FL FL - Michelle Parker, 33, Orlando, 17 Nov 2011 - #11

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Who sent it? Why would they respond to that one text from her brother? Yep...questions we are all asking. If she did send it...why didn't she bother to call her 11 year old son? Text her current boyfriend back? At least LE has the phone and because the data was built into it, they can get all they need from it...:woohoo:

According to LE, the phone was no where near Waterford...yet the text...why would a stranger bother to respond to a text? IMO, it had to be someone who knew her well and knew her routine...

Again...just my opinion...

Dale I believe could have had the phone and sent text along his distraction route. As long as their is no way to track Hummer, his accomplice in theory could have taken body anywhere.
Dale I believe could have had the phone and sent text along his distraction route. As long as their is no way to track Hummer, his accomplice in theory could have taken body anywhere.

I do wonder if he was dating anyone...:twocents:
But wonder why he would take the phone back with him?

Distraction: throw police off track
Arrogance: toy with police
Stupidity: he didn't know cell phones have gps tracking

One of these or another?
Okay...I am now on the same page as you. Could it be someone else, other than Michelle, was monitoring that phone? To see the calls and what have you calling in/texting? Or could it be that the phone itself was on mute and forgotten about by the bad guy? Or could it be that it was obvious misdirection? Dump the cell phone here...no way anyone (including LE) would look for the body elsewhere...my gut tells me the road to Titusville...but that is just me...

Though DS appears "stupid" he does have military training. I bet he planned the whole cell phone thing. It would be brilliant. Follow the cell phone, even drive to lakes, ponds, around town. That will keep police busy for months alone.
Though DS appears "stupid" he does have military training. I bet he planned the whole cell phone thing. It would be brilliant. Follow the cell phone, even drive to lakes, ponds, around town. That will keep police busy for months alone.

Definitely could be a strategy. Most definitely. I am just wondering about the timing to pull all of this off...and I don't mean Mark NeJame timing...because by his rationale, I couldn't pull out of my driveway, drive to work and stop at a convenience store and make it on time to work, if I only had an hour to spare...:floorlaugh:
Definitely could be a strategy. Most definitely. I am just wondering about the timing to pull all of this off...and I don't mean Mark NeJame timing...because by his rationale, I couldn't pull out of my driveway, drive to work and stop at a convenience store and make it on time to work, if I only had an hour to spare...:floorlaugh:

If Michelle was killed at 3:30 or somewhere around there, he has one hour of time in car on way to parents. It only takes 26 mins according to TV station who ran the route to get from Dale's house to his parents. That gives him 30-35 minutes to run decoy before arriving at parent's house. He could stash phone along way and stop to retrieve phone on way home to run more decoy. Then power down and discard phone. Just one theory.

Meanwhile accomplice is doing their thing while Dale has safe alibi and parent's would not have reason to suspect dale as he was there while Michelle was reported missing.

I should write murder mystery ;)
So now I believe Michelle could be within a 3.5 hour radius (at 70 miles per hour) that could be over 200 miles away. The hummer could technically drive 200 miles one way and back to where it was dropped with an accomplice. Hummer wasn't spotted until 10:30 that night assuming Michelle was killed by 3:30.

Dale takes phone and kids to Dad's house and stays there (alibi) - could have chucked phone out window along the way.

RBBM... And now I am wondering what is the average MPG that MP's Hummer gets, and what was the last recorded mileage on the vehicle before it was found abandoned (last oil change?), and what the odometer read when it was found that night. When was the last time MP got gas (are there surveillance tapes from gas stations?) Was MP in the habit of resetting the trip meter when she refueled? How much fuel was left in the tank when the Hummer was located?
RBBM... And now I am wondering what is the average MPG that MP's Hummer gets, and what was the last recorded mileage on the vehicle before it was found abandoned (last oil change?), and what the odometer read when it was found that night. When was the last time MP got gas (are there surveillance tapes from gas stations?) Was MP in the habit of resetting the trip meter when she refueled? How much fuel was left in the tank when the Hummer was located?

Ok here is more planning. Accomplice stashes their own vehicle somewhere near the place they dump vehicle. He/she transports body to his or her vehicle (in a remote location close to where Michelle's car was found) then dumps hummer walks to his/her vehicle. Or Could accomplice live at the apartments where car was found? Hummer into garage for a moment. Empty body. Dump car then dump body?
Just because it wasn't an active account does not mean that Onstar can't trace it.

Thanks. True. In September, OnStar got in trouble as it was revealed they maintained a "two way connection" with vehicles that had inactive accounts/cancelled accounts. At the end of September, after a Senator threatened an FTC investigation, they announced they would change their policy. I don't know if an effective date for dropping the connections was announced. I imagine it's not as simple as flipping one switch for millions of connections, but who knows. And, I don't know that it being a used vehicle would matter - if it was resold, I can't imagine how that info would get to OnStar, and they were maintaining connections to the vehicles, not the individuals, so IMO there is a chance that some of the data LE is working from is from the Hummer. Just a thought since people were mentioning the vehicles' and phone's movements.


Your OnStar-equipped car can share an awful lot about your driving habits -- even if you're no longer an OnStar customer

Even without an active subscription, the connection can provide GM (GM, Fortune 500) with the ability to alert vehicle occupants about severe weather emergencies, mandatory evacuations or recall issues, she said. It also allows GM to capture data that can be used for "future product development."

I rarely post, so back to lurking, hoping, and praying. :seeya:
Ok here is more planning. Accomplice stashes their own vehicle somewhere near the place they dump vehicle. He/she transports body to his or her vehicle (in a remote location close to where Michelle's car was found) then dumps hummer walks to his/her vehicle. Or Could accomplice live at the apartments where car was found? Hummer into garage for a moment. Empty body. Dump car then dump body?

My best theory right now, is that whatever happened to her happened inside the condo. He calls his dad/accomplice other than dad. Dad/ accomplice shows up. Accomplice/ Dad leaves his car there inside the garage. Dad/ accomplice drives the hummer to the drop point while Dale is taking the kids to his parents because his mom is there. Leaves the twins with her. Dale is in his own vehicle during this time. Drives to where dad/accomplice dropped off the Hummer and picks him up. They go back to Dale Sr's home or staight back to the condo. michelle :( is still in the condo. Together in Dale's vehicle they go back to the condo. Put Michelle in the trunk (although she may also be in something else + the trunk) drive back to DS Sr.'s house. Wait until it gets dark. Which wouldn't have been long. Takes the body somewhere.

If that makes any sense. It took me forever to type it. :(
If DS dumped Michelle's body on his way to Titusville on Friday I think he would have had her loaded up in his white work van, I would love to know if that has been searched..but here is my theory for the most part...Michelle is killed when she gets to Dales house to drop off the kids, at that point he pulls his own vehicle out of the garage and puts the hummer in the garage, he also calls his parents and says he needs help so Mom & Dad head over that way..Mom picks up the kids and takes them to her house, Dad & Dale work on getting the glow stickers off the windows and I believe that Michelle is in the back of the hummer at this point...now here is where my theories somewhat change..#1 once the stickers are removed and it gets dark Dad drives Dales vehicle and follows Dale in the hummer, they take Michelle To the dump spot and then take the hummer to where it was located...then Dtale takes Dad home and enroute he dumps the phone...#2 again the hummer is in Dales garage with Dad helping him get the stickers off the hummer while Mom has the kids at her house and Michelle is in the back if the hummer, but once it gets dark they drive the hummer to Mom & Dads house and put Michelle in the work van then Dad & Dale go and dump the hummer and after Dale takes Dad home he goes back to his house and meets with police...I would really like to know if the kids were at Dales when the police came on Thursday night, and the next morning Dale gets up goes to his Dads and gets the work van and. Drives to Titusville and disposes of her body on the way...both of my theory's would explain why Mom could not put Dale on the phone when Michelle's Mom called her for Dale that night.....I have a feeling that my first theory may be more plausible with all of the local water searches that went on this week."and something else I don't get is Dale is now begging for donations since he can't work, well he had no problem working the day after Michelle went missing (or so he says) so what was the real reason for heading out of town was it to get rid of a little problem he had in the van?
Ok here is more planning. Accomplice stashes their own vehicle somewhere near the place they dump vehicle. He/she transports body to his or her vehicle (in a remote location close to where Michelle's car was found) then dumps hummer walks to his/her vehicle. Or Could accomplice live at the apartments where car was found? Hummer into garage for a moment. Empty body. Dump car then dump body?

Okay, here is another based upon an idea I got from yours.

Michelle pulls onto the street and the kids get out and get ready to go inside with Dad. Since the Hummer is in his name, he might be able to pull this next part off. He says to Michelle, I need to check the __________[ fuse box, water pump, whatever] ..mind pulling it into the garage really quick..."

She pulls it in, and then he blindsides her in some quick, clean way. Then he shuts the garage door.

He takes her phone, puts her unconscious in the Hummer, maybe tied up and gagged.

Then he puts the kids in his truck and drives them to grandparents and takes the phone so it will not ping in his garage all of that time.

When he gets to his folks he does a quick phone check to make sure she did not text anyone to say she was staying there for a bit for him to check the car. Then he receives the text from brother, saying ' Where are you."

That might have spooked him, so he quickly sent the decoy text, hoping it would buy him time.

Now this is where it gets harder. Would he dare drive his own red truck back to his condo? I doubt that. So somehow he gets a ride back to the Hummer, and I think he waits until dark to drive out of his garage.
My best theory right now, is that whatever happened to her happened inside the condo. He calls his dad/accomplice other than dad. Dad/ accomplice shows up. Accomplice/ Dad leaves his car there inside the garage. Dad/ accomplice drives the hummer to the drop point while Dale is taking the kids to his parents because his mom is there. Leaves the twins with her. Dale is in his own vehicle during this time. Drives to where dad/accomplice dropped off the Hummer and picks him up. They go back to Dale Sr's home or staight back to the condo. michelle :( is still in the condo. Together in Dale's vehicle they go back to the condo. Put Michelle in the trunk (although she may also be in something else + the trunk) drive back to DS Sr.'s house. Wait until it gets dark. Which wouldn't have been long. Takes the body somewhere.

If that makes any sense. It took me forever to type it. :(

So you go with heat of the moment vs premeditated? I agree it happened inside condo but I think your theory has too many moving pieces. Not ruling it out. I'm Just thinking this was planned in advance. Dale picks up his accomplice. They wait for Michelle and then accomplice takes hummer. Dale goes on way to parents with michelle's cell phone. Much cleaner and less vehicles to worry about and clock to worry about. Dale know Michelle's son gets off bus at 3:30-3:45 - not much time to run his distraction route...
Remember when Onstar had a promo, even if you weren't a customer you could press the button to play along. I found out the hard way when my vehicle was stolen in the robbery that they had him traced until he pulled the wires, then it was useless. When researching this, I found a few lock-outs that coudn't get signal to the area while a child sat in the vehicle.......
I rarely post, but I have been following several threads here and I must say, I am really tired of coming here and having no news on any of those missing. It is truly sad that we live in a society where people feel it is better to make their spouses, kids, etc. "disappear" rather than face divorce, child support, custody disputes, etc. I am sick at the fact that we have so much technology at our disposal but yet we can't find these people, bring them home and arrest those who are guilty. Where is Michelle?
RBBM... And now I am wondering what is the average MPG that MP's Hummer gets, and what was the last recorded mileage on the vehicle before it was found abandoned (last oil change?), and what the odometer read when it was found that night. When was the last time MP got gas (are there surveillance tapes from gas stations?) Was MP in the habit of resetting the trip meter when she refueled? How much fuel was left in the tank when the Hummer was located?

H3's get about 12-15mpg, they advertise 20mpg, but that never happens, 15-16 at best, and you can bet the LE will look into all credit cards or receipts for gas.
Hi danilee!! You need not say more in describing your thoughts on the PC episode as I understand and agree with you wholeheartedly.. I absolutely get what you are saying as my reaction was quite similar it seems to how you reacted.. I know that it certainly seems as tho we may possibly be in the minority who saw the episode this way(tho not necessarily as it may br that there are more that feel similarly but have just not chosen to post about their specific opinions regarding the PC episode).. But upon my reading your post I felt I must broach the subject once more in saying that I, too saw it as something THAT WOULD NOT FIRE DALE UP IN HIS HAVING WATCHING ITS PREMIERE BROADCAST WITHIN THE HOUR THAT MICHELLE ARRIVED AT HIS JOME WITH THE TWINS..

I personally thought that if anyone came out or felt they were the winner that it would definitely be Dale IMO.. Not only did Judge Marilyn rule in favor of the plaintiff for $2500 but IMO the overall tone that Judge Marilyn had in engaging him was very "cutesy-cutesy" to me.. With her keeping on going back to Dale and laughing it up with him saying she really really wanted to see some pix of him in his costumes(I know some saw this as her actually being overtly negative and actually outright making fun of him to his face).. My feeling is this.. Tho they may indeed be true that she was in a way being derogatory And mocking him.. However IMO that totally went right over Dale's head if that were the intended purpose.. Because obvious from his reaction that the more Judge Marilyn giggled and joked about wanting to see pix of him in his super hero costumes.. The more Dale literally was eating it up and saw it as the judge being friendly and funny toward him.. In his eyes further fueling that he was the victor in the case and on the show.. I felt alot of real negative amd more judgemental overtones that were directed pointedly at Michelle by the judge.. She cut her zero slack and was not near as friendly and cutesy-cutesy with Michelle as she was with Dale.. I think Michelle definitely got the short end of the stick any way you look at the PC episode..which I totally 100% understand and sympathize with Michee's humiliation at knowing the broadcast was airing that day.. IMO she wanted it to all just be over and everything have blown over about the entire ordeal so that she could finally move on already with her new found beau, Nate..

IMO if anything I believe that Dale would have absolutely derived utter enjoyment from watching the episode and was very likely delighted to see that Michelle overall seemed to be the one raked over the coals.. I can see him being extremely smug and actually a little excited maybe knowing that Michelle would be dropping off the twins soon after and he'd even get a chance to rub it in a little more just what a raking over the coals she'd taken and how that the world had just witnessed his victory over Michelle.. Who knows maybe even Dale was hoping she'd see what she was missing and that she'd see afterall that he wasn't the bad guy she made him out to be and that she actually should want to get back with him(of course that's obviously some major speculation there..lol.).. My point mainly is that tho I believe wholeheartedly that there was nothing in that episode that would have reignited a rage within him.. And if anything I believe he derived enjoyment and satisfaction from the episode.. And that I believe due to his head being a little inflated from him believing himself to have come off looking so damn good on that show that he began ribbing Micgelle when she arrived with the twins.. I could see him really rubbing it in and that it was Michelle that just snapped.. She'd had it and she wasn't gonna take his ribbing and rubbing her nose in that damn show that he'd drug her on to against her will to begin with..

I believe Michelle was feisty little thing and that she was perfectly capable of giving it to him good... I mean both barrels fully loaded up close and personal giving it to him good.. For me it is something more along those lines that pushed his buttons(I've posted extensively towArds the beginning of the case that I believe they both were volatile in their poison relationship amd that they both knew superbly well just how to push one another's Buttons unlike anyone else.. I see it very possible that Michelle could've just really been brutally honest in letting him know she had totally moved on in a very serious manner with Nate and God knows what else could have been stated in the heat of passion and anger between these two.. Its at that point I believe it escalated at break neck speeds and was likely over within moments.. Dale is no shrinking violent but rather a rough and rumble former marine that is in no way new to physical altercations with individuals a whole helluva alot bigger and stronger as his opponent than what tiny Michelle would have been..

Anyway as I said really nothing more than speculation but I do feel it's very likely something similar transpired on the afternoon of 11/17.. But one thing I do know is that IMO the PC episode would not have in any way shape or form a negative triggering mechanism that sent him into murderous madness.. Nope.. Quite different is that I believe Dale likely got a real kick and a good laugh from Michelle's discomfort, embarrassment, and her obvious raking over the coals it appeared she took from Judge Marilyn.. That IMO absolutely delighted and pleased Dale..

My opinions only, no facts here:

As usual, either I am reading your mind or you are reading mine. I did not see anything in the TV court episode that would enrage the boyfriend.

I have asked a couple of questions a few times now and no definite answers are forthcoming. Where approximately did Michelle live? I have read at least a hundred times about her 11 year old son coming "home" after school. Where approximately is this "home".

Regarding the possible Hummer sighting by Ironhorse, I weight all observations as a percentage of their likelihood. Having said this, can you or anyone tell me: which direction (east, west, north, or south) was the Hummer reported to have been traveling at 4 o'clock by Ironwood, and what numbered road was it on?
My opinions only, no facts here:

Regarding the possible Hummer sighting by Ironhorse, I weight all observations as a percentage of their likelihood. Having said this, can you or anyone tell me: which direction (east, west, north, or south) was the Hummer reported to have been traveling at 4 o'clock by Ironwood, and what numbered road was it on?

East on the 408 then north on Alafaya. Right, Iron?
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