Family Press Conferences

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I can completely understand what Desiree meant about Terri's parents, and think she has to mince her words way too much. The parents knew Kyron his whole life and obviously won't accept that everyone believes that Terri is responsible. I'd be asking why are they enabling and helping with their money instead of demanding that Kyron be brought home. IMO, they should just come out and flat say why they believe Terri took Kyron that day, and quit talking about her sexually manipulating men and spending money like water. That makes it sound like a marital issue and not a missing child. Desiree should speak on her own and say what she wants without her ex husband correcting her or her husband telling her what to say (if he is, I don't know). It must be outrageous to have the law whining about how much it's costing, then on the other hand having Terri be aided by people mortgaging their home to help her stay out of trouble. Also: Desiree doesn't need Kaine's support or okay to say anything she pleases. She's that boy's Mom, and if someone has him, they need to know that he'd be better off with her and that she'll fight for him.
DY quote from PC: "I just... (expresses frustration) We're not gonna stop. We will never stop. And we want Kyron home right now. And I want someone, in Terri's circle, to come forward with information. I really want to bring Kyron home and I don't know how else to do that but to increase the reward."

IMO, DY heard the news about Staton's inability to pull together the proposed task force. She is valiantly trying to keep her son's name "out there" and do anything in her power to get him back. Wouldn't you?

IMO, "in Terri's circle" is an interesting reference. *something* she knows about that "circle" (and IMO DD has little to do with it) ... *something* about that circle has informed everything DY/KH have said about TH.

Just a thought: What if, in that "circle," 50K is chump change?
"Terri's circle"..............interesting.
Who all is in that circle? DeDE?,MC? Moultons?
I pray if Kron is still alive, that this circle doesn't get frieghtened and do something to him.
Let's hope that LE is 3 steps ahead of these perps..........
DY quote from PC: "I just... (expresses frustration) We're not gonna stop. We will never stop. And we want Kyron home right now. And I want someone, in Terri's circle, to come forward with information. I really want to bring Kyron home and I don't know how else to do that but to increase the reward."

IMO, DY heard the news about Staton's inability to pull together the proposed task force. She is valiantly trying to keep her son's name "out there" and do anything in her power to get him back. Wouldn't you?

IMO, "in Terri's circle" is an interesting reference. *something* she knows about that "circle" (and IMO DD has little to do with it) ... *something* about that circle has informed everything DY/KH have said about TH.

Just a thought: What if, in that "circle," 50K is chump change?

Or what if loyalty within that circle (whether family, friends, sexting partners, whatever) trumps money every time, regardless of the amount?
How BEYOND sad!!! This reminds me so much of the HELL that Kathy has gone through for over six YEARS while searching for her daughter Jennifer Wix AND granddaughter Adrianna Wix. We talked about her he!! often and you know what folks? IT DOESN'T GO AWAY! Desiree's frustration will torment her for YEARS if Kyron is not found!!!

I pray and pray that he will be found - NOW!
Or what if loyalty within that circle (whether family, friends, sexting partners, whatever) trumps money every time, regardless of the amount?

The only thing that trumps money is true love...or honesty.
I think it's simple...Desiree is feeling more and more desperate and she's seeing the media coverage dwindle. I think she should probably become more like Beth Holloway Twitty and get her face on TV pressuring Terri as much as possible, although watching the press conference today it's obvious that Desiree doesn't have the assertive personality Beth does. I totally understand where she's coming from...if I thought someone was responsible for my son's disappearance nothing would gall me more than seeing the perp receive any kind of comfort, even from her defense attorney. And Terri possibly raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for her defense while funds were scarce for Kyron would chap my hide in a major way too.

But...over a million has already been spent--funds weren't scarce--they are now...
I jjust watched the presser on silent to see DY body language.
DY has always been very composed.
She truely was more than upset tonight.
I saw more anger than before.
IMO, she was told something therefore a presser was called.
I'm just thinking more about the funding, and it really does blow me away that over a million dollars was spent and there is no apparent result, i.e. actual evidence that Terri is the perp.
Or what if loyalty within that circle (whether family, friends, sexting partners, whatever) trumps money every time, regardless of the amount?

Totally possible. Heck Harper ... anything is possible. I just keep coming back around to the assertion "others" are involved. Maybe I'm a doofus, but IMO "the others" did not materialize out of thin air. In other words, it's not wishful thinking. There is something in LE's investigation indicating "other parties."

And I truly doubt those "other parties" include "family, friends, sexting partners, whatever." IMO TH is involved with "other parties" with connections that will, paraphrasing Staton, "surprise" those of us currently on the outside of the investigation.
IMO, DY is begging for her son now and LE gave her ways to do it publicly........
IMO,there is a reason behind all of this, we just don't understand it all yet.
IMO, like LE said that we would understand later when they find Kyron.

I pray you are correct. :praying::praying:
I don't agree that Desiree is acting on any new information, other than possibly that the task force is having a harder time forming itself than planned...I think she is acting totally on emotion and pain...

Kind of OT and possibly irrelevant, but I hope that if this case is solved and it is not Terri, that Desiree will be able to accept that. I'm thinking of Chandra Levy's parents, who still can't stop feeling that Gary Condit killed their daughter, even with an unrelated suspect ready to go on trial, DNA, etc...and on tonight's Dateline, the family of a couple who was murdered still can't "clear" in their minds the original suspects even after the real killers confessed and cleared them. It must be brutally painful to decide someone is guilty and awfully tough to let it go, if they are not. And Desiree most certainly believes Terri to be guilty, with all her heart. (and of couse, she may be right.)

I just can't imagine how Desiree will survive if Kyron is never found, conviction or no conviction...trying the case may not really answer it.
So much, JBean. Not that she had the presser. I'm surprised, but not stunned, that TY wasn't there.

I've been off thinking about all this while doing other stuff and I've got to say that I have a chilling feeling. I really do. I'm afraid the tragedies may only have begun.

I know that many of you who've gone through several cases here on WS have repeatedly said that something in this case is really hincky. And I think now that there are depths we haven't yet even approached.

Here's something that bothered me: her "disappointment" that TH's family hadn't gotten in touch with her or them. The following is not meant to be critical, but just a recitation.

KH takes TH's daughter, legally gets her forbidden from even seeing her, then gets her booted out of their home, leaving her homeless (if her family hadn't taken her in), without an income, and without a job or the possibility of getting one. Next KH and DY mount a seemingly never-ending campaign, from local to national, alleging that TH took Kyron, did a crime. Plus she's a liar, a drunk, etc. etc. DY even said something like she's always been a liar.

And then they expect to "hear" from TH's family? I don't think so. Truthfully, I think that's very weird thinking. If you were TH's family, would you be calling DY up after all this got started?

Something about today literally scared me. And that's rare for me.

I also noticed something else. DY said that she had "called" everyone together for...x. OK, that one word "called" indicator. Let me explain--the better way to say something would have been "I asked you to come, and thank you." That acknowledges that she has asked a favor, and been granted one.

That, plus the expectation that TH's family should have gotten in touch, adds up to almost a sense of entitlement. And I am not criticizing her. I am instead looking, from my training, including that 100 or so hour course I took on analyzing statements, at how she said what she said.

She's angry. She's frustrated. She's exhausted. She's broken-hearted. And I think it's time for TY to take care of her at home. Because what I'm hearing and seeing is frankly, some skewed thinking (not a criticism). The thing about "Terri's supporters" and "it's not about Terri" and "if she can get 350,00 for her defense, shouldn't we have the same amount" is not only too personal, but also sets up an angry conflict with anyone who isn't, in KH's words, "on the team." The only people that keep making it "about Terri" are DY and KH. And it isn't a competition--she gets x, so we are due x or y.

I suspect that the hurt from Kaine leaving her, cheating on her, and doing it for Terri still runs deep. And it's adding to the righteous anger, in a very bad way. JMO.

Please don't anyone be mad at me. But truly, I think that the more DY or DY/KH carry on about TH--and then lash out at others for making it "about Terri" the less credence the "missing" part of Kyron's case will have. I wish she had just stopped without all the Terri stuff.


Excellent analysis Kat010. There certainly is a self-righteous tone with a heavy slant toward entitlement. I can see see a few of the reasons why: moo mho

Who knows what Desiree has given up while being a significant other to Tony - he is in LE and that takes weird hours and endless commitment from the entire family. Maybe Desiree thinks LE should do more, never give up, and that money shouldn't matter when it comes to one of their own - when it comes to finding her child.

Another Loss: An affair by her husband robbed her of the joy of being a new mom to Kyron.

And another: She had to share Kyron with her husband's mistress, Terri.

Biggest of all: She lost Kyron while he was in the presence of the mistress who is now her X-husband's wife, Terri.

Desiree's life has been riddled with heartbreaking loss and disappointment, she must be wondering if it will ever end. Maybe the sense of entitlement comes from feeling you have been dealt enough low blows in life, and now it should be your turn for the good. Like all the other loved ones who have lost a child, she simply wants her child back. Not sure there's any other way to express it without giving off a sense of entitlement. this entire case is tragic. moo mho
Desiree makes the statement that Kaine has not received any support from Terri's parents since Kyron went missing--is this correct? TH's parents were at their (K/T's) house, iirc...
As a poster and not a mod trying to lead the pack, I have this opinion.

The Ducks just signed a 6 year contract for coach Chip Kelly for 20.4 million dollars. Are the Ducks worth any more than this child? NO. Is it wrong to ask Kyron's other mother to pitch in and help find him - no matter what she is being accused of? NO! Whether Terri is involved or isn't involved, I totally agree with Desiree. WHATEVER IT TAKES! It's not about Terri or Desiree or Kaine or anyone else in the world. It is about a little boy who has his whole life ahead of him. WHERE IS HE? He must be found and must be found NOW.

Desiree is trying to be Kyron's voice. She is trying to bring him home. I support her decision to do this 100%.
So much, JBean. Not that she had the presser. I'm surprised, but not stunned, that TY wasn't there.

I've been off thinking about all this while doing other stuff and I've got to say that I have a chilling feeling. I really do. I'm afraid the tragedies may only have begun.

I know that many of you who've gone through several cases here on WS have repeatedly said that something in this case is really hincky. And I think now that there are depths we haven't yet even approached.

Here's something that bothered me: her "disappointment" that TH's family hadn't gotten in touch with her or them. The following is not meant to be critical, but just a recitation.

KH takes TH's daughter, legally gets her forbidden from even seeing her, then gets her booted out of their home, leaving her homeless (if her family hadn't taken her in), without an income, and without a job or the possibility of getting one. Next KH and DY mount a seemingly never-ending campaign, from local to national, alleging that TH took Kyron, did a crime. Plus she's a liar, a drunk, etc. etc. DY even said something like she's always been a liar.

And then they expect to "hear" from TH's family? I don't think so. Truthfully, I think that's very weird thinking. If you were TH's family, would you be calling DY up after all this got started?

Something about today literally scared me. And that's rare for me.

I also noticed something else. DY said that she had "called" everyone together for...x. OK, that one word "called" indicator. Let me explain--the better way to say something would have been "I asked you to come, and thank you." That acknowledges that she has asked a favor, and been granted one.

That, plus the expectation that TH's family should have gotten in touch, adds up to almost a sense of entitlement. And I am not criticizing her. I am instead looking, from my training, including that 100 or so hour course I took on analyzing statements, at how she said what she said.

She's angry. She's frustrated. She's exhausted. She's broken-hearted. And I think it's time for TY to take care of her at home. Because what I'm hearing and seeing is frankly, some skewed thinking (not a criticism). The thing about "Terri's supporters" and "it's not about Terri" and "if she can get 350,00 for her defense, shouldn't we have the same amount" is not only too personal, but also sets up an angry conflict with anyone who isn't, in KH's words, "on the team." The only people that keep making it "about Terri" are DY and KH. And it isn't a competition--she gets x, so we are due x or y.

I suspect that the hurt from Kaine leaving her, cheating on her, and doing it for Terri still runs deep. And it's adding to the righteous anger, in a very bad way. JMO.

Please don't anyone be mad at me. But truly, I think that the more DY or DY/KH carry on about TH--and then lash out at others for making it "about Terri" the less credence the "missing" part of Kyron's case will have. I wish she had just stopped without all the Terri stuff.


It's contradictory and, therefore, confusing. (my paraphrase:) It's not about Terri, but I want the reward to be at least equal to the amount of Terri's legal fees?
I think today's presser was a result of built frustration. On one hand you have a system trying to develop a case against TH. Ultimately, that has nothing to do with Kyron being found. It's clinical, unemotional, and patient (necessarily so). On the other hand you have a parent desperate to find her child. She could care less what the DA is doing at this point. She wants to find her child, and the only way that's going to happen is if LE is able to track him down or someone in TH's circle fesses up to whatever he/she might know. In this presser she was trying to apply indirect but effective pressure on the latter. Unfortunately, I think that circle is either extremely small or nonexistent.
Excellent analysis Kat010. There certainly is a self-righteous tone with a heavy slant toward entitlement. I can see see a few of the reasons why: moo mho

snipped ... or however one indicates lifting a portion of a quote :)

With respect, if *your* child came up missing for (almost) 4 months; if you knew "stuff" the MSM and general public do not; if you sensed a lagging interest of media and LE support behind your 24/7 goal, that being finding your child ...

Wouldn't you feel *entitled* to *self-righteously* say: "Find my child. No matter what it takes." ???

I have no hens laying eggs in this nest of discussion. But DY's pain and frustration was clear. The talk about "self-righteous tone" and "entitlement" ... We're all about finding this precious child. Let's not go there?
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