number than most vaccines).

There is no decrease in flu transmission rate or hospitalization rate for people who have gotten the flu vaccine.

Ut oh.

Here is the Cochrane review’s results and conclusions so you can read them yourself:

I also found a 126-page analysis by researchers at the University of Minnesota’s Center for Infectious Disease Research & Policy (CIDRAP). Among the key findings of this 2012 analysis (in the researchers’ own words):

Influenza vaccine protection is markedly lower than for most routinely recommended vaccines and is suboptimal.

CDC recommendations about the flu vaccine over the past 30 years have not been based on scientifically sound data.

I shared the results of my research with colleagues. They were stunned. Just stunned. I also wrote back to the committee member who wasn’t aware of this data to let him know that there is no scientific data to support mandating flu vaccines.

And since those studies have been published, flu vaccine efficacy rates have hit new lows.

In 2014-2015 the flu vaccine was only 19% effective.

This year FluMist, the nasal spray influenza vaccine, is no longer recommended.

Why? Because it doesn’t work at all.

In the words of the CDC, “no protective benefit could be measured.”



"So this small town country doctor made an appointment with the medical director of the influenza division of the CDC.
With sweaty palms and racing heart, I made the phone call at the appointed time.

I introduced myself and proceeded to go over the data about the flu vaccine, including that per the national vital statistics on the CDC website, that there are only about 1,000 deaths out of over 300 million people from the flu.

After each factoid I mentioned, the CDC director just said, “Yep.”

Befuddled, I got to the end of my list of concerns, wiped my palms on my skirt, and asked, “Rebuttal?”

She said she didn’t have one!

In fact, she said, there will never be a good flu vaccine because there are over 200 different viruses that cause influenza and influenza-like symptoms and vaccine manufacturers have to guess a year in advance for the strain of flu that might be in circulation that coming year.

Like meteorologists predicting the weather, sometimes vaccine scientists are pretty accurate, sometimes they are dead wrong.

So I asked her why our government is pushing flu mandates across the country.

She denied that the CDC was recommending mandates, and admitted there is simply not enough science to justify mandating the flu vaccine. All of these hospital, school, and company policies, she insisted, were outside of the purview of the CDC.

I reminded her the CDC shapes public policy by recommending vaccines and that medical professionals were being fired across the country for refusing the flu vaccine.

She said she disagreed with that practice.

And there you have it.
The smart doctors who work inside the CDC know the flu shot isn’t working. And they probably don’t get flu shots either.

Big pharma pushes for flu mandates, smart doctors push back

Why this ridiculous push for a vaccine that doesn’t work, that prompted more government pay-outs because of adverse events, including death, than any other vaccine in 2017 so far, and that also contains ingredients analyzed by CDC scientists and found, in a recent peer-reviewed paper, to be highly neurotoxic?

Could it be the bonuses that insurance companies pay to medical groups for flu vaccine compliance among their staff and their patients?

Could it be the hundreds of thousands of dollars paid to politicians by the powerful pharmaceutical lobby?

In an 8-year period donations by pharmaceutical companies that manufacture vaccines given to the American Academy of Pediatricians exceeded 9.4 million dollars (The Business of Baby, p. 223)."

So... Basically, my opinion boils down to: Get the flu shot if you want to, but nobody should be forced to get it, or shamed and belittled if they choose to opt out of this shady vaccine.
I included other vaccines. When I want my car fixed , I go to the mechanic and have him fix it. When I need eecrrical work, I use the electrician.

I womder why people feel that they do not need to listen to their physician. They listen to people on the internet who have no training whatsoever or understanding how the body and cells work

It's amazing how one person (Wakefield) was able to con millions of people and therefore lead us to where we are today where even the most sound, infinitely reproducible science is met with suspicion and scorn. IMO, any health care professional who refuses a flu vaccine needs to lose their job, no ifs ands or buts. It's the height of arrogance to put your patients at risk over something so easily avoided for no better reason than willful, ignorant defiance. I'm glad Essentia fired those 69 employees. As for the lay public, I have a feeling the vast majority of those refusing the vaccine have never had the flu. Even if the vaccine can't prevent all strains, it does lessen the severity of symptoms and the length of illness. I'd feel pretty crappy if I gave the flu to some immune compromised child or elderly person just because I couldn't be bothered to do my part to help protect the spread of flu throughout our communities. The flu is no joke. Anti-intellectualism and conspiracy theory is all fun and games until you start killing people by not vaccinating.
This has nothing to do with Wakefield. Please. Show me where i can find the peer review studies saying the flu shot is " proven safe and effective.

Those workers lost their jobs for nothing. ( Hospitals get kick-back funding for vac compliance).

"The Minnesota Department of Health doesn’t take a position in this debate. MDH doesn’t have a policy for health care providers regarding flu shots, leaving that to each individual hospital or clinic system. MDH does promote flu shots for anyone who is at high risk for influenza and anyone who is around high risk patients, including hospital workers. But MDH infectious disease director Kris Ehresmann has said there is no data to support a mandate to significantly reduce the number of flu cases in hospitals."

"The Minnesota Nurses Association will file grievances to win back the jobs and paychecks of any registered nurse fired for not participating in Essentia Health's mandatory flu shot policy." ( just like they did in Boston, and in Canada, where they won. )
It's amazing how one person (Wakefield) was able to con millions of people and therefore lead us to where we are today where even the most sound, infinitely reproducible science is met with suspicion and scorn. IMO, any health care professional who refuses a flu vaccine needs to lose their job, no ifs ands or buts. It's the height of arrogance to put your patients at risk over something so easily avoided for no better reason than willful, ignorant defiance. I'm glad Essentia fired those 69 employees. As for the lay public, I have a feeling the vast majority of those refusing the vaccine have never had the flu. Even if the vaccine can't prevent all strains, it does lessen the severity of symptoms and the length of illness. I'd feel pretty crappy if I gave the flu to some immune compromised child or elderly person just because I couldn't be bothered to do my part to help protect the spread of flu throughout our communities. The flu is no joke. Anti-intellectualism and conspiracy theory is all fun and games until you start killing people by not vaccinating.


But for people with compromised immune systems, or people over 65 whose immune system might be wearing down at the same time they're dealing with a chronic condition like heart disease or diabetes, catching the bug from a young person could mean a stay in the hospital, or a long-lasting hit on their overall health.

So even if you're willing to get sick, keeping in mind the benefits of not getting your great aunt, grandmother, or even coworkers sick could be a good reason to get a flu shot.
It's amazing how one person (Wakefield) was able to con millions of people and therefore lead us to where we are today where even the most sound, infinitely reproducible science is met with suspicion and scorn. IMO, any health care professional who refuses a flu vaccine needs to lose their job, no ifs ands or buts. It's the height of arrogance to put your patients at risk over something so easily avoided for no better reason than willful, ignorant defiance. I'm glad Essentia fired those 69 employees. As for the lay public, I have a feeling the vast majority of those refusing the vaccine have never had the flu. Even if the vaccine can't prevent all strains, it does lessen the severity of symptoms and the length of illness. I'd feel pretty crappy if I gave the flu to some immune compromised child or elderly person just because I couldn't be bothered to do my part to help protect the spread of flu throughout our communities. The flu is no joke. Anti-intellectualism and conspiracy theory is all fun and games until you start killing people by not vaccinating.

"Killing people by not vaccinating"?????

Really? That is an unfair and disingenuous statement. If I choose to not have toxins INJECTED into my bloodstream, or my childrens bloodstream, I am not killing anybody in anyway shape or form.

Should we not have the choice or the basic freedom to choose what we put into our bodies? If we allow the government, or the pharmaceutical corps the ability to mandate what each citizen puts into their bodies, it is over. I hope you trust your government.
"Killing people by not vaccinating"?????

Really? That is an unfair and disingenuous statement. If I choose to not have toxins INJECTED into my bloodstream, or my childrens bloodstream, I am not killing anybody in anyway shape or form.

Should we not have the choice or the basic freedom to choose what we put into our bodies? If we allow the government, or the pharmaceutical corps the ability to mandate what each citizen puts into their bodies, it is over. I hope you trust your government.

You kill people by not vaccinating. Either you kill the person himself or the person who could not be vaccinated gets infected because the disease could spread.


Immunization averts an estimated 2 to 3 million deaths every year from diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), and measles; however, an additional 1.5 million deaths could be avoided if global vaccination coverage improves. Global vaccination coverage – the proportion of the world’s children who receive recommended vaccines – has stalled over the past few years.

During 2016, about 86% of infants worldwide (116.5 million infants) received 3 doses of diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP3) vaccine, protecting them against infectious diseases that can cause serious illness and disability or be fatal. By 2016, 130 countries had reached at least 90% coverage of DTP3 vaccine.

You are of course entitled to your own opnion but not to your own facts.

If you worry about putting chemicals into your body, stop eating pears because they contain far more formaldehyde than any vaccine.

List of all-natural diseases that may affect those not vaccinated:

Global immunization coverage 2016

A summary of global vaccination coverage in 2016 follows.

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) causes meningitis and pneumonia. Hib vaccine had been introduced in 191 countries by the end of 2016. Global coverage with 3 doses of Hib vaccine is estimated at 70%. There is great variation between regions. In the WHO Region of the Americas, coverage is estimated at 90%, while it is only 28% in the WHO Western Pacific Region. The WHO South-East Asia Region raised coverage from 56% in 2015 to 80% in 2016.

Hepatitis B is a viral infection that attacks the liver. Hepatitis B vaccine for infants had been introduced nationwide in 186 countries by the end of 2016. Global coverage with 3 doses of hepatitis B vaccine is estimated at 84% and is as high as 92% in the Western Pacific. In addition, 101 countries introduced one dose of hepatitis B vaccine to newborns within the first 24 hours of life, and the global coverage is 39%.

Human papillomavirus is the most common viral infection of the reproductive tract, and can cause cervical cancer, other types of cancer, and genital warts in both men and women. Human papillomavirus vaccine was introduced in 74 countries by the end of 2016, including four countries with introduction in some parts of the country.

Measles is a highly contagious disease caused by a virus, which usually results in a high fever and rash, and can lead to blindness, encephalitis or death. By the end of 2016, 85% of children had received one dose of measles vaccine by their second birthday, and 164 countries had included a second dose as part of routine immunization and 64% of children received two doses of measles vaccine according to national immunization schedules.

Meningitis A is an infection that can cause severe brain damage and is often deadly. By the end of 2016 – 6 years after its introduction – more than 260 million people in African countries affected by the disease had been vaccinated with MenAfriVac, a vaccine developed by WHO and PATH. Ghana and Sudan were the first two countries to include the MenAfriVac in their routine immunization schedule in 2016.

Mumps is a highly contagious virus that causes painful swelling at the side of the face under the ears (the parotid glands), fever, headache and muscle aches. It can lead to viral meningitis. Mumps vaccine had been introduced nationwide in 121 countries by the end of 2016.

Pneumococcal diseases include pneumonia, meningitis and febrile bacteraemia, as well as otitis media, sinusitis and bronchitis. Pneumococcal vaccine had been introduced in 134 countries by the end of 2016, including three in some parts of the country, and global coverage was estimated at 42%.

Polio is a highly infectious viral disease that can cause irreversible paralysis. In 2016, 85% of infants around the world received three doses of polio vaccine. Targeted for global eradication, polio has been stopped in all countries except for Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria. Polio-free countries have been infected by imported virus, and all countries – especially those experiencing conflict and instability – remain at risk until polio is fully eradicated.

Rotaviruses are the most common cause of severe diarrhoeal disease in young children throughout the world. Rotavirus vaccine was introduced in 90 countries by the end of 2016, including six in some parts of the country, and global coverage was estimated at 25%.

Rubella is a viral disease which is usually mild in children, but infection during early pregnancy may cause fetal death or congenital rubella syndrome, which can lead to defects of the brain, heart, eyes, and ears. Rubella vaccine was introduced nationwide in 152 countries by the end of 2016, and global coverage was estimated at 47%.

Tetanus is caused by a bacterium which grows in the absence of oxygen, for example in dirty wounds or in the umbilical cord if it is not kept clean. The spores of C. tetani are present in the environment irrespective of geographical location. It produces a toxin which can cause serious complications or death. The vaccine to prevent maternal and neonatal tetanus had been introduced in 106 countries by the end of 2016. An estimated 84% of newborns were protected through immunization. Maternal and neonatal tetanus persist as public health problems in 18 countries, mainly in Africa and Asia.

Yellow fever is an acute viral haemorrhagic disease transmitted by infected mosquitoes. As of 2016, yellow fever vaccine had been introduced in routine infant immunization programmes in 35 of the 42 countries and territories at risk for yellow fever in Africa and the Americas. In these 42 countries and territories, coverage is estimated at 45%.

You kill people by not vaccinating. Either you kill the person himself or the person who could not be vaccinated gets infected because the disease could spread.


You are of course entitled to your own opnion but not to your own facts.

If you worry about putting chemicals into your body, stop eating pears because they contain far more formaldehyde than any vaccine.

List of all-natural diseases that may affect those not vaccinated:


The government is not mandating anyone to eat pesticide laden pears. Not to mention, the toxins in food and the environment is not being INJECTED directly into your bloodstream.

Facts? Show me a long term term study that tracks the health and wellness of people over the course of their lives that proves vaccination schedules do not have an adverse affect on your health and wellness.

Do you not see a problem with the government mandating you injecting anything into your own body? Do you not see the violation of your basic human rights to be able make your own decisions about your own personal health & wellness?

I am not saying all vaccines are bad. I am saying it is a violation of your rights and freedoms to have them mandated. I am not interested in merely surviving. I am interested in thriving. And i want to be able to make my own decisions about how to do that.
The government is not mandating anyone to eat pesticide laden pears. Not to mention, the toxins in food and the environment is not being INJECTED directly into your bloodstream.

Facts? Show me a long term term study that tracks the health and wellness of people over the course of their lives that proves vaccination schedules do not have an adverse affect on your health and wellness.

Do you not see a problem with the government mandating you injecting anything into your own body? Do you not see the violation of your basic human rights to be able make your own decisions about your own personal health & wellness?

I am not saying all vaccines are bad. I am saying it is a violation of your rights and freedoms to have them mandated. I am not interested in merely surviving. I am interested in thriving. And i want to be able to make my own decisions about how to do that.

That is true, but you also have a choice where to work and the people you work for, make the rules.
I don't know any governments that have made the flu vax compulsory, some employers have.
I am 70+ and I can well remember all those childhood diseases including a sibling who got polio, another who had whooping cough and all of us got the measles and the chicken pox.

I have gotten the flu vaccine every year for many years now. It has never, ever made me sick at all. Nor does it make any of my family members sick that I know of.

I have never had a severe flu. It has been years since I've had even a lesser flu. I had one cold last year that was the first cold I had in two years or so.

I consider myself to be lucky. And based on my own personal experience I will continue to receive an annual flu shot.
Seems the ‘Aussie flu’ has hit Britain hard:

The reason? Possibly an ineffective vaccine (probably due to a rapidly mutating strain of the Influenza A virus [HxNy]):

‘A key factor seems to be that the flu vaccine has been less effective than expected this year.

Preliminary data suggests it offered only 15 to 20 per cent protection, Professor Collignon says.

This means as many as 85 per cent of people who were vaccinated and then exposed to the virus still got infected.

"For whatever reason, the vaccine has been very ineffective this year."‘

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