GUILTY FL - Guerline Damas, 32, & her five kids murdered, Naples, 18 Sept 2009

Husband in slaying of 5 kids, wife in custody in Haiti

...Police in Haiti have detained a man wanted for questioning in the slaying of his wife and their five children in Florida.

An Associated Press reporter saw Mesac Damas in custody at a police station near the Port-au-Prince airport Monday afternoon. Two officers confirmed it was him. They spoke on condition of anonymity because his capture had not been publicly announced...

This was close to where I live. I am glad they got him so quickly. Something tells me it would be easy to dissapear in Haiti.
Message from the family of the victims

“First, we would like to say that Guerline was the best mother, sister and daughter in the world. She was caring and loving, and we miss her very much.
“Our main concern today is getting him (Mesac Damas) back to this country to face what he has done and get justice for our sister and daughter and her children.
“This is a family tragedy and we want the community to realize that domestic violence is a serious issue. If you have friends or family who are in an abusive relationship, please try to get them help. And to those women who are being abused, please love yourself enough to get help.
“We wish to thank the Collier County Sheriff’s Office for everything they have done for our family. We also want to thank Deputy Kevin Ward from the East Naples substation, who took the missing persons report. He was proactive in attempting to locate our sister and her children. He took our concerns seriously and we appreciate his efforts.
“We are thankful for those people who have our family in their prayers and the many people who have provided support to our family. We ask that you keep our family in your prayers.’’
"I was going to kill myself, but I didn't have the courage to do it, because if you kill yourself you're not going to heaven," Damas said.

I got news for you, if you kill 6 people you don't go to heaven, you go straight to hell.
I am just so sad that this woman not only had more children with this man after he was a known abuser, but kept taking him back. She put herself and her children in danger. I know we can't blame the victim, but who stayed? Who brought beautiful innocent children into the world with that monster? I just don't get it. The smiling face of the young boy on the far right in that pic. just punches me in the gut when I think of the horror he actually faced.

Don't pick on me too much, but I'm a tad bit upset with their mother!
Wow, I was just watching Damas on TV (HLN) talking to a reporter. He said, yes, he killed his family. He said he wanted the death penalty as soon as possible, preferably before his family is buried. And he said he thinks his mom's spirit made him do it. :waitasec:
I live here in Naples. A friend of mine actually lives in the neighborhood of the victims. I would like to be able to say that "things like this don't happen here." Unfortunately they happen everywhere. What is wrong with people!!!
I found something recent:

Trial for accused family-killer Mesac Damas still a year away, judge says Published 3/19/2010 at 9:06 a.m. 22 comments Accused killer Mesac Damas appeared in Collier County Circuit Court but his trial is still a year away, according to Judge Frank Baker.

Both of these links are to multiple articles, documents, evidence, etc.

Hey everyone.... Belinda has a good start, let's all pull out old cases & try to update them..... score 1/2 for me.... SS218 brought this thread up so It's only fair to split a point..
i say give him his wish and fry him as soon as possible
Anybody know what finally happened to this guy?
Mesac Damas is still waiting for the judge to decide if he can represent himself in his murder trial.

Oh that is just great. Yes, let him represent himself. He is a moron and that will call for 15 appeals afterwards.

The US isn't going to execute him, the taxpayer is going to feed/shelter him for the rest of his pathetic life, which will likely be much longer in a US prison that it would be in the motherland. They should have left him in Haiti where his life expectancy would be far shorter.

The hearing today was the latest in an ongoing competency question for Damas. In April a series of mental health experts testified that Damas wasn't competent for trial and Judge Roberto Manalich ordered him sent to a state mental health hospital.

After about a month and a half there, doctors declared him competent and sent him back to the Naples Jail Center.

On Aug. 1, Manalich will hear testimony from mental health doctors then rule whether the case will go forward.

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