FL - Somer Thompson, 7, Orange Park, 19 Oct 2009 #18

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hmmm I was checking out PC's myspace , someone on this board said he was making over $100 grand a year. Well on his MS it says he is a "trashy truck driver "40 -60 grand/yr, Jeez is he a garbage truck driver?
I used to have a neighbor.....A woman with 2 young girls. She was separated from Doctor husband. We lived in upscale gated community and no one would have believed it but this woman was known to many high school boys. They were guests at her home often and were provided with drugs and alcohol. I know this because I have a teen son who told me it was common knowledge around school. Not saying this was the case....BUT...maybe DT knows more than she has said......
Nicely laid out theory Kamille! A couple thoughts - If a mom with multiple marriages is more likely to have her child murdered by a sexual predator, then that needs to be researched right now!!

Another fertile area for research: moms who fail to receive child support - are their children more likely to be murdered by sexual predators?

Regarding sadnpod - you use information from this person to make your argument that the children were neglected and therefore, more prone to be murdered. sadnpod gave us information that dad T. was disabled for life when, in fact, he told us on national TV that he was injured in a car accident and it was temporary. Quite a discrepancy between sadnpod and Dad T's. version of an injury. Wonder if the other proclamations by sadnpod are as one-sided and misinformed as this one...looks to me like there is an agenda on sadnpod's part!!!

You're right - it isn't in the public's job description to support mom or dad. However, if someone wants to do a fund raiser and wishes the proceeds to go to mom T, that's where it should go - don't you think? Who are we to interfere with that decision? mho

Well we aren’t referring to other mother’s here but I would think that any mother who has been married multiple times, has had at least two live in boyfriends while still being married (one of which was while her husband was overseas), has five children with three different fathers (one of which she was not married to), has given up custody of her children temporarily while she “detoxes”, has had CPS called on her and has lost custody of one of the children to their birth father, all at the ripe old age of…what 34?…may have been a little preoccupied and might have been a little lax in putting her children and their needs and safety first.

So yes, under those circumstances should they prove to be correct, I’d say that if that mother also allows 3 of those children, ages 7 and 10 respectively, to walk home from school 1.5miles alone each day when there is apparently an able bodied adult there to “greet” them, then she might find those children to be more at risk of a predator than say the ones who are being picked up or walked back and forth by that able bodied adult. Especially when she knows that at least one has a tendency to wander and “wouldn’t know a stranger”.

I’m sure there are plenty of women with multiple marriages under their belt who don’t fit into this description and who do everything in their power to protect their children and put them first but that‘s just not the picture I see developing in this case.

I think sadnpod answered the second part of your post so I won’t get into it other than to say that as of right now I have no reason to believe that he/she is anything other than what they are purporting to be and that they only have the best interests of their own extended family at heart here. That side of the family is grieving also and wants justice for Somer and quite frankly I think sadnpod has been harder on ST than anyone else here.

I have already expressed my views earlier I believe about people donating money or soliciting donations around missing/murdered children. I think it's an extremely dangerous precedent that needs to end. Money is not going to find these children or their killers. Good old fashioned police work is and the last time I checked, that was free.
hmmm I was checking out PC's myspace , someone on this board said he was making over $100 grand a year. Well on his MS it says he is a "trashy truck driver "40 -60 grand/yr, Jeez is he a garbage truck driver?

He works at some kinds of concrete company-Castle something.

I don't know if people lie about their incomes on MS, but to me that sounds about right for a truck driver.

With that income, although he must be paying child support , and DT's and no rent payment, they should have enough money.

I don't know. Did the kids have music lessons or any other kind of lessons?

Did her job have health insurance?

That could impact income, but it seems enough to me.

AT any rate, I never heard of "420". Learned something new today!

So many many weird things with this case.

I still thing it's telling that LE has not identified much for the public to help with.

Even the dumpster-they should be asking the public if anyone noticed someone by a dumpster.
She states she has 3 other children in this video, okay .....so where is this 4 th child that was talked about on this board earlier today?

So does she mean that Somer was abused?

One more thing re PC, I really do not think he has been in the Picture as long as some of us thought. He had is status as single on MS
I don't know if you can link, but doesn't it show up if you just type his name into MS?
I'm not going to listen to the video right now, but what the heck? She says she has three other children?

Sad sad sad about the 4th one not even in her thoughts ever, apparently.

Maybe her soon to be ex she may want to pretend doesn't exist, but her own child? !!!!!
I don't know if you can link, but doesn't it show up if you just type his name into MS?

I dont care if I get in trouble.. cause it's about helping Somer
here u go
Watch this Video of her talking about people digging in the trash looking for somer and helping abused children.


This is a must watch video

How can anyone say " that couldn't have been a good job" when talking about digging in the trash for ur child. I think her lack of any emotion is very telling.
Watch the video with sound turned off and watch DT eyes....I don't know much about facial expressions, etc., but it seems her eyes shift around a lot. Not saying she's involved....but maybe knows something she may not be sharing.
I find it odd when you sift through PC's MS there are tons of Women but not one of DT. He texts someone Nov 20 th at 9:07 to say his friends child is missing???? huh? 18 hrs later......from when she did not return home from school.

The world of divorce is scary for any child. Even when spouses split amicably children can be forced to balance their love and time between two parents.

But when a divorce becomes especially toxic children can become the target of an unrelenting crusade by one parent to destroy the child's relationship with the other. Experts call it parental alienation, a persistent campaign by one parent to poison a child's relationship with the other parent.

Typical tactics include lying or making false allegations about the targeted parent, refusing to let the child see the other parent, even punishing the child for showing affection for the other parent. Experts claim, in its more extreme forms, it is child abuse.
Yes, she seems very composed. maybe meds?

Even with Meds I would think it difficult to talk about ur child in the trash. Why even say something like It could not be a very good job? And they found all of her not part of her? The meds shouldn't stop her from saying.. has anyone seen the bookbag ot lunch box..She did so many interviews this last week and never said a word about it
I remember him saying in an interview he has a broken leg & had an operation to put pins to keep in place while healing so to speak. This sounded like a temporary disability situation, not a lifelong disability. What am I missing here?

Yesterday, Friday, my neighbor got a letter in the mail awarding him full disability.

He was serving in Afganistan. The truck he was riding in hit a bump and flipped over.
His ankle was broken in several areas and he had to have several (I think, four? maybe, not sure) surgeries to correct the ankle, including pins in the bones.

Sometime after the second surgery he filed for the disability.....PTS.

Neighbor claimed the roll-over of the truck caused his PTSD, not the broken ankle.

In any case, he got the disability.....two different incidences. The ankle was not involved in his disability claim. Just the emotional 'stress' from the truck rolling over....he couldn't sleep, eat, woke with night sweats, etc.

Although there is a slight limp when he's tired and has been walking a lot, he does all his own gardening, mowing, edging, building of a small retaining wall, you get the picture.

So maybe the Dad has two seperate disabilities......one, the leg. The other, who knows. ?
Is there anything new on Somer?Are there any facts out there,any evidence that would lead to Somers killer?I keep somer and her mother,siblings and family in my prayers to find her killer.It's very sad.
I suppose everyone is a suspect. Was there any concrete work done at Gano? I do recall someone said trucks were there recently digging up the back yard.
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