Ebola outbreak - general thread #1

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This is the same thing with me although the only difference is unlike you I am getting scared and having anxiety over it.

We have an anxiety thread in the parking lot just for times like this.
Yeah I am not near any of those. I am from a small town in PA. Actually you know because you have been in my area before.

I'm in DFW and I have an anxiety brain and I'm holding it together. You will be fine . I'll let you know when it's time to panic ! :p
Did they know they were entering an apartment that was contaminated with Ebola? If so....why oh why did they not protect themselves and put on the spacesuit looking outfit!? I mean seriously....that's just common sense! What is happening to people's brains?

Maybe they haven't see Outbreak...
Shouldn't he too be quarantined?

It's like they don't understand EBOLA or QUARANTINE ! Just curious one news outlet says he's quarantined now and he's on live local tv a few hours later. . . . . . . . . But the family inside the house are on the other kind of quarantine ;)
Infection control and containment

The risk of transmission is increased among those caring for people infected. Recommended measures when caring for those who are infected include isolating them, sterilizing equipment and surfaces, and wearing protective clothing including masks, gloves, gowns, and goggles.[22] If a person with Ebola dies, direct contact with the body of the deceased patient should be avoided.[22]

In order to reduce the spread, the World Health Organization recommends raising community awareness of the risk factors for Ebola infection and the protective measures individuals can take.[59] These include avoiding contact with infected people and regular hand washing using soap and water.[60] Traditional burial rituals, especially those requiring washing or embalming of bodies, should be discouraged or modified.[61][62] Airline crews are instructed to isolate anyone who has symptoms resembling Ebola virus.[63]

The Ebola virus can be eliminated with heat (heating for 30 to 60 minutes at 60 °C or boiling for 5 minutes). On surfaces, some lipid solvents such as some alcohol-based products, detergents, sodium hypochlorite (bleach) or calcium hypochlorite (bleaching powder), and other suitable disinfectants at appropriate concentrations can be used as disinfectants.[64][65]

In laboratories where diagnostic testing is carried out, biosafety level 4-equivalent containment is required, since Ebola viruses are World Health Organization Risk Group 4 pathogens. Laboratory researchers must be properly trained in BSL-4 practices and wear proper personal protective equipment.

One look at YODA's chart and IMOO we must take all precautions.
I do not panic, but I am not stupid either...............protect yourself,
esp during Christmas shopping.
Hey, I had to go to a local hospital today for a chest x-ray and I forgot to take my book along to read while I was waiting to be called. As a precaution, I didn't pick up any of the newspapers or magazines lying around like I normally might have.

Quarantine, also known as enforced isolation, is usually effective in decreasing spread.[66][67] Governments often quarantine areas where the disease is occurring or individuals who may be infected.[68] In the United States, the law allows quarantine of those infected with Ebola.[69] During the 2014 outbreak, Liberia closed schools.[70]

Contact tracing

Contact tracing is regarded as important to contain an outbreak. It involves finding everyone who had close contact with infected individuals and watching for signs of illness for 21 days. If any of these contacts comes down with the disease, they should be isolated, tested, and treated. Then repeat the process by tracing the contacts' contacts.[71][72]

Maybe they only watch sports and netflix? Idk...some ppl just hate news channels, papers, stations etc.

I have been one those "cave" people from time to time and not watched any news or read the papers. Trust me! But it seems to me that if someone is working in law enforcement or working in the health care industry - they would have to know about Ebola and the risk of this virus coming into our country! I am honestly blown away that at every level - we seem to be ill equipped to handle this situation.
Maybe I am to cautious because my husband is going through chemo, but we do not go near any one that has a cold etc. We don't go into schools, airports, planes etc. Our life is different now. If he gets ill, no chemo and he is terminal so he must get treatments. We do allot of fresh air outdoor entertaining. I guess it has worked for 3 years and we will be doing this. All of us must take precautions now about strangers, buses, malls, use more hand sanitizers (which I hate), bleach water to clean. Oh my,pray this does stop.
We've heard the ambulance drivers of Duncan have been quarantined, but what about the hospital staff that treated him before he was diagnosed? Was he put in an isolation ER upon arrival? Don't believe I have seen this information. Have you?
we need to educate everyone about this stuff..............we learned not to touch magazines, shopping carts, chairs, the tv remote at the cancer center. We use gloves, masks etc..............i sounds crazy because we never even thought about things like this before.............
We've heard the ambulance drivers of Duncan have been quarantined, but what about the hospital staff that treated him before he was diagnosed? Was he put in an isolation ER upon arrival? Don't believe I have seen this information. Have you?

Not the first time. He didn't volunteer that he'd been in direct contact with a person who died of Ebola, only that he was from Liberia, and they failed to make the connection. I blame him more.
We've heard the ambulance drivers of Duncan have been quarantined, but what about the hospital staff that treated him before he was diagnosed? Was he put in an isolation ER upon arrival? Don't believe I have seen this information. Have you?

Goodness...you are right! I never even thought about that! I haven't seen any information pertaining to those hospital workers other than the patient wasn't kept even though he told a nurse he had been in West Africa.
AC360 reporting a freelance cameraman in Africa has Ebola and is on his way back to the U.S. for treatment.

If something could be done to stop Africans from eating bushmeat, this disease might be eradicated.
so how many are in quarantine now?
patient, girlfriend, 4 children, EMT, Dr,
and we have how many unsuspecting victims out there?
When he gets healthy, he should go straight to jail, JMOO
we need to educate everyone about this stuff..............we learned not to touch magazines, shopping carts, chairs, the tv remote at the cancer center. We use gloves, masks etc..............i sounds crazy because we never even thought about things like this before.............

Exactly. I can be a real germaphobe sometimes. When I get sick....I go down hard and stay sick longer than the rest of my family -grrr. Anyway, I can get pretty weird when it comes to germs. I use my sleeve to open door knobs in public if I don't have a napkin or paper towel handy - say from the bathroom. I use my elbow to hit buttons in elevators. I wash my hands after touching a menu. I am a total nut case on an air plane and usually have my head and nose down inside my shirt or buried in a scarf - like that really helps. And I never ever eat or drink after someone - even my family! You really can't be too careful these days.
so how many are in quarantine now?
patient, girlfriend, 4 children, EMT, Dr,
and we have how many unsuspecting victims out there?
When he gets healthy, he should go straight to jail, JMOO

AC360-Liberian President said she's not sure what they will do to him when he returns! She is quite upset that he came to the U.S.
ITA, and where would they move them? That apt. is already contaminated. It is to late IMO. They have been exposed. Next move is probably the hospital. then seal off the apt.
I'm sick thinking 3000 of our troops are there!
OUR GOVERNMENT needs to protect us.
My grand mother used to talk about deptheria and the quarantine (yes she had a son die and it was a true horror story, even his embalming and funeral)

We think that in this "enlightened age" we can't possibly repeat the mistakes of old, and yet this whole scenario is reminding me of the early days (and panic-driven responses) of plagues, polio, and the early days of the AIDS epidemic.

In my own family history, I have a great great-plus-aunt who came down with yellow fever and was buried in the doctor's cow pasture because he knew that if anyone found out she'd died of "the fever," the town would burn the family's house down. The family had to concoct a story to explain her absence. (She "went north to help an ailing relative").

Cool heads need to prevail when dealing with this situation, from the medical personnel to the authorities to individuals. Otherwise, innocent victims will be further victimized. The fact that medical facilities have refused to accept patients is red flag 1 that panic is guiding protocol. That is soooo reminiscient of the early AIDS days that it's scary.

That being said, I do agree 100% that anyone who knows they've been exposed and hides that fact should be held accountable. There was a male back home who knowingly exposed a number of people to the AIDS virus. (At least one person actually died due to that exposure.) There was talk of bringing him up on charges of murder, but at the time the laws hadn't addressed the issue, so he was never charged.
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