FL - Naked man killed by Police near MacArthur Causeway was eating face off victim


911 calls report naked men fighting on day of 'face-chewing' attack, police say

"He's going to kill that man, I promise you," a female bus driver said. "Listen, there is a naked man on the MacArthur Causeway .... He is beating another man to a pulp - like on top of the man, beating him, the man is bleeding."

Another male caller said two men were fighting and nearly knocked over an elderly bicylist.

Attorney of Man Eater’s Girlfriend to Talk About Relationship
Gloria Allred will speak about the relationship between Rudy Eugene and his girlfriend Wednesday

The attorney representing the man eater’s girlfriend is hosting a press conference Wednesday afternoon to discuss the relationship her client had with the MacArthur attacker.

High-profile attorney Gloria Allred is representing Yovonka Bryant, who has identified herself as one of Rudy Eugene’s girlfriends. Allred confirmed with NBC 6 Saturday she would be representing Bryant but did not disclose why.
Why does "one of man-eater's girlfriends" even need an attorney?

911 calls report naked men fighting on day of 'face-chewing' attack, police say

"He's going to kill that man, I promise you," a female bus driver said. "Listen, there is a naked man on the MacArthur Causeway .... He is beating another man to a pulp - like on top of the man, beating him, the man is bleeding."

Another male caller said two men were fighting and nearly knocked over an elderly bicylist.

Mr. Poppa fought as hard as he could. A man in his 60's is no match for a man in his 30's crazed out of his mind on drugs.
Why does "one of man-eater's girlfriends" even need an attorney?

I'm wondering the same thing here.

Unless she plans on trying to make some $$$$ off of interviews???

Ya got me, I haven't a clue.

ETA: I wonder which girlfriend this is? The current one? (current before he was shot dead)
The miami herald . com has the entire 20 minute video of the presser with Allred.

This is NOT the girlfriend that RE was with the night before (oh and BTW I would have like to know what this one thought about him being with the other one the night before - that question wasn't asked or answered).

This girlfriend says they had been dating since March of this year and she never saw him drink or use any drugs.

Apparently this girlfriend was being confused as another girlfriend (how many did this guy have?) and that's why she contacted Allred - to clear the air.

I still say this was to broker a book deal - time will tell.

Causeway attacker had no human flesh in stomach


Rudy Eugene used his teeth to savage a homeless man, but an autopsy revealed he had no human flesh in his stomach. He did have undigested pills.
The world is calling Rudy Eugene, who chewed off a homeless man’s face, a cannibal — but an autopsy shows there was no human flesh in his stomach.
The post-death examination did reveal a number of undigested pills in his stomach, but investigators have not identified them yet, a law-enforcement source told The Miami Herald.

**more at link**

So there were a "number of undigested pills". Well, if they were "undigested" then how could they have affected him? Or, how MANY pills did he take? Did this guy just "wig" and decide to end it all? Interesting that further down in the article it says that LE found "parts of a bible - all torn up" at the crime scene.
That's what I thought. Or she's going to write a book. Funny but the 2 girlfriends that have been interviewed here - neither wanted to show their face. I did get the name of the ex-wife - but even now that's not being reported.

It might be the ex-wife - but wouldn't the article have said that?

But, yea, probably Allred is going to help her "shop" her story for the highest bidder.

My first thought as well, but who would buy this book? There is no real story here and the killer is not very interesting. At most maybe she can get some talk show deals.

Second thought was maybe she wanted to copyright the term "Miami Cannibal" and charge people for using it? I am sure she would if she could!

The Herald reports that "a number" of undigested pills were found in Eugene's stomach, but they have not yet been identified. Toxicology reports on Eugene, who according to CBS has been confirmed to have smoked marijuana in the hours before the attack, could take weeks to months to complete.

The autopsy finding that Eugene had no human flesh in his stomach jibes with the crime-scene investigation, which found chunks of Poppo’s flesh on the ground, as if they had been spit out. The autopsy also revealed human flesh lodged between the teeth of Eugene, who did not have his two top front teeth, the law enforcement source said. Eugene is known to have lost his two front teeth in an accident as a child.
Police found a set of gold teeth in the pockets of his pants discarded on the causeway.
Police found a set of gold teeth in the pockets of his pants discarded on the causeway.

This story just keeps getting stranger and stranger. I wonder if we will ever know the truth as to what set off the attack.

*****WARNING, the pics on the left side of this article are very graphic!!!!*****

Doctors: Man attacked on causeway has holes in chest that may be police bullet wounds

By Elinor J. Brecher and Luisa Yanez
Doctors at Jackson Memorial Hospital on Tuesday said the homeless man mauled on the MacArthur Causeway has holes in his chest that may be bullet wounds fired by a Miami police officer who killed his attacker.
Nicholas Namias, head of trauma at Ryder and his physician, disclosed that Ronald Poppo had two “mysterious” punctures in his chest.

**more at link**

Ya know, I had wondered how that officer shot Eugene 5 times and never hit the victim. Eugene was on top of him when he was shot.

So, it seems poor Mr. Poppo was also hit twice by the officer's bullets. Man.......did he have a bad day or what?

And the new pics.....wow, first, I'm really surprised that he's up and walking. He's a real fighter. I've heard that he can't tell LE much - he doesn't remember. That's common with incidents like this - the victim blocks it all. And the article also says he suffered brain injuries in the attack.

What makes me so mad is that alot of "people" here are disgusted that "we" now have to pay to fix this man. How horrible! Insensitive, inconsiderate, self-serving..........well I could go on - but why? All I say is that if it was anyone that you knew and this happened................

And now with these "bullet holes" - Miami PD will probably end up footing the bill.

Such a mess - all around. Sad.


Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2012/06/11/2845353/update-on-homeless-man-attacked.html#storylink=cpy
Poor Mr. poppo, bad day indeed. But I am shocked to see how well he seems to be doing in his recovery. I hope he will continue thus.
He appears to be a tough old bird!!!
Seems like it should be easy enough to find out if those puncture wounds are bullet holes or something else. X-rays would show if the bullets are still in him.

Ronald Poppo, the homeless man who lost half of his face last month in a bizarre attack by a man who chewed off chunks of his flesh, is aware of what happened to him.

What is unclear is how much Poppo is aware of the road that lies ahead.

Aged 65 and living on the streets for up to three decades, Poppo also suffered a brain injury and a broken rib in the attack. Doctors also found a puncture wound, suggesting he may have been shot by the police officer who fired at Poppo's attacker.
Well, that's unexpected, although marijuana does cause violent outbursts in some people.

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