FL FL - Miami Beach, WhtMale UP6736, 30-40, 6'9" & 335 lbs, drowned, Dec'09

FWIW, I think this is a very good possibility. I'm glad you submitted it! Nice catch!
FWIW, I think this is a very good possibility. I'm glad you submitted it! Nice catch!

Snuf, thank you for the kind words!

I never felt compelled to place a call to LE at 11:30pm in WI/1:30am in Nova Scotia before, the resemblance at the very least is uncanny. I might follow up if I don't hear anything back from the Nova Scotia LE within the next 2-3 weeks, just to see if they're working on it...or if he has been ruled out.

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Wow, that looks very close. The ears even look like they match. I can't tell about the teeth; it could just be the way he has his mouth opened.

Late catching up but I think it might even be a picture with a pc of hard candy in his mouth. As CarlK mentioned, too difficult to tell from the picture quality.

masnitram, did you send the possible in to the ME as well? I really think you have a match here.

Keep us posted.
masnitram, did you send the possible in to the ME as well? I really think you have a match here.

Keep us posted.

Yes I did contact both sides, Halifax and Miami. I do plan on following up in 2-3 weeks if I don't hear anything. The LE in Halifax was extremely courteous and mentioned that they would get back in touch with me. Talking to the folks in Miami was interesting to say the least, I felt like I was talking to a drill sergeant...lots of quick closed ended questions, a barely enunciated "thank you and goodbye".
I received a call back from the Miami Medical Examiners office about 30 minuets ago. They are pursuing Gregory as a potential match for the unidentified man and are working with Halifax LE to get as much information as they can about Gregory (fingerprints, DNA, etc)...I was told that I made the ME office "very excited" and the forensic artist who did the recon on the unidentified man feels it is almost certainly Gregory. Playing Devil's advocate, the man is still unidentified until I hear back from Miami ME. They said they will call me as soon as they either confirm or rule him out, and that I am free to check in anytime.
I just left a voicemail and sent an email to check in on the status. I'll try again the end of this month, at the latest, if I I don't hear anything.
Thanks for the update masnitram. I'd be very surprised if they were not the same person.
Him not having hair on his lower legs could just be from wearing socks, I know a few people who are missing hair there because of socks. IMO him having shoes and shorts on could mean he was on a boat, fishing or just hanging out. He could of fallen off or he could have been pushed.
Fingerprint information from the unidentified has been recieved by the LE officials in Halifax, Nova Scotia for comparison to Gregory Brushette. Miami ME replied to my email; they're now waiting for Halifax LE to confirm or rule-out Gregory based on the fingerprints.
they must know by now if the UID is Gregory. I checked the Namus page and eeriliy it was updated today, but Greg's name is not on the rule out list.
they must know by now if the UID is Gregory. I checked the Namus page and eeriliy it was updated today, but Greg's name is not on the rule out list.

I'm getting anxious too. I'll call Halifax by the end of this week, since they have the fingerprints for comparison, to see what they say. If they say "zip"...I'll call Miami. I'll put a word here by Saturday regardless of the outcome.

(Last time I got extremely anxious Miami called or emailed me the next day; here's to hoping I hear something tomorrow :rocker: )
I wonder what prompted them to edit the UID's profile yesterday and today?
they must know by now if the UID is Gregory. I checked the Namus page and eeriliy it was updated today, but Greg's name is not on the rule out list.

I've been checking the thread and the links for both Greg's missing person case and the UID as well. I'm sure the agencies know by now and wondered if perhaps the delay in notifying the public might be due to notifying family, if this is a match.

Or if perhaps there is a problem with id'ng based on finger prints and they need to use dentals or dna. I hope it isn't something with Halifax being unable to locate Greg's print card.... (I wondered why the print card went to Halifax versus the other way around and Miami doing the match...)

I'd be inclined to say the Cubs don't play in Wrigley Field if this is not a match. The resemblence and stats are just too strong in this one.
they must know by now if the UID is Gregory. I checked the Namus page and eeriliy it was updated today, but Greg's name is not on the rule out list.

I didn't pay close enough attention prior to the update, but was the UID's fingerprint info listed prior to the update? Just a guess......

Hoping for an answer soon and prayers already sent for Gregs family if this is him.
I didn't pay close enough attention prior to the update, but was the UID's fingerprint info listed prior to the update? Just a guess......

Hoping for an answer soon and prayers already sent for Gregs family if this is him.

if they added the fingerprint info after having sent them to Halifax, then I would think Brushette was NOT a match otherwise there would be no reason to post the fingerprint info for the public to see.
if they added the fingerprint info after having sent them to Halifax, then I would think Brushette was NOT a match otherwise there would be no reason to post the fingerprint info for the public to see.

True, but then why update the namus file and not add the rule out? Maybe Miami got the news and went to update the NamUs page before they realized next of kin was not yet notified.

jmo while impatiently waiting for the results.
I'm inclined to think they're still notifying next of kin. A week seems like a long time to us, but it really isn't that long. It probably took a day or two to find Gregory's print card, and then a day or two to track down where the next of kin had moved to, and left a message that wasn't returned until the next day, etc...

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