I for one definitely do not think this is a conspiracy at all.........I think it is very real....Like I mentioned on here before, I saw a little article must have been six months or a little bit longer in a newspaper about an outbreak, and I think there was about 10 people......I watched for the articles since then and used to read them out to my husband as the number of people infected got higher and outbreaks in more countries, and now here we are.
Also in one of my above posts I mentioned that I live in an area that has dengue and Ross River and horrible diseases like Hendra.....and Australia has a first class medical system. They have had so much trouble containing dengue and ross river here when it happens, but have always managed to contain Hendra.....the other two are transmitted by mossies, so they are impossible to contain.
I think it is a case of an outbreak of a disease and because of the poverty, living conditions, very basic medical facilities and the superstitions of the people, it has exploded......
Someone posted a song that a rapper has written about it. That is a great idea and a good way to get a message to the people that it is very real and to be careful what they are eating........they need more ideas like that to try and overcome the conspiracy theories and the superstitions that are just going to make the situation worse.