Dr. Phil's Interview w/ George & Cindy Anthony - Thread #3

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The defendant in the death of Caylee is a convicted criminal. She has a felony record and a proven track record of committing crimes against others. She has been proven in a court of law to be a liar. She chose to stay in protective custody (not solitary confinement) for three years rather than to say that her only child died in some rather ordinary-type of childhood accident which she now says she covered up. For 31 days she let everyone believe that her daughter was with a nanny or her parents (depending on who was asking.) Then she accused the fictitious Nanny of kidnapping Caylee. When that wasn't working, she planted seeds of doubt against a man who would have happily cared for the little one as his own. Doubt was cast also on her so-called best friend who she stole money and checks from and for which she was tried and convicted for these felonies.

She knew that it was torturing her family to sit in jail, then in their home, and then back in jail for another two years before she finally (through her lawyers) said that Caylee drowned. She NEVER gave any reasoning for dumping her in a trash laden swamp. She let her daughter's body ROT for six months...most likely in order for the evidence to be Rotted away with Caylee's remains. If that wasn't enough, she then thought nothing of accusing her Father & Brother of Molesting her.

She is and was not a good person or a good mother. She is a future threat to anyone she gets involved with and she received no consequence for anything but lying and stealing. In fact, the three years she sat in jail, Not Prison, would have accounted for time served on the felony check charges and the misdemeanor charges of Providing False Information to a Law Enforcement Officer.

There is no way in h3ll that this woman can be trusted with any familial relationship. She has proven that she is disloyal, harmful and dangerous. She is, overall, a destructive person with a family that protects her and supports her even after everything that she has done.
If Cindy realized Casey was disturbed also having many bad habits and hired a professional to start Casey on a re-entry program into normal life, Caylee would still be alive IMO. Nurses are not always the best at diagnosing their own family's problems.

I disagree.

Nobody is to blame for Caylee's death but Casey.

She is an adult. She decided her own actions. Her actions killed Caylee.

Cindy shares no blame in this.

Like her or not, IMO saying she is partly to blame for Caylee's death is just not factual.

I disagree.

Nobody is to blame for Caylee's death but Casey.

She is an adult. She decided her own actions. Her actions killed Caylee.

Cindy shares no blame in this.

Like her or not, IMO saying she is partly to blame for Caylee's death is just not factual.


Yet, in CA & GA's minds and hearts they probably do feel responsible for the way their Adult (22 Years Old at the time of Caylee's death)daughter turned out and by default what that daughter did to their grandchild. It is most likely why CA is unable to admit that her daughter deliberately killed her granddaughter.
Yet, in CA & GA's minds and hearts they probably do feel responsible for the way their Adult (22 Years Old at the time of Caylee's death)daughter turned out and by default what that daughter did to their grandchild. It is most likely why CA is unable to admit that her daughter deliberately killed her granddaughter.


Can you imagine having to face that?
I also think KC got much pleasure out of talking to Cindy everyday and telling her that Caylee was not available and she could not see her. She loved torturing Cindy. She hates Cindy.

Casey hates Cindy like poison now. When Cindy took the stand and said some not so nice stuff about Casey, Casey lost it. Now Cindy is acting like it is all in the past and it will be up to Casey to kiss and make up. Just a big love triangle missing fragile parts now. Too bad a child was involved but this happens all the time.
The defendant in the death of Caylee is a convicted criminal. She has a felony record and a proven track record of committing crimes against others. She has been proven in a court of law to be a liar. She chose to stay in protective custody (not solitary confinement) for three years rather than to say that her only child died in some rather ordinary-type of childhood accident which she now says she covered up. For 31 days she let everyone believe that her daughter was with a nanny or her parents (depending on who was asking.) Then she accused the fictitious Nanny of kidnapping Caylee. When that wasn't working, she planted seeds of doubt against a man who would have happily cared for the little one as his own. Doubt was cast also on her so-called best friend who she stole money and checks from and for which she was tried and convicted for these felonies.

She knew that it was torturing her family to sit in jail, then in their home, and then back in jail for another two years before she finally (through her lawyers) said that Caylee drowned. She NEVER gave any reasoning for dumping her in a trash laden swamp. She let her daughter's body ROT for six months...most likely in order for the evidence to be Rotted away with Caylee's remains. If that wasn't enough, she then thought nothing of accusing her Father & Brother of Molesting her.

She is and was not good person or a good mother. She is a future threat to anyone she gets involved with and she received no consequence for anything but lying and stealing. In fact, the three years she sat in jail, Not Prison, would have accounted for time served on the felony check charges and the misdemeanor charges of Providing False Information to a Law Enforcement Officer.

There is no way in h3ll that this woman can be trusted with any familial relationship. She has proven that she is disloyal, harmful and dangerous. She is, overall, a destructive person with a family that protects her and supports her even after everything that she has done.

This is a tremendous post Just K! You dotted the i's and crossed the t's with this one!!
And, just imagine all the horrible things that this woman has done that have yet to come to light. There was so much more that I could have said but didn't, too.
The answers that CA is giving during these interviews are directed towards FCA.
She isn't answering questions honestly, she used these interviews to talk directly to FCA, to get FCA to come home to mommy. Let me continue to control your life and give me the answers I need about Caylee.
Dr. Phil stated that CA & GA had been candid and honest..I'm not sure how he got this statement out of his mouth with a straight face!
It was obvious to me the stark contrast between their response answering the same question. GA as always is creeping up to the plate. Maybe someday he will be able to say what he thinks without his.."possiblys" or these imaginary people he invents to take the heat off of FCA. When Dr. P asked the babysitting question, GA gave a great answer. It's up to LA & MP. CA goes right into sure, I don't have a problem with KC babysitting. Her answer was a mother protecting her child, not a grandmother concerned with her grandchildrens safety.
CA is still allowing her daughter to control her actions. CA isn't responsible in any way for what happened to Caylee but she does have to accept responsibility for IMO..the abuse she showered on HER children. The one thing we might all be able to agree on is FCA & LA are not well adjusted people. There is something odd about their behavior and I would guess that MP will fit nicely into this family from what I saw from her on the stand.
Whether it was verbal abuse CA gave her children or physical, or both..speaking from the receiving side of verbal abuse it can cause ALOT of mental and physical damage, it just doesn't leave any visible marks. Until CA deals with her truths, until she admits she is not this kind, loving, gentle mother she claims to be in front of the public, she will always feel the guilt for Caylees death. Unfortunatly, I would guess FCA treated Caylee the same way. In public she was this loving mother but when no one was watching, she abused her verbally as to not leave " any marks". If I could talk to CA directly I would tell her to let it go, sort it out. No matter how badly she treated FCA, murder is never a normal response. If she continues to fashion her life around the guilt she WILL destroy her marriage and herself in the process!
CA ,through the 3rd interview had her ankles crossed. This is a sign of defensiveness-suppressing negative emotion. When CA was rambling on about the hot body pictures, defending by saying what if someone had snapped a picture of me laughing, would those pictures be posted all over the news, would people critize me for laughing when my grandaughter is gone?..Dr. Phil says, but CA, your not resposible for Caylees death. I saw CA's reaction, she drew back and put her head down. CA does feel guilt, alot of it and she needs alot of help to deal with that. When Dr. P asked if CA would accept FCA back into their home, CA smiles when she says Oh, KC knows I'm mad at her. Neither GA nor CA showed " normal" emotions through these interviews. If I was "mad" at my daughter for killing my grandchild, I could think of a stronger word than " mad" and I sure wouldn't be smiling when I said it.
I learned a few things from these interviews but I think as a whole they were a waste of time. Until CA stops "talking" to FCA everytime she opens her mouth and starts giving some real answers to questions, anything she says is just a waste..huge waste!
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MOO ...

I wonder WHY we have not heard from either of the Anthony's or their attorney Mark Lippman regarding these 3 interviews from the Phil McGraw Show ? I am also wondering if the local media showed up at Hope Spring Drive or Lippman's office to get some type of comment or feedback regarding their appearance on the show ?

The Anthony's have never been afraid to open their mouths the past 3+ years ... now all of a sudden, "silence" after these interviews ? I find that "odd" !

And another thing: did we really learn anything "new" ? IMO not a darn thing !

It should NOT be a "surprise" that Cindy will continue to defend her daughter ... she ALWAYS HAS and she ALWAYS WILL !

And as to George ... IMO he's an Anthony -- that should say it all right there !

The Anthony's and Lippman's SILENCE is becoming defeaning !

As always MOO ...
"A report by Florida's child welfare agency says Casey Anthony failed to protect her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, which ultimately resulted in the child's death."


Granted, this report doesn't say "Children under the care of Casey Anthony are in danger," but it comes as close to that as they legally could. . . and I heartily agree!
"A report by Florida's child welfare agency says Casey Anthony failed to protect her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee, which ultimately resulted in the child's death."


Granted, this report doesn't say "Children under the care of Casey Anthony are in danger," but it comes as close to that as they legally could. . . and I heartily agree!

BBM: Oh wow ... Phil McGraw should have brought out this Report in his interview with the Anthony's !

Of course, Cindy -- as usual -- would have "defended" her daughter and said all kinds of bullcarpy about the State, and yada yada yada ...

This Report says it all !

MOO ...
MOO ...

I wonder WHY we have not heard from either of the Anthony's or their attorney Mark Lippman regarding these 3 interviews from the Phil McGraw Show ? I am also wondering if the local media showed up at Hope Spring Drive or Lippman's office to get some type of comment or feedback regarding their appearance on the show ?

The Anthony's have never been afraid to open their mouths the past 3+ years ... now all of a sudden, "silence" after these interviews ? I find that "odd" !

And another thing: did we really learn anything "new" ? IMO not a darn thing !

It should NOT be a "surprise" that Cindy will continue to defend her daughter ... she ALWAYS HAS and she ALWAYS WILL !

And as to George ... IMO he's an Anthony -- that should say it all right there !

The Anthony's and Lippman's SILENCE is becoming defeaning !

As always MOO ...

Why would they need to talk about an interview?

Maybe they said what they wanted to say during the interview. Isn't that the purpose of an interview?

I'm not understanding the need to give interviews or statements to talk about an interview.

BBM: Oh wow ... Phil McGraw should have brought out this Report in his interview with the Anthony's !

Of course, Cindy -- as usual -- would have "defended" her daughter and said all kinds of bullcarpy about the State, and yada yada yada ...

This Report says it all !

MOO ...

This has been out for a while; and I don't think it would have meant a scintilla to Cindy - she would simply say the courts have spoken and they trump child services.
Casey hates Cindy like poison now. When Cindy took the stand and said some not so nice stuff about Casey, Casey lost it. Now Cindy is acting like it is all in the past and it will be up to Casey to kiss and make up. Just a big love triangle missing fragile parts now. Too bad a child was involved but this happens all the time.

But don't be surprised if they get back together. KC has gotten rid of Caylee and will be the "center" again. She will return to her mother, imo.
The wheel well liner was presented but it is not the part of the trunk lining which had the stain, correct?


(ETA: Sorry, this was o/t .. I got a bit carried away and won't do it again, promise)

Yes, that's the part with the stain, although much of the stain was cut out of the liner.
MOO ...

I wonder WHY we have not heard from either of the Anthony's or their attorney Mark Lippman regarding these 3 interviews from the Phil McGraw Show ? I am also wondering if the local media showed up at Hope Spring Drive or Lippman's office to get some type of comment or feedback regarding their appearance on the show ?

The Anthony's have never been afraid to open their mouths the past 3+ years ... now all of a sudden, "silence" after these interviews ? I find that "odd" !

And another thing: did we really learn anything "new" ? IMO not a darn thing !

It should NOT be a "surprise" that Cindy will continue to defend her daughter ... she ALWAYS HAS and she ALWAYS WILL !

And as to George ... IMO he's an Anthony -- that should say it all right there !

The Anthony's and Lippman's SILENCE is becoming defeaning !

As always MOO ...

Hey dog.gone.cute..I find it refreshing! Maybe they didn't like the thousands of comments that flooded Dr. P facebook, twitter and message board expressing their outrage at the A's? This is how Dr. P started the third interview.
This has been out for a while; and I don't think it would have meant a scintilla to Cindy - she would simply say the courts have spoken and they trump child services.

I agree, and good point regarding Cindy.

I do remember when this came out ... but this Report seems to have been "forgotten". It's too bad this Report came out AFTER the Trial.

IMO this Report needs to "front and center" any and all times any Anthony "speaks" ...

MOO ...
They have been quiet since the interview, haven't they? Not even a peep from Lippman. I hope that means that they realize just how bad this interview was for them and their charity. Maybe they'll go away now. I can still hope!
They were quiet before the interview. There were several comments here about it.

I don't think they are quiet because of the interview or the negative comments.

I think they said what they had to say.

I'm sure when they have something else to say, they will say it. And we will discuss it.

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