Ebola outbreak - general thread #1

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"I called CDC to get some actions taken, because I was concerned for his life and he wasn't getting the appropriate care," Duncan's nephew, Josephus Weeks

"I'm not angry," Weeks said. "It's more frustration and concern......I'm hoping that he can get the same kind of treatment that was given to the four other patients that survived, and that's my concern, and that's why I'm still asking about it."

Sorry but for me the American Government is totally at fault. They have known about this disease for years and have not done one thing to keep it from getting here. Absolute no travel from regions that have Ebola. That is the number one priority. Come on, that is just common sense. The regular everyday person does not know how to protect themselves, especially someone from outside the country. If you are from a third world country and contract a serious illness, but do not know it.......it is not your fault. Please don't make his family feel like he is a murderer.
Sorry but for me the American Government is totally at fault. They have known about this disease for years and have not done one thing to keep it from getting here. Absolute no travel from regions that have Ebola. That is the number one priority. Come on, that is just common sense. The regular everyday person does not know how to protect themselves, especially someone from outside the country. If you are from a third world country and contract a serious illness, but do not know it.......it is not your fault. Please don't make his family feel like he is a murderer.

This guy was in contact with an Ebola patient who died. So he had to know he was exposed.
It's not his fault he contracted it, but given that he was exposed, why was he traveling?
This guy was in contact with an Ebola patient who died. So he had to know he was exposed.
It's not his fault he contracted it, but given that he was exposed, why was he traveling?
I think the answer is bolded in my post above. JMO
This guy was in contact with an Ebola patient who died. So he had to know he was exposed.
It's not his fault he contracted it, but given that he was exposed, why was he traveling?

He wanted the best care for free?
I think the answer is bolded in my post above. JMO

Given that people get on planes even after they were exposed, why are we allowing travel from these affected regions?
How many people got infected because this guy got on the plane and came here? His own relatives? Strangers?
He wanted the best care for free?

He sure didn't get it. They wouldn't even admit him into the hospital at first.
Maybe he should have gone to another state and not TX.
He sure didn't get it. They wouldn't even admit him into the hospital at first.
Maybe he should have gone to another state and not TX.

Didn't say he got it, just that he wanted it. He could have gone to a different hospital in TX and they might have read the paperwork.
Didn't say he got it, just that he wanted it. He could have gone to a different hospital in TX and they might have read the paperwork.

Why did he not tell the doctors he was in contact with Ebola patient who died?
One would hope that if they heard that, they would have done something.
He sure didn't get it. They wouldn't even admit him into the hospital at first.
Maybe he should have gone to another state and not TX.

No lie. I am kinda shocked they dont have him on hospice care already.
If he wanted to travel to US for treatment, why didn't he announce that he'd had contact with a dead Ebola patient earlier? Like on arrival to the US. Why did he just go home after the first ER visit? For me, it's not adding up that he travelled to US for treatment.
Time to hitch up our pants, put on our $&it kickin boots, and grab ebola by the horns.


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Sorry, just saw Yoda posted the news yesterday. It's taking a while to get the results, isn't it?
Well, I'd better get my rear in gear and get off to work right now. Things I've read and heard about since yesterday:

He purchased his ticket on September 2nd. Okay, I'll loosen that noose.
He was throwing up outside in the apartment complex.
His nephew (who refers to Mr Duncan as Eric and not Thomas) called the CDC and not any doctor or local hospital. That's kind admitting they knew the back story. So it's not Ebola Thomas - slight change - Ebola Eric
Someone in Hawaii is being tested.

I'm standing my ground that he knew - he darned well knew.
Some of you are working yourself up to a hysteria and need to calm down. You guys realize that Nigeria, a country with a fraction of our resources, was able to nip this in the bud when a patient with active disease entered their country and infected about 20 or so people, right? They've not had a massive pandemic because they went through the steps to contain it. It's perfectly possible to do the same here. Anyone who didn't believe this was inevitable due to our open borders was living in denial. If it hadn't been Texas, it would have been New York, or Atlanta, or some other city.

As to people worrying that being in the same building as an infected person with ebola who has a tiny sneeze:

Last night CNN interviewed Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who is not an epidemiologist, but has the intelligence to seek out and find the best people who have studied this disease for decades, and interview them. This is not a new disease, there is plenty of research, this is NO indication it has mutated to anything significantly different. His sources had this to say about shedding virus in nasopharyngeal secretions:

He broke it down into what kinds of exposure are worse than others. Droplets that are excreted when we cough or sneeze are the tiniest risk -he explained that droplets such as this, just don't contain any real meaningful amount of virus as in the same amount of blood or even vomit. It is not a virus that lives very well in the respiratory system, which also decreases the risk of picking it up from anything expelled during a cough or sneeze. At that point it is less like bodily fluid and more like a gas. He said it was theoretically correct that one could spread the disease via cough or sneeze, but it is highly, highly unlikely to be transmitted that way because of these components. It's blood, vomit, diarrhea, and semen we need to worry about the most.

Those of you who don't trust people with education, or like to engage in conspiracy theories, or think that anyone wearing scrubs is part of some kind of effort to get you and yours can continue to work yourself into a panic and get all your science information from bunk science blogs. I live practically at ground zero and intend to stay calm and rational and practice safe hygiene and use common sense as I always have. Today as I go to work as a nurse less than 2 miles from ground zero, I will use universal precautions and keep abreast of the news, as well as keep all the people who actually came into direct contact with his bodily fluids in my thoughts and hope for the best for all of them.

Meanwhile, as in every year, over 30,000 will die of influenza, some of them after refusing a vaccine that could have saved them.
My hysteria (and many that I see on this forum) is based on the fact that this man (to our belief) travelled to this country intentionally and omitted to state he had been in contact with people who had died with Ebola. His nephew who is giving interviews is based in the Carolinas. I believe (and correct me if I am wrong) is that he called the CDC.
Please don't slam me for saying this out loud.

If he lives - the doors will open wide.

If he lives I am quite sure he will stay, he has a "fiancee" in Dallas after all. I wouldn't be surprised if he met her online.
Some of you are working yourself up to a hysteria and need to calm down. You guys realize that Nigeria, a country with a fraction of our resources, was able to nip this in the bud when a patient with active disease entered their country and infected about 20 or so people, right? They've not had a massive pandemic because they went through the steps to contain it. It's perfectly possible to do the same here. Anyone who didn't believe this was inevitable due to our open borders was living in denial. If it hadn't been Texas, it would have been New York, or Atlanta, or some other city.

As to people worrying that being in the same building as an infected person with ebola who has a tiny sneeze:

Last night CNN interviewed Dr. Sanjay Gupta, who is not an epidemiologist, but has the intelligence to seek out and find the best people who have studied this disease for decades, and interview them. This is not a new disease, there is plenty of research, this is NO indication it has mutated to anything significantly different. His sources had this to say about shedding virus in nasopharyngeal secretions:

He broke it down into what kinds of exposure are worse than others. Droplets that are excreted when we cough or sneeze are the tiniest risk -he explained that droplets such as this, just don't contain any real meaningful amount of virus as in the same amount of blood or even vomit. It is not a virus that lives very well in the respiratory system, which also decreases the risk of picking it up from anything expelled during a cough or sneeze. At that point it is less like bodily fluid and more like a gas. He said it was theoretically correct that one could spread the disease via cough or sneeze, but it is highly, highly unlikely to be transmitted that way because of these components. It's blood, vomit, diarrhea, and semen we need to worry about the most.

Those of you who don't trust people with education, or like to engage in conspiracy theories, or think that anyone wearing scrubs is part of some kind of effort to get you and yours can continue to work yourself into a panic and get all your science information from bunk science blogs. I live practically at ground zero and intend to stay calm and rational and practice safe hygiene and use common sense as I always have. Today as I go to work as a nurse less than 2 miles from ground zero, I will use universal precautions and keep abreast of the news, as well as keep all the people who actually came into direct contact with his bodily fluids in my thoughts and hope for the best for all of them.

Meanwhile, as in every year, over 30,000 will die of influenza, some of them after refusing a vaccine that could have saved them.

We are supposed to trust the people that allowed this guy to spread his disease?

Um, no.
Those of you who don't trust people with education, or like to engage in conspiracy theories, or think that anyone wearing scrubs is part of some kind of effort to get you and yours can continue to work yourself into a panic and get all your science information from bunk science blogs.

Meanwhile, as in every year, over 30,000 will die of influenza, some of them after refusing a vaccine that could have saved them.

I don't see the need to condemn the posters in this thread OR make demeaning comments.

And very few people die from the "typical" yearly flu, the majority of the 30,000 that do die are elderly folks that get pneumonia as a secondary infection and succumb to that (pneumonia shots last 5 years, that is what they should get).

The flu vaccine is often not that effective, they guess at the 3 or 4 flu strains to include in the vaccine a year in advance and start production, often they guess wrong and different strains are active that flu season making the vaccine less effective or not effective at all (that is why people get yearly flu shots, every year they are trying to target different/new flu strains).

If you had educated yourself on the reality of the flu shot you would know that. I used to sell flu shot services to companies so I learned all about it and I do NOT get a yearly flu shot.
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