It is easier to believe a lie that one has heard a thousand times than to believe a fact that no one has heard before
From the start of this, sensationalism got my attention. WHAT A STORY! Headlines caught my attention. OMG! What the hell happened?
I was sort of buying into the "story" from day one. Thought it was horrible! How could Casey do this? Then, the more I researched and found out info, the more I began to think there was something VERY WRONG with the story. Knowledge is power.
From the beginning, George and Cindy's actions were, at the least, unconventional. Every time they blew up at TV Anchors, i.e. Greta, Megyn Kelly, Geraldo, to name a few, I was astounded! Their personal appearances all over TV in the beginning, before Caylee's remains were found, were confusing, disturbing, and gave me pause. Their behavior was not in sync with the event of Caylee missing. Who behaves like this? Cindy's mood changes were fascinating in TV interviews, police interviews, depositions, calls, etc. It puzzled me. So I started questioning.
The neighbors were up in arms! Why? When has this ever happened before? I followed many cases over the years: Jon Benet Ramsey, Danielle Van Dam, Samantha Runnion, Haleigh Cummings, Emily Smart, Robert Blake, Michael Peterson, Scott Peterson, and on and on. I always suspected media hype and sensationalism, but not to the extent of Casey Anthony's case. No one behaved the way the Anthony's behaved. Puzzling. They were reviled, and rightfully so due to their actions and lies.
31 days???!!! A Nanny that didn't exist? WTH? Cindy being portrayed as a grieving, loving Grandmother, yet 31 days? The whole family playing "Cop"? The overuse of adverbs in all their speech, the expounding of even small incidents, the dichotomy from what I had investigated and their public persona. The fantastic "memories" of both Cindy and Casey to recall insignificant dates, conversations, hints, etc. Puzzling!!! The families carefully constructed speech patterns, some called it "coding!" WOW! Cindy cleaning the car, washing clothes, wiping the baby doll, spraying Febreeze. George not telling the police about the "smell of decomp", driving home with the windows open. WHAT? Their repeated attempts to lead the police in other directions, ie. Jesse did it, Amy did it, etc. etc. WHY?
During the trial, I listened to the State and questioned everything, and because I had listened and read police and FBI interviews, some things didn't fit. The decomping body for days in the trunk was very troubling. How can anyone drive around with her baby melting in the trunk and act seemingly "normal?" Casey was back and forth from the car to friends houses - her clothes did not smell!! The duct tape - WOW! Eye opener! And that stupid "heart sticker" found 12-15 feet away from the body stuck to a piece of cardboard!!!??? Really?
Most puzzling was this: Casey never ran. She just stayed away from her family and lied about the Nanny. But she had been lying about the Nanny for 2 years prior. I had to ask, WHY? She could have run off. She had stolen money, had a vehicle, she could have just disappeared. She didn't. She just stayed clear of her family. Where did she go every day for two years when her parents "thought" she was working? How can that be possible? "Loving, caring grandparents, the providers of all things "normal"," yet for two years they had no clue what Casey and Caylee were doing every day? Didn't know the Nanny? Never questioned her money situation, taxes, etc? Stealing gas when they believed she was working? WHAT? Does any of this make sense?
Then the defense got their turn and I started putting two and two together, also knowing everything I knew from research, and it wasn't adding up! The 84 chloroform hits was ridiculous. It's not humanly possible! We now know this was an error! We NOW understand why perjury charges were not filed against Cindy Anthony - because the STATE KNEW ABOUT THE CHLOROFORM REPORT ERRORS!!! The pregnancy that no one "noticed" until Casey was almost 8 months pregnant. George and Cindy's performance on the stand in court. Oscar material! Their obvious lies and condescending behavior. The carrying of Bibles, printed pics of Caylee to look at on the stand. blah blah blah. Oscar winning! These people missed their calling, Hollywood could have used them!! The "foundations" they opened, being paid for Caylee's pictures (that are rightfully Casey's property). Cindy a registered nurse who NEVER TOOK CASEY to see an OB/GYN! WOW!!! Doesn't make sense.
Lee's outlandish behavior at the Memorial, the cryptic messages, kissing the bracelets, "CMA", a promise he would keep??!!! WTH? His breakdown on the stand over "not being included in Casey's pregnancy and not going to the hospital." Really? He never cried like that over Caylee's being missing, and especially when her remains were found. Odd, to say the least! Questionable behavior.
The original date of "last seeing Caylee" was June 9th, by Casey, George, and Cindy. The original missing flyers stated "Last seen June 9th". The Father's Day video changed that date, brought to the Anthony's attention by the police. How do you not remember the last date and what happened on June 9th that they all used that date?
I continued researching, reading all depositions, testimony in interviews, etc. throughout the trial and I deduced - THE STATE CREATED A FANTASTIC STORY THAT WAS NOT CREDIBLE!!! I leaned towards an accident, a breakdown for Casey, a promise from George that he reneged on, and absolutely George's involvement. Absolutely! And, I totally believe George sexually abused Casey and Caylee was the result of this heinous behavior. And CINDY KNEW. (Please see link added below for information on child incest/sexual abuse.) There is definitely more "money" and "sympathy" in kidnapping/murder! Not so much with an accident and a cover-up by the father/grandfather of Caylee!!!
Here is my opinion: When the media presents a case in sensational sound bites and pieces, using evidence to sway the public, opining and setting forth their "learned, experienced opinions", well, it's pretty hard to "unring the bell." We are a nation of sound bites. We form quick opinions in our busy lives that grab our attention, AND WE END UP BELIEVING IT!
A search for the truth is always pertinent. I refuse to take anything for face value. I want to KNOW, to be CERTAIN, no question in my mind of a persons innocence or guilt. I refuse to be swayed by hate-mongers and a mob lynch mentality. I do not think I am a fool, and news reporters/journalists/former prosecutors should not expect that I will buy into their story. They need to either present the truth without prejudice, or not report at all!!! I love having cameras in the courtroom, but I prefer to have learned, professional people opining and explaining the LAWS as to the trial. All the hype, hatred, and BS needs to be banned.
I totally support the Jurors because they didn't buy into the State's outlandish, concocted "theory!"
People do not believe lies because they have to, but because they want to Malcolm Muggeridge
[ame=""]‪A True Story Of Child Sex Abuse - For Adults‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]