FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #3

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I've been following the case all along since I live in Central Florida. Today coming back from an appointment I realized I was driving by Jennifer's place of business. Something always bothered me about the thought she would go out at night to ship the cell phone. Unless she drove to the airport and was doing a Delta Dash or such, it still wouldn't get to him any quicker than next day. As I drove by that Westgate office there was the FedEx truck in front of the building. Like most larger businesses in this area, daily drop offs/pick ups are the norm. Businesses have blank forms an employee could use right there and have it charged to their credit card. It will still ship overnight if you elect it, even if it is done at a 5 p.m. pick up. It just didn't make sense to me she would go out in the dark of night to find a place to ship the phone -- or a drop box, when she had one at work.
There was a truck in front of the building, but was there access to getting a package ready to ship from her place of work? Unless the building is all her company's place of work.

Even if her company shipped, most companies I've been at did not have access to overnight shipping for personal use by employees. Maybe I just didn't try hard enough or the companies were bigger, but can't recall it happening where I've been.

The more critical question is, had she shipped overnight within previous two months, and how did she do it, if anyone close to her knows. If she had from her work place, then I agree completely.

Beyond Belief, yes I noticed on the close-ups that in the new video there is a new still of the suspect, the last image of him to the right of the gate entrance. he's mainly covered by shrubbery however you would still be able to tell a little something from the upper body perhaps. i'd like to see a still shot of this blown up like we have the others. That suspect is sooooo lucky. If only the cameras were a little up to date. I hate how they skip what you're seeing every second, if it was a continious video we'd be able to determine a lot more probably with when he walks by that gate. And if it was color too!

I dunno if there any other cameras in the HOTG complex but just think if the suspect had parked the car one or two spots over.....he never would've been seen by that lousy camera. Makes me think the suspect didn't know that complex in any way. He just needed to dump that car away from JK's place quickly to buy some time which it clearly did. UK brings up a good point that this person might be local, if they were not from around Orlando, they probably would've ditched the car farther away.

Hey here's something....are there traffic cameras in that area? You know the ones that take a picture of you and your plates if you run a red light? Are those video cameras rolling at all times? There must be some camera somewhere, that caught the car going by, no? It wasn't far from her home though. I have no idea if the suspect drove the car anywhere else but everyone seems to be in agreement that the suspect drove it straight to the HOTG.

The shower thing is very suspicious to me. I also have noticed lately how quickly my shower dries and it's extremely quick. Yeah humidity, etc might play a factor but I don't think so. It should not have been wet, like it had been used many hours later. Although as leftcoast mentioned, in apartment complexes you can often hear if a shower is running especially your neighbors, that's how it is where I currently live. That would be a perfect time to enter JK's place and shock the hell out of her and would make sense with all the clothes strewn about.
good points everyone, actually excellent

I do agree that sending a package from an employer is usually based on an employer to employer type of thing.

Where I've worked, it was not available, due to paperwork, and how to pay for the package.

Good point, had Jk ever overnighted anything since she lived at Mosaic? That would be a huge answer.

AS for going out at night to send that package. That makes zero sense to me. Usually, there is an afternoon deadline, and it is normally early afternoon.

Plus, wouldn't she have mentioned to Rob, "hey, got to go mail this package, how about talking to me while I'm on the road for safety". To me, that would make much more sense than her going out at night. Alone. Especially a safety conscious woman.

AS for the shower, yes, it is odd that is was still wet. I've mentioned it before. but, some perp's do shower at victims houses afterwards, it has happened before. However, very unlikely.

I still think JK was showering, or just showered, and within that time she was nabbed in her condo, or on the way to the car.

The other most likely option is somebody waiting, parked next to her car, as if they were legitimate workers, had a flat, car problems, etc. Hey, can I use your phone type of thing? That would be hard to defend against, especially someone neatly dressed as the POI appears.


Even if Jk showered in the am, say 7am or so, would the shower still be wet at 3pm, some 8 hours later. Jk's mom also mentioned there was a wet tpwel on the bathroom floor, and underwear, which I guess is consistent with Jk's habits. It seems she may have been in the morning rush to get to work?
Yes, I agree, left, many would plan on doing something like that on a lunch break or maybe the office she was in was small enough that she could just say "hey, I'm off to send a package". It would be wonderful to know if that's the case.

Also like you, the night thing I doubt for several reasons:

one, she would have to have an overnight shipping package at home and an account to be able to just go off and drop it in a box. I have neither, and I would expect she wouldn't either.

two, if she was just dropping a package off in a drop box, why in the world would she need or want to do it late at night? There is no way on earth. She would drop it off at any number of places on the way or near work.

three, as I wrote earlier, my emphasis was on a FedEx distribution center because they are open outside of daytime business hours. I was thinking of her leaving earlier than usual to go and send the package off, which when I do it is go to a shop like a UPS Store and pay for a package and pay for the shipping.

However, they would be closed when she went to work. A FedEx center would be open. I don't know where one is close to her, or if she would even have considered it. A shipping place could have been next door to work for all I know, and she intended to walk over and handle it that morning from work.

Concerning the wet shower and a breakin, it is extremely unlikely to me to breakin to abduct a woman and kidnap her, forcibly removing her. etc. Possibly murdering her in her apartment and removing her body to remove evidence, but with no signs of struggle, extremely doubtful.

Waiting outside for a person to go to work, even more doubtful.

However, no call to her bf, not available to answer his call, and work clothes on the bed indicate to me she was out of her apartment at 6 am or earlier. My thought was that she wanted to go get the package off, but an early morning breakin and removal of her body would have to be the answer to me if there is any cause shown that she would have handled the package differently based on previous experience.


As the stills at the gate are shown, watch the rear window of the car, the last still, the poi is beyond the camera, you see a different image in the rear winshield, you can see it change from the still with him in the shadow or tree, whatever and his next step when he is out of the pix.

As the stills at the gate are shown, watch the rear window of the car, the last still, the poi is beyond the camera, you see a different image in the rear winshield, you can see it change from the still with him in the shadow or tree, whatever and his next step when he is out of the pix.

Isn't that last frame appear different because the tree branches are blowing in the wind, hence, this movement blocks the view of the rear window? or am I missing something?

Since they had the POI right next to the Palm tree, why didn't they just use the Palm tree as a comparison to his height, rather than using the other technique, or all three together?

Yes, I agree, left, many would plan on doing something like that on a lunch break or maybe the office she was in was small enough that she could just say "hey, I'm off to send a package". It would be wonderful to know if that's the case.

Also like you, the night thing I doubt for several reasons:

one, she would have to have an overnight shipping package at home and an account to be able to just go off and drop it in a box. I have neither, and I would expect she wouldn't either.

two, if she was just dropping a package off in a drop box, why in the world would she need or want to do it late at night? There is no way on earth. She would drop it off at any number of places on the way or near work.

three, as I wrote earlier, my emphasis was on a FedEx distribution center because they are open outside of daytime business hours. I was thinking of her leaving earlier than usual to go and send the package off, which when I do it is go to a shop like a UPS Store and pay for a package and pay for the shipping.

However, they would be closed when she went to work. A FedEx center would be open. I don't know where one is close to her, or if she would even have considered it. A shipping place could have been next door to work for all I know, and she intended to walk over and handle it that morning from work.

Concerning the wet shower and a breakin, it is extremely unlikely to me to breakin to abduct a woman and kidnap her, forcibly removing her. etc. Possibly murdering her in her apartment and removing her body to remove evidence, but with no signs of struggle, extremely doubtful.

Waiting outside for a person to go to work, even more doubtful.

However, no call to her bf, not available to answer his call, and work clothes on the bed indicate to me she was out of her apartment at 6 am or earlier. My thought was that she wanted to go get the package off, but an early morning breakin and removal of her body would have to be the answer to me if there is any cause shown that she would have handled the package differently based on previous experience.


Anybody know JK's habits? Any chance that she drives or walks to the clubhouse and worksout before work? Could she have been attacked during this period? Or didn't she work out?

It would be nice to know her morning routine. IE. WAs the tv on? Any dirty breakfast dishes, did her alarm go off? WAs her suitcase unpacked?

I know a lot of single people use the tv for company, or just for noise, so, was she in the habit of listening to the radio or tv in the am? Were they on? From what I've heard, it doesnt' sound like it. People are creatures of habit, somebody must know JK's habits, and these habits should lead to solving this case, and possibly these habits lead to her abduction.

Also, did she go to Starbucks, or a coffe house on the way to work?

Did she get her mail or paper each morning? Did she get the paper delivered? Stopping and starting a newspaper is a good way to let people know when you are home, and away.


it's too bad JK's family doesn't have an email address listed on her page for information/tips on her case. because if they did i would email asking some of these crucial questions. it's difficult for us cause we don't know the answers. I really think there's a zero % chance she went out of the house for any reason the night before. I'm pretty sure I read she was in bed, very tired, and talking to her bf saying goodnight. I'm sure the brother's friend who left his cell phone wasn't such a d*ck and demanded she drop the phone off that night, especially since she was doing him the favor. Besides it wouldn't have made the phone arrive any quicker. For anybody that lives there, is there a FedEx or Post office nearby? On her way to work? If So, she probably wouldn't have left very much earlier for work if it was on the way. Perhaps she left early for some other reason.

Does anybody, Myserty perhaps, know what the parking area is like in her complex? Is it an underground garage? Is the parking area visible to somebody walking by? What are the odds this was a totally random attack? Pretty low I bet. It just has to be somebody connected to Mosaic in some way. Somebody that noticed Jennifer when she moved in a few months prior. Nothing else makes much sense.
Looking at Mosaic

I have scoured 'favorites' and found this link that gives a birds eye view of Mosaic. I can't recall where I got the link from. Allow time for the image to load.


Use the 'hand' (cursor) on the map to scroll around.

Jennifers condo is in the block overlooking the main lake and just about as far left as that view goes. There is a red car parked in front left and one on the left side. Note the woods at the back.
I hope I have this right and someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I am not sure where Jennifer parked but as can be seen all the parking looks to be in the open.

You can play around with the buttons and even scroll along to Huntington if I remember correctly.
Enrique~ There was a story that Greta did when the case was new and her crew took great photos of all the areas including her bedroom. They also have photos of where they found her car. I know it is posted somewhere on here, but I searched and am unable to find them. (I even tried tracking them down on Fox's site.) The parking is out in the open, not underground or in a garage setting. Quite visible to anyone walking in the area, but I think someone mentioned it was in the back of the complex.
A couple of comments: Our shower stays wet for hours after a shower. I do not ever open our windows. I imagine that her windows were shut, too. Any place that I have worked--large or small--has had capabilities of shipping personal packages. You just go to the mailroom, complete a form and pay for it. If Jennifer didn't have access at work, surely she would have gone during her lunch hour.

However, if Jennifer planned to do so, she would be much nicer than I am. Just getting back from a trip, she would be busy and running other errands, IMO. Could it be at all possible that she asked the fellow if he could arrange to pick it up if he needed it in a hurry?

I think that it may have been someone who knew Jennifer that abducted her. I just think that a stranger (to include maintenance workers, other residences at the complex) would have raped her and/or killed her and left her there. It is much riskier to take a person (alive or dead) from one location to another.
Looking at Mosaic

I have scoured 'favorites' and found this link that gives a birds eye view of Mosaic. I can't recall where I got the link from. Allow time for the image to load.


Use the 'hand' (cursor) on the map to scroll around.

Jennifers condo is in the block overlooking the main lake and just about as far left as that view goes. There is a red car parked in front left and one on the left side. Note the woods at the back.
I hope I have this right and someone correct me if I'm wrong.

I am not sure where Jennifer parked but as can be seen all the parking looks to be in the open.

You can play around with the buttons and even scroll along to Huntington if I remember correctly.

Great job mystery. thanks. It's hard to picture her complex, but that helps big time.

It seems like a lot of cars, people, etc. all around.

I did note all of the garages. Scary.

Hard to imagine nobody heard anything, saw anything, et.c

Oh, to know what route that dog took.

thanks again Mystery


This is not somebody who stumbled upon the scene. The person who did this, fit in, belonged, IMO I can't imagine she was a "random" target. If she was, there would be no reason to move her car.
nanandjim wrote:
Any place that I have worked--large or small--has had capabilities of shipping personal packages.

I think it would be helpful to see that that is the case where she worked. That has not been my experience through many work places.

I believe she would have made it a priority to get the cell phone back to her brother's friend overnight as he asked. At noon to do it, possibly, but I believe it plays an important role in her disappearance.

nanandjim wrote:
Any place that I have worked--large or small--has had capabilities of shipping personal packages.

I think it would be helpful to see that that is the case where she worked. That has not been my experience through many work places.

I believe she would have made it a priority to get the cell phone back to her brother's friend overnight as he asked. At noon to do it, possibly, but I believe it plays an important role in her disappearance.


One would think LE was all over this.

Wouldn't Jk's cell phone have records if she called local drop boxes, fedex, ups, etc.?

I do agree when someone goes missing, one has to ask, what has changed in their lives recently?


Going to v.i.
Moving to Mosaic
Having brother's friends over for weekend
Possibly mailing phone before work

those are the answers in my book,


I believe there was still a lot of working being done when Jennifer was abducted so Mosaic would look less complete than in the pictures.

Also would you try this please. Click on the birds eye view at the top of the map window, Then using the right hand side window scroll along to Huntington apartments. The clarity is amazing. Taking it all in I would be amazed if the dog did not follow the suspect all the way back to Mosaic.

I believe there was still a lot of working being done when Jennifer was abducted so Mosaic would look less complete than in the pictures.

Also would you try this please. Click on the birds eye view at the top of the map window, Then using the right hand side window scroll along to Huntington apartments. The clarity is amazing. Taking it all in I would be amazed if the dog did not follow the suspect all the way back to Mosaic.

Wow!! Thanks, Mystery. Fascinating.

I took the virtual trip from Mosaic to HOTG and back. It is amazing how there is a path all the way.

You know, I have been following this for over a year, and it took me forever to learn the layout, and the streets.

And the "poi" got out of that car, and walked with purpose as if "he owned" the neighborhood.

I"ll bet he took the path by the road, and the supposedly hopped a fence, what, maybe the one in the front? or ws it the side?

I'm still not quite certain which building is Jk's, but I thought it was by the lake, if I remember from Greta. I thought it was a yellow building, overlooking the lake.

The more I learn about this case, the more convinced I am that the perp. lived at Mosaic, or worked there. Come on, the guy knows the short cut, moves the car to steer the investigation away, and then walks back to Mosaic. Even a pizza deliver guy wouldn't know the short cuts, and all the other paths.

NO, I"m convinced he was worried one of the staff might notice him walking into the complex, and that is why he took the shortcut.

Plus, the timing of Jk's parents notifying Mosaic, and boom, the car gets dumped. Some complexes have walkie talkies for all employees, I wonder if Mosaic has such a thing.

Who's to say that JK's car wasn't hidden in one of the garages, the perp. hears about her missing, and bolts out of Mosaic, and to HOTG. I can just see him driving down Americana or whatever it is called, looking for a place without camera's. Dumb*** finds the oldest, worse complex, that just happens to have security cameras. Plus, isn't the reputation of HOTG of a drug complex, thus, giving the impression JK went to get drugs, or was nabbed by someone living there.

Not a bad plan. But, his days are numbered. Call me stubborn, but, he has to be connected to Mosaic. Has to be.

PLus, he must have been on some type of schedule, otherwise, he could have dumped the car on the other side of town, burned it, and walked or hitched back.

You know, it is possible this suspect has an alibi for the entire day. All he needs is what, 25 minutes or so, or a lunch break, to dump that car, and make it back to Mosaic. More than enough time. And right at lunch hour. Hmm.

You know that car is still in evidence. Too bad the dog handlers can't have the dogs sniff that seat, and try to find the scent from a group of suspects in a lineup. I really think it would work.

thanks for all the help Mystery. Somehow, I think OPD should be asking for your help on this case.

The observation about the suspect walking with determination or as if he owned the place is a very good one.

There was no getting out of the car and pondering which way to go.

It is looking like he might have planned this part (dumping of the car) just like he planned the abduction.

I agree, it is a sensational tour. I hope everyone takes the trouble to visit the site because it gives a very good perspective of Mosaic and Huntington and the surrounding area.
All true, all good questions that urgently need answered.

In Chandra Levy's case there was a Salvadoran national who stalked women on jogging trails in the evening, he attacked two of them with a knife to the throat.

He also broke into his neighbor's apartment and was caught in the act by the neighbor stealing from her jewelry box in the bedroom.

I normally would not argue against a similar situation in Jennifer's case, given the suspect's size. The Salvadoran also attacked women taller than him.

However, the timing and circumstances of Jennifer's disappearance make a stalking attack all but impossible. Given that:

covers pulled up on the bed and some outfilts laying on the bed indicates she got up normally

no call to her boyfriend and no answer when he called her indicates her normal routine didn't last long

her purse, cell phone, and her brother's friend's cell phone are gone. possible the phones were in her purse and her purse was snatched along with her, but unlikely everything that made it look like she left normally is that way because it was stolen when she disappeared

she had just returned from a long weekend vacation - that someone would wait for her return for days and break in her apartment within hours after she got back early in the morning precisely as she is getting ready for work but before she could call her boyfriend, a call that always took place early because he called when he didn't hear from her, is, if not so improbable as to be impossible, then next to impossible.

It seems unlikely to me to be a stalker or someone familiar with Jennifer. I think it was a crime of opportunity. It might have been someone who was looking for a car to break into when she came out early in the morning. However, it would have to be a quick overpowering attack for there to be no screams, no horn, no evidence marks of a struggle in the car.

Because all indications are she was out of the house early in the morning and probably a routine that was changed by a request to send a cell phone off, I think the attack took place somewhere closer to a place where she could do that, and that the suspect doesn't live close by, or knew of her beforehand.

I think he probbaly drove the car back to rob Jennifer's apartment but saw activity there and kept going down the road and parked the car close to her condo, not close to where he lived. He then could have walked some distance to where he felt safe to take a bus, if indeed he lived out of walking distance.

As sad as it to say, he probably just put Jennifer and her purse in a dumpster and then drove the car back to her address based on her drivers license, driving on when seeing some activity around the condo.

The police must think it's an accomplice who parked Jennifer's car, given a report that a police spokesperson said "Now is the time to distance yourself from the person who is responsible", according to WESH. They may think the person parking Jennifer's car is a female accomplice based on the person's size.

But that would seem to indicate they were parking Jennifer's car back closer to her condo, and then leaving together. As with everything else in Jennifer's disappearance, that also seems unlikely.

The observation about the suspect walking with determination or as if he owned the place is a very good one.

There was no getting out of the car and pondering which way to go.

It is looking like he might have planned this part (dumping of the car) just like he planned the abduction.

I agree, it is a sensational tour. I hope everyone takes the trouble to visit the site because it gives a very good perspective of Mosaic and Huntington and the surrounding area.

Thanks for that link, Myserty64. I recognized Mosaic on the left based on the cars parked you describe. How would the Huntington be recognized?

It is great clarity. The Huntington would be a mile away down the road, right?

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