BBM. They are minimizing it because they are incapable of independent thought. If Trump poured them glasses of Koolaid, they would drink it with no questions asked. It is a stunning display of arrogance not only on the part of Trump but also his minions of cult followers who have ignored his clearly illegal behavior for no other reason than they want to line their own pockets. They don't care about their constituents.The most amazing thing to me in the responses to this series of indictments (beyond the whataboutism which seems standard) is that we have elected officials (in any party) who look at issues that deal with national security and rule of law and immediately call it political. These documents have no business in any residence. This man was asked for return of these documents and hid them beyond the first request. This man spoke of military ---MILITARY--- documents and shared their contents with a writer because he had feelings about a military commander. Twenty years ago, an overwhelming majority of both parties would be on the side of holding a person who did this accountable. Country above party? Nah. State secrets get to be determined by individuals? Yeah. I can't figure out why anyone would say this is okay. I can't figure out why politicians are minimizing this. Boggles the mind.
Lining a stage with stacked boxes filled with confidential documents, spilling boxes with paper scattered across the floor and, even more ridiculous, is to stack boxes of said documents around a toilet, hide them, lie about them and then claim they did nothing wrong, is beyond laughably absurd.