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ewwwinteresting said:
Hopefully this indicates a good thing....he has 27 years experience, knew what to look for, saw it and immediately went out and got the search warrant!
That's what I thought when I read it too.
SouthEastSleuth said:
I would also be curious to know, in the 911 call, what was EXACTLY said... we know of a reference to a gun shot. But WHAT did he EXACTLY say I wonder. Did he say "my wife is hurt." "I think my wife has been shot." "I think my wife is dead." Did he mention trying to revive her I wonder?
I wonder if it was like the Darlie Routier call where the entire outline of the events were stated during the call; clearly trying to establish her version of events early IMO. The reference to the gunshot is bothering me to no end, and I'd love to if and/or how it's addressed in the 911 call.
SouthEastSleuth said:
So, I wonder what, if anything, was in that locked safe LE took from the scene? And would they just take it because it was there? Maybe. Or would they take it for some specific reason???
I'm also wondering about the papers that were pointed out yesterday. It DOES sound as if they might have been scattered on the floor. Was someone looking for something and Janet walked in on them? Did Janet confront Raven with some papers? Were the papers deliberately scattered about to make it look like something it wasn't? Since they collected the safe, their checkbook, notebooks, papers, and the check from Matrix, AND said that the crime was not random, what might that say?
anneshirley said:
you make a good point. Would the search warrant have indicated if the safe was broken into? (assuming it wasn't Raven OR whoever killed Janet wanted the murder to LOOK like a robbery-I would think the lock on the safe would be broken...)
The safe was noted as locked, with no key.
And the other paper oddity seized -

car loan papers

May mean nothing, just stood out to me when I read it....
If the Acura had been stolen (or stashed away somewhere in an attempt to make it look like it had been stolen), LE would have released that information, right? "Be on the lookout for a stolen Acura" type thing, right?

And that would make the crime kinda random, I suppose.

We still have no confirmation on the whereabouts of the Acura, or do we?
All we've heard that I know of is the Durango being searched. I've seen no other mention of the other vehicles.

The car loan papers were seized as well? That makes me curious since we all know that he mentioned being a couple of payments behind at one point.
Regarding radar detectors (listed on the search warrant but not listed on the inventory) - in North Carolina, radar detectors are prohibited in commercial vehicles 10,001 lbs. or above but are apparently not regulated in passenger vehicles.So why would LE want to seize one if it was there? Do radar detectors have some kind of memory - like if a person recently used that vehicle to travel somewhere in the city - would a radar detector in his vehicle keep the memory of what LE radar guns it passed along the way?
Yesterday, 01:46 PM
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The police took the Durango. (Don't know where it is now)
Raven drives the VX.
The Acura is with family members.
I don't know where the motorcycle is or was.
Jesstexas said:
Regarding radar detectors (listed on the search warrant but not listed on the inventory) - in North Carolina, radar detectors are prohibited in commercial vehicles 10,001 lbs. or above but are apparently not regulated in passenger vehicles.So why would LE want to seize one if it was there? Do radar detectors have some kind of memory - like if a person recently used that vehicle to travel somewhere in the city - would a radar detector in his vehicle keep the memory of what LE radar guns it passed along the way?

I dont think so. The way I understand radar detectors is...all they really do is give out a signal that confuses the radar signal of LE. They dont record anything.
Timex said:
I dont think so. The way I understand radar detectors is...all they really do is give out a signal that confuses the radar signal of LE. They dont record anything.
Do you have any idea then why they would specifically list that as an item of interest?

And Jesstexas, I agree. Rooster's posts are very helpful. What I meant was that the only official mention of the vehicles was about the search on the Durango. I find it very, very curious that no other vehichles were mentioned, (unless they were seized). In fact, no one ever answered that question that I can recall. IF the vehicles were seized, would they be listed on the inventory? Could they be the mysterious items 1,2, and/or 3?
JerseyGirl said:
Do you have any idea then why they would specifically list that as an item of interest?
This is purely speculation on my part for sure. But I guess I always thought that that initial paragraph in the narrative was just some pro forma thing. Maybe a paragraph that's included in EVERY search warrant, to cover any and all things that MIGHT be relevant to a particular search....
SouthEastSleuth said:
This is purely speculation on my part for sure. But I guess I always thought that that initial paragraph in the narrative was just some pro forma thing. Maybe a paragraph that's included in EVERY search warrant, to cover any and all things that MIGHT be relevant to a particular search....
So that would cover the vehicle as well, I suppose. Are radar detectors illegal in NC? Would that just be for the sake of seizure of illegal items, regardless of the murder investigation?
munch said:
There are more cell phones then land lines in North Carolina. I know they used to have a land line, but that could have changed in the last 5-6 months. I also know that they both had cell phones in the last 5-6 months.
I remember, too, that Rooster reported that they ONLY had cell phones, no land line. But, look closely at this picture. (It's the picture from April 24, 2005, with Raven at the computer, holding Kaiden in his lap)... On the left-hand side of the picture, about 1/2 down what looks like the side of a flat screen monitor... Guessing for sure, but that sure looks like a regular telephone there to me. It's not the size/shape of the HP charger that I looked up. Maybe it could be a cellphone charger...but darn, it looks like a regular telephone to me....

Do we have any idea what sort of internet service they used from home? Dial-up, DSL via a phone line, or cable?


........it could also be a black mouse,sitting on a black mousepad...?
JerseyGirl said:
Are radar detectors illegal in NC?
No, they are not regulated in NC... with one exception... I am fairly certain that they ARE illegal in large, commercial vehicles. But for passenger vehicles, no.
It seems MUCH too big to be a mouse but I also can't say for sure that it looks like a phone. That does appear to be THE desk that was sitting out on the driveway during NCBanker's visit though, doesn't it? :( :( :(
lauriej said:
.......it could also be a black mouse,sitting on a black mousepad...?
I thought the exact same thing, at first. But I lightened and enlarged, and it does look like there's a curve that a phone MIGHT have.... you can see some white of the wall through the curve. I guess it's not that big of a deal one way or the other.... just trying to flesh out some of the tiny details we've discussed.
I think they often list things on search warrants that really arent related to the crime. They do this to allow them more "freedom" when they start collecting things from the home. Think about the Peterson case, where they seized over 100 bags from the home, yet very little of what they took actually related to the crime.

As for the car, kaiden etc...my opinion at this time is, those things are mentioned on other documents we havent been privy to. Of course, I cant say that with certainty, its just my thougt processes from following cases over the last 6 years. I would be willing to bet most of what I own on the fact that law enforcement knows far more than we do about Raven, Janet, and those they know. I think at this point they either know Raven did this, but can't prove it...or they are focusing on someone else. Thats my biggest problem with this case. Raven is the ONLY one we even know to investigate. For all we know, there are others that make even better suspects, but because so little is known about the case, we can't even speculate as to who they may be. IMO the term "not random" is not equal to "Raven did it".
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