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newkid said:
Yeah, like I said, it's not very smart, but I know people who do it.

I also know people who live in high crime areas who only lock the door at night, amazingly they have not yet been victims of crime themselves. Anyway, maybe he was planning to go back downstairs before going to bed.
You know, if everyone would simply live their lives exactly the way I live mine, I wouldn't have so much darned trouble figuring these things out!!! :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
JerseyGirl said:
You know, if everyone would simply live their lives exactly the way I live mine, I wouldn't have so much darned trouble figuring these things out!!! :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
lol, exactly!
SouthEastSleuth said:
There are two other relatively "swabbing/control" entries on the search warrant as well -

#19 - the kitchen counter. Not SO odd I don't guess, as it's right beside THE door.

#20 - the master bathroom floor. This one is a little more curious, as it is the only swabbing, etc., taken from the master bedroom or bathroom.

I NEVER noticed that! That's very curious!!! Since nothing was reported as stolen, (as in "random crime"), that detail's almost knocking me off of the fence.

ETA: I just noticed that it was the master bathroom floor, (I thought it said bedroom at first :doh: ). If it turns out to be Janet's blood, I will be dangling from the fence by a fingertip. I could even understand blood in the master bedroom if the perp was looking for something to steal or if Raven ran in there to use the phone. But what on earth would the perp be doing in the bathroom? Not stealing. And I'm as sure as I can be that if they had a land line that the phone was not located in the bathroom. Would the perp take the time to go rinse his/her hands before fleeing? :waitasec:
golfmom said:
I know he could transfer it to the SUV, but for the life of me I can't come up with a reasonable explaination for him to go anywhere near that vehicle.
Sure there's a reasonable explanation. If he's one of those people that leaves his phone in the car, (which I actually find hard to believe since currently he has his cell phone set up to receive IM's while he's away from the computer - he's obviously got his cell phone with him even right this minute), he would have had to go out to get it if they don't have a land line. It would probably be faster than finding Janet's. Or maybe Janet's cell phone was out driving her Acura around since it wasn't noted at the scene.

BTW, do we know that the blood was on the surface of the doors? I got the impression from a post earlier today that it was on the side of the door and the door frame. That would be a lot less obvious, IMO.
The way I remember it, the office door and the master bedroom door were across from each other and the baby room was the first door on the left as you walked down the hall, unless they changed something.

JerseyGirl said:
So the door to the office was the furthest door from the stairs? The perp had to pass Kaiden's room to get to the office? Are the doors across the hall from each other - like is the master bedroom door directly across from Kaiden's room, and the office door is past the two of them?
The warrant says the swabbings were taken on the interior storm door (doesn't say WHERE on the door) and the interior side door frame.
Timex said:
if he had blood on him...then Kaiden should have also had blood on him. no way he could transfer blood to the door and the SUV, yet not get any on Kaiden.
Unless of course, he never touched Kaiden because Kaiden was never in any danger.
JerseyGirl said:
Unless of course, he never touched Kaiden because Kaiden was never in any danger.

Ok, so you arrive home to find your spouse covered in blood...whats the first thing you think of as a parent?
Timex said:
However, say there was no visible blood in the SUV, they could add a chemical to a swab, swab the area, and get a preliminary positive result for blood.
So they would know right then and there if there was blood in his vehicle?
Timex said:
Ok, so you arrive home to find your spouse covered in blood...whats the first thing you think of as a parent?
ABSOLUTELY. You think someone has come into your home and murdered your wife. Assuming your cell phone is all the way out in the car, are you going to leave the house WITHOUT your child? No way, no how.

If all the evidence (blood) in the car, on the door, on the kitchen counter came from Raven after he had attempted to help his wife, why were no baby clothes listed on that inventory? The police WOULD have taken the baby's clothes if there was any because they would have no way of knowing when the blood would have been deposited - they wouldn't take the husband's word for it.
JerseyGirl said:
So they would know right then and there if there was blood in his vehicle?

The field test is a presumptive test, so can not be called conclusive.
Jesstexas said:
The warrant says the swabbings were taken on the interior storm door (doesn't say WHERE on the door) and the interior side door frame.
Thanks, jess. I just noticed that when looking at it again. :doh: This would probably go a lot smoother if y'all didn't have to continuously remind me of the most obvious details. :blushing:
Jesstexas said:
ABSOLUTELY. You think someone has come into your home and murdered your wife. Assuming your cell phone is all the way out in the car, are you going to leave the house WITHOUT your child? No way, no how.

If all the evidence (blood) in the car, on the door, on the kitchen counter came from Raven after he had attempted to help his wife, why were no baby clothes listed on that inventory? The police WOULD have taken the baby's clothes if there was any because they would have no way of knowing when the blood would have been deposited - they wouldn't take the husband's word for it.

well, for one, I havent read yet where we know for sure the swabs from the vehicle actually were positive for blood. Ive read where they took the swabs, but havent seen anything that said it was blood.

two...Ive read where they took his clothes, but again, havent read where they have said there was actually blood on his clothes.

See, Im thinking IF his clothes were bloody, or if the tests on the durango yielded Janets blood...there would have been an arrest by now.
Timex said:
Ok, so you arrive home to find your spouse covered in blood...whats the first thing you think of as a parent?
Oh, I know. But we don't know where Kaiden was when LE arrived. If Kaiden was still in his crib, then I think that Raven did this. It probably shouldn't come down to one detail but that would be a BIG sticking point for me if I was a juror.

I don't remember it being mentioned but I'm curious which lights were on and which were off. If Kaiden was in bed, I'd assume his was off. If Janet was in the office, I'd assume the light was on. If it was, and Raven went to kiss the baby before going into the room in which a light was on to let Janet know he was home, I'd find that to be odd as well. I would stop in to check in with my spouse if it appeared that they were still awake, then kiss the baby, then get ready for bed. Of course this is all speculative because we don't know which lights were on, if any.

One final thought for this post - if Raven routinely kept his cell phone in the car over night, in spite of the fact that they had no land line (if that's true), then wouldn't he and Janet keep HER phone in the same spot at all times so they'd know where to find it if they needed to make a call, especially in an emergency? If he didn't routinely keep it in the car, then why did he that night (if he did)? And if he routinely kept it in the car while he was living with Janet, why does he apparently keep it on him now? It's 11 o'clock at night, yet his mobile device is set up to receive IM's.

Maybe he didn't leave it in the car. Maybe it means nothing even if he did. I mean, after all, my husband keeps his in his car. Oh wait - when I used his car one night to make a quick run to the store, his phone started buzzing while I was driving. So I'll admit that when I arrived at the store, I checked it out, (since I was always a bit curious as to why he never brought it into the house). To make a long story short, a text message from some woman was delivered to his phone between the time he got home and the time I borrowed the car. It was full of exclamation points and "be happy's", etc. Real nauseating stuff. The intention on her part, (and I still believe his part as well), was not innocent. So when a spouse keeps a cell phone in the car, it may sometimes be innocent but often is not, IMO.
munch said:
The way I remember it, the office door and the master bedroom door were across from each other and the baby room was the first door on the left as you walked down the hall, unless they changed something.
Do you remember how far apart the doors are? How far is Kaiden's door from the office door? And how far across the hall is the office door from the master bedroom door?

Thanks so much for answering our questions, BTW. You are giving us perspective that we would not otherwise be able to get! :)
munch said:
The way I remember it, the office door and the master bedroom door were across from each other and the baby room was the first door on the left as you walked down the hall, unless they changed something.
............so, then he wouldn't have to pass the room janet was found in to get to kaiden's room...correct...?

...his going into kaiden's room 1st was the obvious choice then...( location-wise...)
Timex said:
The field test is a presumptive test, so can not be called conclusive.
So if it showed positive for blood, they wouldn't arrest the person whose vehicle it was? And if it showed negative, they would still continue to take more swabs?
Timex said:
See, Im thinking IF his clothes were bloody, or if the tests on the durango yielded Janets blood...there would have been an arrest by now.
If they've been analyzed by now.
lauriej said:
............so, then he wouldn't have to pass the room janet was found in to get to kaiden's room...correct...?

...his going into kaiden's room 1st was the obvious choice then...( location-wise...)
Yes, but if the intention was to get Janet to hurt Raven, Kaiden was the first one in the perp's path. S/he had to walk right past Kaiden's room to get to Janet, yet never harmed the baby (THANK GOD!!!)
i'd forgotten some of the warrant info until SES brought it up again this afternoon...

page 3..


...property to be seized:

.".fingerprints, bloodstains, fired and unfired bullets and casings...firearms..cellphoneS, radar detectorS, portable cd player.......footwear impressions..."

i can understand unfired bullets.........but fired bullets ?..footwear impressions, i guess that would account for the numerous pairs of shoes taken...
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